You can use this method to park incoming invoices.
When header data is transferred, you use the field INVOICE_IND to determine whether the system generates a credit memo or an invoice. If you leave the field initial, the system generates a credit memo. If you enter X, the system generates an invoice.
You use this method if information on posting an invoice document is missing in the invoice document. The balance can be a value other than zero. As in the online transaction, the following updates take place: for example, informative PO history, advance tax return, index for checks re duplicate invoices, open creditor items from parked documents, log of document changes.
You can use this method to:
You cannot post invoices for returns orders
The following fields in Financial Accounting are not passed on:
The following authorization object is checked with activity 77:
Input parameters
You transfer the header data of the incoming invoice using the structure HeaderData.
The tables ItemData and AccountingData contain the item data of the incoming invoice. The TaxData table contains the tax information for the incoming invoice.
The GlAccountData table contains data for posting to G/L accounts, and the MaterialData table contains data for posting to material accounts.
You can use the WithTaxData table to pass on withholding tax information.
You can use the VendorItemSplitData table to distribute the gross amount among several vendor line items with different methods and terms of payment.
Output parameters
The document number of the invoice document and the fiscal year are returned as key fields of the incoming invoice.
Return messages
Messages are returned in the Return parameter. The parameter documentation shows the return codes and their meanings.
Further information
Example: Incoming Invoice
This example shows which header data you can park in the table HeaderData and which item data you can park in the table ItemData.
Order: 10 pc of material A @ 10 USD
Goods receipt: 10 pc of material
For this purchase order, you receive an incoming invoice referencing PO number 4500007491, PO item 10, for a quantity of 10 pc of material A and an amount of 116 USD incl. 16% VAT. You enter the following data:
HeaderData table
ItemData table
For more information, see the parameter documentation for the HeaderData and ItemData tables.
Example: Incoming invoice with foreign currency, GR-based invoice verification, and tax information
This example specifies the header data that you need to enter in the HeaderData table, the item data that you need to enter in the Itemdata table, and the tax information that you need to enter in the TaxDatatable, in order to park an invoice in a foreign currency.
Order: 10 pc of material A @ 10.00 USD
Goods receipt 1: 4 pc of material
Goods receipt 2: 6 pc of material A
For this purchase order, you receive an incoming invoice referencing PO no. 4500007505, PO item 10, goods receipt document 50010095, 2000, item 1. A quantity of 4 pc of material A and a gross amount of 46.60 USD and 16% tax (6.60 USD) is invoiced. You enter the following data:
HeaderData table
ItemData table
TaxData table
For more information, see the parameter documentation for the HeaderData, ItemData, and TaxData tables.
Example: Change account assignments and add unplanned ones
This example shows which header data you enter in the HeaderData table, which item data you enter in the ItemData table, and which account assignment data you enter in the AccountingData table in order to be able to change account assignments for an incoming invoice. For you to be able to change account assignments, a non-valuated goods receipt or no goods receipt must exist. GR-based invoice verification takes place.
Order: 300 pc of material A @ 1.00 USD
Goods receipt: 300 pc of material
For this purchase order with multiple account assignments, you receive an incoming invoice referencing PO number 4500006846, PO item 10, GR document 50008849, 2000, item 1. The quantity invoiced is 100 pc of material A, for a gross amount of 116.00 USD including 16% VAT. You want to change the planned account assignment for the second account assignment object and add an unplanned account assignment. You enter the following data:
HeaderData table
ItemData table
AccountingData table
Line 1: Change second account assignment item
Line 2: Add unplanned account assignment
For more information, see the parameter documentation for the tables HeaderData, ItemData and AccountingData.
Example: Incoming invoice with planned delivery costs
This example shows the header data that you need to enter in the HeaderData table, the item data that you need to enter in the ItemData table, and the tax information that you need to enter in table TaxData to create an invoice containing planned delivery costs.
Order: 100 pc of material A @ 1.00 USD
Goods receipt: 100 pc of material
For this purchase order, you receive an incoming invoice referencing PO no. 4500006986, PO item 10, for a quantity of 100 pc of material A and an amount of 136.00 USD incl. 16% VAT and 20.00 USD planned delivery costs. You enter the following data:
HeaderData table
ItemData table
Line 1: Entry of PO item
Line 2: Entry of planned delivery costs
TaxData table
For more information, see the parameter documentation for the HeaderData, ItemData, and TaxData tables.
Example: Incoming invoice with withholding tax
This example shows which header data you can enter in the HeaderData table, which item data you can enter in the Itemdata table, and which withholding tax information you can enter in the WithTaxData table, in order to park an incoming invoice with withholding tax.
