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文件名: skiptrans.sh skip.sh
#!/bin/bash #时间转换为秒的函数,参考某位大神的脚本 function date2seconds { echo "$*" | awk '{ z=int((14-$2)/12); y=$1+4800-z; m=$2+12*z-3; j=int((153*m+2)/5)+$3+y*365+int(y/4)-int(y/100)+int(y/400)-2472633; j=j*86400+$4*3600+$5*60+$6 print j }' } cd $HOME/ggscript/ggtrandata echo $login echo $dir dir=$PWD echo $dir cd $HOME/ggserver #输入需要跳过长事务的进程名 echo "searching the Extract name......" (echo info all;echo exit)|./ggsci|grep "EXTRACT" |awk 'BEGIN {FS=" +"} {print $3}'|grep '^E' read -p "Please enter the extract name:" extract #获取2个线程的showtrans长事务 echo "loading the trans data.....please wait....." (echo send $extract showtrans thread 1;echo exit)|./ggsci > $dir/thread1 echo "Thread 1 data load compete" (echo send $extract showtrans thread 2;echo exit)|./ggsci > $dir/thread2 echo "Thread 2 data load compete" cd $dir #将长事务信息分割为时间与trans编号两部分 cat thread1|awk 'BEGIN{}{FS=" "} /^XID:/{print $2}'|sed -e '/^$/d' > xid1 cat thread1|awk -F 'Time: ' '{print $2}'|sed -e '/^$/d' > time1 paste time1 xid1 > trandata cat thread2|awk 'BEGIN{}{FS=" "} /^XID:/{print $2}'|sed -e '/^$/d' > xid2 cat thread2|awk -F 'Time: ' '{print $2}'|sed -e '/^$/d' > time2 paste time2 xid2 > trandata2 cat trandata2 >> trandata #通过函数转换时间,并排除掉一小时以内的长事务 sydate=`date +"%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S"` echo $HSYSTIME date2seconds `echo $sydate | sed 's/-/ /g;s/:/ /g'` > secondssys HSYSTIME=`cat secondssys` echo $HSYSTIME rm -f secondssys #date2seconds `echo $sydate | sed 's/-/ /g;s/:/ /g'` NUX=`sed -n '$=' trandata` i=1 cat /dev/null > trains while(($i<=$NUX)); do str=`sed -n "${i}p" trandata |awk '{print $1}'` echo $str date2seconds `echo $str | sed 's/-/ /g;s/:/ /g'` > secondssys HGTI=`cat secondssys` rm -f secondssys echo $HGTI echo $HSYSTIME POOR=`expr $HSYSTIME - 3600` echo $POOR echo "--------------------" if [ "$HGTI" -le "$POOR" ] then sed -n "${i}p" trandata |awk '{print $2}' >> trains fi i=`expr $i + 1` done #将一小时以前的长事务组合成skiptrans指令,并通过obey指令批量执行 sed 's/^/send '$extract' skiptrans /' trains > trains1 sed 's/$/ force/' trains1 > skiptrains cd $HOME/ggserver cat $HOME/ggscript/ggtrandata/skiptrains > dirdat/skiptrains echo OBEY dirdat/skiptrains |./ggsci
#!/bin/bash echo $dir cd $HOME/ggscript/ggtrandata dir=$PWD cd $HOME if [ -f .profile ];then . .profile fi if [ -f .bash_profile ];then . .bash_profile fi cd $dir function date2seconds { echo "$*" | awk '{ z=int((14-$2)/12); y=$1+4800-z; m=$2+12*z-3; j=int((153*m+2)/5)+$3+y*365+int(y/4)-int(y/100)+int(y/400)-2472633; j=j*86400+$4*3600+$5*60+$6 print j }' } if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "skip EXTRACT" exit 2 fi extract=$1 if [ `echo $extract|grep ^E` ];then IType=EXTRACT elif [ `echo $extract|grep ^P` ];then echo "only can operate the EXTRACT process" exit 2 elif [ `echo $extract|grep ^R` ];then echo "only can operate the extract process" exit 2 else echo "only can operate the EXTRACT process" exit 2 fi val=`echo $extract.PRM|tr A-Z a-z` cd $HOME/ggserver/dirprm if [ ! -e $val ]; then echo "the EXTRACT is not exist" exit 2 fi cd $dir echo $login echo $dir cd $HOME/ggserver echo "loading the trans data.....please wait....." (echo send $extract showtrans thread 1;echo exit)|./ggsci > $dir/thread1 echo "Thread 1 data load compete" (echo send $extract showtrans thread 2;echo exit)|./ggsci > $dir/thread2 echo "Thread 2 data load compete" cd $dir cat thread1|awk 'BEGIN{}{FS=" "} /^XID:/{print $2}'|sed -e '/^$/d' > xid1 cat thread1|awk -F 'Time: ' '{print $2}'|sed -e '/^$/d' > time1 paste time1 xid1 > trandata cat thread2|awk 'BEGIN{}{FS=" "} /^XID:/{print $2}'|sed -e '/^$/d' > xid2 cat thread2|awk -F 'Time: ' '{print $2}'|sed -e '/^$/d' > time2 paste time2 xid2 > trandata2 cat trandata2 >> trandata sydate=`date +"%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S"` echo $HSYSTIME date2seconds `echo $sydate | sed 's/-/ /g;s/:/ /g'` > secondssys HSYSTIME=`cat secondssys` echo $HSYSTIME rm -f secondssys #date2seconds `echo $sydate | sed 's/-/ /g;s/:/ /g'` NUX=`sed -n '$=' trandata` i=1 cat /dev/null > trains while(($i<=$NUX)); do str=`sed -n "${i}p" trandata |awk '{print $1}'` echo $str date2seconds `echo $str | sed 's/-/ /g;s/:/ /g'` > secondssys HGTI=`cat secondssys` rm -f secondssys echo $HGTI echo $HSYSTIME POOR=`expr $HSYSTIME - 3600` echo $POOR echo "--------------------" if [ "$HGTI" -le "$POOR" ] then sed -n "${i}p" trandata |awk '{print $2}' >> trains fi i=`expr $i + 1` done sed 's/^/send '$extract' skiptrans /' trains > trains1 sed 's/$/ force/' trains1 > skiptrains cd $HOME/ggserver cat $HOME/ggscript/ggtrandata/skiptrains > dirdat/skiptrains echo OBEY dirdat/skiptrains |./ggsci
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