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source += "<ul>"; for( var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++){ var post = posts[i]; source += getpostSource(post); } source += "</ul>"; return source; } function sortNumber(a,b){ return b.size - a.size; } function sort() { for( barName in POST) { if( !POST.hasOwnProperty(barName)) continue; var post = { name: barName, size: POST[barName].length }; SORTED.push(post); } SORTED.sort(sortNumber); } function generate(){ var div = document.getElementById("container"); var source = "总共帖子: " + TOTAL + "个"; for( var i = 0; i < SORTED.length; i++){ var posts = POST[SORTED[i].name]; source += getBarPostsSource(SORTED[i].name, posts); } div.innerHTML = source; } $(function(){ main(); }); function getPostByAJAX(requestURL){ var html = $.ajax({ url: requestURL, xhrFields: { // The 'xhrFields' property sets additional fields on the XMLHttpRequest. // This can be used to set the 'withCredentials' property. // Set the value to 'true' if you'd like to pass cookies to the server. // If this is enabled, your server must respond with the header // 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'. withCredentials: true }, async: false}).responseText; 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} POST[postDetail.barName].push(postDetail); } function parseDetail(liNode) { var cite = $("cite", liNode); var date = cite[0].innerHTML; // value1 var tds = $("td", liNode); var a1 = $("a", tds[0]); var barName = a1[0].innerHTML; // value2 var a2 = $("a", tds[1]); var postTitle = a2[0].innerHTML; // value3 var url = PREFIX + a2.attr("href"); return { date: date, barName: barName, postTitle: postTitle, url: url } } function getTestData(){ return '<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><div class="wrap1"><div class="wrap2"><div ' + ' id="main_wrapper" class="main_wrapper"><div id="main_back_img"><div ' + ' id="main_back_bottom"><div id="container" class="ibody clearfix"><div><div ' + ' id="content"><div class="simple_block_container"><ul><li><cite>2-16</cite>' + '<div class="wrap_container"><table><tr><td class="nowrap">在<a style="" ' + ' href="/f?kw=%E5%A4%A7%E9%82%91" target="_blank">ANDROID吧</a> 发贴</td><td class="wrap">' + '<a href="/p/4356641476?pid=84106363194&cid=0#841063631" class="thread_title" target="_blank">硬盘</a></td>' + '</tr></table></div><div class="clear"></div></li>' + '<li></li><li></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></body></html>'; 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