点击 登录注册 即表示同意《亿速云用户服务条款》
flask 重定向:
from flask import * app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): return redirect(url_for('login')) @app.route('/login') def login(): return render_template('login.html') if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host='',port=6001,debug=True) [oracle@node01 ~]$ curl <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <title>Redirecting...</title> <h2>Redirecting...</h2> <p>You should be redirected automatically to target URL: <a href="/login" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >/login</a>. If not click the link.[oracle@node01 ~]$ use Net::SMTP; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use HTTP::Headers; use HTTP::Response; use Encode; use Switch; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; use HTTP::Date qw(time2iso str2time time2iso time2isoz); use Data::Dumper; my $CurrTime = time2iso(time()); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->env_proxy; my $now = time(); $ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0'); my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new( file => 'lwp_cookies.txt', autosave => 1, ignore_discard => 1 ); $ua->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); my $response = $ua->get(""); if ($response->is_success) { print encode("gbk",decode("utf8",Dumper($response))); $r=$response->content; $str=encode("gbk",decode("utf8","$r")); print $str."\n"; }
perl 演示:
C:\Users\TLCB\Desktop\python\模块\flask>perl a1.pl $VAR1 = bless( { '_protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0', '_content' => '这是登陆页面', '_rc' => 200, '_headers' => bless( { 'client-date' => 'Fri, 01 Sep 2017 03:23:34 GMT', 'content-type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8', 'client-response-num' => 1, 'date' => 'Fri, 01 Sep 2017 03:23:34 GMT', 'client-peer' => '', 'server' => 'Werkzeug/0.12.2 Python/2.7.10', 'content-length' => '18' }, 'HTTP::Headers' ), '_previous' => bless( { '_protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0', '_content' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <title>Redirecting...</title> <h2>Redirecting...</h2> <p>You should be redirected automatically to target URL: <a href="/login" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >/login</a>. If not click the link.', '_rc' => '302', '_headers' => bless( { 'client-response-num' => 1, 'location' => '', 'date' => 'Fri, 01 Sep 2017 03:23:34 GMT', 'client-peer' => '', 'content-length' => '219', 'client-date' => 'Fri, 01 Sep 2017 03:23:34 GMT', 'content-type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8', 'server' => 'Werkzeug/0.12.2 Python/2.7.10', 'title' => 'Redirecting...' }, 'HTTP::Headers' ), '_msg' => 'FOUND', '_request' => bless( { '_content' => '', '_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = '')}, 'U '_headers' => bless( { 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0' }, 'HTTP::Headers' ), '_method' => 'GET', '_uri_canonical' => $VAR1->{'_previous'}{'_request'}{'_uri'} }, 'HTTP::Request' ) }, 'HTTP::Response' ), '_msg' => 'OK', '_request' => bless( { '_protocol' => undef, '_content' => '', '_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = '')}, 'URI::http' ), '_headers' => bless( { 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0' }, 'HTTP::Headers' ), '_method' => 'GET', '_uri_canonical' => $VAR1->{'_request'}{'_uri'} }, 'HTTP::Request' ) }, 'HTTP::Response' ); 这是登陆页面 C:\Users\TLCB\Desktop\python\模块\flask>
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