Embedding的近邻搜索是当前图推荐系统非常重要的一种召回方式,通过item2vec、矩阵分解、双塔DNN等方式都能够产出训练好的user embedding、item embedding,对于embedding的使用非常的灵活:
然而有一个工程问题,一旦user embedding、item embedding数据量达到一定的程度,对他们的近邻搜索将会变得非常慢,如果离线阶段提前搜索好在高速缓存比如redis存储好结果当然没问题,但是这种方式很不实时,如果能在线阶段上线几十MS的搜索当然效果最好。
Faiss是Facebook AI团队开源的针对聚类和相似性搜索库,为稠密向量提供高效相似度搜索和聚类,支持十亿级别向量的搜索,是目前最为成熟的近似近邻搜索库。
接下来通过jupyter notebook的代码,给大家演示下使用faiss的简单流程,内容包括:
conda install -c pytorch faiss-cpu
1. 为了支持自己的ID,可以用faiss.IndexIDMap包裹faiss.IndexFlatL2即可
2. embedding数据都需要转换成np.float32,包括索引中的embedding以及待搜索的embedding
3. ids需要转换成int64类型
1. 准备数据
import pandas as pd import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv("./datas/movielens_sparkals_item_embedding.csv") df.head()
id | features | |
0 | 10 | [0.25866490602493286, 0.3560594320297241, 0.15… |
1 | 20 | [0.12449632585048676, -0.29282501339912415, -0… |
2 | 30 | [0.9557555317878723, 0.6764761805534363, 0.114… |
3 | 40 | [0.3184879720211029, 0.6365472078323364, 0.596… |
4 | 50 | [0.45523127913475037, 0.34402626752853394, -0…. |
ids = df["id"].values.astype(np.int64) type(ids), ids.shape (numpy.ndarray, (3706,)) ids.dtype dtype('int64') ids_size = ids.shape[0] ids_size 3706
import json import numpy as np datas = [] for x in df["features"]: datas.append(json.loads(x)) datas = np.array(datas).astype(np.float32) datas.dtype dtype('float32') datas.shape (3706, 10) datas[0] array([ 0.2586649 , 0.35605943, 0.15589039, -0.7067125 , -0.07414215, -0.62500805, -0.0573845 , 0.4533663 , 0.26074877, -0.60799956], dtype=float32) # 维度 dimension = datas.shape[1] dimension 10
2. 建立索引
import faiss index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(dimension) index2 = faiss.IndexIDMap(index) ids.dtype dtype('int64') index2.add_with_ids(datas, ids) index.ntotal 3706
4. 搜索近邻ID列表
df_user = pd.read_csv("./datas/movielens_sparkals_user_embedding.csv") df_user.head() id features
id | features | |
0 | 10 | [0.5974288582801819, 0.17486965656280518, 0.04… |
1 | 20 | [1.3099910020828247, 0.5037978291511536, 0.260… |
2 | 30 | [-1.1886241436004639, -0.13511677086353302, 0…. |
3 | 40 | [1.0809299945831299, 1.0048035383224487, 0.986… |
4 | 50 | [0.42388680577278137, 0.5294889807701111, -0.6… |
user_embedding = np.array(json.loads(df_user[df_user["id"] == 10]["features"].iloc[0])) user_embedding = np.expand_dims(user_embedding, axis=0).astype(np.float32) user_embedding array([[ 0.59742886, 0.17486966, 0.04345559, -1.3193961 , 0.5313592 , -0.6052168 , -0.19088413, 1.5307966 , 0.09310367, -2.7573566 ]], dtype=float32) user_embedding.shape (1, 10) user_embedding.dtype dtype('float32') topk = 30 D, I = index.search(user_embedding, topk) # actual search I.shape (1, 30) I array([[3380, 2900, 1953, 121, 3285, 999, 617, 747, 2351, 601, 2347, 42, 2383, 538, 1774, 980, 2165, 3049, 2664, 367, 3289, 2866, 2452, 547, 1072, 2055, 3660, 3343, 3390, 3590]])
5. 根据电影ID取出电影信息
target_ids = pd.Series(I[0], name="MovieID") target_ids.head() 0 3380 1 2900 2 1953 3 121 4 3285 Name: MovieID, dtype: int64 df_movie = pd.read_csv("./datas/ml-1m/movies.dat", sep="::", header=None, engine="python", names = "MovieID::Title::Genres".split("::")) df_movie.head()
MovieID | Title | Genres | |
0 | 1 | Toy Story (1995) | Animation|Children's|Comedy |
1 | 2 | Jumanji (1995) | Adventure|Children's|Fantasy |
2 | 3 | Grumpier Old Men (1995) | Comedy|Romance |
3 | 4 | Waiting to Exhale (1995) | Comedy|Drama |
4 | 5 | Father of the Bride Part II (1995) | Comedy |
df_result = pd.merge(target_ids, df_movie) df_result.head()
MovieID | Title | Genres | |
0 | 3380 | Railroaded! (1947) | Film-Noir |
1 | 2900 | Monkey Shines (1988) | Horror|Sci-Fi |
2 | 1953 | French Connection, The (1971) | Action|Crime|Drama|Thriller |
3 | 121 | Boys of St. Vincent, The (1993) | Drama |
4 | 3285 | Beach, The (2000) | Adventure|Drama |
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