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=begin 条件判断语句包括if语句,unless语句,case语句, =end #if 语句 =begin if 条件 then 处理1 elsif 条件2 then 处理2 else 处理3 end =end a = 10 b = 20 if a > b puts "a bigger than b" elsif a < b puts "a smaller than b" else puts "a is equal to b" end puts "a bigger than b" if a > b #unless 语句,与if语句相反,条件判断为假的时执行处理 =begin unless 条件 处理1 else 处理2 end =end a = 10 b = 20 unless a > b puts "a smaller/same as than b" end #case 语句,适用于比较的对象只有一个的时候,根据这个对象的值不同,执行不同的处理;when可以一次指定多个值 =begin case 比较对象 when 值1 then 处理1 when 值2 then 处理2 when 值3 then 处理3 else 处理4 end =end tags = ["A", "IMG", "PRE"] tags.each do |word| case word when "P", "A", "I", "B", "BLOCKQUOTE" puts "#{word} has child." when "IMG", "BR" puts "#{word} has child." else puts "#{word} cannoot be used" end end array = ["a", 1, nil] array.each do |word| case word when String puts "the word is a String" when Numeric puts "the word is a Numeric" else puts "other words are Something" end end text.each_line do |line| case line when /^From:/i puts "find a sender" when /^To:/i puts "find a receiver" when /^$/ puts "resolution are finnished" exit else break end end
亿速云「云服务器」,即开即用、新一代英特尔至强铂金CPU、三副本存储NVMe SSD云盘,价格低至29元/月。点击查看>>