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1. python连接mysql的connector有很多,我们选择MySQLdb
2. 让python支持MySQLdb模块
#pip2.7 install MySQL-python
3. 查看python2.7可使用的模块是否存在MySQLdb
# ipython WARNING: IPython History requires SQLite, your history will not be saved Python 2.7.11 (default, Mar 10 2016, 09:45:30) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. IPython 4.1.2 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help -> Python's own help system. object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details. In [1]: help('modules') Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules... MySQLdb calendar marshal
4. 简单封装的模块,测试没问题
#!/usr/bin/python27 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- #导入MySQL驱动原生模块 import MySQLdb class mysqldb(): #构造器设定初始值 def __init__(self,host='',port=4306,user='root',passwd='zcy'): self.host = host self.port = port self.user = user self.passwd = passwd #实例一开始就具备了连接和游标属性 self.conn1 = MySQLdb.connect(host=self.host,port=self.port,user=self.user,passwd=self.passwd) self.cur1 = self.conn1.cursor() #定义mysql中的Select查询语句 def find(self,field,db,table): """ field -> query field db -> query database table -> query table """ self.field = field self.db = db self.table = table self.cur1.execute('select ' + self.field + ' from ' + self.db + '.' + self.table) return self.cur1.fetchall() #建库 def createdb(self,db): self.cur1.execute('create database if not exists ' + db) #建表 def createtable(self,db,table): self.conn1.select_db(db) self.cur1.execute( ''' create table ''' + table + ''' ( id int(5) not null primary key auto_increment, name char(10) not null, phone varchar(12) not null, class char(20) ); ''') #插入数据 def insert(self,db,table,*l): self.cur1.execute('insert into '+ db + '.' + table + ' values(null,%s,%s,%s)' , *l) self.conn1.commit()
亿速云「云数据库 MySQL」免部署即开即用,比自行安装部署数据库高出1倍以上的性能,双节点冗余防止单节点故障,数据自动定期备份随时恢复。点击查看>>