在服务器cron定时任务在网站目录(不是网站根目录)执行php cron.php,网站根目录为Public。
<?php define('MODE_NAME', 'cli'); // 检测PHP环境 if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.3.0','<')) die('require PHP > 5.3.0 !'); define('APP_DEBUG', true); // 定义应用目录 define('APP_PATH', __DIR__ . '/Application/'); // 引入ThinkPHP入口文件 require __DIR__ . '/ThinkPHP/ThinkPHP.php';
define('AUTO_CRON', true); include __DIR__ . '/cli.php';
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cron`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cron` ( `cron_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `expression` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `class` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `method` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `type` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `status` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `updated_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `run_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `ms` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `error` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cron_id`), KEY `name` (`name`,`created_at`), KEY `cron_status_index` (`status`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;
<?php return array( 'version' => '1.0.0', 'beastalkd' => array( 'process_untreated_queue' => array( 'expression' => '* * * * *', 'class' => 'Statistics\Model\PheanstalkModel', 'method' => 'processUntreatedQueue' ) ) );
执行文件 init.php
<?php use Think\Log, Think\Db, Cron\Model\Cron; $Model = new \Think\Model(); $Has = !$Model->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'cron'")?false:true; if(defined("AUTO_CRON") && $Has){ class CronCommand { protected $_initializedJobs; protected $_jobs; protected $_now; public function __construct() { $this->_now = strtotime(date('Y-n-j H:i')); import("Cron.Common.Cron.tdcron_entry",'','.php'); import("Cron.Common.Cron.tdcron",'','.php'); } /** * 这里是放要执行的代码 */ public function fire() { restore_error_handler(); restore_exception_handler(); $this->_initializedJobs = array(); $jobs = M('cron')->where("status = 'initialized'")->select(); /** * @var $cron Cron * 已存在 cron */ if($jobs) { $cron = new Cron(); foreach ($jobs as $data) { $cron->setData($data)->isNew(false); $this->_initializedJobs[$data['name']] = $cron; } } /** * 新 cron */ foreach ($this->getCronJobs() as $name => $cronJob) { if (isset($cronJob['expression'])) { $expression = $cronJob['expression']; } else { Log::write('Cron expression is required for cron job "' . $name . '"',Log::WARN); continue; } if ($this->_now != tdCron::getNextOccurrence($expression, $this->_now)) continue; $cronJob['name'] = $name; $cron = isset($this->_initializedJobs[$name]) ? $this->_initializedJobs[$name] : $this->_initializedJobs[$name] = new Cron(); $cron->initialize($cronJob); } /* @var $cron Cron 处理*/ foreach ($this->_initializedJobs as $cron) { $cron->run(); } } /** * Get All Defined Cron Jobs * 获取配置 * @return array */ public function getCronJobs() { if ($this->_jobs === null) { $this->_jobs = C('beastalkd'); } return $this->_jobs; } } $command = new CronCommand(); $command->fire(); }
cron 模型
<?php namespace Cron\Model; use Common\Model; use Think\Log; /** * Class Cron * @method string getClass() * @method string getMethod() * @method string getName() * @method string getType() * @package Cron\Model */ class Cron extends Model{ const STATUS_COMPLETED = 'completed'; const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed'; const STATUS_INITIALIZED = 'initialized'; const STATUS_RUNNING = 'running'; protected $name = 'cron'; protected $tableName = 'cron'; protected $pk = 'cron_id'; protected $_originalData = array(); /** * 保存配置信息CLASS */ protected static $_cron_classes = array(); /** * @param $class * @return mixed 获取配置的 CLASS */ public function getSingleton($class) { isset(static::$_cron_classes[$class]) or static::$_cron_classes[$class] = new $class; return static::$_cron_classes[$class]; } /** * @param $cronJob * @return $this * 初始化 任务状态 */ public function initialize($cronJob) { foreach ($cronJob as $k => $v) { $this->setData($k, $v); } $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->setData('status',self::STATUS_INITIALIZED)->setData('created_at',$now)->setData('updated_at',$now)->save(); return $this; } /** * @return $this run 命令 */ public function run() { $this->setData('run_at',date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setData('status',self::STATUS_RUNNING)->save(); Timer::start(); try { $class = $this->getData('class'); $method = $this->getData('method'); if (!class_exists($class)) throw new \Exception(sprintf('Class "%s" not found!', $class)); if (!method_exists($class, $method)) throw new \Exception(sprintf('Method "%s::%s()" not found!', $class, $method)); $callback = array($this->getSingleton($class), $method); //new CLASS 使用操作方法 // 执行配置里的 Statistics\Model\PheanstalkModel类 的 processUntreatedQueue 操作 call_user_func($callback); Timer::stop(); $this->setData('ms',round(Timer::diff() * 1000))->setData('status',self::STATUS_COMPLETED)->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Timer::stop(); $this->setData('ms',round(Timer::diff() * 1000)) ->setData('status',self::STATUS_FAILED) ->setData('error',$e->getMessage() . "\nParams:\n" . var_export($this->getDbFields(), true))->save(); Log::write($e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(),Log::ERR); } return $this; } }
Common\Model 模型
<?php namespace Common; use Think\Model as ThinkModel; /** * Class Model * @package Common * * @property \Think\Db\Driver\Mysql $db DB instance */ abstract class Model extends ThinkModel { protected $_isNew = true; protected $_jsonFields = array(); protected $_originalData = array(); protected function _after_find(&$result, $options) { foreach ($this->_jsonFields as $field) { is_string($_data = fnGet($result, $field)) and $result[$field] = json_decode($_data, true); } $this->_originalData = $result; $this->_isNew = !$result; parent::_after_find($result, $options); } protected function _after_save($result) { } protected function _before_find() { $this->_originalData = array(); } protected function _facade($data) { foreach ($this->_jsonFields as $field) { is_array($_data = fnGet($data, $field)) and $data[$field] = json_encode($_data); } return parent::_facade($data); } public function find($options = array()) { $this->_before_find(); return parent::find($options); } public function getData($key = null) { return $key === null ? $this->data : $this->__get($key); } public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } public function getOriginalData($key = null) { return $key === null ? $this->_originalData : fnGet($this->_originalData, $key); } /** * Get or set isNew flag * * @param bool $flag * * @return bool */ public function isNew($flag = null) { if ($flag !== null) $this->_isNew = (bool)$flag; return $this->_isNew; } public function save($data = '', $options = array()) { if ($this->_isNew) { $oldData = $this->data; $result = $this->add($data, $options); $this->data = $oldData; if ($result && $this->pk && is_string($this->pk)) { $this->setData($this->pk, $result); } $this->_isNew = false; } else { $oldData = $this->data; $result = parent::save($data, $options); $this->data = $oldData; } $this->_after_save($result); return $result; } public function setData($key, $value = null) { is_array($key) ? $this->data = $key : $this->data[$key] = $value; return $this; } }
<?php namespace Cron\Model; class Timer { protected static $_start = array(0, 0); protected static $_stop = array(0, 0); public static function diff($start = null, $stop = null) { $start and self::start($start); $stop and self::stop($stop); return (self::$_stop[0] - self::$_start[0]) + (self::$_stop[1] - self::$_start[1]); } public static function start($microtime = null) { $microtime or $microtime = microtime(); self::$_start = explode(' ', $microtime); } public static function stop($microtime = null) { $microtime or $microtime = microtime(); self::$_stop = explode(' ', $microtime); } }
