brew cask install fastlane
sudo gem install fastlane -NV
安装完成之后命令行输入fastlane -v,可以看到fastlane的版本信息说明安装成功了,接下来可以继续设置步骤
➜ PlushGame fastlane -v fastlane installation at path: /Users/aron/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@global/gems/fastlane-2.62.0/bin/fastlane ----------------------------- fastlane 2.62.0
进入到项目目录执行fastlane init命令,会有一系列的设置,包含了登录apple账号,确认fastlane检测到的项目信息确认,登录iTunesConnect和从iTunesConnect拉取项目已存在的信息
➜ PlushGame fastlane init [20:37:45]: Get started using a Gemfile for fastlane https://docs.fastlane.tools/getting-started/ios/setup/#use-a-gemfile [20:37:48]: Detected iOS/Mac project in current directory... ... # 根据提示输入项目的Apple ID和对应的密码,会自动登录到苹果开发者后台,拉取开发者账号对应的信息完成设置 [20:37:52]: Your Apple ID (e.g. fastlane@krausefx.com): XXXXXX@126.com [20:37:55]: Verifying that app is available on the Apple Developer Portal and iTunes Connect... [20:37:55]: Starting login with user 'XXXXXX@126.com' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please provide your Apple Developer Program account credentials The login information you enter will be stored in your macOS Keychain You can also pass the password using the `FASTLANE_PASSWORD` environment variable More information about it on GitHub: https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/tree/master/credentials_manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 输入Apple ID 对应的密码 Password (for XXXXXX@126.com): ************** +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Detected Values | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Apple ID | XXXXXX@126.com | | App Name | PlushGame | | App Identifier | com.xxxx.xxxx | | Workspace | /Users/aron/PuTaoWorkSpace/project/PlushGame/PlushG | | | ame.xcworkspace | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ # 检测到的项目信息要求确认,按y即可 [20:38:50]: Please confirm the above values (y/n) y [20:39:03]: Created new file './fastlane/Appfile'. Edit it to manage your preferred app metadata information. [20:39:03]: Loading up 'deliver', this might take a few seconds [20:39:03]: Login to iTunes Connect (XXXXXXX@126.com) [20:39:16]: Login successful +--------------------------------------+------------------------+ | deliver 2.62.0 Summary | +--------------------------------------+------------------------+ | run_precheck_before_submit | false | | screenshots_path | ./fastlane/screenshots | | metadata_path | ./fastlane/metadata | | username | XXXXXX@126.com | | app_identifier | com.xxxx.xxxxx | | edit_live | false | | platform | ios | | skip_binary_upload | false | | skip_screenshots | false | | skip_metadata | false | | skip_app_version_update | false | | force | false | | submit_for_review | false | | automatic_release | false | | dev_portal_team_id | JN55YSQ744 | | overwrite_screenshots | false | | precheck_default_rule_level | warn | | ignore_language_directory_validation | false | +--------------------------------------+------------------------+ # 从ituneconnect拉取已存在的元数据,这里只有截屏的信息 [20:39:34]: Downloading all existing screenshots... [20:39:37]: Downloading existing screenshot '1_iphone58_1.X1_1.jpg' for language 'zh-Hans' [20:39:42]: Downloading existing screenshot '2_iphone58_2.X2_1.jpg' for language 'zh-Hans' [20:40:22]: Downloading existing screenshot '3_iphone58_3.X3_1.jpg' for language 'zh-Hans' [20:40:49]: Downloading existing screenshot '4_iphone58_4.X5_1.jpg' for language 'zh-Hans' ....
