TimesTen Warnings and Errors - TT10001 to TT19014 [ID 1339251.1]

发布时间:2020-08-09 19:25:14 作者:彩伦
来源:ITPUB博客 阅读:863

TimesTen Warnings and Errors - TT10001 to TT19014 [ID 1339251.1]

In this Document

Errors 10000 - 10999
Errors 11000 - 11999
Errors 12000 - 13999
Errors 14000 - 14999
Errors 15000 - 15999
Errors 16000 - 16999
Errors 17000 - 19999

Applies to:

TimesTen Data Server - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This is a list if the TimesTen Warnings and Errors from TT10001 to TT19014. It is based on Chapter 1 of Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Error Messages and SNMP Traps. The lists from releases 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 have been combined. The main difference is that the warnings and errors are list in the TTnnnn format for ease of searching.


Anyone who might see one of these messages.


If an error is prefixed with "Warning," the command completes but has a side effect the user should know about. For all other errors, the command terminates abnormally.

The errors are listed according to the following ranges:

Errors 10000 - 10999

Error numberError or warning messageDetails
TT10001Only temporary data stores with diskless or no logging allowed in diskless modeThe daemon is running in diskless mode, and an attempt was made to connect to a permanent database, or a database with Logging enabled and not diskless. To prevent this error from happening, only connect to a temporary database or a diskless database withLoggingdisabled.
TT10002No record of a data store located in 'location'Warning: When creating a database, the daemon found files whose names look like names of checkpoint or transaction log files for the database.Since it is a new database, the TimesTen daemon renames the files so they have a tilde (~) at the end. This can happen if checkpoint files get moved manually instead of using the proper utilities, or if database files from a previous version of TimesTen exist where the TimesTen daemon is attempting to put the new files.
TT10003Unexpected data store file exists for new data store: description.When connecting to a database, checkpoint and/or transaction log files exist which are incompatible or should not exist. Thedescriptionfield gives more information.You can destroy the existing database and replace it with a new one by specifyingOverwrite=1in your connect string. For example:

ttisql -connStr "dsn=myDSN; verwrite=1"

TT10004Unable to connect to daemon: error_detailsWhen a process is initiating communication with the TimesTen daemon, a communication protocol error has occurred. This is most likely due to some process other than a TimesTen daemon running on the TimesTen daemon port. UsettStatusto check whether the TimesTen daemon is running, and on which port.
TT10006Busy with another policy requestAn attempt to make a request, such as changing the RAM policy, starting the replication agent, or holding a database in RAM, has timed out because some other related policy request is running.
TT10007Could not wait for not-in-fluxInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT10008Data store was deleted while daemon was waiting for completion of changing the state of the databaseWhile processing an attempt to make a request such as changing the RAM policy, starting the replication agent, or loading a database into RAM, the database has been deleted.
TT10009RAM load ignored due to ramPolicy settingA process has attempted to load a database into RAM, but the RAM policy for the database is not "manual." UsettAdmin-ramPolicyto change the RAM policy to "manual" before attempting a RAM load or unload.
TT10010RAM unload ignored due to ramPolicy settingA process has attempted to unload a database into RAM, but the RAM policy for the database is not "manual." UsettAdmin-ramPolicyto change the RAM policy to "manual" before attempting a RAM load or unload.
TT10011Data store is currently not being managedA process has attempted to unload a database from RAM, but there is no TimesTen subdaemon currently managing the database.
TT10012Replication Agent was not started due to repPolicy settingAn attempt has been made to start a replication agent for a database, but the replication policy for the database is "always," which means the TimesTen daemon automatically starts or restarts the replication agent. UsettAdmin -repPolicyto change the replication policy to "manual" to manually control whether the replication agent is active. See "Starting and stopping the replication agents" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for details.
TT10013Could not start Replication Agent for the requested data storeA replication agent failed during its initialization. More information is available in the user error log.
TT10014Could not spawn Replication Agent for the requested data store. Refer to user error log for further informationThe TimesTen daemon could not spawn a replication agent. Make sure you are not out of memory or process table space.
TT10015Could not stop Replication Agent for the requested data store. Refer to user error log for further informationAn attempt to stop the replication agent failed. Make sure the database still exists and the replication agent is still running.
TT10016Replication Agent was not stopped due to repPolicy settingAn attempt has been made to stop a replication agent for a database, but the replication policy is set to "always." See "Starting and stopping the replication agents" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for information on setting the replication policy.
TT10017OracleNetServiceName not setAn attempt was made to start the cache agent for a database, but theOracleNetServiceNameconnection string value was not set. Make sureOracleNetServiceNameattribute is correctly defined in the DSN
TT10018ORACLE_HOME not setAn attempt was made to start the cache agent for a database, butORACLE_HOMEwas not set in the user environment. Make sure theORACLE_HOMEenvironment variable is set properly, as described in "Environment variables" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide.
TT10019ORACLE_HOME path too longThe value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is too long. Make sure it is set correctly, and use symbolic links if necessary. See "Environment variables" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide.
TT10020Could not stop cache agent for the requested data store. Refer to user error log for further informationAn attempt to stop the cache agent failed. Use ttStatus to make sure the database still exists and the cache agent is still running.
TT10021Cache agent was not stopped due to cache agent policy settingAn attempt has been made to stop an Cache Agent for a database, but the Cache Agent policy for the database is "always," which means the TimesTen daemon automatically starts or restarts the Cache Agent. Use ttAdmin-oraAgentPolicyto change the Cache Agent policy to "manual" to manually control whether the Cache Agent is active. See "Setting a cache agent start policy" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide for details.
TT10022Failed to set ORACLE_HOMEThe TimesTen daemon was unable to set theORACLE_HOMEenvironment variable. Make sure you are not out of memory. See "Environment variables" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guidefor information on settingORACLE_HOME.
TT10023Failed to set LD_LIBRARY_PATHThe TimesTen daemon was unable to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Make sure you are not out of memory. See "Shared library path environment variable" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide for information on setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
TT10024Could not start Cache Agent for the requested data storeA Cache Agent failed during its initialization. More information is available in the user error log.
TT10025Could not spawn Cache Agent for the requested data storeThe TimesTen daemon could not spawn an Cache Agent. Make sure you are not out of memory or process table space.
TT10026Some cache groups that hold triggers and other objects in Oracle may exist in the data store, drop all the cache groups before destroying the data storeAttDestroyoperation may not destroy the database if it contains cache groups that hold triggers and other objects on the Oracle database. Drop the cache groups and attempt the destroy operation again.
TT10028Attempted stop of TimesTen daemon while being managed by ClusterwareIf a TimesTen installation is managed by Oracle Clusterware and the user attempts to gracefully stop the daemon directly usingttDaemonAdmin -stop, the daemon refuses to stop.

The user can only stop the daemon if the Cluster agent and the daemon monitor are first stopped withttCWAdmin -shutdown-hosts localhost.

Errors 11000 - 11999

Error numberError or warning messageDetails
TT11000XA internal errorAn unexpected XA-specific internal error has occurred. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT11002XA asynchronous operation errorAn asynchronous XA operation was attempted. TimesTen does not support asynchronous XA calls.
TT11003XA Resource Manager errorA TimesTen error has occurred resulting in the failure of an XA operation. Typically, this error is accompanied by another TimesTen error that indicates the nature of the problem.
TT11004XA invalid XIDThe XID specified for an XA operation cannot be found in the list of currently active XA transactions.
TT11005XA invalid argumentAn invalid argument was passed to an XA function. Refer to the XA specification for a description of the valid arguments supported for each XA function.
TT11006XA protocol errorAn XA function was called out of sequence. Refer to the XA specification for a description of the valid function transition states.
TT11007XA Resource Manager failureA TimesTen error has occurred resulting in the invalidation of the database. All applications must reconnect.
TT11008XA duplicate XIDThe XID specified for a new XA transaction is already associated with another XA transaction.
TT11009XA Resource Manager doing work outside a global transactionA local transaction must be committed before starting work on an XA transaction.
TT11013Transaction committed since no log records were generatedA "prepare to commit" request for an XA transaction resulted in the transaction being committed. The transaction made no persistent changes to the database.
TT11014Request ignored due to blocking conditionAn XA request was denied to a temporary resource conflict. The operation can be retried.
TT11016Transaction has been heuristically rolled backAn XA transaction was rolled back outside the control of a transaction manager.
TT11017Transaction has been heuristically committedAn XA transaction was committed outside the control of a transaction manager.
TT11020Transation has been marked rollback-onlyDue to an internal condition, TimesTen has marked the XA transaction rollback-only. The application must request a rollback of the transaction.
TT11030Autocommit must be turned off when working on global (XA) transactionsAutocommit is not supported with XA transactions. See "Distributed Transaction Processing XA" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT11031Illegal combination of local transaction and global (XA) transactionUse ofSQLTransactto commit an XA transaction is not allowed. XA transactions may only be committed through the use ofxa_commit. See "Distributed Transaction Processing XA" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT11033XA support requires that logging to disk be enabledXA support requires that theLoggingconnection attribute be set to 1.
TT11035In-doubt transactions awaiting resolution in recovery must be resolved firstDue to recovery of in-doubt transactions, normal operation of the database has been suspended. Normal operation resumes once the in-doubt transactions have been resolved by the transaction manager.
TT11036XA transactions may not be started while replication is configuredTimesTen Replication is not supported with XA transactions.
TT11037XA transactions may not be started while the cache agent is runningIMDB Cache is not supported with XA transactions.
TT11038XA transaction cannot be constructed because record record_number not foundA transaction log record needed to recover an XA transaction could not be found in the existing transaction log files. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT11039XA reconstruct of xcb record failedRecovery of an XA transaction failed due to an Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT11040DDL statementes are not allowed in XA transactions when DDLCommitBehavior. is set to 0XA transactions require explicit commits after DDL statements. Set theDDLCommitBehaviorattribute to 1, if your application uses XA. (

Errors 12000 - 13999

Error numberError or warning messageDetails
TT12000Unknown error in TimesTen utility libraryInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12001Specified DSN is NULL or of 0-lengthThe DSN argument is eitherNULLor an empty string. You must specify a valid DSN name.
TT12002User and system odbc.ini file not foundUNIX only. TimesTen could not locate the user or systemODBC.INIfile. The search order for locating anODBC.INIfile is:
  • the file pointed to by theODBCINIenvironment variable, if set

  • $HOME/.odbc.ini

  • theODBC.INIfile located in the user's home directory

  • the file pointed to by theSYSODBCINIenvironment variable, if set

  • /var/TimesTen/instance/sys.odbc.ini

See "ODBCINI environment variable" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide for more information.

TT12003Cannot open user/system odbc.ini fileUNIX only. TimesTen could not open either the user or systemODBC.INIfile.
TT12004Syntax error in odbc.ini fileUNIX only. TimesTen encountered a syntax error while parsing the user or systemODBC.INIfile.
TT12005Environment variable specified in the attribute is not setUNIX only. In either the user or systemODBC.INIfile, you have specified an attribute of the DSN with an environment variable that has not been set.
TT12006Invalid attribute nameThe specified DSN attribute name isNULL, an empty string or not a valid attribute for a TimesTen data manager DSN. This error is also returned if the user or systemODBC.INIfile contains an invalid attribute_name=value pair.
TT12007The value of the attribute in the ini file is empty. It should not be emptyUNIX only. TimesTen DSN attributes are defined in the user or systemODBC.INIfile using aattribute_name=valuepair. The value specified is either an empty string or white space.
TT12008The length of the value-string in the ini file is too long for this attributeUNIX only. TimesTen DSN attributes are defined in the user or systemODBC.INIfile using aattribute_name=valuepair. The length of the value specified exceeds the maximum length allowed for the attribute.
TT12009Specified DSN is not found in user and system odbc.ini files (or registry)On Windows, the DSN has not been defined as a user or system DSN using the ODBC Data Source Administrator. On UNIX, the DSN is not defined as a user or system DSN in aODBC.INIfile.
TT12010Specified buffer is NULL or of 0-lengthThe buffer specified for returning a value is eitherNULLor the length of the buffer is 0.
TT12011Specified buffer length is not big enough to hold the value for this attribute. Value truncated.The specified buffer length is less than the length of the requested DSN attribute value. TimesTen returns a truncated value.
TT12012malloc() failedUnable to allocate memory for TimesTen internal data structures.
TT12013Specified data store name is NULL or of zero length, or a client DSN was usedThe specified database name is eitherNULLor an empty string. You must specify a valid database name.
TT12014Internal error in TimesTen utility library. Could not get current contextInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12015Internal error in TimesTen utility library. Could not set current contextInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12016The number of seconds must be > 0The number of seconds for the RAM Grace Period must be greater than 0 seconds.
TT12017Failed to allocate environment handleA call to the ODBCSQLAllocEnvfunction failed.
TT12018Failed to allocate connection handleA call to the ODBCSQLAllocConnectfunction failed.
TT12019Failed to locate data store filesTimesTen cannot determine the path and names of the database files for the specified database.
TT12020Failed to connect to data storeA call to the ODBCSQLDriverConnectfunction failed to connect to the database using the specified connection string.
TT12021Failed to disconnect from data storeA call to the ODBCSQLDisconnectfunction failed.
TT12022Failed to free connection handleA call to the ODBCSQLFreeConnectfunction failed.
TT12023Failed to free environment handleA call to the ODBCSQLFreeEnvfunction failed.
TT12024Data store already loaded into RAM and being managedA request to load a database into RAM failed because the database has already been loaded into RAM.
TT12025Data store already manually unloaded from RAMA request to unload a database from RAM failed because the database has already been unloaded from RAM.
TT12026The agent is already running for the data storeThe specified agent has already been started by the TimesTen daemon.
TT12027The agent is already stopped for the data storeThe specified agent has already been stopped by the TimesTen daemon.
TT12028No record of a data store in the location specified by the DataStore attribute of the DSN. Specified DSN may be a temporary data storeThe database does not exist in the location specified by theDataStoreattribute of the DSN.
TT12030Data store is in useThe TimesTen daemon cannot perform. the requested operation because another application is connected to the database.
TT12032Invalid RamPolicy specifiedThe valid RAM Policy values are:




