/* * pull_up_subqueries * Look for subqueries in the rangetable that can be pulled up into * the parent query. If the subquery has no special features like * grouping/aggregation then we can merge it into the parent's jointree. * Also, subqueries that are simple UNION ALL structures can be * converted into "append relations". */ void pull_up_subqueries(PlannerInfo *root) { /* Top level of jointree must always be a FromExpr */ Assert(IsA(root->parse->jointree, FromExpr)); /* Reset flag saying we need a deletion cleanup pass */ root->hasDeletedRTEs = false; /* Recursion starts with no containing join nor appendrel */ root->parse->jointree = (FromExpr *) pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, (Node *) root->parse->jointree, NULL, NULL, NULL, false); /* Apply cleanup phase if necessary */ if (root->hasDeletedRTEs) root->parse->jointree = (FromExpr *) pull_up_subqueries_cleanup((Node *) root->parse->jointree); Assert(IsA(root->parse->jointree, FromExpr)); }
/* * pull_up_subqueries_recurse * Recursive guts of pull_up_subqueries. * * This recursively processes the jointree and returns a modified jointree. * Or, if it's valid to drop the current node from the jointree completely, * it returns NULL. * * If this jointree node is within either side of an outer join, then * lowest_outer_join references the lowest such JoinExpr node; otherwise * it is NULL. We use this to constrain the effects of LATERAL subqueries. * * If this jointree node is within the nullable side of an outer join, then * lowest_nulling_outer_join references the lowest such JoinExpr node; * otherwise it is NULL. This forces use of the PlaceHolderVar mechanism for * references to non-nullable targetlist items, but only for references above * that join. * * If we are looking at a member subquery of an append relation, * containing_appendrel describes that relation; else it is NULL. * This forces use of the PlaceHolderVar mechanism for all non-Var targetlist * items, and puts some additional restrictions on what can be pulled up. * * deletion_ok is true if the caller can cope with us returning NULL for a * deletable leaf node (for example, a VALUES RTE that could be pulled up). * If it's false, we'll avoid pullup in such cases. * * A tricky aspect of this code is that if we pull up a subquery we have * to replace Vars that reference the subquery's outputs throughout the * parent query, including quals attached to jointree nodes above the one * we are currently processing! We handle this by being careful not to * change the jointree structure while recursing: no nodes other than leaf * RangeTblRef entries and entirely-empty FromExprs will be replaced or * deleted. Also, we can't turn pullup_replace_vars loose on the whole * jointree, because it'll return a mutated copy of the tree; we have to * invoke it just on the quals, instead. This behavior is what makes it * reasonable to pass lowest_outer_join and lowest_nulling_outer_join as * pointers rather than some more-indirect way of identifying the lowest * OJs. Likewise, we don't replace append_rel_list members but only their * substructure, so the containing_appendrel reference is safe to use. * * Because of the rule that no jointree nodes with substructure can be * replaced, we cannot fully handle the case of deleting nodes from the tree: * when we delete one child of a JoinExpr, we need to replace the JoinExpr * with a FromExpr, and that can't happen here. Instead, we set the * root->hasDeletedRTEs flag, which tells pull_up_subqueries() that an * additional pass over the tree is needed to clean up. */ /* 输入参数: root-计划器相关信息 jtnode-需要处理的Node(jointree) lowest_outer_join-如该节点位于外连接的任意一侧,则该指针指向此节点 lowest_nulling_outer_join-如该节点位于外连接的可空一侧,,则该指针指向此节点 containing_appendrel-Append操作中的Relation deletion_ok-调用方可处理在可删除的叶子节点的情况下返回NULL,此值为true 输出参数: */ static Node * pull_up_subqueries_recurse(PlannerInfo *root, Node *jtnode, JoinExpr *lowest_outer_join, JoinExpr *lowest_nulling_outer_join, AppendRelInfo *containing_appendrel, bool deletion_ok) { Assert(jtnode != NULL); if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))//如为RTR { //获取该RTR相应的RTE int varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex; RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(varno, root->parse->rtable); /* * Is