这期内容当中小编将会给大家带来有关mysql innobackupex 的一则错误该怎么解决,文章内容丰富且以专业的角度为大家分析和叙述,阅读完这篇文章希望大家可以有所收获。
-bash-3.2$ ./innobackupex --version-check /usr/mysql/xtraback/xtrabackup03
InnoDB Backup Utility v1.5.1-xtrabackup;
150930 17:16:26 innobackupex: Executing a version check against the server...
150930 17:16:26 innobackupex: Connecting to MySQL server with DSN 'dbi:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=xtrabackup' (using password: NO).
innobackupex: got a fatal error with the following stacktrace: at ./innobackupex line 3006
main::mysql_connect('abort_on_error', 1) called at ./innobackupex line 1551
innobackupex: Error: Failed to connect to MySQL server as DBD::mysql module is not installed at ./innobackupex line 3006.
150930 17:16:26 innobackupex: Connecting to MySQL server with DSN 'dbi:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=xtrabackup' (using password: NO).
innobackupex: got a fatal error with the following stacktrace: at ./innobackupex line 3006
main::mysql_connect('abort_on_error', 1) called at ./innobackupex line 1570
innobackupex: Error: Failed to connect to MySQL server as DBD::mysql module is not installed at ./innobackupex line 3006.
报这样一个错误。这个错误原因是innobackupex是用perl语言写的,perl要通过perl DBI模块和DBD-mysql模块调用mysql数据库来执行。
yum install perl-DBD-MySQL。采用这个命令安装会出现如下错误:
Transaction Check Error:
file /etc/my.cnf from install of mysql-5.0.77-4.el5_5.4.i386 conflicts with file from package MySQL-server-5.6.25-1.linux_glibc2.5.i386
上述就是小编为大家分享的mysql innobackupex 的一则错误该怎么解决了,如果刚好有类似的疑惑,不妨参照上述分析进行理解。如果想知道更多相关知识,欢迎关注亿速云行业资讯频道。
亿速云「云数据库 MySQL」免部署即开即用,比自行安装部署数据库高出1倍以上的性能,双节点冗余防止单节点故障,数据自动定期备份随时恢复。点击查看>>