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Optimizer Functions ------------------- The primary entry point is planner(). planner()//优化器主入口函数 set up for recursive handling of subqueries//为子查询配置处理器(递归方式) -subquery_planner()//调用(子)查询优化函数 pull up sublinks and subqueries from rangetable, if possible//可以的话,上拉子链接和子查询 canonicalize qual//表达式规范化 Attempt to simplify WHERE clause to the most useful form; this includes flattening nested AND/ORs and detecting clauses that are duplicated in different branches of an OR.//简化WHERE语句 simplify constant expressions//简化常量表达式 process sublinks//处理子链接 convert Vars of outer query levels into Params//转换外查询的Vars变量到Params中 --grouping_planner()// preprocess target list for non-SELECT queries//预处理非SELECT语句的投影列 handle UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT, GROUP BY, HAVING, aggregates,//处理集合操作/聚集函数/排序等 ORDER BY, DISTINCT, LIMIT --query_planner()// make list of base relations used in query//构造查询中的基表链表 split up the qual into restrictions (a=1) and joins (b=c)//拆分表达式为限制条件和连接 find qual clauses that enable merge and hash joins//查找可以让Merge和Hash连接生效的表达式 ----make_one_rel()// set_base_rel_pathlists()//设置基表路径链表 find seqscan and all index paths for each base relation//遍历每个基表,寻找顺序扫描和所有可能的索引扫描路径 find selectivity of columns used in joins//查找连接中使用的列的选择性 make_rel_from_joinlist()//通过join链表构造Relation hand off join subproblems to a plugin, GEQO, or standard_join_search()// -----standard_join_search()//标准的连接搜索函数 call join_search_one_level() for each level of join tree needed//每一个join tree调用join_search_one_level join_search_one_level(): For each joinrel of the prior level, do make_rels_by_clause_joins()//对于上一层的每一个joinrel,执行make_rels_by_clause_joins if it has join clauses, or make_rels_by_clauseless_joins() if not. Also generate "bushy plan" joins between joinrels of lower levels. Back at standard_join_search(), generate gather paths if needed for//回到standard_join_search函数,需要的话,收集相关的路径并应用set_cheapest函数获取代价最小的路径 each newly constructed joinrel, then apply set_cheapest() to extract the cheapest path for it. Loop back if this was not the top join level.//如果不是最顶层连接,循环 Back at grouping_planner://回到grouping_planner函数 do grouping (GROUP BY) and aggregation//处理分组和聚集 do window functions//处理窗口函数 make unique (DISTINCT)//处理唯一性 do sorting (ORDER BY)//处理排序 do limit (LIMIT/OFFSET)//处理Limit Back at planner()://回到planner函数 convert finished Path tree into a Plan tree//转换最终的路径树到计划树 do final cleanup after planning//收尾工作 Optimizer Data Structures ------------------------- PlannerGlobal - global information for a single planner invocation//全局优化信息 PlannerInfo - information for planning a particular Query (we make//某个Planner的优化信息 a separate PlannerInfo node for each sub-Query) RelOptInfo - a relation or joined relations//某个Relation(包括连接)的优化信息 RestrictInfo - WHERE clauses, like "x = 3" or "y = z"//限制条件 (note the same structure is used for restriction and join clauses) Path - every way to generate a RelOptInfo(sequential,index,joins)//构造该关系(注意:中间结果也是关系的一种)的路径 SeqScan - represents a sequential scan plan IndexPath - index scan BitmapHeapPath - top of a bitmapped index scan TidPath - scan by CTID SubqueryScanPath - scan a subquery-in-FROM ForeignPath - scan a foreign table, foreign join or foreign upper-relation CustomPath - for custom scan providers AppendPath - append multiple subpaths together MergeAppendPath - merge multiple subpaths, preserving their common sort order ResultPath - a childless Result plan node (used for FROM-less SELECT) MaterialPath - a Material plan node UniquePath - remove duplicate rows (either by hashing or sorting) GatherPath - collect the results of parallel workers GatherMergePath - collect parallel results, preserving their common sort order ProjectionPath - a Result plan node with child (used for projection) ProjectSetPath - a ProjectSet plan node applied to some sub-path SortPath - a Sort plan node applied to some sub-path GroupPath - a Group plan node applied to some sub-path UpperUniquePath - a Unique plan node applied to some sub-path AggPath - an Agg plan node applied to some sub-path GroupingSetsPath - an Agg plan node used to implement GROUPING SETS MinMaxAggPath - a Result plan node with subplans performing MIN/MAX WindowAggPath - a WindowAgg plan node applied to some sub-path SetOpPath - a SetOp plan node applied to some sub-path RecursiveUnionPath - a RecursiveUnion plan node applied to two sub-paths LockRowsPath - a LockRows plan node applied to some sub-path ModifyTablePath - a ModifyTable plan node applied to some sub-path(s) LimitPath - a Limit plan node applied to some sub-path NestPath - nested-loop joins MergePath - merge joins HashPath - hash joins EquivalenceClass - a data structure representing a set of values known equal//等价类 PathKey - a data structure representing the sort ordering of a path//排序键
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