this a subquery RTE, and if so, is the subquery simple enough to * pull up? * * If we are looking at an append-relation member, we can't pull it up * unless is_safe_append_member says so. */ if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY && is_simple_subquery(rte->subquery, rte, lowest_outer_join, deletion_ok) && (containing_appendrel == NULL || is_safe_append_member(rte->subquery)))//简单子查询 return pull_up_simple_subquery(root, jtnode, rte, lowest_outer_join, lowest_nulling_outer_join, containing_appendrel, deletion_ok); /* * Alternatively, is it a simple UNION ALL subquery? If so, flatten * into an "append relation". * * It's safe to do this regardless of whether this query is itself an * appendrel member. (If you're thinking we should try to flatten the * two levels of appendrel together, you're right; but we handle that * in set_append_rel_pathlist, not here.) */ if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY && is_simple_union_all(rte->subquery))//UNION ALL子查询 return pull_up_simple_union_all(root, jtnode, rte); /* * Or perhaps it's a simple VALUES RTE? * * We don't allow VALUES pullup below an outer join nor into an * appendrel (such cases are impossible anyway at the moment). */ if (rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES && lowest_outer_join == NULL && containing_appendrel == NULL && is_simple_values(root, rte, deletion_ok))//VALUES子查询 return pull_up_simple_values(root, jtnode, rte); /* Otherwise, do nothing at this node. */ } else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))//如为FromExpr { FromExpr *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode; bool have_undeleted_child = false; ListCell *l; Assert(containing_appendrel == NULL); /* * If the FromExpr has quals, it's not deletable even if its parent * would allow deletion. */ if (f->quals) deletion_ok = false; foreach(l, f->fromlist) { /* * In a non-deletable FromExpr, we can allow deletion of child * nodes so long as at least one child remains; so it's okay * either if any previous child survives, or if there's more to * come. If all children are deletable in themselves, we'll force * the last one to remain unflattened. * * As a separate matter, we can allow deletion of all children of * the top-level FromExpr in a query, since that's a special case * anyway. */ bool sub_deletion_ok = (deletion_ok || have_undeleted_child || lnext(l) != NULL || f == root->parse->jointree); lfirst(l) = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, lfirst(l), lowest_outer_join, lowest_nulling_outer_join, NULL, sub_deletion_ok);//递归调用 if (lfirst(l) != NULL) have_undeleted_child = true; } if (deletion_ok && !have_undeleted_child) { /* OK to delete this FromExpr entirely */ root->hasDeletedRTEs = true; /* probably is set already */ return NULL; } } else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr))//如为JoinExpr { JoinExpr *j = (JoinExpr *) jtnode; Assert(containing_appendrel == NULL); /* Recurse, being careful to tell myself when inside outer join */ switch (j->jointype) { case JOIN_INNER: /* * INNER JOIN can allow deletion of either child node, but not * both. So right child gets permission to delete only if * left child didn't get removed. */ j->larg = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, j->larg, lowest_outer_join, lowest_nulling_outer_join, NULL, true); j->rarg = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, j->rarg, lowest_outer_join, lowest_nulling_outer_join, NULL, j->larg != NULL); break; case JOIN_LEFT: case JOIN_SEMI: case JOIN_ANTI: j->larg = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, j->larg, j, lowest_nulling_outer_join, NULL, false); j->rarg = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, j->rarg, j, j, NULL, false); break; case JOIN_FULL: j->larg = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, j->larg, j, j, NULL, false); j->rarg = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, j->rarg, j, j, NULL, false); break; case JOIN_RIGHT: j->larg = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, j->larg, j, j, NULL, false); j->rarg = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, j->rarg, j, lowest_nulling_outer_join, NULL, false); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized join type: %d", (int) j->jointype); break; } } else elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(jtnode)); return jtnode; }
