在 PHP 中,in_array()
函数用于检查一个数组中是否存在指定的值。如果该值存在,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
bool in_array ( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE ] )
:(可选)如果设置为 true
,则在比较时会同时检查类型和值。默认为 false
$array = array("apple", "banana", "cherry");
if (in_array("apple", $array)) {
echo "apple exists in array";
} else {
echo "apple does not exist in array";
// 输出结果:apple exists in array
$array = array("1", 2, 3);
if (in_array(1, $array, true)) {
echo "1 exists in array with strict mode";
} else {
echo "1 does not exist in array with strict mode";
// 输出结果:1 does not exist in array with strict mode