<?php define('IDX_MINUTE', 0); define('IDX_HOUR', 1); define('IDX_DAY', 2); define('IDX_MONTH', 3); define('IDX_WEEKDAY', 4); define('IDX_YEAR', 5); /* * tdCron v0.0.1 beta - CRON-Parser for PHP * * Copyright (c) 2010 Christian Land / tagdocs.de * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and * associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * @author Christian Land <devel@tagdocs.de> * @package tdCron * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Christian Land / tagdocs.de * @version v0.0.1 beta */ class tdCron { /** * Parsed cron-expressions cache. * @var mixed */ static private $pcron = array(); /** * getNextOccurrence() uses a cron-expression to calculate the time and date at which a cronjob * should be executed the next time. If a reference-time is passed, the next time and date * after that time is calculated. * * @access public * @param string $expression cron-expression to use * @param int $timestamp optional reference-time * @return int * @throws Exception */ static public function getNextOccurrence($expression, $timestamp = null) { try { // Convert timestamp to array $next = self::getTimestamp($timestamp); // Calculate date/time $next_time = self::calculateDateTime($expression, $next); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } // return calculated time return $next_time; } /** * getLastOccurrence() does pretty much the same as getNextOccurrence(). The only difference * is, that it doesn't calculate the next but the last time a cronjob should have been executed. * * @access public * @param string $expression cron-expression to use * @param int $timestamp optional reference-time * @return int * @throws Exception */ static public function getLastOccurrence($expression, $timestamp = null) { try { // Convert timestamp to array $last = self::getTimestamp($timestamp); // Calculate date/time $last_time = self::calculateDateTime($expression, $last, false); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } // return calculated time return $last_time; } /** * calculateDateTime() is the function where all the magic happens :-) * * It calculates the time and date at which the next/last call of a cronjob is/was due. * * @access private * @param mixed $expression cron-expression * @param mixed $rtime reference-time * @param bool $next true = nextOccurence, false = lastOccurence * @return int * @throws Exception */ static private function calculateDateTime($expression, $rtime, $next = true) { // Initialize vars $calc_date = true; // Parse cron-expression (if neccessary) $cron = self::getExpression($expression, !$next); // OK, lets see if the day/month/weekday of the reference-date exist in our // $cron-array. if (!in_array($rtime[IDX_DAY], $cron[IDX_DAY]) || !in_array($rtime[IDX_MONTH], $cron[IDX_MONTH]) || !in_array($rtime[IDX_WEEKDAY], $cron[IDX_WEEKDAY])) { // OK, things are easy. The day/month/weekday of the reference time // can't be found in the $cron-array. This means that no matter what // happens, we WILL end up at at a different date than that of our // reference-time. And in this case, the lastOccurrence will ALWAYS // happen at the latest possible time of the day and the nextOccurrence // at the earliest possible time. // // In both cases, the time can be found in the first elements of the // hour/minute cron-arrays. $rtime[IDX_HOUR] = reset($cron[IDX_HOUR]); $rtime[IDX_MINUTE] = reset($cron[IDX_MINUTE]); } else { // OK, things are getting a little bit more complicated... $nhour = self::findValue($rtime[IDX_HOUR], $cron[IDX_HOUR], $next); // Meh. Such a cruel world. Something has gone awry. Lets see HOW awry it went. if ($nhour === false) { // Ah, the hour-part went wrong. Thats easy. Wrong hour means that no // matter what we do we'll end up at a different date. Thus we can use // some simple operations to make things look pretty ;-) // // As alreasy mentioned before -> different date means earliest/latest // time: $rtime[IDX_HOUR] = reset($cron[IDX_HOUR]); $rtime[IDX_MINUTE] = reset($cron[IDX_MINUTE]); // Now all we have to do is add/subtract a day to get a new reference time // to use later to find the right date. The following line probably looks // a little odd but thats the easiest way of adding/substracting a day without // screwing up the date. Just trust me on that one ;-) $rtime = explode(',', strftime('%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y', mktime($rtime[IDX_HOUR], $rtime[IDX_MINUTE], 0, $rtime[IDX_MONTH], $rtime[IDX_DAY], $rtime[IDX_YEAR]) + ((($next) ? 