/* * pull_up_simple_subquery * Attempt to pull up a single simple subquery. * * jtnode is a RangeTblRef that has been tentatively identified as a simple * subquery by pull_up_subqueries. We return the replacement jointree node, * or NULL if the subquery can be deleted entirely, or jtnode itself if we * determine that the subquery can't be pulled up after all. * * rte is the RangeTblEntry referenced by jtnode. Remaining parameters are * as for pull_up_subqueries_recurse. */ static Node * pull_up_simple_subquery(PlannerInfo *root, Node *jtnode, RangeTblEntry *rte, JoinExpr *lowest_outer_join, JoinExpr *lowest_nulling_outer_join, AppendRelInfo *containing_appendrel, bool deletion_ok) { Query *parse = root->parse;//查询树 int varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex;//RTR中的index,指向rtable中的位置 Query *subquery;//子查询 PlannerInfo *subroot;//子root int rtoffset;//rtable中的偏移 pullup_replace_vars_context rvcontext;//上下文 ListCell *lc;//临时变量 /* * Need a modifiable copy of the subquery to hack on. Even if we didn't * sometimes choose not to pull up below, we must do this to avoid * problems if the same subquery is referenced from multiple jointree * items (which can't happen normally, but might after rule rewriting). */ subquery = copyObject(rte->subquery);//子查询 /* * Create a PlannerInfo data structure for this subquery. * * NOTE: the next few steps should match the first processing in * subquery_planner(). Can we refactor to avoid code duplication, or * would that just make things uglier? */ //为子查询构建PlannerInfo,尝试对此子查询进行上拉 subroot = makeNode(PlannerInfo); subroot->parse = subquery; subroot->glob = root->glob; subroot->query_level = root->query_level; subroot->parent_root = root->parent_root; subroot->plan_params = NIL; subroot->outer_params = NULL; subroot->planner_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext; subroot->init_plans = NIL; subroot->cte_plan_ids = NIL; subroot->multiexpr_params = NIL; subroot->eq_classes = NIL; subroot->append_rel_list = NIL; subroot->rowMarks = NIL; memset(subroot->upper_rels, 0, sizeof(subroot->upper_rels)); memset(subroot->upper_targets, 0, sizeof(subroot->upper_targets)); subroot->processed_tlist = NIL; subroot->grouping_map = NULL; subroot->minmax_aggs = NIL; subroot->qual_security_level = 0; subroot->inhTargetKind = INHKIND_NONE; subroot->hasRecursion = false; subroot->wt_param_id = -1; subroot->non_recursive_path = NULL; /* No CTEs to worry about */ Assert(subquery->cteList == NIL); /* * Pull up any SubLinks within the subquery's quals, so that we don't * leave unoptimized SubLinks behind. */ if (subquery->hasSubLinks)//子链接?上拉子链接 pull_up_sublinks(subroot); /* * Similarly, inline any set-returning functions in its rangetable. */ inline_set_returning_functions(subroot); /* * Recursively pull up the subquery's subqueries, so that * pull_up_subqueries' processing is complete for its jointree and * rangetable. * * Note: it's okay that the subquery's recursion starts with NULL for * containing-join info, even if we are within an outer join in the upper * query; the lower query starts with a clean slate for outer-join * semantics. Likewise, we needn't pass down appendrel state. */ pull_up_subqueries(subroot);//递归上拉子查询中的子查询 /* * Now we must recheck whether the subquery is still simple enough to pull * up. If not, abandon processing it. * * We don't really need to recheck all the conditions involved, but it's * easier just to keep this "if" looking the same as the one in * pull_up_subqueries_recurse. */ //子查询中子链接&子查询上拉后,再次检查,确保本次上拉没有问题 if (is_simple_subquery(subquery, rte, lowest_outer_join, deletion_ok) && (containing_appendrel == NULL || is_safe_append_member(subquery))) { /* good to go */ } else { /* * Give up, return unmodified RangeTblRef. * * Note: The work we just did will be redone when the subquery gets * planned on its own. Perhaps we could avoid that by storing the * modified subquery back into the rangetable, but I'm not gonna risk * it now. */ return