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基于Python2.7的版本环境,Python实现的数据库跨服务器(跨库)迁移, 每以5000条一查询一提交,代码中可以自行更改每次查询提交数目.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import MySQLdb import time import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") class ConnectMysql(object): def __init__(self): # 这里设置分页查询, 每页查询多少数据 self.page_size = 5000 def getTable(self): conn = MySQLdb.connect( host="***.***.**.**", user="****", passwd="*************", db='****', charset='utf8' ) conn_local = MySQLdb.connect( host="********************************", user="**********", passwd="********", db='*******', charset='utf8' ) cur = conn.cursor() cur_local = conn_local.cursor() cur.execute('show tables') tables = cur.fetchall() for table in tables: print str(table[0]).lower() # 需要迁移的数据库查询表的列数 cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema='china' AND table_name='" + table[0] + "'") table_col_count = cur.fetchone() # print table_col_count[0] # 需要迁移的数据库查询表的结构 cur.execute('show create table ' + table[0]) result = cur.fetchall() create_sql = result[0][1] # 查询需要迁移的数据库表的数据条数 cur.execute('select count(*) from ' + table[0]) total = cur.fetchone() page = total[0] / self.page_size page1 = total[0] % self.page_size if page1 != 0: page = page + 1 # 阿里云数据库创建表 cur_local.execute("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE table_schema='user' AND table_name='" + str(table[0]).lower() + "'") table_name = cur_local.fetchone() if table_name is None: cur_local.execute(create_sql) for p in range(0, page): while True: try: print '开始', table[0], '的第', p + 1, '页查询' if p == 0: limit_param = ' limit ' + str(p * self.page_size) + ',' + str(self.page_size) else: limit_param = ' limit ' + str(p * self.page_size + 1) + ',' + str(self.page_size) cur.execute('select * from ' + table[0] + limit_param) inserts = cur.fetchall() print '查询成功' param = '' for i in range(0, table_col_count[0]): param = param + '%s,' print '开始插入' cur_local.executemany('replace into ' + table[0] + ' values (' + param[0:-1] + ')', inserts) print table[0], '的第', p + 1, '页, 插入完成, 还有', page - p - 1, '页, 任重而道远' conn_local.commit() break except Exception as e: print e time.sleep(60) cur = conn.cursor() cur_local = conn_local.cursor() print table[0], ' 插入完成' print '\n \n ======================================================================== \n\n' cur_local.close() conn_local.close() cur.close() conn.close() if __name__ == '__main__': conn_mysql = ConnectMysql() conn_mysql.getTable()
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