SPARC T4-2, No Keyboard
Copyright (c) 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
OpenBoot 4.34.2.a, 130560 MB memory available, Serial #103652546.
Ethernet address 0:10:e0:2d:9c:c2, Host ID: 862d9cc2.
启动到以下时,立即按下Ctrl+Break 即可进入OK模式
Boot device: /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@e/scsi@0/disk@w3659e9e2459216be,0:a File and args:
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok devalias
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok select /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@e/scsi
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok show-children
{0} ok show-children
FCode Version 1.00.61, MPT Version 2.00, Firmware Version
Target a
Unit 0 Removable Read Only device TEAC DV-W28SS-W 1.0A
SATA device PhyNum 7
Target 381 Volume 0
Unit 0 Disk LSI Logical Volume 3000 583983104 Blocks, 298 GB
VolumeDeviceName 3659e9e2459216be VolumeWWID 0659e9e2459216be
{0} ok
{0} ok show-volumes
Volume 0 Target 381 Type RAID1 (Mirroring)
WWID 0659e9e2459216be
Optimal Enabled Volume Not Consistent
2 Members 583983104 Blocks, 298 GB
Disk 1
Primary Optimal
Target b HITACHI H109030SESUN300G A31A PhyNum 1
Disk 0
Secondary Optimal
Target 9 HITACHI H109030SESUN300G A31A PhyNum 0
{0} ok 0 delete-volume ————————————若已做硬Raid后删除volume方法
The volume and its data will be deleted
Are you sure (yes/no)? [no] yes
{0} ok
{0} ok devalias
screen /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@0/pci@0/display@0
mouse /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@f/pci@0/usb@0,2/hub@2/device@4/mouse@1
rcdrom /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@f/pci@0/usb@0,2/hub@2/hub@3/storage@2/disk@0
rkeyboard /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@f/pci@0/usb@0,2/hub@2/device@4/keyboard@0
rscreen /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@0/pci@0/display@0:r1280x1024x60
net3 /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@7/network@0,1
net2 /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@7/network@0
net1 /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@6/network@0,1
net0 /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@6/network@0
net /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@6/network@0
disk7 /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p3
disk6 /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p2
disk5 /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p1
disk4 /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p0
cdrom /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p6
scsi1 /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0
disk3 /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p3
disk2 /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p2
disk1 /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p1
disk0 /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p0
disk /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p0
scsi0 /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0
scsi /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0
virtual-console /virtual-devices@100/console@1
name aliases
{0} ok select /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0
{0} ok
{0} ok show-children
FCode Version 1.00.64, MPT Version 2.00, Firmware Version
Target 9
Unit 0 Disk HITACHI H109030SESUN300G A606 585937500 Blocks, 300 GB
SASDeviceName 5000cca043c183a8 SASAddress 5000cca043c183a9 PhyNum 0
Target a
Unit 0 Disk HITACHI H109030SESUN300G A606 585937500 Blocks, 300 GB
SASDeviceName 5000cca0439a72dc SASAddress 5000cca0439a72dd PhyNum 1
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok show-volumes
No volumes to show
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok 9 a create-raid1-volume
Target 9 size is 583983104 Blocks, 298 GB
Target a size is 583983104 Blocks, 298 GB
The volume can be any size from 1 MB to 285148 MB
What size do you want? [285148]
Volume size will be 583983104 Blocks, 298 GB
Enter a volume name: [0 to 15 characters]
Volume has been created
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok show-volumes
Volume 0 Target 381 Type RAID1 (Mirroring)
WWID 0477a3800477505c
Optimal Enabled Background Init In Progress
2 Members 583983104 Blocks, 298 GB
Disk 0
Primary Optimal
Target 9 HITACHI H109030SESUN300G A606 PhyNum 0
Disk 1
Secondary Optimal
Target a HITACHI H109030SESUN300G A606 PhyNum 1
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok unselect-dev
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok boot cdrom -s
Boot device: /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p6 File and args: -s
464128 5654784
# format
Searching for disks...WARNING: /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/iport@v0/disk@w3477a3800477505c,0 (sd6):
Corrupt label; wrong magic number
WARNING: /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/iport@v0/disk@w3477a3800477505c,0 (sd6):
Corrupt label; wrong magic number
c0t3477A3800477505Cd0: configured with capacity of 277.99GB
0. c0t3477A3800477505Cd0 <LSI-LogicalVolume-3000 cyl 65533 alt 2 hd 64 sec 139>
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c0t3477A3800477505Cd0
[disk formatted]
WARNING: /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/iport@v0/disk@w3477a3800477505c,0 (sd6):
Corrupt label; wrong magic number
Disk not labeled. Label it now? y
Executing begin script "begin.sh"...
