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闪回版本查询 SQL> set line 200 SQL> col starttime for a30 SQL> col endtime for a30 SQL> col operation for a30 SQL> select to_char(versions_starttime,'yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss') starttime,to_char(versions_endtime,'yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss') endtime, versions_xid xid,versions_operation operation from soe.customers versions between timestamp to_date('2018-09-22 14:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss') and sysdate where versions_xid is not null; STARTTIME ENDTIME XID OPERATION ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------------ 2018-09-22 14:00:36 05001100B8030000 U 2018-09-22 13:59:59 05000700B8030000 U 2018-09-22 14:00:25 08001B00CC030000 U 2018-09-22 14:00:14 05001000B8030000 I 2018-09-22 14:00:20 09001700C9030000 I 2018-09-22 14:00:05 0B00200041000000 I 2018-09-22 14:00:05 09000700CA030000 I 2018-09-22 14:00:11 03001800B4030000 I 8 rows selected. 闪回事务查询 SQL> select undo_sql from flashback_transaction_query where xid = hextoraw('03001800B4030000'); UNDO_SQL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete from "SOE"."LOGON" where ROWID = 'AAAVU+AAGAAAavRAB6'; delete from "SOE"."CARD_DETAILS" where ROWID = 'AAAVU4AAHAAAQEoABz'; delete from "SOE"."ADDRESSES" where ROWID = 'AAAVU3AAHAAAbuoAAy'; delete from "SOE"."CUSTOMERS" where ROWID = 'AAAVU2AAGAAAaqxAAO'; SQL> select undo_sql from flashback_transaction_query where xid = hextoraw('08001B00CC030000'); UNDO_SQL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update "SOE"."CUSTOMERS" set "PREFERRED_ADDRESS" = '1162533' where ROWID = 'AAAVU2AAGAAACC9AAS'; delete from "SOE"."ADDRESSES" where ROWID = 'AAAVU3AAHAAAbumAA5';
闪回表--scn SQL> alter table soe.customers enable row movement; Table altered. SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers; COUNT(*) ---------- 975317 SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual; GET_SYSTEM_CHANGE_NUMBER ------------------------ 1217679 SQL> delete from soe.customers where nls_territory = 'Korea'; 12470 rows deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers; COUNT(*) ---------- 962847 SQL> flashback table soe.customers to scn 1217679; Flashback complete. SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers; COUNT(*) ---------- 975317 闪回表--timestamp SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers; COUNT(*) ---------- 975317 SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual; GET_SYSTEM_CHANGE_NUMBER ------------------------ 1221943 SQL> select scn_to_timestamp(1221943) scn from dual; SCN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-SEP-18 PM SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers; COUNT(*) ---------- 975317 SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual; GET_SYSTEM_CHANGE_NUMBER ------------------------ 1222481 SQL> select scn_to_timestamp(1222481) scn from dual; SCN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-SEP-18 PM SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers; COUNT(*) ---------- 975340 SQL> flashback table soe.customers to timestamp to_timestamp('2018-09-23 16:17:24','yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss'); Flashback complete. SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers; COUNT(*) ---------- 975317
闪回删除 SQL> show parameter recyclebin; NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ recyclebin string ON SQL> drop table warehouses; Table dropped. SQL> show recyclebin; ORIGINAL NAME RECYCLEBIN NAME OBJECT TYPE DROP TIME ---------------- ------------------------------ ------------ ------------------- WAREHOUSES BIN$doc0/FwhEVPgU8kBqMBrow==$0 TABLE 2018-09-23:17:07:50 SQL> flashback table warehouses to before drop; Flashback complete. SQL> select count(*) from warehouses; COUNT(*) ---------- 1000 SQL> alter index "BIN$doc0/FwgEVPgU8kBqMBrow==$0" rename to warehouses_pk; Index altered. SQL> alter table warehouses rename constraint "BIN$doc0/FwfEVPgU8kBqMBrow==$0" to warehouses_pk; Table altered.
闪回数据库 SQL> startup mount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1068937216 bytes Fixed Size 2260088 bytes Variable Size 322962312 bytes Database Buffers 687865856 bytes Redo Buffers 55848960 bytes Database mounted. SQL> alter database flashback on; Database altered. SQL> alter database open; Database altered. SQL> select dbid,name,flashback_on,current_scn from v$database; DBID NAME FLASHBACK_ CURRENT_SCN ---------- --------------------------- ---------- ----------- 1085678857 KING YES 1229459 SQL> show parameter db_flashback NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ db_flashback_retention_target integer 1440 SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss'; Session altered. SQL> select count(*) from orders; COUNT(*) ---------- 1430069 SQL> select sysdate from dual; SYSDATE ------------------- 2018-09-24 13:43:57 SQL> truncate table orders; Table truncated. SQL> select count(*) from orders; COUNT(*) ---------- 0 SQL> shutdown immediate Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> startup mount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1068937216 bytes Fixed Size 2260088 bytes Variable Size 322962312 bytes Database Buffers 687865856 bytes Redo Buffers 55848960 bytes Database mounted. SQL> flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('2018-09-24 13:43:57','yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss'); Flashback complete. SQL> alter database open read only; Database altered. SQL> conn soe/soe Connected. SQL> select count(*) from orders; COUNT(*) ---------- 1430069 SQL> shutdown immediate Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> startup mount ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1068937216 bytes Fixed Size 2260088 bytes Variable Size 322962312 bytes Database Buffers 687865856 bytes Redo Buffers 55848960 bytes Database mounted. SQL> alter database open resetlogs; Database altered. SQL> conn soe/soe Connected. SQL> select count(*) from orders; COUNT(*) ---------- 1430069
总结:闪回版本查询,闪回事务查询,闪回表与UNDO有关,与闪回日志没有任何关系 闪回删除与recyclebin有关,与闪回日志没有任何关系 闪回数据库与闪回日志有关
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