➜ fastlane tree . ├── Appfile ├── Deliverfile ├── Fastfile ├── metadata │ ├── app_icon.jpg │ ├── copyright.txt │ └── zh-Hans │ ├── description.txt │ ├── keywords.txt │ ├── marketing_url.txt │ ├── name.txt │ ├── privacy_url.txt │ ├── promotional_text.txt │ ├── release_notes.txt │ ├── subtitle.txt │ └── support_url.txt └── screenshots ├── README.txt └── zh-Hans ├── 1_iphone58_1.X1_1.jpg ├── 1_iphone6Plus_1.1.png ├── 2_iphone58_2.X2_1.jpg ├── 2_iphone6Plus_2.2.png ├── 3_iphone58_3.X3_1.jpg ├── 3_iphone6Plus_3.3.png ├── 4_iphone58_4.X5_1.jpg ├── 4_iphone6Plus_4.4.png └── 5_iphone6Plus_5.5.png 8 directories, 62 files
app_identifier "com.xxxx.xxxx" # The bundle identifier of your app apple_id "XXXXXX@126.com" # Your Apple email address team_id "XXXXXSQ744" # Developer Portal Team ID
app_identifier "com.sanshuai.FunCatch" # The bundle identifier of your app username "sanshuai2017@126.com" # your Apple ID user
初始的Fastfile大致如下,可以看到 lane :release 包含了
snapshot action用于截屏
gym action用于打包
deliver action用于上传到App Store
frameit action用于给截屏添加边框
after_all 块中的slack action 则是负责打包成功之后发送信息到slack
fastlane_version "2.62.0" default_platform :ios platform :ios do desc "Deploy a new version to the App Store" lane :release do # match(type: "appstore") # snapshot gym(scheme: "PlushGame") # Build your app - more options available deliver(force: true) # frameit end # You can define as many lanes as you want after_all do |lane| # This block is called, only if the executed lane was successful # slack( # message: "Successfully deployed new App Update." # ) end end
fastlane 详细介绍
fastlane 中的块和lane
fastlane 包含了预定义块有:
before_all 块用于项目打包之前的操作,比如可以使用cocopods命令更新pod库(如果使用的是pod项目)
after_all 块用于项目打包完成之后的操作,比如通知用户打包完成
error 块用于项目打包失败之后的操作,比如通知用户打包失败
lane 定义一个打包操作的具体流程,预设的有 lane :release定义了打包并且发布到App Store,lane :beta 打包并且发布到testflight测试平台。
fastlane 常用的action以及参数
gym 是打包action,是 build_ios_app action的别名,他有以下常用的参数:
key | 描述 |
workspace | 如果项目是一个workspace,则是该项目的workspace路径 |
project | 项目的project路径 |
scheme | 项目的scheme,注意指定的scheme需要被指定为shared,/->Manage Schemes->Shared复选框需要打钩 |
output_directory | 打包保存路径 |
output_name | 打包保存的文件名 |
export_method | 相当于配置 Archives->Export->mehtod 可选:[app-store, ad-hoc, package, enterprise, development(默认), developer-id] |
configuration | 相当于配置Scheme->Build Configuration:[Release, Debug],Release会生成dsym文件,而Debug不会 |
set_info_plist_value是设置修改info.plist文件的 action,一次调用该action只能设置一个值,可以多次调用该命令来设置多个值,他有以下常用的参数:
key | 描述 |
path | info.plist文件路径 |
key | info.plist文件中的key |
value | key对应的值 |
pilot 是上传到TestFlight的 action,是 upload_to_testflight action的别名,没有特殊需求可以不指定参数
deliver 是上传到App Store的 action,是 upload_to_app_store action的别名,没有特殊需求可以不指定参数,会从Deliverfile文件读取账号信息登录到ITunesConnect从./fastlane/metadata ./fastlane/screenshots 文件夹中读取配置的App信息元数据然后上传
fastlane是一个ruby的脚本,可以在里面执行自定义的脚本文件,比如添加 sh "your_script.sh" 语句可以执行自定义的脚本命令,也可以添加 'pwd' (这里使用的是反引号)执行一个shell命令或者添加 exec("pwd") 执行一个shell命令
# Customise this file, documentation can be found here: # https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/ # All available actions: https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions # can also be listed using the `fastlane actions` command # Change the syntax highlighting to Ruby # All lines starting with a # are ignored when running `fastlane` # If you want to automatically update fastlane if a new version is available: # update_fastlane # This is the minimum version number required. # Update this, if you use features of a newer version fastlane_version "2.62.0" default_platform :ios platform :ios do before_all do # ENV["SLACK_URL"] = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/..." # cocoapods # carthage end desc "Runs all the tests" lane :test do scan end # 定义全局参数:项目名称 projName = "Plush" # 定义全局参数:Assets路径 projAssetsPath = "../#{projName}/Resources/Assets.xcassets" # 定义全局参数:Info.plist路径 plistPath = "./#{projName}/Resources/Info.plist" # 定义全局参数:包名(接收之后压缩使用) pkgName = "" # 定义全局参数:基本包名 basePkgName = "Plush" # 定义全局参数:输出目录,对应output_directory配置 outputBaseDir = "output" desc "自定义的渠道打包" desc "使用方式:苹果助手:`bundle exec fastlane customChannelBeta ch:pgzs shouldUp:0`" desc "使用方式:91助手:`bundle exec fastlane customChannelBeta ch:91zs shouldUp:0`" desc "op 支持参数: ch:渠道类型[pgzs, 91zs, AppStore(默认)]" desc "op 支持参数: shouldUp:是否需要上传[0, 1]" desc "op 支持参数: up:上传类型[testflight, fir]" desc "op 支持参数: exportMethod: export_method 配置[app-store, ad-hoc, package, enterprise, development(默认), developer-id] ** up为testflight需要制定为app-store **" desc "op 支持参数: version:版本(可选)" desc "op 支持参数: build:构建版本(可选,testflight和appstore这个参数需要制定一个不重复的)" lane :customChannelBeta do |op| # 渠道 channel = op[:ch] if channel.nil? || channel.empty? channel = "AppStore" end # 打包名字 time = Time.new dateTimeStr = "#{time.year}-#{time.month}-#{time.day}_#{time.hour}-#{time.min}" pkgName = "#{dateTimeStr}_#{channel}_#{basePkgName}.ipa" # match(type: "appstore") # more information: https://codesigning.guide #设置plist,此处传入plist路径,可以用来做环境配置 set_info_plist_value(path: plistPath, key: "pt_channel", value: channel) # # 设置AppIcon # iconPath = op[:iconPath] # if iconPath.nil? || iconPath.empty? # iconPath = "channel_config/#{channel}/icon1024.png" # iconPath = "channel_config/91zs/icon1024.png" # end # puts "iconPath = #{iconPath}" # appicon(appicon_image_file: iconPath, # appicon_devices: [:ipad, :iphone, :ios_marketing, :watch, :watch_marketing]) # 拷贝AppIcon.appiconset替换图标 iconAssetPath = op[:iconPath] if iconAssetPath.nil? || iconAssetPath.empty? iconAssetPath = "../channel_config/#{channel}/AppIcon.appiconset" end cpCmd = "cp -fRv #{iconAssetPath} #{projAssetsPath}" `#{cpCmd}` puts "cpCmd = #{cpCmd}" # 设置显示版本和构建版本 version = op[:version] build = op[:build] if version.nil? || version.empty? else increment_version_number(version_number: version) end if build.nil? || build.empty? else increment_build_number(build_number: build) end exportMethod = op[:exportMethod] if exportMethod.nil? || exportMethod.empty? exportMethod = "development" end puts "exportMethod = #{exportMethod} pkgName = #{pkgName} outputBaseDir = #{outputBaseDir}" # build_ios_app 参数配置 gym( export_method: exportMethod, # 相当于配置 Archives->Export->mehtod:[app-store, ad-hoc, package, enterprise, development(默认), developer-id] output_name: pkgName, configuration: "Release", # 相当于配置Scheme->Build Configuration:[Release, Debug],Release会生成dsym文件,而Debug不会 output_directory: outputBaseDir, scheme: "Plush", ) # 是否需要上传配置,默认不上传 shouldUp = op[:shouldUp] if shouldUp == "1" # 上传测试包到测试平台类型,默认上传到fir,可以支持多种测试平台使用逗号分隔 # testflight, fir upType = op[:up] if upType.nil? || upType.empty? upType = "fir" end if upType.include? "testflight" pilot # 上传到testflight elsif upType.include? "fir" firim(firim_api_token: "xxxxxxxx")#上传fir,如果是新项目,fir会自动创建 end end end desc "上传到 App Store" lane :release do # match(type: "appstore") # snapshot gym( export_method: "app-store", # 相当于配置 Archives->Export->mehtod:[app-store, ad-hoc, package, enterprise, development, developer-id] output_name: pkgName, configuration: "Release", # 相当于配置Scheme->Build Configuration:[Release, Debug],Release会生成dsym文件,而Debug不会 output_directory: outputBaseDir, scheme: "Plush", ) deliver(force: true) # frameit end # You can define as many lanes as you want after_all do |lane, op| # This block is called, only if the executed lane was successful # slack( # message: "Successfully deployed new App Update." # ) if !pkgName.empty? fileName = pkgName.gsub(".ipa", "") dsymName = "#{fileName}.app.dSYM.zip" zipFileName = "#{fileName}.zip" # 使用zip命令压缩 zipCmd = "zip ../#{outputBaseDir}/#{zipFileName} ../#{outputBaseDir}/#{dsymName} ../#{outputBaseDir}/#{pkgName}" puts "begin zip #{zipCmd}" `#{zipCmd}` end end error do |lane, exception| # slack( # message: exception.message, # success: false # ) end end
#打91助手渠道的包不上传 bundle exec fastlane customChannelBeta ch:91zs shouldUp:0 # 91助手渠道打包并且上传到fir bundle exec fastlane customChannelBeta ch:91zs shouldUp:1 up:fir # testflight 打包上传 bundle exec fastlane customChannelBeta shouldUp:1 up:testflight exportMethod:app-store # AppStore 打包上传 bundle exec fastlane release