TT12034RamPolicy cannot be set for temporary data storesRAM Policy can only be set for permanent databases.
TT12035Could not initialize winsockWindows only. A call to WSAStartup failed.
TT12036No winsock.dll (that supports version 1.1.) foundWindows only. A call toWSAStartupcould not locate awinsock.dllthat supports version 1.1.
TT12037Could not terminate winsockWindows only. A call toWSACleanupfailed.
TT12038Could not connect to TimesTen daemon on remote host host_nameMake sure that the TimesTen daemon is running on the remote host.
TT12039Could not get port number of TimesTen replication agent on remote host. The replication agent may have either not been started or may have just been started and have not had time to communicate its port number to the TimesTen daemonMake sure that the TimesTen replication agent for the specified database is running on the remote host.
TT12040Could not connect to TimesTen replication agent on remote hostInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12041Host not foundTimesTen failed to determine the IP addresses associated with the specified host name in the system's/etc/hostsfile. Verify that you have correctly identified the host name, as described in "Configuring host IP addresses" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide.
TT12042Cannot start transaction to perform. this operationInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12043Unable to create temporary file nameInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12044Transmission failure sendingTimesTen failed to transmit data to the remote TimesTen replication agent.
TT12045Cannot create temporary fileInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12046Transmission failure receivingTimesTen failed to receive data from the remote TimesTen replication agent.
TT12047Data transmitted corruptThe type of response received from the remote TimesTen replication agent does not match the expected response type.
TT12048Error performing backup at sourceThis error can occur during a ttRepDuplicateEx operation when the backup operation on the source database fails. See the verbose user error log on the source database for additional diagnostic information.
TT12049Cannot write to temporary fileInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12050Transaction commit for the swap operation failedInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12052Replication scheme name too longMaximum length is 30 characters.
TT12053Replication scheme owner too longMaximum length is 30 characters.
TT12054Internal Error: Cannot determine useridInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12055No changes needed to upgrade the replication schemaDuring upgrade, if the replication schema version of the old database is same as the current installation, no upgrade is required.
TT12056Size values of local store must match that of the remote storeThePermSize,TempSizeandLogBuffSizeattributes of the local database do not match those of the remote database.
TT12057Error creating temporary data storeFailed to create a local database.
TT12058Failed to read replication backup CTNFailed to read replication backup Commit Ticket Number.
TT12059Deadlock/TimeoutEither the operation caused a deadlock or the operation timed out.
TT12060Invalid remote host specifiedA call to gethostbyname with the specified remote host name failed.
TT12061Invalid local host specifiedA call to gethostbyname with the specified local host name failed.
TT12062Failed to upgrade from unsupported versionUpgrade from this previous replication schema version is not supported.
TT12063Cannot read from temporary fileInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12064Failed to execute SQL command during updateInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12065Multiple records of replication schema versionInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12066Failed to compile commandInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12067Failed to open cursorInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12068Failed to get next rowInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12069Failed to get format handle of the SQL commandInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12070Failed to get column informationInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12071Failed to get column valueInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12072Multiple definitions of replication store id for the specified data storeInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12073Cannot determine my own store nameInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12074Cannot determine my own hostnameInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12075Replication tables are from an earlier version. Consider using 'ttRepAdmin -self -upgrade' to upgradeThe specified operation is not allowed on replication schemes for older versions of TimesTen.
TT12076Replication schema is later than TimesTen utility libraryThe specified operation is not allowed on replication schemes for new versions of TimesTen.
TT12077Hostname is not set on this machineInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12078Failed to rest is_local_storeInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12079Failed to set is_local_storeInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12080No receiver found to swap withInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12081Unsupported column type in upgradeInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12082Failed to reset receiver CTNTimesTen failed to reset receiver Commit Ticket Number.
TT12083Found no source store ID in TTREP.REPLICATIONSInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12084Call to gethostname() failedInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12085No table found for table idInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12086Cannot get information on tableInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12087Cannot get format of tableInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12088Multiple definitions of source store idInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12089Cannot get column information of tableInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12090Cannot get type mapping for columnInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12091Cannot determine if version 2 replication tables existInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12092Replication schema is not empty; cannot upgradeReplication schema must be empty for the upgrade operation.
TT12093No count information returned from upgrade's scan of TTREP.TABLESInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12094Cannot get count information from TTREP.TABLESInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12095Cannot update object idInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12096Cannot set object idInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12097Cannot get column values from TTREP.PEERInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12098Failed to determine correct write LSN for TTREP.REPPEERS.SENDLSNInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12099Multiple schemes found. Must specify -scheme to identify which replication scheme to useMultiple replication schemes found.
TT12100Cannot create replication table definitionInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12101Cannot start transaction to check replication schema versionInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12102Failed to commit transaction for checking replication schema versionInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12103Cannot get column value from TTREP.REPELEMENTS tableInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12104Cannot find write LSNInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12105Failed to update LSNInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12106Cannot set new replication hold LSNInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12107Deleting table definition info failedInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12108Invalid policy 'invalid_policy' specified. Must be valid_policy_listThe policy value supplied to the built-in procedure must be of the values in the valid_policy_list. Refer to the documentation on each specific built-in procedure for a description of its valid policy values. See "Built-In Procedures" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.
TT12109Syntax error in connection stringThere is a syntax error in the specified connection string. Correct the connection string and try connecting again.
TT12110Neither DSN= nor DRIVER= attributes are present in the connection stringThe connection string must contain either aDSNorDRIVERattribute.
TT12111Signal signal_name receivedThe application received a signal and terminated.
TT12114Version mismatch between the backup files and restore. Backed-up files are version version_number; ttRestore is version version_numberThe restore operation failed because the backup files were created by a different version of TimesTen than the ttRestore utility used.
TT12116Cannot create database for restoreInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12117Disconnect from newly created database failedInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12119Cannot open destination fileFailed to open database file while restoring from stream input.
TT12120Insufficient bytes read from input streamInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12125Bad data store file header read from input streamVerify that the stream input is valid.
TT12132Error forming basename of data storeFailed to create a file name from theDataStoreattribute of the DSN.
TT12133Data store file already existsA database file with the same name as indicated by theDataStoreattribute of the DSN already exists.
TT12134Log file(s) already existLog file(s) with the same name as indicated by theDataStoreattribute of the DSN already exists.
TT12135Failed to delete data store files; OS-detected error: error_numberInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12136Error while deleting log filesInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12148Specified connection string is NULL or of 0-lengthThe connection string argument passed is eitherNULLor an empty string. You must specify a valid connection string argument.
TT12150Cannot start transaction to update receiver CTN in TTREP.REPPEERSInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12151Failed to commit TimesTen transaction for updating receiver CTNInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12152Cannot set timestamp column for tableInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12153Cannot get DS_OBJ_ID value from TTREP.REPELEMENTSInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12154Cannot get TBLID value from SYS.TABLESInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12155Cannot get row id for row in TTREP.REPELEMENTSInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12156Too many tables found on second passInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12157Failed to update the table IDs from the mapping we've createdInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12158Cannot set replication fields in SYS.TABLESInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12159NULL passed for a pointer argumentThe pointer argument must be a non-NULLvalue.
TT12160Timeout - the agent is still startingUnder some conditions, you may receive this error when trying to stop the cache agent for a database while the agent is starting up. Retry the operation.
TT12161Cannot backup temporary data storesBackup is not allowed for temporary databases.
TT12164RamGrace cannot be set for temporary data storesttAdmin-ramGracecan only be set on a permanent database.
TT12166Failed to start BackupThe replication agent ran into an error while running thettBackuputility on the subscriber database or when runningttRepAdmin-duplicateconcurrently on more than one database. Run thettBackuputility on the subscriber with replication disabled, or avoid running two duplicate operations concurrently.
TT12184Could not initialize connection to TimesTen daemonInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12185No definitions of replication store id for the specified data storeInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12186fstat() system call failed for user/system odbc.ini fleInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12187read() system call failed for user/system odbc.ini fileInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12188close() system call failed for user/system odbc.ini fileInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12189Scan stopped for user/system odbc.ini fileInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12190Attribute name is too longMaximum length of attribute names is 30 characters.
TT12191Invalid length for connection stringThe value specified for the length of the connection string to theSQLDriverConnectODBC call is less than 0 and not equal toSQL_NTS.
TT12192Invalid backup typeAn invalid value was passed as the type parameter of thettBackuputility library function. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12193No backup directory specifiedA null pointer or empty string was passed as thebackupDirparameter of thettBackuputility library function. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12194Failed to retrieve data store informationInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12195Basename contains invalid charactersAn invalid value was passed as thebaseNameparameter of thettBackuputility library function. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12196Backup status file not foundNo backup status file was found for the given backup directory and/or base name. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12197Existing backup files do not match data storeThe backup files indicated by the given backup directory and/or base name are not from the database that is being backed up.Causes for the mismatch include:These backup files can be overwritten by specifying a non-atomic backup. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
  • The database that is stored in the backup files has a different database path name than the database that is being backed up.

  • The database being backed up has the same database path name as the database that is stored in the backup files, but the two databases do not have the same creation time. This can happen if the backed up database was destroyed and a new database was created with the same database path name.