1 : -1) * 86400))); } else { // OK, there is a higher/lower hour available. Check the minutes-part. $nminute = self::findValue($rtime[IDX_MINUTE], $cron[IDX_MINUTE], $next); if ($nminute === false) { // No matching minute-value found... lets see what happens if we substract/add an hour $nhour = self::findValue($rtime[IDX_HOUR] + (($next) ? 1 : -1), $cron[IDX_HOUR], $next); if ($nhour === false) { // No more hours available... add/substract a day... you know what happens ;-) $nminute = reset($cron[IDX_MINUTE]); $nhour = reset($cron[IDX_HOUR]); $rtime = explode(',', strftime('%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y', mktime($nhour, $nminute, 0, $rtime[IDX_MONTH], $rtime[IDX_DAY], $rtime[IDX_YEAR]) + ((($next) ? 1 : -1) * 86400))); } else { // OK, there was another hour. Set the right minutes-value $rtime[IDX_HOUR] = $nhour; $rtime[IDX_MINUTE] = (($next) ? reset($cron[IDX_MINUTE]) : end($cron[IDX_MINUTE])); $calc_date = false; } } else { // OK, there is a matching minute... reset minutes if hour has changed if ($nhour <> $rtime[IDX_HOUR]) { $nminute = reset($cron[IDX_MINUTE]); } // Set time $rtime[IDX_HOUR] = $nhour; $rtime[IDX_MINUTE] = $nminute; $calc_date = false; } } } // If we have to calculate the date... we'll do so if ($calc_date) { if (in_array($rtime[IDX_DAY], $cron[IDX_DAY]) && in_array($rtime[IDX_MONTH], $cron[IDX_MONTH]) && in_array($rtime[IDX_WEEKDAY], $cron[IDX_WEEKDAY])) { return mktime($rtime[1], $rtime[0], 0, $rtime[3], $rtime[2], $rtime[5]); } else { // OK, some searching necessary... $cdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $rtime[IDX_MONTH], $rtime[IDX_DAY], $rtime[IDX_YEAR]); // OK, these three nested loops are responsible for finding the date... // // The class has 2 limitations/bugs right now: // // -> it doesn't work for dates in 2036 or later! // -> it will most likely fail if you search for a Feburary, 29th with a given weekday // (this does happen because the class only searches in the next/last 10 years! And // while it usually takes less than 10 years for a "normal" date to iterate through // all weekdays, it can take 20+ years for Feb, 29th to iterate through all weekdays! for ($nyear = $rtime[IDX_YEAR]; (($next) ? ($nyear <= $rtime[IDX_YEAR] + 10) : ($nyear >= $rtime[IDX_YEAR] - 10)); $nyear = $nyear + (($next) ? 1 : -1)) { foreach ($cron[IDX_MONTH] as $nmonth) { foreach ($cron[IDX_DAY] as $nday) { if (checkdate($nmonth, $nday, $nyear)) { $ndate = mktime(0, 0, 1, $nmonth, $nday, $nyear); if (($next) ? ($ndate >= $cdate) : ($ndate <= $cdate)) { $dow = date('w', $ndate); // The date is "OK" - lets see if the weekday matches, too... if (in_array($dow, $cron[IDX_WEEKDAY])) { // WIN! :-) We found a valid date... $rtime = explode(',', strftime('%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y', mktime($rtime[IDX_HOUR], $rtime[IDX_MINUTE], 0, $nmonth, $nday, $nyear))); return mktime($rtime[1], $rtime[0], 0, $rtime[3], $rtime[2], $rtime[5]); } } } } } } } throw new Exception('Failed to find date, No matching date found in a 10 years range!', 10004); } return mktime($rtime[1], $rtime[0], 0, $rtime[3], $rtime[2], $rtime[5]); } /** * getTimestamp() converts an unix-timestamp to an array. The returned array contains the following values: * * [0] -> minute * [1] -> hour * [2] -> day * [3] -> month * [4] -> weekday * [5] -> year * * The array is used by various functions. * * @access private * @param int $timestamp If none is given, the current time is used * @return mixed */ static private function getTimestamp($timestamp = null) { if (is_null($timestamp)) { $arr = explode(',', strftime('%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y', time())); } else { $arr = explode(',', strftime('%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y', $timestamp)); } // Remove leading zeros (or we'll get in trouble ;-) foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $arr[$key] = (int)ltrim($value, '0'); } return $arr; } /** * findValue() checks if the given value exists in an array. If it does not exist, the next * higher/lower value is returned (depending on $next). If no higher/lower value exists, * false is returned. * * @access public * @param int $value * @param mixed $data * @param bool $next * @return mixed */ static private function findValue($value, $data, $next = true) { if (in_array($value, $data)) { return (int)$value; } else { if (($next) ? ($value <= end($data)) : ($value >= end($data))) { foreach ($data as $curval) { if (($next) ? ($value <= (int)$curval) : ($curval <= $value)) { return (int)$curval; } } } } return false; } /** * getExpression() returns a parsed cron-expression. Parsed cron-expressions are cached to reduce * unneccessary calls of the parser. * * @access public * @param string $expression * @param bool $reverse * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ static private function getExpression($expression, $reverse = false) { // First of all we cleanup the expression and remove all duplicate tabs/spaces/etc. // For example "* * * * *" would be converted to "* * * * *", etc. $expression = preg_replace('/(\s+)/', ' ', strtolower(trim($expression))); // Lets see if we've already parsed that expression if (!isset(self::$pcron[$expression])) { // Nope - parse it! try { self::$pcron[$expression] = tdCronEntry::parse($expression); self::$pcron['reverse'][$expression] = self::arrayReverse(self::$pcron[$expression]); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } return ($reverse ? self::$pcron['reverse'][$expression] : self::$pcron[$expression]); } /** * arrayReverse() reverses all sub-arrays of our cron array. The reversed values are used for calculations * that are run when getLastOccurence() is called. * * @access public * @param mixed $cron * @return mixed */ static private function arrayReverse($cron) { foreach ($cron as $key => $value) { $cron[$key] = array_reverse($value); } return $cron; } }
<?php /** * tinyCronEntry is part of tdCron. Its a class to parse Cron-Expressions like "1-45 1,2,3 1-30/5 January,February Mon,Tue" * and convert it to an easily useable format. * * The parser is quite powerful and understands pretty much everything you will ever find in a Cron-Expression. * * A Cron-Expression consists of 5 segments: * * <pre> * .---------------- minute (0 - 59) * | .------------- hour (0 - 23) * | | .---------- day of month (1 - 31) * | | | .------- month (1 - 12) * | | | | .----- day of week (0 - 6) * | | | | | * * * * * * * </pre> * * Each segment can contain values, ranges and intervals. A range is always written as "value1-value2" and * intervals as "value1/value2". * * Of course each segment can contain multiple values seperated by commas. * * Some valid examples: * * <pre> * 1,2,3,4,5 * 1-5 * 10-20/* * Jan,Feb,Oct * Monday-Friday * 1-10,15,20,40-50/2 * </pre> * * The current version of the parser understands all weekdays and month names in german and english! * * Usually you won't need to call this class directly. * * Copyright (c) 2010 Christian Land / tagdocs.de * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and * associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * @author Christian Land <devel@tagdocs.de> * @package tinyCron * @subpackage tinyCronEntry * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Christian Land / tagdocs.de * @version v0.0.1 beta */ class tdCronEntry { /** * The parsed cron-expression. * @var mixed */ static private $cron = array(); /** * Ranges. * @var mixed */ static private $ranges = array( IDX_MINUTE => array('min' => 0, 'max' => 59), // Minutes IDX_HOUR => array('min' => 0, 'max' => 23), // Hours IDX_DAY => array('min' => 1, 'max' => 31), // Days IDX_MONTH => array('min' => 1, 'max' => 12), // Months IDX_WEEKDAY => array('min' => 0, 'max' => 7) // Weekdays ); /** * Named intervals. * @var mixed */ static private $intervals = array( '@yearly' => '0 0 1 1 *', '@annually' => '0 0 1 1 *', '@monthly' => '0 0 1 * *', '@weekly' => '0 0 * * 0', '@midnight' => '0 0 * * *', '@daily' => '0 0 * * *', '@hourly' => '0 * * * *' ); /** * Possible keywords