第一个例子显示了函数myfunc()的两个简单partial对象。show_details()的输出中包含这个部分对象(partial object)的func、args和keywords属性。
import functools def myfunc(a, b=2): "Docstring for myfunc()." print(' called myfunc with:', (a, b)) def show_details(name, f, is_partial=False): "Show details of a callable object." print('{}:'.format(name)) print(' object:', f) if not is_partial: print(' __name__:', f.__name__) if is_partial: print(' func:', f.func) print(' args:', f.args) print(' keywords:', f.keywords) return show_details('myfunc', myfunc) myfunc('a', 3) print() # Set a different default value for 'b', but require # the caller to provide 'a'. p1 = functools.partial(myfunc, b=4) show_details('partial with named default', p1, True) p1('passing a') p1('override b', b=5) print() # Set default values for both 'a' and 'b'. p2 = functools.partial(myfunc, 'default a', b=99) show_details('partial with defaults', p2, True) p2() p2(b='override b') print() print('Insufficient arguments:') p1()
import functools def myfunc(a, b=2): "Docstring for myfunc()." print(' called myfunc with:', (a, b)) def show_details(name, f): "Show details of a callable object." print('{}:'.format(name)) print(' object:', f) print(' __name__:', end=' ') try: print(f.__name__) except AttributeError: print('(no __name__)') print(' __doc__', repr(f.__doc__)) print() show_details('myfunc', myfunc) p1 = functools.partial(myfunc, b=4) show_details('raw wrapper', p1) print('Updating wrapper:') print(' assign:', functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) print(' update:', functools.WRAPPER_UPDATES) print() functools.update_wrapper(p1, myfunc) show_details('updated wrapper', p1)
import functools class MyClass: "Demonstration class for functools" def __call__(self, e, f=6): "Docstring for MyClass.__call__" print(' called object with:', (self, e, f)) def show_details(name, f): "Show details of a callable object." print('{}:'.format(name)) print(' object:', f) print(' __name__:', end=' ') try: print(f.__name__) except AttributeError: print('(no __name__)') print(' __doc__', repr(f.__doc__)) return o = MyClass() show_details('instance', o) o('e goes here') print() p = functools.partial(o, e='default for e', f=8) functools.update_wrapper(p, o) show_details('instance wrapper', p) p()
import functools def standalone(self, a=1, b=2): "Standalone function" print(' called standalone with:', (self, a, b)) if self is not None: print(' self.attr =', self.attr) class MyClass: "Demonstration class for functools" def __init__(self): self.attr = 'instance attribute' method1 = functools.partialmethod(standalone) method2 = functools.partial(standalone) o = MyClass() print('standalone') standalone(None) print() print('method1 as partialmethod') o.method1() print() print('method2 as partial') try: o.method2() except TypeError as err: print('ERROR: {}'.format(err))
import functools def show_details(name, f): "Show details of a callable object." print('{}:'.format(name)) print(' object:', f) print(' __name__:', end=' ') try: print(f.__name__) except AttributeError: print('(no __name__)') print(' __doc__', repr(f.__doc__)) print() def simple_decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def decorated(a='decorated defaults', b=1): print(' decorated:', (a, b)) print(' ', end=' ') return f(a, b=b) return decorated def myfunc(a, b=2): "myfunc() is not complicated" print(' myfunc:', (a, b)) return # The raw function show_details('myfunc', myfunc) myfunc('unwrapped, default b') myfunc('unwrapped, passing b', 3) print() # Wrap explicitly wrapped_myfunc = simple_decorator(myfunc) show_details('wrapped_myfunc', wrapped_myfunc) wrapped_myfunc() wrapped_myfunc('args to wrapped', 4) print() # Wrap with decorator syntax @simple_decorator def decorated_myfunc(a, b): myfunc(a, b) return show_details('decorated_myfunc', decorated_myfunc) decorated_myfunc() decorated_myfunc('args to decorated', 4)
在Python 2中,类可以定义一个__cmp__()方法,它会根据这个对象小于、对于或者大于所比较的元素而分别返回-1、0或1.Python 2.1引入了富比较(rich comparison)方法API(__lt__()、__le__()、__eq__()、__ne__()、__gt__()和__ge__()) ,可以完成一个比较操作并返回一个布尔值。Python 3废弃了__cmp__()而代之以这些新的方法,另外functools提供了一些工具,从而能更容易地编写符合新要求的类,即符合Python 3中新的比较需求。
import functools import inspect from pprint import pprint @functools.total_ordering class MyObject: def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def __eq__(self, other): print(' testing __eq__({}, {})'.format( self.val, other.val)) return self.val == other.val def __gt__(self, other): print(' testing __gt__({}, {})'.format( self.val, other.val)) return self.val > other.val print('Methods:\n') pprint(inspect.getmembers(MyObject, inspect.isfunction)) a = MyObject(1) b = MyObject(2) print('\nComparisons:') for expr in ['a < b', 'a <= b', 'a == b', 'a >= b', 'a > b']: print('\n{:<6}:'.format(expr)) result = eval(expr) print(' result of {}: {}'.format(expr, result))