jtnode; } /* * We must flatten any join alias Vars in the subquery's targetlist, * because pulling up the subquery's subqueries might have changed their * expansions into arbitrary expressions, which could affect * pullup_replace_vars' decisions about whether PlaceHolderVar wrappers * are needed for tlist entries. (Likely it'd be better to do * flatten_join_alias_vars on the whole query tree at some earlier stage, * maybe even in the rewriter; but for now let's just fix this case here.) */ //子查询中的targetList扁平化处理 subquery->targetList = (List *) flatten_join_alias_vars(subroot, (Node *) subquery->targetList); /* * Adjust level-0 varnos in subquery so that we can append its rangetable * to upper query's. We have to fix the subquery's append_rel_list as * well. */ //调整Var.varno rtoffset = list_length(parse->rtable); OffsetVarNodes((Node *) subquery, rtoffset, 0); OffsetVarNodes((Node *) subroot->append_rel_list, rtoffset, 0); /* * Upper-level vars in subquery are now one level closer to their parent * than before. */ //调整Var.varlevelsup IncrementVarSublevelsUp((Node *) subquery, -1, 1); IncrementVarSublevelsUp((Node *) subroot->append_rel_list, -1, 1); /* * The subquery's targetlist items are now in the appropriate form to * insert into the top query, except that we may need to wrap them in * PlaceHolderVars. Set up required context data for pullup_replace_vars. */ rvcontext.root = root; rvcontext.targetlist = subquery->targetList; rvcontext.target_rte = rte; if (rte->lateral) rvcontext.relids = get_relids_in_jointree((Node *) subquery->jointree, true); else /* won't need relids */ rvcontext.relids = NULL; rvcontext.outer_hasSubLinks = &parse->hasSubLinks; rvcontext.varno = varno; /* these flags will be set below, if needed */ rvcontext.need_phvs = false; rvcontext.wrap_non_vars = false; /* initialize cache array with indexes 0 .. length(tlist) */ rvcontext.rv_cache = palloc0((list_length(subquery->targetList) + 1) * sizeof(Node *)); /* * If we are under an outer join then non-nullable items and lateral * references may have to be turned into PlaceHolderVars. */ if (lowest_nulling_outer_join != NULL) rvcontext.need_phvs = true; /* * If we are dealing with an appendrel member then anything that's not a * simple Var has to be turned into a PlaceHolderVar. We force this to * ensure that what we pull up doesn't get merged into a surrounding * expression during later processing and then fail to match the * expression actually available from the appendrel. */ if (containing_appendrel != NULL) { rvcontext.need_phvs = true; rvcontext.wrap_non_vars = true; } /* * If the parent query uses grouping sets, we need a PlaceHolderVar for * anything that's not a simple Var. Again, this ensures that expressions * retain their separate identity so that they will match grouping set * columns when appropriate. (It'd be sufficient to wrap values used in * grouping set columns, and do so only in non-aggregated portions of the * tlist and havingQual, but that would require a lot of infrastructure * that pullup_replace_vars hasn't currently got.) */ if (parse->groupingSets) { rvcontext.need_phvs = true; rvcontext.wrap_non_vars = true; } /* * Replace all of the top query's references to the subquery's outputs * with copies of the adjusted subtlist items, being careful not to * replace any of the jointree structure. (This'd be a lot cleaner if we * could use query_tree_mutator.) We have to use PHVs in the targetList, * returningList, and havingQual, since those are certainly above any * outer join. replace_vars_in_jointree tracks its location in the * jointree and uses PHVs or not appropriately. */ //处理投影 parse->targetList = (List *) pullup_replace_vars((Node *) parse->targetList, &rvcontext); parse->returningList = (List *) pullup_replace_vars((Node *) parse->returningList, &rvcontext); if (parse->onConflict) { parse->onConflict->onConflictSet = (List *) pullup_replace_vars((Node *) parse->onConflict->onConflictSet, &rvcontext); parse->onConflict->onConflictWhere = pullup_replace_vars(parse->onConflict->onConflictWhere, &rvcontext); /* * We assume ON CONFLICT's arbiterElems, arbiterWhere, exclRelTlist * can't contain any references to a subquery */ } replace_vars_in_jointree((Node *) parse->jointree, &rvcontext, lowest_nulling_outer_join); Assert(parse->setOperations == NULL); parse->havingQual = pullup_replace_vars(parse->havingQual, &rvcontext); /* * Replace references in the translated_vars lists of appendrels. When * pulling up an appendrel member, we do not need PHVs in the list of the * parent appendrel --- there isn't any outer join between. Elsewhere, use * PHVs for safety. (This analysis could be made tighter but it seems * unlikely to be worth much trouble.) */ //处理appendrels中的信息 foreach(lc, root->append_rel_list) { AppendRelInfo *appinfo = (AppendRelInfo *) lfirst(lc); bool save_need_phvs = rvcontext.need_phvs; if (appinfo == containing_appendrel) rvcontext.need_phvs = false; appinfo->translated_vars = (List *) pullup_replace_vars((Node *) appinfo->translated_vars, &rvcontext); rvcontext.need_phvs = save_need_phvs; } /* * Replace references in the joinaliasvars lists of join RTEs. * * You might think that we could avoid using PHVs for alias vars of joins * below lowest_nulling_outer_join, but that doesn't work because the * alias vars could be referenced above that join; we need the PHVs to be * present in such references after the alias vars get flattened. (It * might be worth trying to be smarter here, someday.) */ //处理RTE中类型为RTE_JOIN的节点 foreach(lc, parse->rtable) { RangeTblEntry *otherrte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(lc); if (otherrte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN) otherrte->joinaliasvars = (List *) pullup_replace_vars((Node *) otherrte->joinaliasvars, &rvcontext); } /* * If the subquery had a LATERAL marker, propagate that to any of its * child RTEs that could possibly now contain lateral cross-references. * The children might or might not contain any actual lateral * cross-references, but we have to mark the pulled-up child RTEs so that * later planner stages will check for such. */ //LATERAL支持 if (rte->lateral) { foreach(lc, subquery->rtable) { RangeTblEntry *child_rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(lc); switch (child_rte->rtekind) { case RTE_RELATION: if (child_rte->tablesample) child_rte->lateral = true; break; case RTE_SUBQUERY: case RTE_FUNCTION: case RTE_VALUES: case RTE_TABLEFUNC: child_rte->lateral = true; break; case RTE_JOIN: case RTE_CTE: case RTE_NAMEDTUPLESTORE: /* these can't contain any lateral references */ break; } } } /* * Now append the adjusted rtable entries to upper query. (We hold off * until after fixing the upper rtable entries; no point in running that * code on the subquery ones too.) */ //子查询中的RTE填充至父查询中 parse->rtable = list_concat(parse->rtable, subquery->rtable); /* * Pull up any FOR UPDATE/SHARE markers, too. (OffsetVarNodes already * adjusted the marker rtindexes, so just concat the lists.) */ parse->rowMarks = list_concat(parse->rowMarks, subquery->rowMarks); /* * We also have to fix the relid sets of any PlaceHolderVar nodes in the * parent query. (This could perhaps be done by pullup_replace_vars(), * but it seems cleaner to use two passes.) Note in particular that any * PlaceHolderVar nodes just created by pullup_replace_vars() will be * adjusted, so having created them with the subquery's varno is correct. * * Likewise, relids appearing in AppendRelInfo nodes have to be fixed. We * already checked that this won't require introducing multiple subrelids * into the single-slot AppendRelInfo structs. */ if (parse->hasSubLinks || root->glob->lastPHId != 0 || root->append_rel_list) { Relids subrelids; subrelids = get_relids_in_jointree((Node *) subquery->jointree, false); substitute_multiple_relids((Node *) parse, varno, subrelids); fix_append_rel_relids(root->append_rel_list, varno, subrelids); } /* * And now add subquery's AppendRelInfos to our list. */ root->append_rel_list = list_concat(root->append_rel_list, subroot->append_rel_list); /* * We don't have to do the equivalent bookkeeping for outer-join info, * because that hasn't been set up yet. placeholder_list likewise. */ Assert(root->join_info_list == NIL); Assert(subroot->join_info_list == NIL); Assert(root->placeholder_list == NIL); Assert(subroot->placeholder_list == NIL); /* * Miscellaneous housekeeping. * * Although