TT12198One or more files missing from backup directoryOne or more backup files are missing from the backup indicated by the given backup directory and/or base name. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12199Cannot read directory contents; OS-detected error: error_numberThe contents of the backup directory could not be read due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12200Failed to open backup status file: OS-detected error: error_numberThe backup status file for the backup indicated by the backup directory and/or base name could not be opened due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12201Failed to read backup status file: OS-detected error: error_numberThe backup status file for the backup indicated by the backup directory and/or base name could not be read due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12202Failed to write backup status file: OS-detected error: error_numberThe backup status file for the backup indicated by the backup directory and/or base name could not be written due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12203Failed to close backup status file: OS-detected error: error_numberThe backup status file for the backup indicated by the backup directory and/or base name could not be closed due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12204Invalid or corrupted backup status fileThe backup status file for the backup indicated by the backup directory and/or base name is invalid or corrupt. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12205Backup is incompleteThe backup status file for the backup indicated by the backup directory and/or base name is incomplete. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12206Backup control information corrupted or incomplete (may indicate TimesTen version mismatch)The backup status information for the backup indicated by the backup directory and/or base name is corrupted or incomplete. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12207Failed to write backup status record; OS-detected error: error_numberBackup status information for the backup indicated by the given backup directory and/or base name could not be written due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12208Failed to retrieve file information; OS-detected error: error_numberAn attempt to retrieve information about one or more of the backup files indicated by the backup directory and/or base name failed due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12209Failed to open file file_name; OS-detected error: error_numberOne or more of the backup files indicated by the backup directory and/or base name could not be opened due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12210Failed to read backup file; OS-detected error: error_numberOne or more of the backup files indicated by the backup directory and/or base name could not be read due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12211Backup file is shorter than expectedOne or more of the backup files indicated by the given backup directory and/or base name have been truncated. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12212Failed to write backup file; OS-detected error: error_numberOne or more of the backup files indicated by the backup directory and/or base name could not be written due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12213Failed to close backup file; OS-detected error: error_numberOne or more of the backup files indicated by the backup directory and/or base name could not be closed due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12214Failed to rename backup file; OS-detected error: error_numberOne or more of the backup files indicated by the backup directory and/or base name could not be renamed due to an operating system error. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12215Backkup terminated because data store connection invalidatedThe requested backup operation was terminated because the database connection was terminated. See "ttBackup" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12216Invalid restore typeAn invalid value was passed as the type parameter of thettRestoreutility library function. See "ttRestore" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12217Cannot restore into a temporary data storeA temporary database cannot be the target of a database restore operation. See "ttRestore" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide.
TT12218Could not get port number of TimesTen Server. Make sure that it is runningGenerally, the TimesTen Server is automatically started by the TimesTen daemon. Upon start up, the TimesTen Server lets the daemon know the port number that the Server is listening on. This error indicates that there was a problem starting the TimesTen Server. Hence, the daemon does not know the port number of the TimesTen Server. Refer to the daemon/server log for further details.
TT12219Failed to connect to TimesTen Server. Refer to user error log for further detailsA socket connection to the TimesTen Server failed. Refer to the daemon/server log for further details.
TT12220Failed to send request to TimesTen ServerA socketsendcall failed. Normally, this is accompanied with a description of the OS error.
TT12221Platform. mismatch between backed-up files and ttRestore. Backed-up files are backup_platform; ttRestore is restore_platformFiles can only be restored on the same platform. type where they were backed up.
TT12222Backed-up files appear to be from a TimesTen release prior to TimesTen 5.0Files that were backed up using a TimesTen release prior to 5.0 cannot be restored using this TimesTen release's utilities.
TT12231Failed to truncate tablesA problem occurred during the execution of the ttRepAdmin-duplicateutility with the-truncateoption.
TT12232Failed to drop objectsA problem occurred during the execution of ttRepAdmin-duplicateutility with the-dropoption
TT12233Failed to truncate tableSpecifies the table that had the problem referred to in error 12231.
TT12234Failed to drop tableSpecifies a table that was referred to in error 12232.
TT12235There are identifiers supplied for the drop option which are also quoted for the truncate optionThe ttRepAdmin-duplicateutility tries to drop and truncate the same table or tables with the-dropand-truncateoptions.
TT12236There are duplicate identifiers specified in the drop optionThe same table is listed twice for the-dropoption ofttRepAdmin -duplicate.
TT12237There are duplicate identifiers specified in the truncate option.The same table is listed twice for the-truncateoption ofttRepAdmin -duplicate.
TT12238For -truncate or -drop you can specify \"ALL\" or a list of tables, not both.For the-truncateor-dropoptions of thettRepAdmin -duplicateutility, you can specify "ALL" or a list of tables, but you cannot specify both in the same statement.
TT12245No definitions of replication store id for the data store DSN on host_nameArguments passed during database duplication are not consistent with store definitions on the source database.
TT12246DSN DSN_name exceeds the maximum length of lengthA database name cannot exceed 32 characters.
TT12247A sequence cannot be truncatedOccurs when the name of a sequence is supplied to the-truncateoption ofttRepAdmin-duplicateor tottRepDuplicateEx.
TT12248RamGrace cannot be specified with always or manual RAM policyWhen setting the RAM residence policy for a database, a grace period can be used only with theinUsepolicy.
TT12249The remoteDaemonPort can only be 0 or between 1024 and 65535Reset the value of thettRepAdmin -duplicate -remoteDaemonPortoption to a value specified in the error message.
TT12250The duplicate verbosity level must be 0, 1, or 2Acceptable values for thettRepAdmin -duplicate -verbosityoption are 0, 1 or 2.
TT12251The duplicate verbosity level must be 0, 1, or 2Acceptable values for thettRepAdmin -duplicate -verbosityoption are 0, 1 or 2.
TT12252Could not check Oracle DBAn additional error message from the cache layer accompanies this message. Review that message to determine the problem and fix.
TT12253The Active Standby Oracle Database is the same as the DR Oracle databaseWhen thettRepAdmin -duplicate -initCacheDRoption is used the DR Oracle database cannot be the same database as the active standby Oracle subscribing database. The check has identified att_03_reppeersentry which is from one of the Active Standby master stores to the DR Oracle Database. Reconfigure the data recovery to resolve this conflict.
TT12254Remote peer does not support parallel replication.There is a mismatch in the parallel replication configuration between two stores involved in a replication scheme, where one store is enabled for parallel replication and the other is not.
TT12255A/S pairs cannot be created when parallel mode replication configured.Active Standby Pair replication schemes are not configured while the database has been created with parallel replication attributes, with theReplicationApplyOrderingattribute configured greater than 0.
TT12257Error creating bookmarks for the parallel tracks.Internal error. Tried to create entries inTTREP.REPPEERSfor parallel replication tracks. When parallel replication is enabled, there are more than one TTREP.REPPEERS entry for master->subscriber. The number of entries is dependent upon theReplicationParallelismparameter.
TT12258Return Receipt or Return TwoSafe cannot be used when parallel mode replication is configured.Return Receipt and Return Twosafe cannot be used for a return service when the database has been created with parallel replication attributes, where theReplicationApplyOrderingattribute is greater than 0.
TT12259A store cannot be defined as a PROPAGATOR when parallel mode replication is configured.Propagator stores are not supported when the database has been created with parallel replication attributes, where theReplicationApplyOrderingattribute is greater than 0.
TT12260Create cache group is not permitted when parallel mode replication is configured.Cache groups are not supported when the database has been created with parallel replication attributes, where theReplicationApplyOrderingattribute is greater than 0.
TT12261ALTER TABLE is not permitted on a replicated table when parallel mode replication is configured.ALTER TABLEis not allowed when the database has been created with parallel replication attributes, where theReplicationApplyOrderingattribute is greater than 0. This error is raised at application time.
TT12262Error setting track for connection.Internal Error. The replication agent cannot use a specific track for its database connection.
TT12263Aging is not permitted on a replicated table when parallel mode replication is configured.In, aging on tables was allowed whenReplicationApplyOrderingwas set to 1. Currently, we disable aging whenReplicationApplyOrderingis set to 1. When a database withReplicationApplyOrderingset to 1 is upgraded from, aging will be disabled
TT12264ALTER TABLE cannot be replicated to a store with parallel mode replication enabled.This error occurs if the replication agent detectsALTER TABLEwhen parallel mode replication is enabled.
TT12274Failed to read track entries for peer.This is an internal error that is returned if the transmitter could not read metadata fromttrep.reppeers. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12275Failed to convert replicated XLA bookmarks to non-replicated for read only subscriberThis error is returned after ttRepAdmin -duplicate processing. When a read-only subscriber is created with the -duplicate qualifier, TimesTen modifies replicated bookmarks to non-replicated.
This error is returned if there is a problem modifying the bookmarks.
TT12700NLSRTL environment could not be initializedThe NLS data files could not be located. The installation directory may have been corrupted or become unreadable.
TT12701DatabaseCharacterSet attribute required for data store creation. Refer to the TimesTen documention for information on selecting a character set.You must specify a value for theDatabaseCharacterSetattribute when creating a database. The database character set cannot be changed after database creation. For more details on selecting a database character set, see "Choosing a database character set" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.
TT12702Unable to load NLS data data from NLS_data_itemA particular NLS data file could not be located. The installation directory may have been corrupted or become unreadable. NLS_data_item could be a character set name or a sort name.
TT12705Invalid session parameterThe session parameter is unknown or unsupported by TimesTen. For example:



12705: Invalid NLS session parameter

TT12706Invalid session parameter value.The value supplied for the session parameter is unknown or unsupported by TimesTen. or example: ALTER SESSION SET NLS_SORT='bogus';


12706: Invalid NLS session parameter value
TT12707Linguistic index maximum key value length limit exceededThe value computed for the linguistic index key exceeds the maximum length allowed for that index. There is a 64k upper limit for linguistic index key values.
TT12708Conversion of TIMESTEN8 character set data is not allowedAn operation either explicitly or implicitly tried to convertTIMESTEN8data to another character set. Conversion ofTIMESTEN8character data is undefined and therefore not allowed.
TT12713Character data loss in NCHAR/CHAR conversionNLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCPwas set toTRUEand a conversion was attempted for anNCHARcharacter having no corresponding mapping in the database character set.
TT12714NLSSORT computation failed due to invalid characters in stringThe string passed to theNLSSORTfunction contained invalid characters for the given character set. A meaningfulNLSSORTresult value could not be computed. Character data containing invalid characters is of dubious usefulness and should be eliminated from the database.
TT12715NLS_SORT value must be BINARY when database character set is TIMESTEN8When the database character set isTIMESTEN8, the only setting allowed forNLS_SORTisBINARY. Non-binary comparison rules forTIMESTEN8data are undefined.
TT12716'\' must be followed by four hexadecimal characters or another '\'TheUNISTRfunction argument allows the back-slash character only as an escape for a hexadecimal Unicode character or itself. For example: UNISTR('\0041') UNISTR('abc\\nop')
TT12717Character data loss in character set conversionThis is a warning. During character set conversion of data, a character was encountered for which no valid conversion exists. TimesTen substituted a replacement character in its place. You should change your connection character set to one that is compatible with the database character set in use.
TT12718Error setting default date/timestamp format format_stringContact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT12719Error in conversion of NCHAR to ASCIIIf you attempt to convert the NCHAR type to either the DATE type or numeric type, TimesTen first converts the NCHAR type to ASCII. There was an error when TimesTen attempted to convert NCHAR TO ASCII. Check the data for your NCHAR type.
TT13000License file file_name does not exist.TimesTen cannot locate the evaluation license file.
TT13001License file file_name unreadable.TimesTen cannot read the evaluation license file.
TT13002License key in file_name is invalid.Invalid evaluation license.

Errors 14000 - 14999

Error numberError or warning messageDetails
TT14000TimesTen daemon internal error: error_numberInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT14001TimesTen daemon out of memory allocated_sizeThe TimesTen daemon has run out of swap space.
TT14002TimesTen daemon port in use port_numberThe TimesTen daemon cannot listen on its specified port because the port is already in use.
TT14003TimesTen daemon thread creation failed: thread_nameTimesTen daemon thread creation failed.
TT14004TimesTen daemon creation failed: reason_for_failureTimesTen daemon could not create database for specified reason.
TT14005TimesTen daemon connection failed: reason_for_failureTimesTen daemon could not make new database connection for specified reason.
TT14006TimesTen daemon disconnect failed: reason_for_failureTimesTen daemon could not do database disconnect for specified reason.
TT14007TimesTen daemon destroy failed: reason_for_failureTimesTen daemon could not destroy the database for specified reason.
TT14008TimesTen daemon association table full (number_of_connections entries)Too many simultaneous connections have been made.
TT14009TimesTen daemon startup failed: reason_for_failureStartup of TimesTen daemon failed for the specified reason.
TT14010TimesTen daemon spawn failed: process_nameTimesTen daemon could not spawn a subprocess.
TT14011TimesTen daemon operation failed due to invalidation: reason_for_failureSpecified operation failed due to a database invalidation.
TT14012TimesTen daemon subdaemon failed: reason_for_failureA TimesTen subdaemon failed to perform. the requested operation.
TT14013TimesTen daemon out of subdaemons: reason_for_failureThe TimesTen daemon could not spawn a subdaemon to perform. some operation, such as managing a database or rolling back transactions for a dead process.
TT14014TimesTen daemon policy request failed: reason_for_failureAttAdminrequest failed for the specified reason.
TT14015User user_name, not instance admin admin_name, trying to start TimesTen daemon as setuid rootA user other than the instance administrator attempted to start the main TimesTen daemon.

