Web automation test splinter and selenium usage

发布时间:2020-06-07 03:00:57 作者:lxk613
来源:网络 阅读:505

        There is sth wrong with input on my ubuntu. So the first blog would be written in english about what i am doing during this weekend. i study python for a while about algorith and network and now  find some small project for practice. One of pratice is to log on website automatically. Splinter is an interesting item which would cover web communication and testing. Following link is an implementation on how to log on 12306 to buy ticket presented by youerning.  http://youerning.blog.51cto.com/10513771/1719159

       I follow its steps and find these API are provided in selenium, one of most popular web automation test. You will know well about its API if you track to its implementation. Of course you need to understand the code and has willness and time to learn.

All source code list as following:

You are free to access its github for more info.splinter

splinter: usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/splinter

selenium: usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote

Web automation test splinter and selenium usage

.Web automation test splinter and selenium usage

Web automation test splinter and selenium usage

  1. shell 脚本应用《二》web服务监控
  2. django+nginx+uwsgi部署web站点


splinter and seleniu age sel


下一篇:Exchange 2013之(七)邮箱服务器高可用



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