replace_rte_variables() faithfully updated parse->hasSubLinks * if it copied any SubLinks out of the subquery's targetlist, we still * could have SubLinks added to the query in the expressions of FUNCTION * and VALUES RTEs copied up from the subquery. So it's necessary to copy * subquery->hasSubLinks anyway. Perhaps this can be improved someday. */ parse->hasSubLinks |= subquery->hasSubLinks; /* If subquery had any RLS conditions, now main query does too */ parse->hasRowSecurity |= subquery->hasRowSecurity; /* * subquery won't be pulled up if it hasAggs, hasWindowFuncs, or * hasTargetSRFs, so no work needed on those flags */ /* * Return the adjusted subquery jointree to replace the RangeTblRef entry * in parent's jointree; or, if we're flattening a subquery with empty * FROM list, return NULL to signal deletion of the subquery from the * parent jointree (and set hasDeletedRTEs to ensure cleanup later). */ if (subquery->jointree->fromlist == NIL) { Assert(deletion_ok); Assert(subquery->jointree->quals == NULL); root->hasDeletedRTEs = true; return NULL; } return (Node *) subquery->jointree; }
/* * is_simple_subquery * Check a subquery in the range table to see if it's simple enough * to pull up into the parent query. * * rte is the RTE_SUBQUERY RangeTblEntry that contained the subquery. * (Note subquery is not necessarily equal to rte->subquery; it could be a * processed copy of that.) * lowest_outer_join is the lowest outer join above the subquery, or NULL. * deletion_ok is true if it'd be okay to delete the subquery entirely. */ static bool is_simple_subquery(Query *subquery, RangeTblEntry *rte, JoinExpr *lowest_outer_join, bool deletion_ok) { /* * Let's just make sure it's a valid subselect ... */ if (!IsA(subquery, Query) || subquery->commandType != CMD_SELECT) elog(ERROR, "subquery is bogus"); /* * Can't currently pull up a query with setops (unless it's simple UNION * ALL, which is handled by a different code path). Maybe after querytree * redesign... */ if (subquery->setOperations) return false;//存在集合操作 /* * Can't pull up a subquery involving grouping, aggregation, SRFs, * sorting, limiting, or WITH. (XXX WITH could possibly be allowed later) * * We also don't pull up a subquery that has explicit FOR UPDATE/SHARE * clauses, because pullup would cause the locking to occur semantically * higher than it should. Implicit FOR UPDATE/SHARE is okay because in * that case the locking was originally declared in the upper query * anyway. */ if (subquery->hasAggs || subquery->hasWindowFuncs || subquery->hasTargetSRFs || subquery->groupClause || subquery->groupingSets || subquery->havingQual || subquery->sortClause || subquery->distinctClause || subquery->limitOffset || subquery->limitCount || subquery->hasForUpdate || subquery->cteList) return false;//存在聚合函数/窗口函数... /* * Don't pull up if the RTE represents a security-barrier view; we * couldn't prevent information leakage once the RTE's Vars are scattered * about in the upper query. */ if (rte->security_barrier) return false;// /* * Don't pull up a subquery with an empty jointree, unless it has no quals * and deletion_ok is true and we're not underneath an outer join. * * query_planner() will correctly generate a Result plan for a jointree * that's totally empty, but we can't cope with an empty FromExpr * appearing lower down in a jointree: we identify join rels via baserelid * sets, so we couldn't distinguish a join containing such a FromExpr from * one without it. We can only handle such cases if the place where the * subquery is linked is a FromExpr or inner JOIN that would still be * nonempty after removal of the subquery, so that it's still identifiable * via its contained baserelids. Safe contexts are signaled by * deletion_ok. * * But even in a safe context, we must keep the subquery if it has any * quals, because it's unclear where to put them in the upper query. * * Also, we must forbid pullup if such a subquery is underneath an outer * join, because then we might need to wrap its output columns with * PlaceHolderVars, and the PHVs would then have empty relid sets meaning * we couldn't tell where to evaluate them. (This test is separate from * the deletion_ok flag for possible future expansion: deletion_ok