Order: 10 pc of material A @ 10.00 USD
Goods receipt: 10 pc of material
For this purchase order, you receive an incoming invoice referencing PO no. 4500007505, PO item 10, goods receipt document 50010095, 2000, item 1. A quantity of 10 pc and a gross amount of 100.00 USD is invoiced. You have to pay 10% withholding tax on the gross amount. Enter the following data:
HeaderData table
ItemData table
WithTaxData table
For more information, see the parameter documentation for the HeaderData, ItemData and WithTaxData tables.
Example: Incoming invoice with amount split
This example shows which header data you enter in the HeaderData table, which item data you enter in the Itemdata table, and which information you enter in the VendorItemSplitData table, in order to generate an incoming invoice with an amount split.
Order: 10 pc of material A @ 10.00 USD
Goods receipt: 10 pc of material
For this purchase order, you receive an incoming invoice referencing PO no. 4500007505, PO item 10, goods receipt document 50010095, 2000, item 1. A quantity of 10 pc and a gross amount of 100.00 USD is invoiced. You want to distribute the gross amount among two creditor lines. 40% of the gross amount is to be paid immediately by check, and the remaining 60% of the gross amount is to be paid within 14 days subject to 3% cash discount. You enter the following data:
HeaderData table
ItemData table
VendorItemSplitData table
Vendor line item 1
Vendor line item 2
For more information, see the parameter documentation for the HeaderData, ItemData and VendorItemSplitData tables.
Example: Incoming invoice with G/L and material account posting.
This example shows you which header data you must enter in the HeaderData table, which item data you enter in the ItemData table, which G/L account information you enter in the GlAccountData table, and which material account information you enter in the MateralData table in order to park an incoming invoice.
You receive an invoice referencing PO no. 4500006846, PO item 10. A quantity of 100 pc of material A for a gross amount of 150.80 USD including 16% VAT is invoiced. This includes a G/L account posting of 10 USD to account 400000 in company code 1, and a material account posting of 20 USD to the material MAT01. You enter the following data:
HeaderData table
ItemData table
GlAccountData table
MaterialData table
For more information, see the parameter documentation for the tables HeaderData, ItemData, GlAccountData and MaterialData
Example: Incoming invoice for a purchase order for external services and service-based invoice verification
This example shows which header data you must enter in the HeaderData table, which item data you must enter in the ItemData table, and which account assignment data you must enter in the AccountingData table in order to enter and post an incoming invoice.
You receive an invoice referencing PO no. 4500000191, PO item 10. The invoice is for two services A and B, each with a quantity of six service units. Service A has a gross amount of 580 USD incl. 16% VAT. Service B has 812 USD including 16% VAT. 50% of service A was assigned to each of the cost centers 1000 and 2000. 50% of service B was assigned to each of the cost centers 1000 and 3000. The service acceptance is performed jointly for both services with the service entry sheet number 1000000022. The account assignments cannot be changed. You enter the following data:
HeaderData table
ItemData table
First entry for service A:
Second entry for service A:
First entry for service B:
Second entry for service B:
AccountingData table
First account assignment for service A:
Second account assignment for service A:
First account assignment for service B:
Second account assignment for service B:
For more information, see the parameter documentation for the tables HeaderData, ItemData, and AccountingData.
Example: Incoming invoice for a one-time supplier
This example shows how to proceed in order to enter and post an invoice for a one-time supplier.
It is not necessary to populate the AddressData table. If you do not enter any data in the AddressData table, the address data for the one-time supplier from the purchase order is adopted 1:1 in the invoice.
If you use the AddressData table for the data transfer, the address data for the one-time supplier is read from the purchase order into the invoice and is then overwritten or supplemented by the fields in the AddressData table.
In the purchase order for the one-time supplier, the name is 'SAP AG', the postal code is '60000', and the street and building number are 'Neurottstrasse 16'. You receive an invoice with the one-time supplier address as follows: Name 'SAP AG', postal code '69190', and place 'Walldorf'. Enter the following data:
AddressData table
ACC_1_TIME (One-time supplier indicator): X
POSTL_CODE (Postal code): 69190
CITY (Place): Walldorf
The invoice is posted with the following one-time supplier address data: Name 'SAP AG', street and building number 'Neurottstrasse 16', postal code '69190', place 'Walldorf'.
For more information, see the parameter documentation for the table AddressData.
Example: Incoming invoice for different payee
This example shows you which address data you must enter in the AddressData table in order to enter and post an invoice for a different payee.
You receive an invoice for the different payee with the name 'SAP AG', postal code '69190', place 'Walldorf', bank number '38070724', and account number '4711'. Enter the following data:
AddressData table
ACC_1_TIME (One-time supplier indicator): ' '
POSTL_CODE (Postal code): 69190
CITY (Place): Walldorf
BANK_NO (Bank number): 38070724
BANK_ACCT (Bank account number): 4711
For more information, see the parameter documentation for table AddressData.
Example: Provisional invoice/differential invoice
For an example of how to create invoices within differential invoicing, see the documentation for function module BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CREATE (Invoice Verification: Post Incoming Invoice).
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