在做oracle数据库管理的时候,经常会有用户遇到超过最大进程数的错误,表现为新的连接无法登入数据库。一致提示超过最大的process数 。其实这个问题,如果用户是测试环境,好解决。直接关闭数据库或者直接kill掉所有的“LOCAL=NO”的进程。
#!/usr/bin/perl #write by wulei #get the first parameter $arg1=""; chomp($arg1); while($arg1 eq "") { print "please input your first parameter:"; $arg1=<STDIN>; chomp($arg1); if($arg1 ne ""){ @temp1=`ps -eo lstart,pid,args | grep '$arg1' | grep -v grep`; $process_count=`ps -eo lstart,pid,args | grep '$arg1' | grep -v grep | wc -l`; chomp($process_count); if($process_count eq "0") { $arg1=""; print "we got 0 processes,please retry!\n"; next; } print "We will kill $process_count(count) processes\n"; print "All the processes list below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"; print "#############################################################\n"; print @temp1; } chomp($arg1); } #get the second parameter $arg2=""; chomp($arg2); while($arg2 eq "") { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "############################################################\n"; print "#[null] kill all the process we had got #\n"; print "#[num ] kill the process start at before sysdate-number #\n"; print "if you want exit,enter 'ctrl+c' #\n"; print "############################################################\n"; print "please input your second parameter:"; $arg2=<STDIN>; chomp($arg2); if($arg2 eq "") { print "Are you sure,to kill all the process above:[y/n]"; $confirm=<STDIN>; chomp($confirm); if($confirm eq "Y" or $confirm eq "y") { #kill all the process ,we got it @result=`ps -eo pid,args | grep '$arg1' | grep -v grep`; print "Kill List !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"; print "###################################################################\n"; foreach $result (@result) { @result1=split(/\s+/,$result); chomp($result1[0]); if($result1[0] ne ""){ #`kill -9 '$result1[0]'`; print $result1[0]." ".$result1[1]." ".$result1[2]."\n"; push(@kill_Queue,$result1[0]); } } $killQueueLen=@kill_Queue; print "###################################################################\n"; print "We will kill '$killQueueLen' processes!!\n"; print "Are you sure about kill the processes above?[y/n]"; $yesorno=<STDIN>; chomp($yesorno); if($yesorno eq "Y" or $yesorno eq "y") { print "###################################################################\n"; foreach $kill_Queue (@kill_Queue) { print $kill_Queue; chomp($kill_Queue); if($kill_Queue ne "") { `kill -9 '$kill_Queue'`; } } } elsif($yesorno eq "N" or $yesorno eq "n") { @kill_Queue=(); $arg2=""; next; } else { print "###################################################################\n"; print "JUEST Y or N!!!!\n"; print "###################################################################\n"; next; } print "OK\n"; exit; } elsif($confirm eq "N" or $confirm eq "n") { exit 0; } else { print "Please input [y/n]:"; next; } } else { if($arg2 =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/) { @result=`ps -eo lstart,pid,args | grep $arg1 | grep -v grep`; my @kill_Queue=""; print "killed list\n"; print "###################################################################\n"; foreach $result ( @result) { if($result ne "") { @result1 =split(/\s+/,$result); $time_start=$result1[1]." ".$result1[2]." ".$result1[3]." ".$result1[4]; $format_time=`date -d '$time_start' '+%Y/%m/%d %T'`; chomp($format_time); $pro_st_time=`date +%s -d '$format_time'`; $a1=`date`; chomp($a1); chomp($pro_st_time); chomp($kill_time); $cur_time=`date +%s -d '$a1'`; $kill_time=$cur_time-$arg2; if($pro_st_time > $kill_time) { print $result1[5]." ".$result1[6]." ".$result1[7]."\n"; push(@kill_Queue,$result1[5]); } } else { next; } } $killQueueLen=@kill_Queue-1; print "###################################################################\n"; print "We will kill '$killQueueLen' processes!!\n"; print "Are you sure about kill the processes above?[y/n]"; $yesorno=<STDIN>; chomp($yesorno); if($yesorno eq "Y" or $yesorno eq "y") { foreach $kill_Queue (@kill_Queue) { chomp($kill_Queue); if($kill_Queue ne "") { `kill -9 '$kill_Queue'`; } } } elsif($yesorno eq "N" or $yesorno eq "n") { $arg2=""; next; } } } print "retry"; } print "End of the script\n"; print "================================================================\n";
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