0. c0t3477A3800477505Cd0
Please select the disk you will install your system!
Default value is : 0
Begin script begin.sh execution completed.
Searching for SolStart directory...
Checking rules.ok file...
Using begin script: install_begin
Using finish script: patch_finish
Executing SolStart preinstall phase...
Executing begin script "install_begin"...
Begin script install_begin execution completed.
Processing profile
- Opening Flash archive
- Validating Flash archive
- Selecting all disks
- Configuring boot device
- Configuring / (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0s0)
- Configuring swap (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0s1)
- Configuring /var (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0s3)
- Configuring /export/home (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0s4)
- Configuring /oracle (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0s5)
- Configuring /metadb (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0s6)
Verifying disk configuration
- WARNING: Unused disk space (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0)
- WARNING: Changing the system's default boot device in the EEPROM
Verifying space allocation
NOTE: 2 archives did not include size information
Preparing system for Flash install
Configuring disk (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0)
- Creating Solaris disk label (VTOC)
Creating and checking file systems
- Creating / (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0s0)
- Creating /var (c0t3477A3800477505Cd0s3)
2015-12-24 09:39:24 0:0:0> NOTICE: Loaded ASR status DB data. Ver. 3.
2015-12-24 09:39:25 0:0:0> NOTICE: Initializing TPM with:
tpm_enable = false
tpm_activate = false
tpm_forceclear = false
2015-12-24 09:39:25 0:0:0> NOTICE: TPM found: Ver 1.2, Rev 3.19, SpecLevel 2, errataRev 2, VendorId 'IFX'
2015-12-24 09:39:25 0:0:0> NOTICE: TPM initialized successfully. Current state is: disabled
2015-12-24 09:39:25 0:0:0> NOTICE: Serial#: 00000000000006aa.355b58c0867b8e6b
2015-12-24 09:39:25 0:0:0> NOTICE: Version: 003e003013030607
2015-12-24 09:39:26 0:0:0> NOTICE: T4 Revision: 1.3
bash-3.2# vxdiskadm
Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk
1 Add or initialize one or more disks
2 Encapsulate one or more disks
3 Remove a disk
4 Remove a disk for replacement
5 Replace a failed or removed disk
6 Mirror volumes on a disk
7 Move volumes from a disk
8 Enable access to (import) a disk group
9 Remove access to (deport) a disk group
10 Enable (online) a disk device
11 Disable (offline) a disk device
12 Mark a disk as a spare for a disk group
13 Turn off the spare flag on a disk
14 Unrelocate subdisks back to a disk
15 Exclude a disk from hot-relocation use
16 Make a disk available for hot-relocation use
17 Prevent multipathing/Suppress devices from VxVM's view
18 Allow multipathing/Unsuppress devices from VxVM's view
19 List currently suppressed/non-multipathed devices
20 Change the disk naming scheme
21 Get the newly connected/zoned disks in VxVM view
22 Change/Display the default disk layouts
list List disk information
? Display help about menu
?? Display help about the menuing system
q Exit from menus
Select an operation to perform:
Exclude Devices
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/ExcludeDevices
VxVM INFO V-5-2-5950
This operation might lead to some devices being suppressed from VxVM's view
(This operation can be reversed using the vxdiskadm command).
Do you want to continue ? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
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