故障1,Error_code: 1197 (max_binlog_cache_size)
[ERROR] Slave SQL for channel '': Worker 1 failed executing transaction 'bea4612c-4828-11e7-90b3-a0423f31cad6:716212' at master log mysql.135371, end_log_pos 103016490; Could not execute Write_rows event on table ******; Multi-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again, Error_code: 1197; Writing one row to the row-based binary log failed, Error_code: 1534; handler error HA_ERR_RBR_LOGGING_FAILED; the event's master log FIRST, end_log_pos 103016490, Error_code: 1197
解决办法:临时增加该值后restart slave即可以继续复制线程。
stop slave; set global max_binlog_cache_size= 201326592; start slave;
/bin/mysqlbinlog -vv --base64-output=decode-rows mysql.135371 | more
精简后的内容: # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 10538 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 10538 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 18175 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 18175 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 25789 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 25789 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 33424 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 33424 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 40961 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 40961 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 48553 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 48553 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 56126 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 56126 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 63671 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 63671 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 71205 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 71205 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 78753 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 78753 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 86322 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776 # at 86322 # 13:43:59 server id ******* end_log_pos 93925 CRC32 Write_rows: table id 2776
insert into table1 select * from table2 where time > '2016-10-01'
107M 14:07 mysql.135380 101M 14:08 mysql.135381 112M 14:08 mysql.135382 110M 14:09 mysql.135383 124M 14:09 mysql.135384 31M 14:10 mysql.135385 226M 14:10 mysql.135386 120M 14:12 mysql.135387 111M 14:13 mysql.135388 102M 14:14 mysql.135389 ... 126M 14:16 mysql.135394 ... 118M 14:23 mysql.135404 ... 110M 14:28 mysql.135409 63M 14:29 mysql.135410 104M 14:29 mysql.135411 281 14:30 mysql.135412 115M 14:30 mysql.135413 112M 14:30 mysql.135414 127M 14:30 mysql.135415 119M 14:31 mysql.135416 85M 14:32 mysql.135417 60M 14:32 mysql.135418 151M 14:33 mysql.135419
故障2,Errno: 1872,Error: Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository
数据库在 'in place' 升级之后报出该错误,重启主从后问题解决
查看问题有人说原因是从库信息变化导致的,解决方法可以reset slave,重新change master。