➜ output tree . ├── 2018-1-17_11-53_pgzs_Plush.app.dSYM.zip ├── 2018-1-17_11-53_pgzs_Plush.ipa └── 2018-1-17_11-53_pgzs_Plush.zip
使用fastlane search_plugins查找插件
➜ output fastlane search_plugins fir ... +----------+-------------------------------------+-----------+ | fastlane plugins 'fir' | +----------+-------------------------------------+-----------+ | Name | Description | Downloads | +----------+-------------------------------------+-----------+ | firebase | Unofficial tool to access Firebase | 1393 | | | project settings | | | firim | firim | 1142 | | fir | Upload a new build to fir.im | 807 | +----------+-------------------------------------+-----------+
使用fastlane add_plugin安装插件
# fastlane 安装firim插件 ➜ PlushGame fastlane add_plugin firim # 添加 `bundle exec` 使用本地的插件,加快速度 ➜ PlushGame bundle exec fastlane add_plugin firim [15:08:48]: Plugin 'fastlane-plugin-firim' was added to './fastlane/Pluginfile' [15:08:48]: Make sure to commit your Gemfile, Gemfile.lock and Pluginfile to version control Installing plugin dependencies... Successfully installed plugins
添加成功之后再 fastlane 目录下多出了一个 Pluginfile 文件,描述添加的插件的信息
# Autogenerated by fastlane # # Ensure this file is checked in to source control! gem 'fastlane-plugin-firim'
使用fastlane action查找某个action的使用方法和参数,下面是查找firim action的使用方法和参数的例子
➜ Plush.app fastlane action firim [23:50:31]: fastlane detected a Gemfile in the current directory [23:50:31]: however it seems like you don't use `bundle exec` [23:50:31]: to launch fastlane faster, please use [23:50:31]: [23:50:31]: $ bundle exec fastlane action firim [23:50:31]: [23:50:31]: Get started using a Gemfile for fastlane https://docs.fastlane.tools/getting-started/ios/setup/#use-a-gemfile +-------------------------+---------+-------------------------+ | Used plugins | +-------------------------+---------+-------------------------+ | Plugin | Version | Action | +-------------------------+---------+-------------------------+ | fastlane-plugin-firim | 0.1.0 | firim | | fastlane-plugin-appicon | 0.11.0 | android_appicon appicon | +-------------------------+---------+-------------------------+ Loading documentation for firim: +------------------------------------+ | firim | +------------------------------------+ | Uses firim to upload ipa to fir.im | | | | Created by whlsxl | +------------------------------------+ +------------------------+--------------------------+------------------+---------+ | firim Options | +------------------------+--------------------------+------------------+---------+ | Key | Description | Env Var | Default | +------------------------+--------------------------+------------------+---------+ | firim_api_token | fir.im user api token | | | | firim_username | fir.im username, a sign | | | | | for identify different | | | | | token | | | | ipa | Path to your ipa file | DELIVER_IPA_PATH | | | icon | Path to the app icon, | | | | | MUST BE jpg | | | | app_identifier | The app's identifier | | | | app_name | The app's name | | | | app_desc | The app's desc | | | | app_short | The app's short URL | | | | app_is_opened | APP's download link | | | | | whether opened | | | | app_is_show_plaza | Whether the app show in | | | | | plaza | | | | app_passwd | The app's download page | | | | | password | | | | app_store_link_visible | Whether show store link | | | | | in download page | | | | app_version | The app's version | | | | app_build_version | The app's build version | | | | app_release_type | The app's release type | | | | | (Adhoc, Inhouse) | | | | app_changelog | The app's changelog | | | | app_info_to_file_path | Append all [app's name] | | | | | : [URL] to this file | | | +------------------------+--------------------------+------------------+---------+ More information can be found on https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions
在Fastfile中添加firim action,把包上传到fir,token可以到fir后台点击右上角的设置获取即可
firim(firim_api_token: "xxxxxx")#上传fir,如果是新项目,fir会自动创建
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