Physical and Logical Block Corruptions. All you wanted to know about it. [ID 840978.1] | |||||
修改时间 21-MAY-2012 类型 BULLETIN 状态 PUBLISHED |
In this Document
Purpose |
Scope |
Details |
Physical Block Corruptions |
Fractured Block |
Bad Checksum |
Block Misplaced |
Logical Block Corruptions |
References |
Oracle classifies the Data File Block corruptions as Physical and Logical. This is also referred as intra block corruptions. This document is intended to provide detailed information and errors example about it.
This document is intended for Database Administrators.
This kind of block corruptions are normally reported by Oracle with error ORA-1578 and the detailed corruption description is printed in the alert log.
Corruption Examples are:
Detailed Corruption Description:
A Fractured block means that the block is incomplete. Information from the block header does not match the block tail.
Block Checksums are used to identify if the block was changed by something external to Oracle and after the block was last written by Oracle.
Checksum is calculated by DBWR or direct loader before writing the block to disk and stored in the block header. Every time that the block is read and if db_block_checksum is different than false, Oracle calculates a checksum and compares it to the one stored in the block header. Reference Note 30706.1
Example of a corrupt block due to invalid checksum:
A value different than zero (0x0) in "computed block checksum" means that the checksum
differs and the result of this comparison is printed.
This is when Oracle detected that the content of the block being read belongs to a different block and the checksum is valid:
This is when block contains a valid checksum and the structure below the beginning of the block is corrupt (Block content is corrupt). It may cause different ORA-600 errors.
The detailed corruption description for Logical Corruptions are not normally printed in the alert.log. DBVerify will report what is logically corrupted in the block.
Corruption Examples are:
When db_block_checking is enabled, it may produce the internal errors ORA-600 [kddummy_blkchk] or ORA-600 [kdBlkCheckError].
If db_block_checking is enabled and the block is already logically corrupt on disk, the next block update will mark the block as Soft Corrupt and future reads of this block will produce the error ORA-1578. In that case DBVerify reports this corruption with error "DBV-200: Block, dba <rdba>, already marked corrupted".
How to check for physical and logical database corruption using "backup validate check logical database" command for database on a non-archivelog mode [ID 466875.1] | |||||
修改时间 30-JUN-2011 类型 FAQ 状�?/em> PUBLISHED |
In this Document
Questions and Answers
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