在PG 12以前的版本,获取分区表中的分区以及子分区等信息需要使用递归CTE查询脚本来获取,不直观而且麻烦,在PG 12中新增了pg_partition_tree和pg_partition_root系统函数分别用于获取分区树和分区的root relation.
-- Hash Partition drop table if exists t_hash2; create table t_hash2 (c1 int not null,c2 varchar(40),c3 varchar(40)) partition by hash(c1); -- Level 1 create table t_hash2_1 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 0) partition by hash(c1); create table t_hash2_2 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 1) partition by hash(c1); create table t_hash2_3 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 2); create table t_hash2_4 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 3); create table t_hash2_5 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 4); create table t_hash2_6 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 5); -- Level 2 create table t_hash2_1_1 partition of t_hash2_1 for values with (modulus 2,remainder 0); create table t_hash2_1_2 partition of t_hash2_1 for values with (modulus 2,remainder 1); create table t_hash2_2_1 partition of t_hash2_2 for values with (modulus 2,remainder 0); create table t_hash2_2_2 partition of t_hash2_2 for values with (modulus 2,remainder 1);
在PG 11中,需要使用CTE递归查询来查询该分区的相关信息:
-- PG11 WITH RECURSIVE partition_info (relid, -- oid relname, -- 名称 relsize, -- 大小 relispartition, -- 是否分区表 relkind) AS ( SELECT oid AS relid, relname, pg_relation_size(oid) AS relsize, relispartition, relkind FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 't_hash2' AND -- 最顶层的分区表 relkind = 'p' UNION ALL SELECT c.oid AS relid, c.relname AS relname, pg_relation_size(c.oid) AS relsize, c.relispartition AS relispartition, c.relkind AS relkind FROM partition_info AS p, pg_catalog.pg_inherits AS i, pg_catalog.pg_class AS c WHERE p.relid = i.inhparent AND -- 从最顶层的分区表(即t_hash2)开始递归 c.oid = i.inhrelid AND -- 寻找子分区 c.relispartition -- 分区表标记 ) SELECT * FROM partition_info; relid | relname | relsize | relispartition | relkind -------+-------------+---------+----------------+--------- 57457 | t_hash2 | 0 | f | p 57466 | t_hash2_3 | 0 | t | r 57469 | t_hash2_4 | 0 | t | r 57472 | t_hash2_5 | 0 | t | r 57475 | t_hash2_6 | 0 | t | r 57460 | t_hash2_1 | 0 | t | p 57463 | t_hash2_2 | 0 | t | p 57487 | t_hash2_2_2 | 0 | t | r 57478 | t_hash2_1_1 | 0 | t | r 57481 | t_hash2_1_2 | 0 | t | r 57484 | t_hash2_2_1 | 0 | t | r (11 rows)
而在PG 12中,则可以直接使用系统函数获取相关信息:
testdb=# \sf pg_partition_tree CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_partition_tree(rootrelid regclass, OUT relid regclass, OUT parentrelid regclass, OUT isleaf boolean, OUT level integer) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE internal PARALLEL SAFE STRICT AS $function$pg_partition_tree$function$ testdb=# select pg_partition_tree('t_hash2'); pg_partition_tree ----------------------------- (t_hash2,,f,0) (t_hash2_1,t_hash2,f,1) (t_hash2_2,t_hash2,f,1) (t_hash2_3,t_hash2,t,1) (t_hash2_4,t_hash2,t,1) (t_hash2_5,t_hash2,t,1) (t_hash2_6,t_hash2,t,1) (t_hash2_1_1,t_hash2_1,t,2) (t_hash2_1_2,t_hash2_1,t,2) (t_hash2_2_1,t_hash2_2,t,2) (t_hash2_2_2,t_hash2_2,t,2) (11 rows)
relid -> 该分区的relid
parentrelid -> 父分区
isleaf —> 是否叶子节点
level —> 层次
testdb=# \sf pg_partition_root CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_partition_root(regclass) RETURNS regclass LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT AS $function$pg_partition_root$function$ testdb=# select pg_partition_root('t_hash2_2_2'); pg_partition_root ------------------- t_hash2 (1 row)
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