由于Python 3废弃了老式的比较函数,sort()之类的函数中也不再支持cmp参数。对于使用了比较函数的较老的程序,可以用cmp_to_key()将比较函数转换为一个返回比较键(collation key)的函数,这个键用于确定元素在最终序列中的位置。
import functools class MyObject: def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def __str__(self): return 'MyObject({})'.format(self.val) def compare_obj(a, b): """Old-style comparison function. """ print('comparing {} and {}'.format(a, b)) if a.val < b.val: return -1 elif a.val > b.val: return 1 return 0 # Make a key function using cmp_to_key() get_key = functools.cmp_to_key(compare_obj) def get_key_wrapper(o): "Wrapper function for get_key to allow for print statements." new_key = get_key(o) print('key_wrapper({}) -> {!r}'.format(o, new_key)) return new_key objs = [MyObject(x) for x in range(5, 0, -1)] for o in sorted(objs, key=get_key_wrapper): print(o)
import functools @functools.lru_cache() def expensive(a, b): print('expensive({}, {})'.format(a, b)) return a * b MAX = 2 print('First set of calls:') for i in range(MAX): for j in range(MAX): expensive(i, j) print(expensive.cache_info()) print('\nSecond set of calls:') for i in range(MAX + 1): for j in range(MAX + 1): expensive(i, j) print(expensive.cache_info()) print('\nClearing cache:') expensive.cache_clear() print(expensive.cache_info()) print('\nThird set of calls:') for i in range(MAX): for j in range(MAX): expensive(i, j) print(expensive.cache_info())
import functools @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=2) def expensive(a, b): print('called expensive({}, {})'.format(a, b)) return a * b def make_call(a, b): print('({}, {})'.format(a, b), end=' ') pre_hits = expensive.cache_info().hits expensive(a, b) post_hits = expensive.cache_info().hits if post_hits > pre_hits: print('cache hit') print('Establish the cache') make_call(1, 2) make_call(2, 3) print('\nUse cached items') make_call(1, 2) make_call(2, 3) print('\nCompute a new value, triggering cache expiration') make_call(3, 4) print('\nCache still contains one old item') make_call(2, 3) print('\nOldest item needs to be recomputed') make_call(1, 2)
import functools @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=2) def expensive(a, b): print('called expensive({}, {})'.format(a, b)) return a * b def make_call(a, b): print('({}, {})'.format(a, b), end=' ') pre_hits = expensive.cache_info().hits expensive(a, b) post_hits = expensive.cache_info().hits if post_hits > pre_hits: print('cache hit') make_call(1, 2) try: make_call([1], 2) except TypeError as err: print('ERROR: {}'.format(err)) try: make_call(1, {'2': 'two'}) except TypeError as err: print('ERROR: {}'.format(err))
import functools def do_reduce(a, b): print('do_reduce({}, {})'.format(a, b)) return a + b data = range(1, 5) print(data) result = functools.reduce(do_reduce, data) print('result: {}'.format(result))
import functools def do_reduce(a, b): print('do_reduce({}, {})'.format(a, b)) return a + b data = range(1, 5) print(data) result = functools.reduce(do_reduce, data, 99) print('result: {}'.format(result))
import functools def do_reduce(a, b): print('do_reduce({}, {})'.format(a, b)) return a + b print('Single item in sequence:', functools.reduce(do_reduce, [1])) print('Single item in sequence with initializer:', functools.reduce(do_reduce, [1], 99)) print('Empty sequence with initializer:', functools.reduce(do_reduce, [], 99)) try: print('Empty sequence:', functools.reduce(do_reduce, [])) except TypeError as err: print('ERROR: {}'.format(err))
在类似Python的动态类型语言中,通常需要基于参数的类型完成稍有不同的操作,特别是在处理元素列表与单个元素的差别时。直接检查参数的类型固然很简单,但是有些情况下,行为差异可能被隔离到单个的函数中,对于这些情况,functools提供了singledispatch()修饰符来注册一组泛型函数(generic function),可以根据函数第一个参数类型自动切换。
import functools @functools.singledispatch def myfunc(arg): print('default myfunc({!r})'.format(arg)) @myfunc.register(int) def myfunc_int(arg): print('myfunc_int({})'.format(arg)) @myfunc.register(list) def myfunc_list(arg): print('myfunc_list()') for item in arg: print(' {}'.format(item)) myfunc('string argument') myfunc(1) myfunc(2.3) myfunc(['a', 'b', 'c'])
import functools class A: pass class B(A): pass class C(A): pass class D(B): pass class E(C, D): pass @functools.singledispatch def myfunc(arg): print('default myfunc({})'.format(arg.__class__.__name__)) @myfunc.register(A) def myfunc_A(arg): print('myfunc_A({})'.format(arg.__class__.__name__)) @myfunc.register(B) def myfunc_B(arg): print('myfunc_B({})'.format(arg.__class__.__name__)) @myfunc.register(C) def myfunc_C(arg): print('myfunc_C({})'.format(arg.__class__.__name__)) myfunc(A()) myfunc(B()) myfunc(C()) myfunc(D()) myfunc(E())
到此这篇关于Python3标准库之functools管理函数的工具详解的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Python3 functools管理函数工具内容请搜索亿速云以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持亿速云!
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