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#!/bin/bash #by raysuen #v02 . ~/.bash_profile AWR_FORMAT=html NUM_DAYS=2 ############################################ #获取指定时间的snapid的函数 ############################################ getsnapID(){ BEGIN_SNAP_ID=`sqlplus -S / as sysdba <<-RAY set heading off trimspool on feedback off SELECT trim(SNAP_ID) FROM DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT a,v\\$instance b where to_char(END_INTERVAL_TIME,'yyyymmddhh34')='$1' and a.instance_number=b.instance_number; RAY` END_SNAP_ID=`sqlplus -S / as sysdba <<-RAY set heading off trimspool on feedback off SELECT trim(SNAP_ID) FROM DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT a,v\\$instance b where to_char(END_INTERVAL_TIME,'yyyymmddhh34')='$2' and a.instance_number=b.instance_number; RAY` #判断获取的snapid是否为空 if [ -z ${BEGIN_SNAP_ID} ];then echo "The script can not get a valid snap id,please enter a right time for -b." exit 96 fi if [ -z ${BEGIN_SNAP_ID} ];then echo "The script can not get a valid snap id,please enter a right time for -e." exit 96 fi BEGIN_SNAP_ID=`echo ${BEGIN_SNAP_ID} | sed 's/ //g'` END_SNAP_ID=`echo ${END_SNAP_ID} | sed 's/ //g'` } ############################################ #获取帮助的函数 ############################################ my_fun(){ echo "SYNOPSIS:" echo " ./GET_AWR.sh -b begin_time -e end_time -n awr_name" echo "OPTIONS:" echo " -b specify a time for begin time of awr,format yyyymmddhh34" echo " -e specify a time for begin time of awr,format yyyymmddhh34" echo " -n specify a name for name of awr" echo "EXAMPLE:" echo " ./GET_AWR.SH -b 2019051708 -e 2019051709 -n test" echo " ./GET_AWR.sh -b \`date +'%Y%m%d18' -d '+1 day ago'\` -e \`date +'%Y%m%d19' -d '+1 day ago'\` -n test" } ############################################ #脚本入口,获取参数 ############################################ if [ $# -lt 1 ];then echo "You must specify parameters:" echo " -b begin time of awr" echo " -e end time of awr" exit 99 fi while (($#>=1)) do if [ "$1" == "-b" ];then shift awrbegintime=$1 shift continue fi if [ "$1" == "-e" ];then shift awrendtime=$1 shift continue fi if [ "$1" == "-n" ];then shift awrname=$1 shift continue fi if [ "$1" == "-h" ];then my_fun exit 0 fi shift done ############################################ #健壮性检查 ############################################ #参数不可以为空 if [ -z ${awrbegintime} ];then echo "You must specify parameters:-b for begin time of awr" exit 98 fi if [ -z ${awrendtime} ];then echo "You must specify parameters:-e for end time of awr" exit 98 fi if [ -z ${awrname} ];then echo "You must specify parameters:-n for report name of awr" exit 98 fi #判断参数为时间 date -d "${awrbegintime:0:8} ${awrbegintime:8:2}" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "The valus of -b is invalid date." exit 97 fi date -d "${awrendtime:0:8} ${awrendtime:8:2}" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "The valus of -e is invalid date." exit 97 fi ############################################ #执行函数,获取snap id ############################################ getsnapID ${awrbegintime} ${awrendtime} ############################################ #定义awr报告的路径 ############################################ AWR_LOG=/u02/logout/awr/AWR_${awrname}_${awrbegintime}_${awrendtime}.html ############################################ #获取awr报告 ############################################ echo -e "$AWR_FORMAT\n$NUM_DAYS\n$BEGIN_SNAP_ID\n$END_SNAP_ID\n$AWR_LOG\n"|(sqlplus -S / as sysdba @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql) > /dev/null ############################################ #帮助: # 参数区分大小写 # -b awr的开始时间,格式:yyyymmddhh34 # -e awr的结束时间,格式:yyyymmddhh34 # -n awr报告中的名字 #例子: # ./GET_AWR.SH -b "2019051708" -e "2019051709" -n test # ./GET_AWR.sh -b `date +'%Y%m%d18' -d '+1 day ago'` -e `date +'%Y%m%d19' -d '+1 day ago'` -n test ############################################
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