tells * whether the immediate parent site in the jointree could cope, not * whether we'd have PHV issues. It's possible this restriction could be * fixed by letting the PHVs use the relids of the parent jointree item, * but that complication is for another day.) * * Note that deletion of a subquery is also dependent on the check below * that its targetlist contains no set-returning functions. Deletion from * a FROM list or inner JOIN is okay only if the subquery must return * exactly one row. */ if (subquery->jointree->fromlist == NIL && (subquery->jointree->quals != NULL || !deletion_ok || lowest_outer_join != NULL)) return false; /* * If the subquery is LATERAL, check for pullup restrictions from that. */ if (rte->lateral) { bool restricted; Relids safe_upper_varnos; /* * The subquery's WHERE and JOIN/ON quals mustn't contain any lateral * references to rels outside a higher outer join (including the case * where the outer join is within the subquery itself). In such a * case, pulling up would result in a situation where we need to * postpone quals from below an outer join to above it, which is * probably completely wrong and in any case is a complication that * doesn't seem worth addressing at the moment. */ if (lowest_outer_join != NULL) { restricted = true; safe_upper_varnos = get_relids_in_jointree((Node *) lowest_outer_join, true); } else { restricted = false; safe_upper_varnos = NULL; /* doesn't matter */ } if (jointree_contains_lateral_outer_refs((Node *) subquery->jointree, restricted, safe_upper_varnos)) return false; /* * If there's an outer join above the LATERAL subquery, also disallow * pullup if the subquery's targetlist has any references to rels * outside the outer join, since these might get pulled into quals * above the subquery (but in or below the outer join) and then lead * to qual-postponement issues similar to the case checked for above. * (We wouldn't need to prevent pullup if no such references appear in * outer-query quals, but we don't have enough info here to check * that. Also, maybe this restriction could be removed if we forced * such refs to be wrapped in PlaceHolderVars, even when they're below * the nearest outer join? But it's a pretty hokey usage, so not * clear this is worth sweating over.) */ if (lowest_outer_join != NULL) { Relids lvarnos = pull_varnos_of_level((Node *) subquery->targetList, 1); if (!bms_is_subset(lvarnos, safe_upper_varnos)) return false; } } /* * Don't pull up a subquery that has any volatile functions in its * targetlist. Otherwise we might introduce multiple evaluations of these * functions, if they get copied to multiple places in the upper query, * leading to surprising results. (Note: the PlaceHolderVar mechanism * doesn't quite guarantee single evaluation; else we could pull up anyway * and just wrap such items in PlaceHolderVars ...) */ if (contain_volatile_functions((Node *) subquery->targetList)) return false;//存在易变函数 return true; }
/* * pull_up_subqueries_cleanup * Recursively fix up jointree after deletion of some subqueries. * * The jointree now contains some NULL subtrees, which we need to get rid of. * In a FromExpr, just rebuild the child-node list with null entries deleted. * In an inner JOIN, replace the JoinExpr node with a one-child FromExpr. */ static Node * pull_up_subqueries_cleanup(Node *jtnode) { Assert(jtnode != NULL); if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef)) { /* Nothing to do at leaf nodes. */ } else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr)) { FromExpr *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode; List *newfrom = NIL; ListCell *l; foreach(l, f->fromlist) { Node *child = (Node *) lfirst(l); if (child == NULL) continue; child = pull_up_subqueries_cleanup(child); newfrom = lappend(newfrom, child); } f->fromlist = newfrom; } else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr)) { JoinExpr *j = (JoinExpr *) jtnode; if (j->larg) j->larg = pull_up_subqueries_cleanup(j->larg); if (j->rarg) j->rarg = pull_up_subqueries_cleanup(j->rarg); if (j->larg == NULL) { Assert(j->jointype == JOIN_INNER); Assert(j->rarg != NULL); return (Node *) makeFromExpr(list_make1(j->rarg), j->quals); } else if (j->rarg == NULL) { Assert(j->jointype == JOIN_INNER); return (Node *) makeFromExpr(list_make1(j->larg), j->quals); } } else elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(jtnode)); return jtnode; }
