1.进入scripts脚本目录,执行pip install pyinstaller,不过我这里已经下好了。
2.使用archive_viewer.py工具,提取出CM.pyc文件,接着open PYZ-00.pyz压缩包,提取出压缩包中的两个.pyc文件。
3.编辑三个.pyc文件,就是PyInstaller在打包.pyc时,会把.pyc的magic和时间戳去掉,所以需要手工修复,在文件的头部插入03 F3 0D 0A 74 a7cf 5c。
4.用pip install uncompyle6命令语句, 下载uncompyle6 工具,接着反汇编
# uncompyle6 version 3.6.0 # Python bytecode 2.7 (62211) # Decompiled from: Python 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019, 20:34:20) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] # Embedded file name: b'D:\\\xd7\xca\xc1\xcf\xce\xc4\xbc\xfe\\a\xd1\xd0\xbe\xbf\xb7\xbd\xcf\xf2\xb2\xce\xbf\xbc\xd7\xca\xc1\xcf\\3-\xbc\xc6\xcb\xe3\xbb\xfa\xc8\xa1\xd6\xa4(\xd6\xd8\xb5\xe3)\\\xbf\xf2\xbc\xdc\\volatility\xce\xc4\xbc\xfe\\volatility-master\\vol.py' # Compiled at: 2018-12-07 00:22:54 """ @author: AAron Walters @license: GNU General Public License 2.0 @contact: awalters@4tphi.net @organization: Volatility Foundation """ import sys if sys.version_info < (2, 6, 0): sys.stderr.write('Volatility requires python version 2.6, please upgrade your python installation.') sys.exit(1) try: import psyco except ImportError: pass if False: import yara import textwrap, volatility.conf as conf config = conf.ConfObject() import volatility.constants as constants, volatility.registry as registry, volatility.exceptions as exceptions, volatility.obj as obj, volatility.debug as debug, volatility.addrspace as addrspace, volatility.commands as commands, volatility.scan as scan config.add_option('INFO', default=None, action='store_true', cache_invalidator=False, help='Print information about all registered objects') def list_plugins(): result = '\n\tSupported Plugin Commands:\n\n' cmds = registry.get_plugin_classes(commands.Command, lower=True) profs = registry.get_plugin_classes(obj.Profile) if config.PROFILE == None: config.update('PROFILE', 'WinXPSP2x86') assert not config.PROFILE not in profs, 'Invalid profile ' + config.PROFILE + ' selected' profile = profs[config.PROFILE]() wrongprofile = '' for cmdname in sorted(cmds): command = cmds[cmdname] helpline = command.help() or '' for line in helpline.splitlines(): if line: helpline = line break if command.is_valid_profile(profile): result += ('\t\t{0:15}\t{1}\n').format(cmdname, helpline) else: wrongprofile += ('\t\t{0:15}\t{1}\n').format(cmdname, helpline) if wrongprofile and config.VERBOSE: result += '\n\tPlugins requiring a different profile:\n\n' result += wrongprofile return result def command_help(command): outputs = [] for item in dir(command): if item.startswith('render_'): outputs.append(item.split('render_', 1)[(-1)]) outputopts = '\nModule Output Options: ' + ('{0}\n').format(('{0}').format(('\n').join([(', ').join(o for o in sorted(outputs))]))) result = textwrap.dedent(('\n ---------------------------------\n Module {0}\n ---------------------------------\n').format(command.__class__.__name__)) return outputopts + result + command.help() + '\n\n' def print_info(): """ Returns the results """ categories = {addrspace.BaseAddressSpace: 'Address Spaces', commands.Command: 'Plugins', obj.Profile: 'Profiles', scan.ScannerCheck: 'Scanner Checks'} for c, n in sorted(categories.items()): lower = c == commands.Command plugins = registry.get_plugin_classes(c, lower=lower) print '\n' print ('{0}').format(n) print '-' * len(n) result = [] max_length = 0 for clsname, cls in sorted(plugins.items()): try: doc = cls.__doc__.strip().splitlines()[0] except AttributeError: doc = 'No docs' result.append((clsname, doc)) max_length = max(len(clsname), max_length) for name, doc in result: print ('{0:{2}} - {1:15}').format(name, doc, max_length) def main(): sys.stderr.write(('Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework {0}\n').format(constants.VERSION)) sys.stderr.flush() debug.setup() registry.PluginImporter() registry.register_global_options(config, addrspace.BaseAddressSpace) registry.register_global_options(config, commands.Command) if config.INFO: print_info() sys.exit(0) config.parse_options(False) debug.setup(config.DEBUG) module = None cmds = registry.get_plugin_classes(commands.Command, lower=True) for m in config.args: if m in cmds.keys(): module = m break if not module: config.parse_options() debug.error('You must specify something to do (try -h)') try: if module in cmds.keys(): command = cmds[module](config) config.set_help_hook(obj.Curry(command_help, command)) config.parse_options() if not config.LOCATION: debug.error('Please specify a location (-l) or filename (-f)') command.execute() except exceptions.VolatilityException as e: print e return if __name__ == '__main__': config.set_usage(usage='Volatility - A memory forensics analysis platform.') config.add_help_hook(list_plugins) try: main() except Exception as ex: if config.DEBUG: debug.post_mortem() else: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Interrupted' # okay decompiling CM.pyc