Errors 15000 - 15999

Error numberError or warning messageDetails
TT15000Password is incorrectIncorrect password given.
TT15001User lacks privilege privilege_neededThe users lacks the privilege for the given operation.
TT15002No such userAttempt to modify or remove a user which does not exist.
TT15003Number of users specified at daemon startup exceededAttempt to add another user when the limit has been reached. The daemon should be restarted with a new-maxusersoption specified in thettendaemon.optionsfile.
TT15004User user already existsAttempt to add a user whose name already exists.
TT15005User defined as 'identified externally' but password provided, or vice/versaAuthentication failed because either no password was provided for a TimesTen user, or a password was provided for a user defined asIDENTIFIED EXTERNALLYby the operating system or network.
TT15006Cannot delete the instance administrator userAttempt to remove the instance administrator user.
TT15007Access control not enabledAttempt to perform. authorization functions when access control has not been enabled.
TT15008User name exceeds limit of 30 charactersSpecified user name is too long. Must be 30 characters or less.
TT15009Password required for usernameAPWDorPWDCryptattribute must be specified for the given user name.
TT15010Cannot convert user from 'identified externally' to internal or vice versa.Cannot give a password to a user defined asIDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY, or remove a password for a user defined as an internal TimesTen user.
TT15011Password exceeds limit of number charactersPWDattribute is too long.
TT15012Encrypted password must have exactly number charactersPWDCryptattribute is not the correct length.
TT15013Cannot alter privileges for the instance administrator userMust be logged into administrator account to alter administrator privileges.
TT15014Only the instance administrator user can perform. this commandInsufficient privileges to execute command restricted to the administrator.
TT15015Cannot alter password for predefined usersInsufficient privileges to alter administrator password.
TT15016Unsupported use of an internal system-user acccountOne of the predefined users ('PUBLIC', 'SYS', 'TTREP') is being used in an unsupported operation.
TT15017ADMIN privilege required to alter attribute_name attributeWhen Access Control is in use, changing first-connection attributes from their previous values requires theADMINprivilege.
TT15018Password is illegal. Either it is empty, has leading or trailing white space characters, or contains carriage-return, newline or semi-colon characters.Due to limitations in the ODBC connection string and.inifile syntax, passwords having any of the listed restrictions cannot be correctly recognized and are disallowed at password creation time.
TT15019Only the instance admin may alter the attribute attribute.The current user is attempting to connect to the database using the specified first connection attribute with a value different from the existing database value. Only the instance administrator user may change that attribute.

The user can either connect as instance administrator to change the attribute value, or connect without changing the value.

TT15020UID not specifiedTheUIDwas not specified when executing attRepAdmin -duplicateoperation. The user must provide theUIDand rerun thettRepAdmin -duplicateoperation.
TT15021PWD or PWDCrypt not specifiedThePWDorPWDCryptwere not specified when executing attRepAdmin -duplicateoperation. The user must provide a password or a value for thePWDCryptattribute and rerun thettRepAdmin -duplicateoperation,
TT15100User user_name lacks privilege privilege_nameThe specified user must have the indicated privilege to perform. the attempted operation.
TT15101Cannot grant or revoke more than a single atomic privilege when logging is not enabledPerform. separateGRANTorREVOKEoperations for each privilege you wish to grant or revoke from the user.
TT15102Statement compilation failed. During privilege checking for statement, could not allocate num bytes on the compilation heapInternal error. Contact TimesTen Customer Support.
TT15103System-defined users and roles cannot be droppedYou cannot drop users and roles from TimesTen system tables.
TT15104Only the instance administrator can destroy a databaseYou must be the instance administrator to create or destroy a database.
TT15105User username requesting database creation is not the instance administrator. Only the instance administrator can create a databaseYou must be the instance administrator to create or destroy a database.
TT15106Database users cannot invoke internal built-in proceduresYou attempted to execute a TimesTen built-in procedure that is reserved for internal use only.
TT15107User lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon deniedTo perform. operations on a TimesTen database, you must have the CONNECT or CREATE SESSION privilege in addition to any other privileges required for the specific operation.
TT15109The system privilege SYSDBA is not supported. The system privilege ADMIN can be used for most administrative tasks.SYSDBA is not a valid privilege. Use the ADMIN privilege.
TT15110object does not existThis message displays in cases where the lack of existence should have been caught prior to privilege computation.
TT15111Invalid privilege: privilege. Roles are not supported.Check the name or spelling of this privilege. The name supplied is not supported.
TT15140GRANT failed: User user_name already has object privilege privilege_nameThe specified user already has the privilege that you attempted to GRANT. No action is required.
TT15141GRANT failed: User user_name already has system privilege privilege_nameThe specified user already has the privilege that you attempted to GRANT. No action is required.
TT15142REVOKE failed: User user_name does not have system privilege privilege_nameThe specified user does not have the privilege that you attempted to REVOKE. No action is required.
TT15143REVOKE failed: User user_name does not have object privilege privilege_nameThe specified user does not have the privilege that you attempted to REVOKE. No action is required.
TT15144REVOKE failed: Cannot revoke system-granted object privilege privilege_name on object from PUBLICThis error is generated when the user tries to revoke one of the privileges that were granted to PUBLIC as part of database creation. Any other privileges that a user grants to PUBLIC can be revoked as usual.
TT15150operation failed: (internal error) error_messageThe specified operation failed for the reason indicated in the error message.
TT15151operation failed: User user_name does not existThe specified operation failed because the indicated user does not exist on the database.
TT15152operation failed: Object object_name does not existThe specified operation failed because the indicated object does not exist on the database.
TT15154operation failed: Invalid privilege privilege_name for object object_name type type_nameThe operation failed because there is a mismatch between the specific privilege and the object.
TT15155operation failed: You do not have the rights to grant or revoke privilege privilege_nameYou do not have adequate privileges necessary to grant or revoke the specified privilege.
TT15156operation failed: You do not have the rights to grant or revoke privilege privilege_name on object_nameYou do not have adequate privileges necessary to grant or revoke requested privilege on the specified object.
TT15157operation failed: User user_name is the owner of object_nameUser attempted to grant or revoke privileges for the indicated object to the current owner. An object's owner always has all privileges for that object. Additional privileges cannot be granted, and none of these privileges can be revoked. If necessary attempt the operation again after correcting the user name or object name.
TT15158operation failed: Cannot grant or revoke privilege from instance admin user_nameYou do not have adequate privileges to grant or revoke privileges to/from the instance administrator.
TT15159operation failed: privilege_name listed more than once in privilege list.You must indicate a privilege only once in the SQL statement when attempting to grant or revoke it.
TT15160operation failed: privilege_name on object_name is listed more than once in privilege listYou must indicate a privilege only once for a specific object in the SQL statement when attempting toGRANTorREVOKEit.
TT15161operation failed: keyword is redundant with ALLYou issued aGRANT ALLorREVOKE ALLstatement, while attempting to grant or revoke other specific privileges. Adding additional privileges to theGRANT ALL(orREVOKE ALL) statement is redundant. Attempt the operation again and specify eitherALLor the specific privileges that you wish toGRANTorREVOKE.
TT15162operation failed: keyword is redundant with ALL on object_nameYou issued aGRANT ALLorREVOKE ALLstatement on the indicated object, while attempting to grant or revoke other specific privileges. Adding additional privileges to theGRANT ALL(orREVOKE ALL) statement is redundant. Attempt the operation again and specify eitherALLor the specific privileges that you wish toGRANTorREVOKE.
TT15163operation failed: user_name is listed more than once in user list.You must list the user name only once in a SQL statement.
TT15164operation failed: Cannot grant or revoke privileges from internal system-user user_nameThe operation failed because you attempted toGRANTorREVOKEa privilege to/from an internal TimesTen user, such as sys. or ttrep.
TT15165Invalid system privilege sys_privilege.The user specified an invalid privilege in aGRANTorREVOKEstatement when a system privilege was expected. See the documentation for the list of valid system privileges and the appropriate syntax for specifying them.
TT15166Invalid object privilege object_privilege.The user specified an invalid privilege in aGRANTorREVOKEstatement when an object privilege was expected. See the documentation for the list of valid object privileges and the appropriate syntax for specifying them.
TT15167Cannot drop a user that is currently connected.An attempt was made to drop a user that is currently connected to the database. That user must disconnect first, then theDROP USERcommand can be retried.
TT15168Cannot drop a user that owns database objects (string string).An attempt was made to drop a user that owns objects in the database. The existing object triggering the error is listed in the error message text, though there may be additional objects not listed. Drop all the objects owned by the user first, and then retry theDROP USERcommand.

Errors 16000 - 16999

Error NumberError or warning messageDetails
TT16001TimesTen Replication Agent (version version_number) startedInformational message. No action required.
TT16002TimesTen Replication Agent termination begunInformational message. No action required.
TT16003Replication Agent will not be restarted automaticallyInformational message. No action required.
TT16004Failed to connect to datastore 'data_store_name' for 'thread_name' threadThe specified thread was unable to connect to the named database.
TT16005Failed to disconnect from datastore 'data_store_name' for 'thread_name' threadThe specified thread was unable to disconnect from the named database.
TT16006Failed to create DB context for 'thread_name' threadCreation of the structure that maintains status information for a specific thread failed.
TT16007Failed to set DB context for 'thread_name' threadThe internal request to create the structure that maintains status information for a specific thread failed.
TT16008Failed to retrieve datastore infoFetching the database information block failed.
TT16009Failed to determine diskless status of the data storeReplication agent failed to determine the diskless status of the database.
TT16010Failed to update diskless status of the data storeReplication agent failed to set the diskless status of the database.
TT16011To avoid data inconsistency, copy the data store from a replication subscriber using 'ttRepAdmin -duplicate'. Use ForceConnect=1 in the connection string to override this restrictionAttempt to reconnect to the master store without first performing the duplicate operation. Set theForceConnectattribute as described in "Recovering NONDURABLE databases" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for more information.
TT16012Data store is invalid. Replication Agent exiting but may be restarted by TimesTen daemon (depending on restart policy)The replication agent considers the database to be invalid.
TT16014Current replication schema version is schema_version_number; we require schema_version_numberThe version of the SQL schema that contains the replication schema is incompatible with the version of TimesTen that is currently operating.
TT16015Failed to determine replication schema versionThe replication agent was unable to determine the version of the SQL schema that contains the replication schema.
TT16016Internal Error. Error from TimesTen daemon: daemon_nameA request to the TimesTen daemon failed with the specified error message.
TT16017Failed to initialize socket_name socket due to malloc failureThe replication agent was unable to allocate a data structure for communicating with the TimesTen daemon. This is a memory allocation failure.
TT16018Failed to connect to TimesTen daemon for socket_name socket; port: port_number; id: replication_agent_subdaem on id_numberThe replication agent was unable to initiate a connection to the TimesTen daemon.
TT16019Error reading from deadman socket. System Error: error_messageA network or out-of-memory problem prevented a thread in the replication agent from opening a socket to the TimesTen daemon to perform. a read.
TT16020Fatal Error. Data received on deadman socketA thread in the replication agent opened a socket to the TimesTen daemon to perform. a read. The read returned information, which means that the TimesTen daemon failed.
TT16021TimesTen daemon appears to be vanished. Terminating Replication AgentTimesTen daemon appears to have terminated. Terminating replication agent.
TT16022Received a command_name commandInformational message. No action required.
TT16023Failed to create thread_name threadCreation of a thread failed. This can occur because of an operating system failure or a memory resource shortage.
TT16024Not enough memory to start thread_name threadA memory allocation failed for a TimesTen data structure that is used to manage threads.
TT16025Thread thread_name (context pointer_to_context_structure) startingInformational message. No action required.
TT16026Thread 'thread_name' (context pointer_to_context_structure; return code return_code_name) exitingInformational message. No action required.
TT16027All replication service threads have finishedInformational message. No action required.
TT16028Number_of_threads replication service threads did not finishThe replication agent is exiting, but some of the threads are not properly terminated.
TT16029Waiting for thread_name' thread to finishInformational message. No action required.
TT16030*** CANNOT PERFORM. ANY REPLICATION WORK *** The replication schema has no information about the local store. The schema may be empty or incomplete, or the local store incorrectly represented. Monitoring the schema for changes...Informational message. No action required.
TT16031Failed to allocate number_of_bytes bytesMemory allocation failure
TT16032Call to function_name() failed. System Error: error_numberThe specified operating system call failed with the error that is displayed.
TT16033Waiting for resolution of in-doubt transactionXA transaction has been prepared but not committed.

Informational message. No action required.

