{fundList_.map(item => <Option key={item.fund} value={item.fund}>{item.name}</Option>)}
<Select mode="multiple" maxTagCount={0} placeholder="请选择" showSearch={true} onBlur={this.handleOnBlur} onSearch={this.handleOnSearch} allowClear={true} onChange={(value)=>{this.modalChangeSelect(value,'1')}} style={{width:'223px'}} value={record['1']||undefined} disabled={this.state.visibleType==='修改'?true:false} > {fundList_.map(item => <Option key={item.fund} value={item.fund}>{item.name}</Option>)} </Select>
handleOnSearch = value => { // 函数节流,防止数据频繁更新,每300毫秒才搜索一次 let that = this if (!this.timer) { this.timer = setTimeout(function(){ that.searchValue(value) that.timer = null },300) } } searchValue = (value) => { const datas = [] const {fundList} = this.state // 对fundList进行遍历,将符合搜索条件的数据放入datas中 fundList.forEach(item => { if (item.name.indexOf(value) > -1) { datas.push(item) } }) // 然后只显示符合搜索条件的所有数据中的前100条 this.setState({fundList_: datas.slice(0,100)}) }
handleOnBlur = () => { this.setState({fundList_: this.state.fundList.slice(0,100)}) }
const data = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { data.push(`test${i}`); } // 一开始只展示前100条数据 const data_ = data.slice(0, 100);
<Select showSearch allowClear onPopupScroll={this.handleScroll} style={{ width: 200 }} placeholder="Select a person" optionFilterProp="children" onChange={this.onChange} onFocus={this.onFocus} onBlur={this.onBlur} onSearch={this.onSearch} filterOption={(input, option) => option.props.children.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) >= 0 } > {optionData.map(item => ( <Option value={item}>{item}</Option> ))} </Select>
在这里就要说一下select里面的一个参数了,就是 onPopupScroll,以前没有注意到,看到别人提醒的时候才发现。有了它就可以实现滚动实时刷新数据了。
handleScroll = e => { e.persist(); const { target } = e; // scrollHeight:代表包括当前不可见部分的元素的高度 // scrollTop:代表当有滚动条时滚动条向下滚动的距离,也就是元素顶部被遮住的高度 // clientHeight:包括padding但不包括border、水平滚动条、margin的元素的高度 const rmHeight = target.scrollHeight - target.scrollTop; const clHeight = target.clientHeight; // 当下拉框失焦的时候,也就是不下拉的时候 if (rmHeight === 0 && clHeight === 0) { this.setState({ scrollPage: 1 }); } else { // 当下拉框下拉并且滚动条到达底部的时候 // 可以看成是分页,当滚动到底部的时候就翻到下一页 if (rmHeight < clHeight + 5) { const { scrollPage } = this.state; this.setState({ scrollPage: scrollPage + 1 }); //调用处理数据的函数增加下一页的数据 this.loadOption(scrollPage + 1); } } }; loadOption = pageIndex => { const { pageSize, keyWords } = this.state; // 通过每页的数据条数和页数得到总的需要展示的数据条数 const newPageSize = pageSize * (pageIndex || 1); let newOptionsData = [],len; // len 能展示的数据的最大条数 if (data.length > newPageSize) { // 如果总数据的条数大于需要展示的数据 len = newPageSize; } else { // 否则 len = data.length; } // 如果有搜索的话,就走这里 if (!!keyWords) { let data_ = data.filter(item => item.indexOf(keyWords) > -1) || []; data_.forEach((item, index) => { if (index < len) { newOptionsData.push(item); } }); } else { data.forEach((item, index) => { if (index < len) { newOptionsData.push(item); } }); } this.setState({ optionData: newOptionsData }); };
onSearch = val => { console.log("search:", val); if (!this.timer) { const that = this; this.timer = setTimeout(function() { that.searchValue(val); that.timer = null; }, 300); } this.setState({ keyWords: val }); }; searchValue = value => { let data_ = data.filter(item => item.indexOf(value) > -1); if (data_.length > 100 || value === "") { data_ = data_.slice(0, 100); } this.setState({ optionData: data_ }); };
5、 然后失焦的时候:
handleOnBlur = () => { this.setState({fundList_: this.state.fundList.slice(0,100)}) }
import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import "antd/dist/antd.css"; import "./index.css"; import { Select } from "antd"; const { Option } = Select; const data = []; // let pageSize = 100,scrollPage = 1,keyWords = '',optionData = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { data.push(`test${i}`); } const data_ = data.slice(0, 100); class App extends React.Component { state = { pageSize: 100, scrollPage: 1, keyWords: "", optionData: data_ }; onChange = value => { console.log(`selected ${value}`); }; onBlur = () => { console.log("blur"); this.setState({ optionData: data_ }); }; onFocus = () => { console.log("focus"); }; onSearch = val => { console.log("search:", val); if (!this.timer) { const that = this; this.timer = setTimeout(function() { that.searchValue(val); that.timer = null; }, 300); } this.setState({ keyWords: val }); }; searchValue = value => { let data_ = data.filter(item => item.indexOf(value) > -1); if (data_.length > 100 || value === "") { data_ = data_.slice(0, 100); } this.setState({ optionData: data_ }); }; loadOption = pageIndex => { const { pageSize, keyWords } = this.state; const newPageSize = pageSize * (pageIndex || 1); let newOptionsData = [], len; if (data.length > newPageSize) { len = newPageSize; } else { len = data.length; } if (!!keyWords) { let data_ = data.filter(item => item.indexOf(keyWords) > -1) || []; data_.forEach((item, index) => { if (index < len) { newOptionsData.push(item); } }); } else { data.forEach((item, index) => { if (index < len) { newOptionsData.push(item); } }); } this.setState({ optionData: newOptionsData }); }; handleScroll = e => { e.persist(); const { target } = e; const rmHeight = target.scrollHeight - target.scrollTop; const clHeight = target.clientHeight; if (rmHeight === 0 && clHeight === 0) { this.setState({ scrollPage: 1 }); } else { if (rmHeight < clHeight + 5) { console.log(111, rmHeight, clHeight); const { scrollPage } = this.state; this.setState({ scrollPage: scrollPage + 1 }); // scrollPage = scrollPage + 1; this.loadOption(scrollPage + 1); } } // console.log(e.target) }; render() { const { optionData } = this.state; console.log(optionData.length); return ( <Select showSearch allowClear onPopupScroll={this.handleScroll} style={{ width: 200 }} placeholder="Select a person" optionFilterProp="children" onChange={this.onChange} onFocus={this.onFocus} onBlur={this.onBlur} onSearch={this.onSearch} filterOption={(input, option) => option.props.children.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) >= 0 } > {optionData.map(item => ( <Option value={item}>{item}</Option> ))} </Select> ); } } ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("container"));
补充知识:VUE element select 选项内容显示过长问题
<style> .el-select__tags-text { display: inline-block; max-width: 120px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } .el-select .el-tag__close.el-icon-close { top: -7px; } </style>