/* 在图片里查找指定颜色的比例 */ int Widget::Mat_color_Find(QImage qimage) { Mat image = QImage2cvMat(qimage);//将图片加载进来 int num = 0;//记录颜色的像素点 float rate;//要计算的百分率 //遍历图片的每一个像素点 for(int i = 0; i < image.rows;i++) //行数 { for(int j = 0; j <image.cols;j++) //列数 { //对该像素是否为指定颜色进行判断 BGR 像素点 //OpenCV 中 MAT类的默认三原色通道顺序BGR /* 动态地址访问像素语法:image.at<Vec3b>(i,j)[0]、image.at<uchar>(i, j) 访问三通道图像的单个像素: int b = image.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[0]; int g = image.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[1]; int r = image.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[2]; 对于三通道图像,每个像素存储了三个值,分别为蓝色、绿色、红色通道上的数值。 int gray_data = image.at<uchar>(i, j); 用来访问灰度图像的单个像素。对于灰度图像,每个像素只存储一个值 */ if((image.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[0] <= 120 && image.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[1] <= 120 && image.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[2] <= 120)) { num++; } } } rate = (float)num / (float)(image.rows * image.cols); //阀值为 0.249255 表示为全黑 if(rate>0.20) { qDebug()<<":Mat:故意遮挡摄像头"; } qDebug()<<"Mat:比例"<<rate; return 0; } Mat Widget::QImage2cvMat(QImage image) { Mat mat; switch(image.format()) { case QImage::Format_ARGB32: case QImage::Format_RGB32: case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied: mat = Mat(image.height(), image.width(), CV_8UC4, (void*)image.constBits(), image.bytesPerLine()); break; case QImage::Format_RGB888: mat = Mat(image.height(), image.width(), CV_8UC3, (void*)image.constBits(), image.bytesPerLine()); cvtColor(mat, mat, CV_BGR2RGB); break; case QImage::Format_Indexed8: mat = Mat(image.height(), image.width(), CV_8UC1, (void*)image.constBits(), image.bytesPerLine()); break; } return mat; }
/* 在图片里查找指定颜色的比例 */ int Widget::qimage_color_Find(QImage qimage) { int num = 0;//记录颜色的像素点 float rate;//要计算的百分率 quint8 r,g,b; //遍历图片的每一个像素点 for(int i = 0; i < qimage.height();i++) //行数 { for(int j = 0; j <qimage.width();j++) //列数 { QRgb rgb=qimage.pixel(j,i); r=qRed(rgb); g=qGreen(rgb); b=qBlue(rgb); if((r <= 120 && g <= 120 && b <= 120)) { num++; } } } rate = (float)num / (float)(qimage.height() * qimage.width()); //阀值为 0.99777 表示为全黑 if(rate>0.60) { //qDebug()<<"qimage:故意遮挡摄像头"; } qDebug()<<"qimage:比例:"<<rate; return 0; }
import cv2 import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt picture_path="/home/wsb/桌面/picture" picture_list=os.listdir(picture_path) total_picture=len(picture_list) total=total_picture per=[] number=0#图片中道路类型为1的个数 number1=0#一种道路类型并且比例小于0.0638的个数 number2=0 for item in picture_list: src = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(picture_path), item) print("start: %s "%item) total_picture-=1 mat=cv2.imread(src) height=mat.shape[0] width=mat.shape[1] ground=0 zero=0 one=0 two=0 three=0 four=0 five=0 six=0 seven=0 eight=0 rateground=0 rate0=0 rate1=0 rate2=0 rate3=0 rate4=0 rate5=0 rate6=0 rate7=0 rate8=0 rate=0 road_type=0 for i in range(height): for j in range(width): # print("r:%s"%mat[i][j][0]) # print("r:%s"%mat[i][j][1]) # print("r:%s"%mat[i][j][2]) ''' 我这里共有9种分类情况,况且我已知道每一种颜色的具体rgb值,我将它们作为我的判断条件 如不你不知道可以在网上查找自己想查看比例的rgb值或者范围 ''' if mat[i][j][0]==0 and mat[i][j][1]==0 and mat[i][j][2]==0: ground+=1 elif mat[i][j][0]==128 and mat[i][j][1]==0 and mat[i][j][2]==0: zero+=1 elif mat[i][j][0]==0 and mat[i][j][1]==128 and mat[i][j][2]==0: one+=1 elif mat[i][j][0]==128 and mat[i][j][1]==128 and mat[i][j][2]==0: two+=1 elif mat[i][j][0]==0 and mat[i][j][1]==0 and mat[i][j][2]==128: three+=1 elif mat[i][j][0]==128 and mat[i][j][1]==0 and mat[i][j][2]==128: four+=1 elif mat[i][j][0]==0 and mat[i][j][1]==128 and mat[i][j][2]==128: five+=1 elif mat[i][j][0]==128 and mat[i][j][1]==128 and mat[i][j][2]==128: six+=1 elif mat[i][j][0]==0 and mat[i][j][1]==0 and mat[i][j][2]==64: seven+=1 elif mat[i][j][0]==0 and mat[i][j][1]==0 and mat[i][j][2]==192: eight+=1 else: print("输入正确的图片,或者更改上面判断条件的像素值") rateground=ground/(height*width) rate0=zero/(height*width) if rate0!=0: road_type+=1 rate1=one/(height*width) if rate1!=0: road_type+=1 rate2=two/(height*width) if rate2!=0: road_type+=1 rate3=three/(height*width) if rate3!=0: road_type+=1 rate4=four/(height*width) if rate4!=0: road_type+=1 rate5=five/(height*width) if rate5!=0: road_type+=1 rate6=six/(height*width) if rate6!=0: road_type+=1 rate7=seven/(height*width) if rate7!=0: road_type+=1 rate8=eight/(height*width) if rate8!=0: road_type+=1 rate=rate0+rate1+rate2+rate3+rate4+rate5+rate6+rate7+rate8 per.append(rate) if road_type==1: number+=1 if rate<0.0638: number1+=1#一种类型道路并且所占比例小于0.0638的情况 else: if rate<0.532: number2+=1#两种道路类型,并且正确正确道路类型所占比例小于0.532时的个数 print("the remaining %d"%total_picture) A=number/total#图片中道路类型大于1种的概率 A1=number1/total#图片中一种道路类型并且比例小于0.0638的概率 A2=number2/total#图片中有两种道路,并且一种道路所占比例小于0.532时的概率 print("A1:%s"%A1) print("the precentage of one road is %s"%A) print("the precentage of two road is %s"%(1-A)) print("A2:%s"%A2) plt.plot(per) plt.ylabel('the percentage of road') plt.show()
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