TT16034Invalid special purpose debug options entry in debug.options fileAn unrecognized debug option was specified.
TT16035Special Purpose. Repagent enabled for check debugging_optionInformational message. No action required.
TT16036A transmitter thread already exist for peer 'dsname' on 'host_name'Internal error. Two master threads are started for the same subscriber.
TT16037Internal Error. Nested transaction started by function_name()Unexpected nested internal query
TT16038Failed to begin transaction for caller: function_name()The replication agent was unable to start a transaction.
TT16039Failed to commit transaction for caller: function_name()The replication agent was unable to commit a transaction.
TT16040Failed to rollback transaction for caller: function_name()Replication agent requested that a completed transaction be rolled back, but the request failed.
TT16041Failed to compute a new replication hold LSN in function_name()The replication agent was unable to set theHOLDlog sequence number. The hold log is the oldest record held in the log for possible transmission to a subscriber.
TT16042Failed to awaken log readers (TRANSMITTER threads)A keep-alive message to a replication master failed.
TT16043Failed to retrieve replication LSN from data storeReading the log sequence number failed.
TT16044Failed to retrieve my store ID from data storeThe replication agent could not determine the ID of the connected database.
TT16045Failed to retrieve peer store ID for 'dsname' ON 'host_name' from data store. error_code. error_messageThe replication agent failed to get a store ID for a specific database name and host name.
TT16046Failed to force logA full flush of the replication log to the subscriber failed.
TT16048Mismatch in TimesTen version for source and destination machineThe same version of TimesTen must be operating on the source and destination machines.
TT16049Failed to update CTN for peer 'dsname'An attempt to update a Commit Transaction Number in the database failed.
TT16050Failed to update replication hold LSNAn attempt to update theHOLDLog Sequence Number failed.
TT16051Failed to update replication stateAn attempt to update a log sequence number failed during a backup.
TT16052Failed to set DB-level lockingAttempt to set the data-store-level lock failed.
TT16053Failed to open temporary file needed for this operation. OS-detected error: OS_error_nameA temporary file could not be opened during a backup. The operating system error is displayed.
TT16054Failed to perform. file seek in the temporary file needed for this operation. OS-detected error: OS_error_nameA seek on a temporary file failed during a backup. The operating system error is displayed.
TT16055Failed to read from the temporary file needed for this operation. OS-detected error: OS_error_nameA read on a temporary file failed during a backup. The operating system error is displayed.
TT16056Failed to backup data store. error_messageDatabase backup operation failed. The error message provides details.
TT16057Failed to perform. Network CheckpointDatabase checkpoint over a network connection failed.
TT16058Failed to execute table renewal. error_code.error_messageAn attempt to create a list of tables on the subscriber failed.
TT16059Failed to send request/response to peer. error_messageSending a message to the peer failed. The error message is displayed.
TT16060Failed to read data from the network. error_messageA read on a socket failed. This is often the result of network problems. The underlying error message is displayed.
TT16062Failed to compile command: command_nameCompilation of a SQL statement that is used by the replication agent failed.
TT16063Failed to execute command: command_nameExecution of a SQL command used by the replication agent failed.
TT16064Failed to execute prepared command in function_name()Execution of a SQL command in the specified function failed.
TT16065Failed to open cursor for command: command_nameOpening a cursor during execution of a SQL statement used by the replication agent failed. The SQL statement is specified.
TT16066Failed to open cursor in function_name()Opening a cursor during execution of a SQL statement used by the replication agent failed. The replication agent function in which this occurred is specified.
TT16067Failed to retrieve next row for command: command_nameOpening a cursor during execution of a SQL statement used by the replication agent failed. The SQL statement is specified.
TT16068Failed to retrieve next row in function_name()Opening a cursor during execution of a SQL statement used by the replication agent failed. The replication agent function in which this occurred is specified.
TT16069Failed to find a row for command: command_nameThe replication agent on the subscriber could not find replication information about a peer.
TT16070Internal Error. Failed to get format from command arguments for command_nameCommand argument substitution failed for a SQL statement used by the replication agent.
TT16071Internal Error. Failed to get format from command results for command_nameCommand result substitution failed for a SQL statement used by the replication agent.
TT16072Failed to delete commandAttempt to delete a compiled SQL command failed.
TT16073Internal Error. Failed to allocate a new slot for CTN. RetryingThe commit ticket number identifies a transaction. This error means that a slot could not be allocated to store the commit ticket number.
TT16074No table found with id table_idA specified table cannot be found. This can occur when the SQL schema is updated.
TT16075Failed to lookup table table_nameGiven an owner and table name, the table could not be found in the database.
TT16076Failed to retrieve version information of table table_nameThe version of a table could not be determined.
TT16077Failed to retrieve format of table table_nameThe format of a table could not be determined.
TT16078Table definition for ID table_id is invalid (Original failure message_id message_details)A specified table cannot be found. This can occur when the SQL schema is updated.
TT16079Failed to retrieve information for column column_number of table table_nameThe replication agent could not obtain description information for some column.
TT16080Table: table_name. Failed to lookup row row from master master for operationA specific row was not found in a SQL table. This can occur during conflict resolution.
TT16081Table: table_name. Failed to update rowA row of a table could not be updated.
TT16082Table: table_name. Failed to update row row from master master for operationA row of a table could not be updated.
TT16083Table: table_name. Failed to delete row for 'operation_name'A row of a table could not be deleted.
TT16084Table: table_name. Failed to insert row for 'operation_name'A row of a table could not be inserted. This can occur during conflict resolution.
TT16085Table: table_name. Failed to empty tableAn attempt to make a table empty failed.
TT16086Wrong number (number_of_peers) of peers updatedAn attempt to update the peer in the database returned an unexpected number of results.
TT16087Failed to read duplicate optionsAn attempt to determine the options given for a duplicate operation failed.
TT16088Unique constraint violationA uniqueness constraint failed on update or insert.
TT16089Foreign Key constraint violationA foreign key constraint failed on an update or insert.
TT16090Failed to check constraints for table table_nameA constraint check failed on an update or insert.
TT16091Failed to retrieve constraints information for table table_nameA table constraint failed on a update or insert.
TT16092Unexpected log record type record_typeAn unrecognized record type was found in the log.
TT16093Invalid column type: column_typeAn unrecognized column type was encountered in a log entry.
TT16094Failed to execute SQL: SQL_statementA SQL statement failed to execute for a command generated by the replication agent. The SQL string is displayed.
TT16095No matching index columns for table table_nameThe unique key on a column that was chosen by TimesTen on the table in the master does not exist on the subscriber.
TT16096Failed to retrieve information on index table_name.index_name for table table_nameThe replication agent was unable to determine information about an index.
TT16097Failed to retrieve inline partition widths for table table_nameInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16098Invalid replicationschema. More than one entry for element element_name in replication scheme replication_owner. scheme_name. Continuing...More than one replication element has been found for a specific element such a table.
TT16099Invalid replication schema. More than one master transmits table table_owner.table_name to me in replication scheme replication_owner. scheme_name. Continuing...Multiple tables with a particular owner and name were found in a replication schema.
TT16100More than one host has peer 'dsname'Multiple hosts have been identified as masters by a replication agent acting in a subscriber role.
TT16101Count of zero return subscribers disagrees with peer return service of machine_name for table id table_idThere is a difference in the return service specified by the two sides of a replication scheme.
TT16102Count of zero return by request subscribers disagrees with having a return by request peer for table id table_idTheReturn Receipt by Requestattribute is inconsistent between two peers.
TT16103Failed look up cache group owner.cache_group_nameNamed cache group was not found.
TT16104Incompatible cache group definition. Length of join predicate/where clause does not match for cache group owner.cache_group_nameCache group definitions are inconsistent.
TT16105Incompatible definition for cache group owner. cache_group_nameThe cached group on the two peers is incompatible.
TT16106Table table_name of cache group cache_name is not subscribedThere is an inconsistency in defining which tables are in a cache group.
TT16107Failed to check cache cache group subscription for cache_nameFailed to check whether all tables of a cache view are subscribed to by a specific peer.
TT16108Failed to retrieve local store informationThe replication agent was unable to locate theTTREP.REPLICATIONStable.
TT16109Failed to update send LSN (operation: operation_name)TheSENDLog Sequence Number could not be updated in the database.
TT16110Failed to update return-receipt send LSNUpdate ofreturn-receiptLog Sequence Number in the database failed.
TT16111Failed to initialize send LSN (operation: operation_name)The data structure used to read theSENDLog Sequence Number could not be initialized.
TT16112Failed to initialize replication meta-dataInitialization of the control block used to query the database for replication schema information failed. Additional messages about the cause of the problem are displayed, also.
TT16113Failed to get IP address for host host_name. Retry in 60 secondsThe attempt to map a host name used in a replication schema to an IP address failed.
TT16114Attempting to connect to dsname on host_name (host_ip_address); port: port_numberInformational message. No action required.
TT16115Connected to dsname (host_name); socket: socket_number; port: port_numberInformational message. No action required.
TT16116Added definition for column column_name (in table table_owner.table_name) into TTREP.REPTABLESInformational message. No action required.
TT16117Dropped definition for column column_name (in table table_owner.table_name) from TTREP.REPTABLESInformational message. No action required.
TT16118Failed to get replication hold valueAn attempt to read the log sequence number for the hold log failed.
TT16119Failed to enable log buffer padFailed to set an internal TimesTen engine flag. This failure occurs if something is inconsistent in the database. Additional messages about the cause of the problem are displayed.
TT16120Failed to update transaction statistics for peer dsnameThe replication master attempted by update statistics about a peer, but the attempt failed.
TT16121Failed to flush transaction queue. Restarting log read loopFlush of the transaction log failed. Restarting read from the initial read LSN.
TT16122Failed to send heartbeat to peer. Restarting log read loopThe replication agent was unable to send its heartbeat message to its peer.
TT16123Transaction (transaction_id) already on send queueThis is an internal consistency check. The master adds a transaction to a queue to be sent to the subscriber, but the transaction is already on the queue.
TT16124Failed to retrieve subscription information for table id table_idA query of the replication schema information about subscribers failed.
TT16125Inline data length for partitioned tuple (number_of_bytes bytes) exceeds maximum of maximum_number_of_bytesInline data for row is too long.
TT16126Failed to initialize buffer for transaction log readTransaction log failed to open.
TT16127Failed to read transaction logsA read of an entry from the transaction log failed.
TT16128Log seek operation failed at LSN log_sequence_number (caller line: line_numberAseek(setting position) on the transaction log failed.
TT16129Starting log read at LSN log_sequence_number (caller line: line_number)Informational message. No action required.
TT16130Update record does not contain old valuesAn internal consistency check for the TimesTen engine shows that an update does not include old values.