for months/weekdays. * @var mixed */ static private $keywords = array( IDX_MONTH => array( '/(january|januar|jan)/i' => 1, '/(february|februar|feb)/i' => 2, '/(march|maerz|m?rz|mar|mae|m?r)/i' => 3, '/(april|apr)/i' => 4, '/(may|mai)/i' => 5, '/(june|juni|jun)/i' => 6, '/(july|juli|jul)/i' => 7, '/(august|aug)/i' => 8, '/(september|sep)/i' => 9, '/(october|oktober|okt|oct)/i' => 10, '/(november|nov)/i' => 11, '/(december|dezember|dec|dez)/i' => 12 ), IDX_WEEKDAY => array( '/(sunday|sonntag|sun|son|su|so)/i' => 0, '/(monday|montag|mon|mo)/i' => 1, '/(tuesday|dienstag|die|tue|tu|di)/i' => 2, '/(wednesdays|mittwoch|mit|wed|we|mi)/i' => 3, '/(thursday|donnerstag|don|thu|th|do)/i' => 4, '/(friday|freitag|fre|fri|fr)/i' => 5, '/(saturday|samstag|sam|sat|sa)/i' => 6 ) ); /** * parseExpression() analyses crontab-expressions like "* * 1,2,3 * mon,tue" and returns an array * containing all values. If it can't be parsed, an exception is thrown. * * @access public * @param string $expression The cron-expression to parse. * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ static public function parse($expression) { $dummy = array(); // Convert named expressions if neccessary if (substr($expression, 0, 1) == '@') { $expression = strtr($expression, self::$intervals); if (substr($expression, 0, 1) == '@') { // Oops... unknown named interval!?!! throw new Exception('Unknown named interval [' . $expression . ']', 10000); } } // Next basic check... do we have 5 segments? $cron = explode(' ', $expression); if (count($cron) <> 5) { // No... we haven't... throw new Exception('Wrong number of segments in expression. Expected: 5, Found: ' . count($cron), 10001); } else { // Yup, 5 segments... lets see if we can work with them foreach ($cron as $idx => $segment) { try { $dummy[$idx] = self::expandSegment($idx, $segment); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } } return $dummy; } /** * expandSegment() analyses a single segment * * @access public * @param $idx * @param $segment * @return array * @throws Exception */ static private function expandSegment($idx, $segment) { // Store original segment for later use $osegment = $segment; // Replace months/weekdays like "January", "February", etc. with numbers if (isset(self::$keywords[$idx])) { $segment = preg_replace(array_keys(self::$keywords[$idx]), array_values(self::$keywords[$idx]), $segment); } // Replace wildcards if (substr($segment, 0, 1) == '*') { $segment = preg_replace('/^\*(\/\d+)?$/i', self::$ranges[$idx]['min'] . '-' . self::$ranges[$idx]['max'] . '$1', $segment); } // Make sure that nothing unparsed is left :) $dummy = preg_replace('/[0-9\-\/\,]/', '', $segment); if (!empty($dummy)) { // Ohoh.... thats not good :-) throw new Exception('Failed to parse segment: ' . $osegment, 10002); } // At this point our string should be OK - lets convert it to an array $result = array(); $atoms = explode(',', $segment); foreach ($atoms as $curatom) { $result = array_merge($result, self::parseAtom($curatom)); } // Get rid of duplicates and sort the array $result = array_unique($result); sort($result); // Check for invalid values if ($idx == IDX_WEEKDAY) { if (end($result) == 7) { if (reset($result) <> 0) { array_unshift($result, 0); } array_pop($result); } } foreach ($result as $key => $value) { if (($value < self::$ranges[$idx]['min']) || ($value > self::$ranges[$idx]['max'])) { throw new Exception('Failed to parse segment, invalid value [' . $value . ']: ' . $osegment, 10003); } } return $result; } /** * parseAtom() analyses a single segment * * @access public * @param string $atom The segment to parse * @return array */ static private function parseAtom($atom) { $expanded = array(); if (preg_match('/^(\d+)-(\d+)(\/(\d+))?/i', $atom, $matches)) { $low = $matches[1]; $high = $matches[2]; if ($low > $high) { list($low, $high) = array($high, $low); } $step = isset($matches[4]) ? $matches[4] : 1; for ($i = $low; $i <= $high; $i += $step) { $expanded[] = (int)$i; } } else { $expanded[] = (int)$atom; } $expanded2 = array_unique($expanded); return $expanded; } }
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