Oracle 数据库 组件相关说明【第一部分】

发布时间:2020-08-16 22:26:14 作者:edge_dba
来源:ITPUB博客 阅读:150

Information On Installed Database Components and Schemas (文档 ID 472937.1)
Oracle 组件可以通过下面的SQL查看,这是我的一个生产库的组件情况,我当时是都部署了: 
SQL> col COMP_NAME for a50 
SQL> select comp_id,comp_name, version, status from dba_registry;

COMP_ID                        COMP_NAME                                          VERSION                        STATUS
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------
OWB                            OWB                                                           VALID
APEX                           Oracle Application Express                                   VALID
EM                             Oracle Enterprise Manager                                     VALID
AMD                            OLAP Catalog                                                  VALID
SDO                            Spatial                                                       VALID
ORDIM                          Oracle Multimedia                                             VALID
XDB                            Oracle XML Database                                           VALID
CONTEXT                        Oracle Text                                                   VALID
EXF                            Oracle Expression Filter                                      VALID
RUL                            Oracle Rules Manager                                          VALID
OWM                            Oracle Workspace Manager                                      VALID
CATALOG                        Oracle Database Catalog Views                                 VALID
CATPROC                        Oracle Database Packages and Types                            VALID
JAVAVM                         JServer JAVA Virtual Machine                                  VALID
XML                            Oracle XDK                                                    VALID
CATJAVA                        Oracle Database Java Packages                                 VALID
APS                            OLAP Analytic Workspace                                       VALID
XOQ                            Oracle OLAP API                                               VALID
RAC                            Oracle Real Application Clusters                              VALID
1、OWR(Oracle Warehouse Builder)
OWB不但可以可以完成数据的抽取、转换和加载,还能帮助用户在Oracle数据库中创建ROLAP(Relational Online Analysis Process)
和MOLAP(Multidimensional Online Analysis Process)数据仓库对象,数据质量管理,商务智能定义等。总之就是ETL工具
This component will appear in dba_registry when you have configured Warehouse Builder in your database. 
OWBSYS  (This is available from Oracle RDBMS 11gR1 onwards, see below.)
How to Install and De-Install:
Note 340955.1 - Oracle Warehouse Builder, Releases and Patches
See Also: Oracle OWB Documentation

2、APEX(Oracle Application Express)
Oracle Application Express 是一个适用于 Oracle 数据库的快速 Web 应用程序开发工具。
只需要一个 Web 浏览器和有限的编程经验,就可以快速、安全地开发和部署专业的应用程序。
Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX) is a rapid web application development tool for the Oracle database. 
Using only a web browser and limited programming experience, you can develop and deploy professional applications that are both fast and secure. 
Oracle APEX is a fully supported, no cost option of the Oracle database.
The APEX product requires a database in which to install the APEX database packages, procedures, functions, tables, etc. and an HTTP Server which is used to call the APEX application from a browser.
APEX is currently supported on on 10.1 and higher. The 11.x version of the database automatically installs Application Express by default.
How to Install and De-Install:
Note 1086415.1 - Master Note for Oracle Application Express (APEX) Installation

3、EM(Oracle Enterprise Manager)
在安装 Oracle 软件时,Oracle Universal Installer可以选装Oracle Enterprise Manager。
Enterprise Manager 提供了一个基于 Web 的界面,可以使用这个界面来管理 Oracle 实例和数据库。就是取代SQLPLUS管理数据库的一个工具,事实上也取代不了。
This component will appear in dba_registry when you have configured a db console in your database. This is available from Oracle rdbms 10gR1 onwards. 
Please note that for this component you need to have Oracle Enterprise Manager installed at binaries level.
DBSNMP, SYSMAN, MGMT_VIEW (11gR1 and 11gR2 only)
How to Install and De-Install:
Note.278100.1 How To Drop, Create And Recreate DB Control In A 10g Database
(This note is applicable to 11gR1 and 11gR2)
Please note that reconfiguring the dbconsole will remove the existing settings in dbconsole. So after dropping and recreating the em repository you need to redo all the em related setting.

4、OLAP Catalog, OLAP Analytic Workspace, Oracle OLAP API
这里的三个组件都是Oracle OLAP的核心组件。Oracle OLAP是Oracle企业版的一个可选件,由于将OLAP引擎完全集成进了Oracle数据库,
Oracle OLAP主要包括以下组件:OLAP Analytic Workspace,用于分析工作区中实际存储多维模型的数据。一个Analytic Workspace存储为一个关系表,
OLAP API 是Oracle OLAP的一个Java编程接口,支持OracleBI Bean。除了服务器组件,Oracle OLAP还提供了两个客户端工具:

Introduced in 9i, OLAP applications are developed within the context of business intelligence and data warehousing systems, 
and the features of the OLAP API are optimized for this type of application. With the OLAP API, a Java application can access, 
manipulate, and display data in multidimensional terms. The OLAP API also makes it possible to define a query in a step-by-step process 
that allows for undoing individual query steps without reproducing the entire query. Such multistep queries are easy to modify and refine dynamically.

The OLAP API is a Java application programming interface (API) through which an application can access data for online analytical processing (OLAP).
The Java classes that implement the API are part of the Oracle OLAP component.
The purpose of the OLAP API is to facilitate the development of OLAP applications, which allow users to dynamically select, aggregate, calculate, 
and perform other analytical tasks on data through a graphical user interface. Typically, the user interface of an OLAP application displays data 
in multidimensional formats, such as graphs and crosstabs.

The following components must be installed and valid to support the OLAP installation, and should be installed and valid before OLAP is installed:
JServer JAVA Virtual Machine    
Oracle Database Java Packages 
Oracle XDK 
Oracle XML Database

OLAPSYS/MANAGER (9i, 10gR1, 10gR2, 11gR1,11gR2)
The account used to create OLAP metadata structures. This account owns the OLAP Catalog. 
The OLAP catalog is created in CWMLite tablespace in 9i but in 10g it is SYSAUX tablespace.

How to Install and De-Install: 
Note 331808.1 How to Uninstall OLAP Options from ORACLE_HOME? 
Note 278111.1 How to Remove the Oracle OLAP API Objects from 9i and 10g 
Note 296187.1 How To Manually Install Oracle OLAP In 9i, 10g Or 11g Database After The DB Has Been Created.
Note 332351.1 How To Remove The OLAP Option In 10g And 11g
Note 467643.1 How To Remove or De-activate OLAP After Migrating From 9i To Standard Edition 10g 

How to Remove OLAP From the Standard Edition database. (Doc ID 1362752.1)
Oracle? OLAP User's Guide: Installing Analytic Workspace Manager

Known Issues:
Document 1262866.1 - OWBSYS Account Not In Fresh 11gr2 Install - Deselected OLAP Option During Creation Of The Database

Oracle? OLAP Application Developer's Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2)
Is the OLAP Option Installed in the Database?
Note.738192.1 What's New in Oracle Database 11g Release 11.1 Oracle OLAP

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oracle 一部分 说明


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