TT16131Internal Error. Bad copy to action ends at log_field not log_field with nbuf buffer primkeylen primary_key_lengthA log record has field lengths that are inconsistent.
TT16132Internal Error. Buffer buffer addr address_value, size sizeThis message provides details for message16131: the buffer address size is wrong.
TT16133Peer signals change in its configurationThe peer configuration has changed.
TT16134Received a packet of type: packet_typeThe type of network packet from a peer is not a recognized type.
TT16135Failed to retrieve column information for table table_owner.table_nameAn attempt to query the database for information about a table in the replication scheme failed.
TT16136Sending definition for table table_owner.table_name (number_of_columns columns)Informational message. No action required.
TT16137Transmitter signon to peer failed with signon error: error_number. Shutting down transmitterThe master attempted to sign on with the subscriber, but the attempt failed.
TT16138Propagation cannot co-exist with Master CatchupCatchup mode on a propagating replication agent has occurred due to corruption in the database.
TT16139Failed to add table to transmit queueThe master replication agent was unable add a table to its queue to be sent to the subscriber. Details in other error messages.
TT16140Failed to initialize post handle from sbLRRepSync log recordSynchronous"Post Procedure Fail". For synchronous replication, concerns a data structure used to "wake up" a thread.
TT16141Failed to initialize semaphore from sbLRRepSync log recordThere was a problem initializing a data structure used to manage the peers of the replication agent. Details in other error messages.
TT16142Failed to retrieve peer information. No peers foundThe replication peer was not found in replication schema. This message is usually due to a change in the schema.
TT16143Failed to retrieve any timeout informationInternal information about the replication scheme was not found.
TT16144Failed to get a slot in the return-receipt bufferFailed to allocate the buffer used byRETURN RECEIPT. Details in other error messages.
TT16145Failed to update state in return-receipt bufferThe return receipt updated failed in the database.
TT16146Failed to exchange initial diskless CTN with peerDiskless"Commit Transaction Number"exchange to a peer failed. Details in other error messages.
TT16147Failed to change transmit byte to 0 for diskless transmitAn update of a table related to diskless replication failed. Details in other error messages.
TT16148Reinitialize due to changes in replication schemaInformational message. No action required.
TT16149Current state is FAILED for peer dsnameWhile reading the transaction log, the transmitter notices that its state is "peer failed".
TT16150Failed to send FAIL packet to peerThe replication agent failed to notify a peer that the replication has failed. Details in other error messages.
TT16151Log record type record_type, data size number_of_bytes, LSN log_sequence_numberInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16152Failed to determine whether replication state is FAILEDAn attempt by the subscriber replication agent to determine if it has been markedFailedhas failed.
TT16153Failed to initialize return-receipt bufferThe subscriber replication agent was unable to initialize itsRETURN RECEIPTstate.
TT16154Failed to check for replication schema changesAn attempt to mark a replication schema as changed has failed.
TT16155Temporary failure to access replication configurationThe agent cannot access configuration information about replication. The agent can recover and continue.
TT16156Failed to access replication configuration. Restarting replication agentAn attempt by the replication agent to access the replication schema failed.
TT16157REPLISTENER thread waiting for number_of_threads RECEIVER thread(s) to exitInformational message. No action required.
TT16158Failed to retrieve peer listQuery of the replication schema to determine subscribers failed.
TT16159Starting new transmitter for 'dsname' on 'host_name'Informational message. No action required.
TT16160Failed to flush log records. Replication Agent exiting; but will be restarted by TimesTen daemonFailed to flush log records. Replication agent exiting; but the TimesTen daemon restarts the replication agent.
TT16161Listening on configured port: port_number (assigned port: port_number)Informational message. No action required.
TT16162Call to setsockopt (tcp_socket_option) failed. System Error: error_numberA "Set Socket Options Failed" networking OS call failed. The details are included in this message.
TT16163RECEIVER thread terminating due to certain error already recorded in the system logThe subscriber replication agent is exiting due to an error.
TT16164Received a FAIL packet. Setting replication state to FAILED and shutting down myselfThe subscriber replication agent received a request to mark the replication state as "failed".
TT16165Failed to perform. backup operationA subscriber backup operation failed. Details in other error messages.
TT16166Failed to perform. memory copy operationMemory copy operation Fail.
TT16167Failed to check catchup statusAutomatic catch-up operation for a failed master database has failed.
TT16168Master Catchup started for 'data_store_name' from CTN commit_transaction_number to commit_transaction_numberInformational message. No action required.
TT16169TimesTen Replication Agent termination begun because of permanent failure during Master CatchupInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16170Master Catchup completed for 'data_store_name'Informational message. No action required.
TT16171Confirm Name packet with unreasonable name length number_of_bytesInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16172Confirm Name packet for dsname received, but I am dsnameInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16173Accepting messages from a peer which is unknown locallyA request was received from an unknown peer. This is usually due to a change in the replication schema that has not yet been applied.
TT16174Found more than one peer; cannot determine defaultA subscriber discovered more than one peer with the same replication name and owner.
TT16175Defaulted connection to peer store id peer_store_id; protocol: protocol_numberInformational message. No action required.
TT16176Signon message after transmitting peer assignedA subscriber replication agent is reporting that the master requesting to sign on is already signed on.
TT16177Lookup of transmitting peer dsname failedA subscriber got a sign on request from a master, but there is no appropriate information about that master in the replication schema.
TT16178Found transmitting peer dsname in TTREP.TTSTORES with no entry in TTREP.REPPEERS; continuingA subscriber got a connection request from a master, but the subscriber does not recognize it as a peer according to information in the replication schema.
TT16179Transmitting peer dsname not defined to meWarning: A subscriber got a connection request from a master, but the subscriber does not recognize it as a peer according to information in the replication schema.
TT16180Transmitting peer dsname ON host_name has the same store id (data_store_id) as meThe peer ID found by a replication agent was its own ID. Possible cause is corrupt TTREP.REPNETWORK table.
TT16181Replication reserve slot failedQuery to reserve a "commit transaction number" slot failed (and logged its own error message).
TT16182Replication ctnlist (CTN: commit_ticket_number) value read failedThe replication agent was unable to read the Commit Transaction Number from the database.
TT16183Failed to set replication status for this connectionQuery to set replication status failed (and logged its own error message).
TT16184Failed to determine whether to propagateQuery to determine if there is any propagation for the current database has failed. Details in other error messages.
TT16185RECEIVER thread noticed replication configuration changeInformational message. No action required.
TT16186RECEIVER thread disconnects due to superseded connection from peer (internal version was version_number, now version_number)The peer uses a different version of the replication schema than this replication agent. Note that this is not the same as the TimesTen version.
TT16187Transaction commit_ticket_number; Error: transient flag, permanent flag error message : numberThe commit of a block of transactions had errors. Details in other error messages for the individual failures. Some of the failures may be temporary.
TT16188rxCommitTx() failed to commitThe commit of a block of transactions failed.
TT16189Failed to begin transaction. Subscriber state is state_numberThe replication agent is beginning a transaction, but it is not in the idle state. Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16190Failed to push propagation loopA propagation path could not be stored, usually because it is a loop.
TT16191Replacing old table definition (table_definition) with the one received from peer (dsname)A SQL table that has already been seen in the replication stream has been encountered. This can occur if there are SQL schema changes.
TT16192Skipping definition received for already-defined table table_name. Part of previously processed transactionA SQL table that has already been seen in the replication stream has been encountered. This can occur if there are SQL schema changes. The transaction is skipped and the new table definition is discarded.
TT16193Adding definition for table: table_nameInformational message. No action required.
TT16194Subscriber return service attribute conflict for element element_name (table table_name) in replication scheme replication_owner. scheme_name. Transmitting peer dsname ON host_name says 'message'; local schema says 'message'. Transmitter's value will be usedThe return attribute on this replication element is different for each peer.
TT16195Failed to find owner for element element_name (table table_name) in replication scheme replication_owner. scheme_name (received from peer dsname ON host_name). Continuing ...Failed to find owner for this table element in the replication scheme on the named replication peer.
TT16196Master/subscriber conflict with peer peer_name on table_name for element element_name (object table_name) in replication scheme owner.scheme.The owner of this table element conflicts on the two replication peers.
TT16197Failed to add element element_name (table table_name) for transmitting peer dsname ON host_nameAttempt to add a replication element has failed, probably due to a duplicate. This is a race condition where something happens between when a check is made and the attempt to add the element.
TT16198Table definition mismatch on number of columns for table table_name. Local definition: number_of_columns; transmitting peer: number_of_columns"Table Definition Mismatch" between the two peers. Some differences are tolerated, but others are not.
TT16199Table definition mismatch on attribute_name for column column_number in table table_name. Local definition: attribute_name; transmitting peer: attribute_name"Table Definition Column Mismatch" between the two peers.
TT16200Table definition mismatch on timestamp column in table table_name. Local definition: timestamp; transmitting peer: timestamp. Continuing with transmitter's valueTheTIMESTAMPcolumn on one peer is not the same as theTIMESTAMPcolumn on another peer. This can occur during conflict resolution based on timestamps.
TT16201Table definition mismatch on timestamp exception action in table table_name. Local definition: action; transmitting peer: action. Continuing with transmitter's valueWhen there is a difference in timestamps between two peers, the action that each peer should take is different. The action of the transmitting peer is chosen.
TT16202No cache view entry for table table_nameA subscriber replication agent could not find a cache group associated with a particular table sent by the master.
TT16203Passed extended comparison for table table_nameInformational message. No action required.
TT16204Table table_name marked invalid. Will not apply transactions received for it until a valid definition is receivedA replicated table was marked invalid.
TT16205Skipping definition received for cache group cache_group_name. Part of previously processed transactionInformational message. No action required.
TT16206Definition for different cache group received. Current: cache_group_definition; New: cache_group_definition. Table table_name marked invalidThe cache group definitions are different between the two peers.
TT16207Internal error. Table ID mismatchInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16208Failed to open file file_name for Timestamp reportCould not open the replication agent report file.
TT16210Varying length part of key tuple > number_of_bytes bytesThe size of a primary key caused an overflow of a data packet.
TT16211No matching V* value found for Table: table_name; column: column_name; offset: column_offset; ID: hexadecimal "Insert LSN from peer (dsname) was log_sequence_numberThere is an inconsistency between the master and subscriber in the area ofVARCHARorVARBINARYcolumns in a replicated table.

Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.

TT16212Failed to set column column_number of table table_nameSubscriber replication could not set a column value.
TT16213Table: table_name. Failed to insert row. error_messageSubscriber replication agent could not insert a row into a table due to a timestamp conflict.
TT16214Table: table_name. Failed to delete row. error_messageSubscriber replication agent could not delete a row due to a timestamp conflict.
TT16215Table: table_name. Failed to update row. error_messageSubscriber replication agent could not update a row due to a timestamp conflict.
TT16216Failed to retrieve column number for column_name of table table_nameIn an update, given a column name, the column number could not be computed.
TT16217Connection connection_id awakenedReplication transactions have been halted, but the peers are connected again.
TT16219Failed to retrieve any compression informationThe replication agent cannot find information to complete compression.
TT16220Replication is not supported with an agent using the protocol protocol_typeIncompatible versions of the replication protocol between the two peers.
TT16221Table table_name not foundTable specified by master not found on receiver.
TT16222The call gettimeofday failedThe system call to get time of day failed.
TT16223Transmitter thread failure due to high latency milliseconds with peer store DSNThe network latency between the databases is higher than permitted for an active standby pair.
TT16224Transmitter thread failure due to high clock skew milliseconds with peer store DSNThe clock slew between the databases is higher than permitted for an active standby pair.
TT16225Transmitter thread failure due to lack of scheme consistency with peer storeThe databases that are a part of the active standby pair have replication schemes that are not the same. If the replication scheme is altered, a duplicate operation must be executed to ensure that the schemes on the two stores match.
TT16226Receiver thread failure due to scheme read failureThe local database was unable to read the replication scheme.
TT16227Standby store has replicated transactions not present on the activeThe standby database has transactions present that are not present on the active database. This indicates that the present active database was incorrectly set up to be an active database. To remedy this situation, duplicate the standby database from the active database.
TT16228Transmitter thread failure due to lack of state consistency between active and standby storesThe databases that are part of the active standby scheme have replication schemes that are not the same. If the replication scheme is altered, then a duplicate operation must be executed to ensure that the schemes on the two stores match.
TT16229Transmitter thread failure due to lack of state consistency at subscriber store DSNThe databases that are part of the active standby scheme have replication schemes that are not the same. If the replication scheme is altered, then a duplicate operation must be executed to ensure that the schemes on the two stores match.
TT16230Store not in standby stateAn error returned by the replication agent that indicates a transitory condition. No user action is necessary.
TT16231The duplicate operation on this store was not successfully completedThe local database was created by a duplicate operation that did not complete successfully. Destroy the database and perform. the duplicate operation again.
TT16232Connection rejected from the standby until connection received from the activeUsually indicates a transitory error. A subscriber database allows a standby database to connect only after it has a connection from the active store.
TT16233The subscriber store has updates not present on the active storeThe subscriber database has transactions present that are not present on the active database. This indicates that present active database was incorrectly set up.To remedy this situation, duplicate the subscriber database.
TT16234The subscriber store has been classified as failed by the activeThe stores that are a part of the active standby scheme have replication schemes that are not consistent. This is usually a transitory error. If the error persists, then a duplicate operation must be executed to ensure that the replication schemes on the two stores match.
TT16235Failed to update CTNs for standby 'DSN'Error updating replication bookmark information (Commit Ticket Number) in the replication agent.
TT16236Failed to update CTN for the subscriber storeError updating replication bookmark information (Commit Ticket Number) in the replication agent.
TT16235Failed to update CTNs for standby 'DSN'Replication did not update Commit Ticket Number for the specified standby database.
TT16236Failed to update CTN for the subscriber storeReplication did not update Commit Ticket Number for the subscriber database.
TT16237Awt thread initialized for racleNetServiceName= <net_svc_name>, CacheUid=<cache_uid>, BatchCommitSize=size, AwtErrorFile=<awt_err_file>, AwtBufSize=size KBThis message appears in the user error log. It is informational. No action is necessary.
TT16240An error occurred replicating changes to Oracle but an AWT error file will not be generated since TimesTen is running in diskless modeAn asynchronous writethrough error file is not created when TimesTen is operating in diskless mode.
TT16242Failed to retrieve subscription information for sequence id sequence_idA failure occurred while retrieving subscription information for a sequence.
TT16243No sequence found with id sequence_idA sequence with the specified ID was not found.
TT16244Skipping definition received for already-defined sequence sequence_id. Part of previously processed transactionA subscriber received information about a sequence but already has the information.
TT16245Adding definition for sequence: sequence_idGenerated when information about a replicated sequence on the subscribing side is added to the list of sequence information.
TT16246Sequence definition mismatch for sequence sequence_id. Local definition: Minval : value, Maxval: value, Increment: value; transmitting peer: Minval: value, Maxval: value, Increment: valueThe sequence definition on the master database does not match the sequence information generated for the subscriber databases.
TT16247Sequence sequence_id marked invalid. Will not apply transactions received for it until a valid definition is receivedAn invalid sequence definition has been received by the subscriber databases. No updates are applied for this sequence until a valid description is sent.
TT16248Sequence sequence_id not foundA subscriber database received a definition for a sequence that does not exist on the subscribing side.
TT16249Failed to add sequence to transmit queueThis error occurs a sequence update message from the master database was not added to the queue.
TT16250Failed to update sequence sequence_idFailed to apply a sequence update to the subscriber database.
TT16251Sending definition for sequence owner.sequence_idInformational message from master database.
TT16252Table definition mismatch on cascade delete configuration for table table_name. Local definition: subscriber; transmitting peer: masterThe foreign key cascade delete constraints for the table do not match between the master and subscriber stores.
TT16253Failed to revtrieve cascade delete configuration for table table_nameThis is an internal error. TheCASCADE DELETEdefinition on the master and subscriber may not be the same. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16254Master has not been assigned an Active or Standby RoleThis message could occur when a replication agent for a master store in anACTIVE STANDBYscheme has been started but has not been classified as either master or standby. The thread attempts to restart until a state has been determined.
TT16255Invalid replication schema. More than two _ORACLE stores found in schemeInternal error. A sanity check has failed in anACTIVE STANDBYscheme that includes autorefresh cache groups. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16256Invalid replication schema. No _ORACLE stores foundInternal error. A sanity check has failed in anACTIVE STANDBYscheme that includes Autorefresh cache groups. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16257The ID for this store does not match either of the master IdsInternal error. A sanity check has failed after attRepAdmin -duplicateoperation on anACTIVE STANDBYscheme that includes Autorefresh cache groups. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16258Failed to retrieve heartbeat factor informationInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16259Wrong number of rows (number_of_rows) affected on Oracle when updating Active Standby InformationInternal error. A sanity check failed in anACTIVE STANDBYscheme when information was updated on an Oracle subscriber. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT16260Failed to update autorefresh bookmarkThe replication operation was unable to update the autorefreshed cache group bookmark on the subscriber store at runtime.This may occur because the cache group does not exist on the subscriber.
TT16261Failed to add cache bookmark to transmit queueThis error occurred while adding the replicated autorefreshed cache group bookmark to the sending queue. The cache group may no longer exist on the master store.
TT16262Failed to retrieve subscription information for cache bookmark id IDThis error occurred while accessing the subscription information for an autorefreshed cache group bookmark. The cache group may no longer exist on the master store.
TT16263Secure protocol violationThere was a connection attempt from another replication agent that violated the security challenges presented on the protocol.
TT16264Awt Ctn initialized to timestamp=value SeqNum=valueInformational message. No action required.
TT16265This store is currently the STANDBY. Change to owner.name not permittedWhen an active standby master is inSTANDBYmode you cannot update the store directly. Operations such as adding or dropping a column,INSERT,UPDATE,TRUNCATE, orDELETEare prohibited.
TT16266The remoteDaemonPort cannot be used for this -duplicate operation because the sending data store has stores that use automatic port allocation.A remote daemon port cannot be selected during a duplication operation when the replication scheme is using automatic port allocation. To use automatic port allocation, do not specify the-remoteDaemonPortoption in the duplicate operation or supply a value of 0 for the operation.
TT16267The host name list is not available from ttrep.ttnework.An error occurred in performing a query onTTREP.REPNETWORKtable. This is usually a transient error, if the database is already running and a replication scheme is already defined on the master database. The transmitter in the replication agent attempts to run this query again in one second.
TT16268Failed to retrieve aging configuration for table owner.tablename.This is part of replication. The first time the transmitter sends a transaction for a particular table, TimesTen sends the table definition. This message indicates something went wrong while trying to retrieve the aging information. There is an additional error message detailing the specific failure. Review that message to determine the problem and fix.
TT16269In an Active Standby scenario, AWT Monitoring should be enabled on the Standby nodeIn an active standby pair with an AWT cache group, monitoring gives relevant results only on the standby node, which does the propagation of the workload to the Oracle database. Enabling AWT monitoring on the active node does not record any monitoring information. If the standby node fails and if the active node takes over, calling thettCacheAwtMonitorConfigbuilt-in procedure automatically enables monitoring the AWT statistics.
TT16270AWT Monitoring should not be enabled on the Subscriber node in an Active Standby scenarioIn an active standby pair with subscribers and an AWT cache group, monitoring on a subscriber does not reveal any useful information. Call thettCacheAwtMonitorConfigbuilt-in procedure to disable monitoring the AWT statistics.
TT16271Monitoring could not be configured because replication agent does not have an active AWT threadThis error is thrown if the replication agent is either invalid or in an initialization phase. If the AWT receiver is killed due to an unexpected situation, the replication agent is in an invalid state. It is also possible that the AWT receiver has not been started by the replication agent, in which case it is in an initialization phase. Resolution for this error is to call thettCacheAwtMonitorConfigbuilt-in procedure again, with the state parameter set to "ON."
TT16272Operation not permitted on a store in the ACTIVE state.This is an internal mismatch. In an active standby pair, a routine that should only be running on a standby is running on the active. This is most likely caused during the detection of a "split-brain" (both masters marked active) problem and should be self-correcting.
TT16273Error updating standby store.A failure occurred while trying to get the latest status for an active standby pair standby. This error may occur following the error that generated message 16272.
TT16274Failed to modify active standby data. caller: caller_nameAfter a duplicate operation, some data on TimesTen system tables must be modified for the destination store on both TimesTen and Oracle. This operation has failed, but the replication agent retries the operation.
TT16275RECEIVER network helper thread terminating due to certain error already recorded in the system logWarning. No action required.
TT16276RECEIVER restarting daemon because helper thread failed to spawnWarning. No action required.
TT16277The Instance Admin user id is not the same in both instances.The instance administrator name must be the same on both the source and target databases when runningttRepAdmin -duplicateorttRepDuplicateEx.
TT16278Failed to get Cache AWT methodUnable to get the attribute value for use in the replication agent. An invalidation was most likely detected.
TT16279Cannot start AWT propagation because replication agent cannot connect to Oracle RDBMS database: racleNetServiceName = \"name\", uid = \"uid\",pwd is hidden, TNS_ADMIN = \"TNS_ADMIN_name\", Error Msg= \"message\"Replication agent is not able to connect to Oracle server.
Check to see that TNS_ADMIN is configured properly and make sure the Oracle server is reachable.
TT16280Parallel AWT requested restart of the worker threadsParallel AWT thread encountered an error and restarting of the threads was necessary.
TT16281Replication receiver track %d waiting for receiver track %d to initializeThis is an informational start up message.
TT16282Replication receiver track %d waiting for receiver track %d to finishThis is an informational shut down message.
TT16287Replication receiver with local store id %llu, remote store id %llu, track id %d still finds a previous track 0 receiver running.A master thread running on the receiver was detected and should not have been.
TT16288Replication receivers are stopping.This is an informational shut down message.
TT16289Replication receivers face dependency error.There was an internal error during a replication dependency wait for parallel processing.
TT16290Replication transmitters are stopping.This is an informational shut down message on the transmitter. The group of threads for a particular subscriber are stopping.
TT16291Replication receivers are starting serial commit modeThis is an informational message. If a parallel failure occurs, TimesTen will try to reprocess the transactions in serial mode.
TT16292Replication receivers are stopping serial commit modeThis is an informational message indicating that the replication receivers are stopping serial commit mode.
TT16293Failed Replication thread thread is exiting descriptionThis error occurs when the transmitter is stopping. You should see a description of what the transmitter was doing before it exited.
TT16810Successfully executed: commandInformational message. No action required.
TT16999Replication_MessageThis is an informational replication message that is found in the replication log. The message text provides details on the message.

Errors 17000 - 19999

Error numberError or warning messageDetails
TT17000{TABLE|CACHE GROUP} owner.name was quoted in an {INCLUDE|EXCLUDE} clause but does not exist.The table or cache group specified in anINCLUDEorEXCLUDEclause does not exist.
TT17001The {INCLUDE|EXCLUE} {TABLE|CACHE GROUP} clause has the same name (table_name| cache_group_name) mentioned more than once.TheINCLUDEorEXCLUDEclause mentions the same table name or cache group name more than once.
TT17002You cannot exclude everything from being replicated.All objects in the database were excluded in theCREATE REPLICATIONstatement. There must be at least one object in the database.
TT17003Maximum number of peers max_peers exceeded for storeThe limit on the maximum number of peer stores was exceeded. The message indicates the maximum limit.
TT17004Table owner.table_name of cache group owner.cache_group_name cannot be part of a replication subscription if the cache group is using autorefresh.A table that is part of an autorefresh cache group, whose autorefresh state is on, cannot be a subscriber in a replication scheme. Turn theAUTOREFRESH STATEtoOFF.
TT17005Cannot configure conflict checking on a object_type elementConflict checking cannot be configured on aSEQUENCEelement, for example.
TT17006Cannot configure return service on a object_type elementReturn service cannot be configured on aSEQUENCEelement, for example.
TT17007Sequence owner.sequence_id cannot be replicated because it was created with CYCLE specifiedTimesTen does not support the replication of sequences that were defined withCYCLEspecified. If a replication element is created (either byCREATE REPLICAIONorALTER REPLICATION...ADD ELEMENT) and anINCLUDEorEXCLUDEclause is used or aELEMENT SEQUENCEclause is used, and if the element involves a cycling sequence, then this error is generated.
TT17008Sequence owner.sequence_id will not be included in the replication scheme as part of this operation because it was created with CYCLE specifiedIf a database level element is created (either byCREATE REPLICATIONorALTER REPLICATION...ADD ELEMENT) and a cycling sequence is involved, then the cycling sequence is not replicated.
TT17009Stores store_name and store_name on host host_name would be using the same replication port (port_number). These stores are not necessarily in the same replication scheme.The port number for the replicated stores conflict. Master and subscriber port numbers in a replication scheme must be the same.
TT17010Store store_name has been configured with a timeout of msecs. This is lower than the recommended minimum of num and could lead to unncessary replication timeouts to occur.The replication connection timeout is below the recommended value. This may lead to a large number of unnecessary connects and disconnects, thereby flooding thesyslogand slowing down replication. The message indicates the minimum limit.
TT17011The RELEASE attribute has been specified for store store_name. This feature has been deprecated and the value supplied has been ignored.This feature has been deprecated.
TT17012All AWT cache groups must be part of the Active Standby scheme. The AWT cache group for table owner.tablename has been quoted in an EXCLUDE CACHE GROUP clause.AWT cache groups cannot be excluded from anACTIVE STANDBYscheme. Redefine yourACTIVE STANDBYscheme in such a way that these cache groups are included in the scheme.
TT17013The default hostname cannot be set to host_name because a local host of host_name is currently in use.Using the built-in procedurettHostNameSetyou have specified a hostname for a replication subscribe to a value that differs from the default hostname already in use by a replication scheme. The hostname is not changed. To view the current hostname specified in the scheme, use the procedurettHostNameGet.
TT17014The replication heartbeat factor must be between 0.25 and 4.0.Internal error. A heartbeat factor outside of the specified range was supplied as a store attribute.
TT17015The aging policy for table table_name differs from its peer: details.The replication aging policy for a table used in a replication scheme differs between master and subscriber. The details can be one of:
  • "Time-based aging versus LRU aging,"

  • "No aging versus LRU aging,"

  • "LRU aging versus time-based aging,"

  • "Time-based aging versus no aging,"

  • "Aging enabled versus aging disabled,"

  • "Aging disabled versus aging enabled,"

  • "Different lifetime,"

  • "Different lifetime unit,"

  • "Different cycle"

  • "Different cycle unit."

