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} </style> </head> <body class=""> <!-- public Header start--> <header class="public-header"> <div class="public-header-content clearfixed"> <a href="javascript:history.back()" rel="external nofollow" class="btn btn-back"> </a> <h2>配送地址</h2> </div> </header> <!-- public Header end--> <!-- Address start --> <section class="section-address bg-eae pt-5"> <form action='#' method="post" class="bg-fff"> <div class="form-group box-flex clearfixed"> <label class="form-label">收件人:</label> <input type="text" name="" class="input-flex" placeholder="请输入姓名"> </div> <div class="form-group box-flex clearfixed"> <label class="form-label">联系电话:</label> <input type="text" name="" class="input-flex" placeholder="请输入收件人电话"> </div> <div class="form-group box-flex clearfixed"> <label class="form-label">配送区域:</label> <div id="address" class="flex address"></div> <i class="icon icon-trangle"></i> </div> </form> </section> <!-- Address end --> <script src="http://libs.baidu.com/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#address").on("click",function(){ $("#address").selectAddress({ "ajaxURL":"http://www.zxhuan.com/jsonText/addressJsonp.json", storageBox:$("#address"), callback:function(string){ //执行回调 console.log("选择的是:"+string); } }); }); (function($,window,document,undefined){ $.fn.selectAddress=function(options){ self.flag=false;//boolean,通过控制true or false, 防止恶意切换 self.text=null;//回调时,用来储存选择到的地址数据 this.default={ "ajaxURL":"#",//ajax请求数据的地址 "speed":300,//切换的速度 storageBox:"",//在选择地址用,用来储存地址数据的盒子 callback:function(){} } this.option=$.extend({},this.default,options); var arrText="";//储存选择到的数据,添加到storageBox中 var op=this.option; // 初始化入口 this.init=function(){ var self=this; this.createEle(); this.createProvince(); // 点击关闭按钮的时候按钮的时候 self.closeBtn.on("click",function(){ self.maskHidie(); }) self.aInfo.on("click",function(){ var index=$(this).index(); self.clickInfo($(this),index); }); self.mask.on("click",function(event){ if($(event.target).attr("id")=="toogle-mask"){ self.maskHidie(); } }) } // 创建toogle-mask模块 this.createEle=function(){ var self=this; self.mask=$('<div class="toogle-address-mask" id="toogle-mask"></div>'); self.maskChild=$('<div class="toogle-address" id="toggleCont"><div class="toogle-address-title border-b">请选择地址<i class="icon icon-close" id="closeBtn"></i></div><div id="address" class="address"><div class="address-header"><span class="address-info address-now" id="provience">请选择</span><span class="address-info" id="city">请选择</span><span class="address-info" id="county">请选择</span></div><div class="address-content"><div class="address-cont"><ul class="provienc-part" data-create="createCity" data-index="1"></ul><ul class="city-part" data-create="createCounty" data-index="2"></ul><ul class="county-part" data-index="3"></ul></div></div></div></div>'); $("body").append(self.mask); self.mask.append(self.maskChild); self.closeBtn=$("#closeBtn",self.mask);//关闭按钮 self.toogleMask=$("#toggleCont",self.mask);//选择地址的内容区 self.aInfo=$(".address-info",self.mask);//选择省市区选项 self.AddressCont=$(".address-cont",self.mask);//三个地址列表包裹的层 self.mask.animate({ opacity:1 },100,function(){ self.maskChild.css({"bottom":'-300px'}).animate({ "left":"0", "bottom":"0" },op.speed); }) } // 创建省模块 this.createProvince=function(){ var self=this; self.addressAjax(self.AddressCont.find('.provienc-part'),null,1); } // 创建市模块 this.createCity=function(dataValue){ var self=this; self.mask.find("#city").show(); self.AddressCont.find('.city-part').empty(); self.addressAjax(self.AddressCont.find('.city-part'),dataValue,2); } // 创建区域模块 this.createCounty=function(dataValue){ var self=this; self.mask.find("#county").show(); self.AddressCont.find('.county-part').empty(); self.addressAjax(self.AddressCont.find('.county-part'),dataValue,3); } // 点击选择地址 this.clickfn=function (district){ var self=this; district.on('click',function(event){ var _this=$(this); var parent=_this.parent(); var dataValue=_this.data("value"); var parentCreate=parent.data("create"); var dataIndex=parent.data("index"); _this.parent().find('li').removeClass("liNow"); _this.addClass("liNow"); self.aInfo.eq(dataIndex-1).html(_this.text()); if(parentCreate=='createCity'){ self.createCity(dataValue); }else if(parentCreate=="createCounty"){ self.createCounty(dataValue); } if(dataIndex==3){ // 如果dataIndex=3,说明选择的是区域,执行移除toogle-address模块 self.maskHidie(); }else{ // 如果dataIndex小于3,执行clickInfo self.clickInfo(self.aInfo.eq(dataIndex),dataIndex); } }) } // 移除toogle-address模块 this.maskHidie=function(){ var self=this; self.toogleMask.animate({ bottom:"-300px" },op.speed,function(){ self.mask.animate({ 'opacity':0 },200,function(){ self.addressInput(); if(op.callback&& typeof op.callback=="function"){ // 执行回调函数 op.callback(self.text); } }) }) } // 将数据存放到input表单中 this.addressInput=function(){ var self=this; var boxHtml=""; var text=""; for(var i=0;i<op.storageBox.find("span").length;i++){ boxHtml+=op.storageBox.find("span").eq(i).text()+" "; } for(var i=0;i<$(".liNow").length;i++){ arrText+="<span>"+$(".liNow").eq(i).text()+"</span>"; text+=$(".liNow").eq(i).text()+" "; }; // 如果arrText不为空 if(arrText!=""){ op.storageBox.html(arrText); self.text=text; }else{ self.text=boxHtml; } self.mask.remove(); } this.clickInfo=function(ele,index){ var self=this; self.flag=true; if(self.flag){ self.flag=false; ele.addClass("address-now").siblings().removeClass("address-now"); self.AddressCont.animate({ "margin-left":"-"+index*100+"%" },op.speed); self.flag=true; } } // 通过ajax请求数据 this.addressAjax = function(district, cValue, ov,type) { var self=this; var oType = null; district.empty(); $.ajax({ url: this.option.ajaxURL, dataType: 'JSONP',//这里用的是jsonp,json的地址是http://www.zxhuan.com/jsonText/address.json async: false, data:"", jsonpCallback:"addressJONP",//如果上面用datatype:json,那么这里去掉 success: function(data) { console.log(data); district.empty(); if (ov == 3) { oType = data.county; //请求区的数据 } else if (ov == 2) { oType = data.city; //请求市的数据 } else if (ov == 1) { oType = data.provience; //请求省的数据 } this.countyItem=''; $.each(oType, function(key, value) { if (cValue == null) { this.countyItem = $("<li data-value='" + value.id + "'>" + value.name + "</li>"); } else if (cValue == value.cid) { this.countyItem = $("<li data-value='" + value.id + "'>" + value.name + "</li>"); } district.append(this.countyItem); }); self.clickfn(district.find("li")); }, error: function() { console.log('ajax error') } }) } return this.init(); } })(jQuery,window,document); </script> </body> </html>
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