(gdb) b pull_up_subqueries Breakpoint 1 at 0x77d63b: file prepjointree.c, line 612. (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 1, pull_up_subqueries (root=0x1d092d0) at prepjointree.c:612 612 root->hasDeletedRTEs = false; (gdb) #输入参数,root参见上拉子链接中的说明 #进入pull_up_subqueries_recurse (gdb) step 615 pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, (Node *) root->parse->jointree, (gdb) step pull_up_subqueries_recurse (root=0x1d092d0, jtnode=0x1d092a0, lowest_outer_join=0x0, lowest_nulling_outer_join=0x0, containing_appendrel=0x0, deletion_ok=false) at prepjointree.c:680 680 if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef)) (gdb) #输入参数: #1.root,同pull_up_subqueries #2.jtnode,Query查询树 #3/4/5.lowest_outer_join/lowest_nulling_outer_join/containing_appendrel均为NULL #6.deletion_ok,false ... (gdb) p *jtnode $2 = {type = T_FromExpr} #FromExpr,进入相应的分支 ... #递归调用pull_up_subqueries_recurse (gdb) 763 lfirst(l) = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, lfirst(l), (gdb) step pull_up_subqueries_recurse (root=0x1d092d0, jtnode=0x1c73078, lowest_outer_join=0x0, lowest_nulling_outer_join=0x0, containing_appendrel=0x0, deletion_ok=true) at prepjointree.c:680 680 if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef)) #注意:这时候的jtnode类型为RangeTblRef (gdb) n 682 int varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex; (gdb) 683 RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(varno, root->parse->rtable); (gdb) 692 if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY && (gdb) p varno $4 = 1 #rtable中第1个RTE是父查询的Relation(即t_dwxx),不是子查询 (gdb) p *rte $5 = {type = T_RangeTblEntry, rtekind = RTE_RELATION, relid = 16394, relkind = 114 'r', tablesample = 0x0, subquery = 0x0, security_barrier = false, jointype = JOIN_INNER, joinaliasvars = 0x0, functions = 0x0, funcordinality = false, tablefunc = 0x0, values_lists = 0x0, ctename = 0x0, ctelevelsup = 0, self_reference = false, coltypes = 0x0, coltypmods = 0x0, colcollations = 0x0, enrname = 0x0, enrtuples = 0, alias = 0x1c4fd58, eref = 0x1c72c98, lateral = false, inh = true, inFromCl = true, requiredPerms = 2, checkAsUser = 0, selectedCols = 0x1d07698, insertedCols = 0x0, updatedCols = 0x0, securityQuals = 0x0} (gdb) n 712 if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY && (gdb) 722 if (rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES && (gdb) 852 return jtnode; (gdb) ... #rtable中的第2个元素,类型为RTE_SUBQUERY (gdb) step pull_up_subqueries_recurse (root=0x1d092d0, jtnode=0x1d07358, lowest_outer_join=0x0, lowest_nulling_outer_join=0x0, containing_appendrel=0x0, deletion_ok=true) at prepjointree.c:680 680 if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef)) (gdb) n 682 int varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex; (gdb) (gdb) p *rte $7 = {type = T_RangeTblEntry, rtekind = RTE_SUBQUERY, relid = 0, relkind = 0 '\000', tablesample = 0x0, subquery = 0x1c72968, security_barrier = false, jointype = JOIN_INNER, joinaliasvars = 0x0, functions = 0x0, funcordinality = false, tablefunc = 0x0, values_lists = 0x0, ctename = 0x0, ctelevelsup = 0, self_reference = false, coltypes = 0x0, coltypmods = 0x0, colcollations = 0x0, enrname = 0x0, enrtuples = 0, alias = 0x1c50548, eref = 0x1d071a0, lateral = false, inh = false, inFromCl = true, requiredPerms = 0, checkAsUser = 0, selectedCols = 0x0, insertedCols = 0x0, updatedCols = 0x0, securityQuals = 0x0} ... #进入pull_up_simple_subquery 697 return pull_up_simple_subquery(root, jtnode, rte, (gdb) step pull_up_simple_subquery (root=0x1d092d0, jtnode=0x1d07358, rte=0x1c72a78, lowest_outer_join=0x0, lowest_nulling_outer_join=0x0, containing_appendrel=0x0, deletion_ok=true) at prepjointree.c:874 874 Query *parse = root->parse; ... 1247 return (Node *) subquery->jointree; (gdb) 1248 } (gdb) pull_up_subqueries_recurse (root=0x1d09838, jtnode=0x1c736e0, lowest_outer_join=0x0, lowest_nulling_outer_join=0x0, containing_appendrel=0x0, deletion_ok=true) at prepjointree.c:853 853 } (gdb)
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