TT17016Error getting dbcharset IDInternal error. A sanity check between the master and subscriber of a replication scheme failed to identify the character set used in the store. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT17017The database character set differs from its peerInternal error. The database character set used by a master in a replication scheme is different than that used by the subscriber. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT17018Cannot replicate to peer because it is a pre-7.0 data store and this store does not have the DatabaseCharacterSet attribute set to 'TIMESTEN8'For TimesTen to be able to replicateNCHARtype columns between this release and pre-7.0 releases of TimesTen the store in this release must have theDatabaseCharacterSetattribute set toTIMESTEN8.
TT17019Store store_name on host_ name would be using the same port as the daemon.A replication configuration operation failed because the same port number as the main daemon was used for the store. Use a port number for the replication store that does not clash with the main daemon port.
TT17020Failed to check CG state for duplicateTimesTen failed to check the state of cache groups in the source store. See the message log for the cause of the failure.
TT17021Failed to reset Autorefresh bookmarkA part of the-duplicateinitialization we were unable to reset the autorefresh bookmarks for cache groups in the store. See the message log for the cause of the failure.
TT17022The same attribute (attribute_name) has been set multiple times for the same subscriber (subscriber_name) for element element_nameAnALTER REPLICATIONstatement has altered the return service attribute more than once for the same store
TT17023Store store_name is used in a route clause but does not existAROUTEclause quoted a non-existent store. Retry the operation with a differentROUTEname.
TT17024ROUTE master master_name subscribersubscriber_name hostname host_name not foundA non-existentROUTEname was specified in a statement that is attempting toADDorDROPa route to a scheme. Retry the operation with a differentROUTEname.
TT17025ROUTE master master_name subscriber subscriber_name cannot be created because a Master->Subscriber relationship does not exist between these storesAn attempt was made to set up a replicationROUTEfor a non-existent master/subscriber relationship. Retry the operation with a differentROUTEname.
TT17026ROUTE master master_name subscribersubscriber_name cannot be created because an entry for this route already exists with priority priority_level, or is in the process of being createdTheROUTEname already exists. Retry the operation with a differentROUTEname or wait for the process that uses the specifiedROUTEname to complete.
TT17027ROUTE master master_name subscribersubscriber_name cannot be created because an entry for this route already exists using interface interface, or is in the process of being createdTheROUTEname already exists. Retry the operation with a differentROUTEname or wait for the process that uses the specifiedROUTEname to complete.
TT17028The PRIORITY attribute must be between 1 and 99The specifiedPRIORITYvalue is out of range.
TT17029This store (store_name on host_name) is not involved as a local store in replication scheme host_name.schemeA scheme is attempting to be created on a store that is not involved in the scheme. Retry the operation with the correct store name, or involve the store in the specified scheme.
TT17031CONFLICT REPORTING RESUME must be less than CONFLICT REPORTING SUSPEND for STORE store_nameTheRESUMEvalue must be less than theSUSPENDvalue for conflict reporting. Retry the operation with a smaller value.
TT17032CONFLICT REPORTING RESUME cannot be set without a CONFLICT REPORTING SUSPEND value for STORE store_nameYou cannot resume conflict reporting without specifying aSUSPENDvalue. Retry the operation after specifying aSUSPENDvalue.
TT17033CONFLICT REPORTING RESUME or SUSPEND cannot be set for stores in an Active Standby schemeConflict resolution cannot be configured in an active standby scheme, therefore trying to supply conflict suspend/resume parameters is invalid.
TT17034ASYNCHRONOUS WRITETHROUGH Cache groups cannot co-exist with a replication scheme that uses RETURN TWOSAFEYou cannot haveASYNCHRONOUS WRITETHROUGHcache groups in a replication scheme that usesRETURN TWOSAFE.
TT17035CONFLICT SUSPEND/RESUME cannot be used with DATASTORE level replication or ACTIVE STANDBY schemesConflict resolution cannot be configured in a scheme that uses database level replication. Therefore attempting to supply conflict suspend/resume parameters is not allowed.
TT17036SYNCHRONOUS WRITETHROUGH cache groups cannot be replicated in an ACTIVE STANDBY scheme. Either DROP or EXCLUDE the cache group for table owner.table_nameSYNCHRONOUS WRITETHROUGHcache groups cannot be replicated in anACTIVE STANDBYscheme.
TT17037The receiver state in an ACTIVE STANDBY scheme cannot be set to STOPWhen the store is involved in an active standby scheme, you cannot callttrepsubscriberstateset(,,,,2)or specify the utility operationttRepAdmin -receiver -name rep2 -host somemachine -dsn rep1 -state stop.
TT17038The store is not a valid peerThe peer specified is not valid in the replication scheme
TT17039Failed to bind name (name); socket: socketInformational message about the host and IP address to which the replication agent was binding.
TT17040Trying to create socket for name on DSNTrying to create socket on an IP address for the indicated database.
TT17041Failed to create Oracle DR schemeThis is a generic error, there is an accompanying detailed error message concerning the actual failure. Review that message to determine the problem and the fix.
TT17042A Cache DR scheme can only be created on an ACTIVE STANDBY SUBSCRIBERThettRepAdmin -duplicate -initCacheDRoption can only be used when duplicating to an active standby subscriber. You have attempted to create a disaster recovery scheme on a database that is not involved in active standby replication. This is not supported.
TT17043Failed to initialize Oracle DR tablesThe initialization of the Oracle Disaster Recovery tables failed. In the user error log, review any error messages that were returned during the operation in which the error occurred for more details. Destroy the destination database and attempt to re-initialize the disaster recovery process.
TT17044Exited early because could not get cache group informationThe disaster recovery process exited early because it could not get required information. In the user error log, review any error messages that were returned during the operation in which the error occurred for more details. Destroy the destination database and attempt to re-initialize the disaster recovery process.
TT17045Could not truncate cached tables on Oracle DR siteDuring disaster recovery, the replication agent could not truncate any cached tables. In the user error log, review any error messages that were returned during the operation in which the error occurred for more details. Destroy the destination database and attempt to re-initialize the disaster recovery process.
TT17046Could not flush data to Oracle DR siteDuring disaster recovery, the replication agent could not flush data to Oracle. In the user error log, review any error messages that were returned during the operation in which the error occurred for more details. Review any error messages that were returned during the operation in which the error occurred for more details. Destroy the destination database and attempt to re-initialize the disaster recovery process.
TT17047Could not commit data to the Oracle DR siteDuring disaster recovery, the replication agent could not commit data to Oracle. In the user error log, review any error messages that were returned during the operation in which the error occurred for more details. Destroy the destination database and attempt to re-initialize the disaster recovery process.
TT17048Could not create thread to initialize the Oracle DR siteDuring disaster recovery, the replication agent could not create the thread to initialize Oracle. In the user error log, review any error messages that were returned during the operation in which the error occurred for more details. Destroy the destination database and attempt to re-initialize the disaster recovery process.
TT17049Error invalidating store due to scheme inconsistencyTo correct this problem, verify that the schemes involved in this operation are identical.
TT17050Conflict Replication Reporting startingConflict reporting suspend/resume is configured on your system and the rate of conflict rate has fallen below the resume value. Reports are now being sent. This is an informational message.
TT17051Conflict Replication Reporting stoppingConflict reporting suspend/resume is configured on your system and the rate of conflict rate exceeds the suspend value. Reports are now suspended. This is an informational message.
TT17052System table owner.tablename cannot be excluded from replicationSystem tables cannot be modified by users and must be included in the replication process.
TT17053Table table_name is replicating in relaxed mode.Informational message that appears in the log on the subscribing side. The master table being replicated is structurally different than the subscriber. As a result, there some performance overhead is required to achieve replication for this table.
TT17054TABLE DEFINITION CHECKING cannot be set for stores in an Active Standby schemeThe store attributeTABLE DEFINITION CHECKINGcannot be used for stores in an active standby pair scheme.
TT17055Asynchronous Materialized View Log Table schema.table cannot be included in a Replication Scheme.An explicitALTERreplication include table was used on an Asynchronous materialized view log table.
TT17056Dynamic Cache Group Table schema.table can only be replicated in an ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR replication schemeA dynamic cache group can only be replicated if the replication scheme is an active standby pair. Dynamic cache groups cannot be replicated with regular replication.
TT17057PROPAGATE cache groups cannot be replicated in an ACTIVE STANDBY scheme. Either DROP or EXCLUDE the cache group for table schema.tableUser managed cache groups with propagated tables are not allowed in active standby replication schemes. You must either drop the cache group or exclude it from the replication scheme.
TT17058Table <owner>.<tablename> cannot be part of a replication scheme when parallel mode replication is configured because it is defined with agingYou cannot include a table in a replication scheme when it has aging configured andReplicationApplyOrdering=1.
TT17059Replicated INCLUDE TABLE failed for ( <owner>.<tablename>) because the table is not emptyYou attempted a replicatedALTERSTANDBY PAIR...INCLUDE TABLEand the table is not empty.
TT17060DDLReplicationAction can only be set to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE on the ACTIVE store in an ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR replication schemeYou attemptedALTER SESSION...SETDDL_REPLICATION_ACTIONon a store that is not active in the active standby pair replication scheme.
TT17061When DDLReplicationAction = 'INCLUDE' tables must be created with a primary key or a unique constraint on non-nullable column(s)You specified aDDL_REPLICATION_ACTIONthat requires the table(s) to be created with an index.
TT17062DDLReplicationAction and DDLReplicationLevel can only be set on a store with an ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR schemeYou attempted to use theALTER SESSIONstatement to setDDLReplicationActionandDDLReplicationLevelon a store that is not part of an active standby pair scheme.
TT17063CREATE INDEX can only refer to empty tables when DDLReplicationLevel > 1WhenDDLReplicationLevelis greater than 1,CREATE INDEXis replicated. However, your tables must be empty.
TT17064CREATE AS SELECT cannot be used when DDLReplicationLevel > 1WhenDDLReplicationLevelis greater than 1,CREATE TABLEis configured for replication. However,CREATE TABLE ASSELECTis not supported.
TT17065%s not permitted because DDLReplicationLevel > 1 and the store is not active%srefers to a DDL action that is not permitted becauseDDLReplicationLevelis greater than 1 and the store is not active.
TT17066Create table not permitted without ADMIN privilege when DDLReplicationLevel > 1 and DDLReplicationLevel is INCLUDEWhenDDLReplicationLevelis greater than 1 and whenDDLReplicationActionis set to INCLUDE, then ADMIN privilege is required when replicatingCREATE TABLEstatements.
TT17067Table <tablename> was truncated before inclusion into the ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR replication schemeWhenALTER ACTIVE STANDBYPAIR...INCLUDEis executed, the table contents are truncated on the standby and subscriber(s) stores.
TT17068Invalid value for ttDurableWhenAgentStoppedSet. Valid values are 0 and 1.You specified an invalid value forttDurableWhenAgentStoppedSet.
TT17069<stmt> is not permitted on the standby in an ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR schemeThe statements CREATE/DROP SYNONYM, GRANT/REVOKE, or CREATE/ALTER/DROP USER are not permitted on the standby in an ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR scheme.
TT19000Open of document document_name failedThe TimesTen webserver received an error while sending data to the browser. Attempt to open the document again and verify that you have entered the correct name of the document.
TT19001Send of number_of bytes to browser failed, error err_numberThe TimesTen webserver received an error while sending data to the browser. The error referenced in this message provides more details on the problem.
TT19002Spawn of CGI script, failed, error error_numberThe TimesTen webserver received an error while spawning a CGI script. The error referenced in this message provides more details on the problem.
TT19003Write of POST data failedThe TimesTen webserver received an error while sendingPOSTparameters to a CGI process.
TT19004CGI script. script_name not executableA CGI script. requested of the TimesTen webserver is not executable. Check your installation to verify that the script. is in the correct location and has the appropriate privileges.
TT19005Web server bind to port failed, error error_numberThe TimesTen Web server was unable to bind to its port. The port may be in use by another process. Verify that you specified the correct port number.
TT19006Cannot filed perl in pathThe TimesTen webserver was unable to find the version of PEL with the product. Check your installation.
TT19007Web server system_call failed, error error_numberThe TimesTen webserver was unable to get the host name of the client.
TT19008Invalid HTTP date from client (string)A date sent to the TimesTen Server is in an invalid format.
TT19009Stat of file_name failed, error error_numberThe TimesTen webserver was unable to determine file information for an HTTP document.
TT19010Web server denying connection from host_ name(IP_address)The TimesTen webserver is denying access from the indicated host. The webserver configuration file can be used to control access.
TT19011Authorization failure from file_nameThe TimesTen webserver is denying access to a password-protected page because the user name supplied is unknown or the password does not match. Verify that you have supplied the correct user name and password.
TT19012Cannot open password file file_nameThe TimesTen webserver is unable to open its password file. Check your installation.
TT19013Bad entry in password file file_nameThere is a bad entry in the TimesTen webserver's password file. Correct the entry and try again.
TT19014TimesTen web server internal errorThe TimesTen webserver has encountered an internal error. See the TimesTen user error log for more information.


NOTE:1274161.1 - TimesTen 11.2.1.X Documentation Set - Error And SNMP Trap Guide
NOTE:1338450.1 - TimesTen Warnings and Errors - TT0400 to TT9999
NOTE:1339522.1 - TimesTen Warnings and Errors - TT20000 to TT30103
NOTE:1339892.1 - TimesTen Warnings and Errors - TT40005 to TT48119
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