第一步就是在启动类中加入@EnableAsync注解 启动类代码如下:
@SpringBootApplication @EnableAsync public class EurekaApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(EurekaApplication.class, args); } }
/** * @author hsw * @Date 20:12 2018/8/23 */ @Slf4j @Component public class MyAsyncConfigurer implements AsyncConfigurer { @Override public Executor getAsyncExecutor() { //定义一个最大为10个线程数量的线程池 ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); return service; } @Override public AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler getAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler() { return new MyAsyncExceptionHandler(); } class MyAsyncExceptionHandler implements AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler { @Override public void handleUncaughtException(Throwable throwable, Method method, Object... objects) { log.info("Exception message - " + throwable.getMessage()); log.info("Method name - " + method.getName()); for (Object param : objects) { log.info("Parameter value - " + param); } } } }</code>
/** * @author hsw * @Date 20:07 2018/8/23 */ @Slf4j @Component public class AsyncExceptionDemo { @Async public void simple() { log.info("this is a void method"); } @Async public void inputDemo (String s) { log.info("this is a input method,{}",s); throw new IllegalArgumentException("inputError"); } @Async public Future hardDemo (String s) { log.info("this is a hard method,{}",s); Future future; try { Thread.sleep(3000); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }catch (InterruptedException e){ future = new AsyncResult("InterruptedException error"); }catch (IllegalArgumentException e){ future = new AsyncResult("i am throw IllegalArgumentException error"); } return future; } }
/** * @author hsw * @Date 20:16 2018/8/23 */ @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest @Slf4j public class AsyncExceptionDemoTest { @Autowired private AsyncExceptionDemo asyncExceptionDemo; @Test public void simple() { for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ try { asyncExceptionDemo.simple(); asyncExceptionDemo.inputDemo("input"); Future future = asyncExceptionDemo.hardDemo("hard"); log.info(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
2018-08-25 16:25:03.856 INFO 4396 --- [ main] c.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemoTest : Started AsyncExceptionDemoTest in 3.315 seconds (JVM running for 4.184)
2018-08-25 16:25:03.947 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-1] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a void method
2018-08-25 16:25:03.947 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-3] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a hard method,hard
2018-08-25 16:25:03.947 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-2] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a input method,input
2018-08-25 16:25:03.947 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-2] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Exception message - inputError
2018-08-25 16:25:03.947 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-2] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Method name - inputDemo
2018-08-25 16:25:03.947 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-2] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Parameter value - input
2018-08-25 16:25:06.947 INFO 4396 --- [ main] c.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemoTest : i am throw IllegalArgumentException error
2018-08-25 16:25:06.948 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-4] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a void method
2018-08-25 16:25:06.948 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-6] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a hard method,hard
2018-08-25 16:25:06.948 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-5] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a input method,input
2018-08-25 16:25:06.948 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-5] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Exception message - inputError
2018-08-25 16:25:06.948 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-5] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Method name - inputDemo
2018-08-25 16:25:06.948 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-5] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Parameter value - input
2018-08-25 16:25:09.949 INFO 4396 --- [ main] c.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemoTest : i am throw IllegalArgumentException error
2018-08-25 16:25:09.950 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-7] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a void method
2018-08-25 16:25:09.950 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-8] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a input method,input
2018-08-25 16:25:09.950 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-8] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Exception message - inputError
2018-08-25 16:25:09.950 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-9] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a hard method,hard
2018-08-25 16:25:09.950 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-8] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Method name - inputDemo
2018-08-25 16:25:09.950 INFO 4396 --- [pool-1-thread-8] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Parameter value - input
2018-08-25 16:25:12.950 INFO 4396 --- [ main] c.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemoTest : i am throw IllegalArgumentException error
2018-08-25 16:25:12.953 INFO 4396 --- [ Thread-2] o.s.w.c.s.GenericWebApplicationContext : Closing org.springframework.web.context.support.GenericWebApplicationContext@71075444: startup date [Sat Aug 25 16:25:01 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
public static ExecutorService newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads, ThreadFactory threadFactory)
static class MyNamedThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory { private static final AtomicInteger poolNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); private final ThreadGroup group; private final AtomicInteger threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); private final String namePrefix; MyNamedThreadFactory(String name) { SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager(); group = (s != null) ? s.getThreadGroup() : Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); if (null == name || name.isEmpty()) { name = "pool"; } namePrefix = name + "-" + poolNumber.getAndIncrement() + "-thread-"; } public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(group, r, namePrefix + threadNumber.getAndIncrement(), 0); if (t.isDaemon()) t.setDaemon(false); if (t.getPriority() != Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) t.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); return t; } }
@Override public Executor getAsyncExecutor() { ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10,new MyNamedThreadFactory("HSW")); return service; }
2018-08-25 16:42:44.068 INFO 46028 --- [ main] c.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemoTest : Started AsyncExceptionDemoTest in 3.038 seconds (JVM running for 3.83)
2018-08-25 16:42:44.155 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-3] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a hard method,hard
2018-08-25 16:42:44.155 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-2] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a input method,input
2018-08-25 16:42:44.155 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-1] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a void method
2018-08-25 16:42:44.155 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-2] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Exception message - inputError
2018-08-25 16:42:44.155 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-2] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Method name - inputDemo
2018-08-25 16:42:44.155 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-2] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Parameter value - input
2018-08-25 16:42:47.155 INFO 46028 --- [ main] c.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemoTest : i am throw IllegalArgumentException error
2018-08-25 16:42:47.156 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-4] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a void method
2018-08-25 16:42:47.156 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-5] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a input method,input
2018-08-25 16:42:47.156 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-6] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a hard method,hard
2018-08-25 16:42:47.156 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-5] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Exception message - inputError
2018-08-25 16:42:47.156 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-5] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Method name - inputDemo
2018-08-25 16:42:47.156 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-5] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Parameter value - input
2018-08-25 16:42:50.156 INFO 46028 --- [ main] c.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemoTest : i am throw IllegalArgumentException error
2018-08-25 16:42:50.157 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-7] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a void method
2018-08-25 16:42:50.157 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-8] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a input method,input
2018-08-25 16:42:50.157 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-9] com.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemo : this is a hard method,hard
2018-08-25 16:42:50.157 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-8] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Exception message - inputError
2018-08-25 16:42:50.157 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-8] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Method name - inputDemo
2018-08-25 16:42:50.157 INFO 46028 --- [ HSW-1-thread-8] com.hsw.test.async.MyAsyncConfigurer : Parameter value - input
2018-08-25 16:42:53.157 INFO 46028 --- [ main] c.hsw.test.async.AsyncExceptionDemoTest : i am throw IllegalArgumentException error
2018-08-25 16:42:53.161 INFO 46028 --- [ Thread-2] o.s.w.c.s.GenericWebApplicationContext : Closing org.springframework.web.context.support.GenericWebApplicationContext@71075444: startup date [Sat Aug 25 16:42:41 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
第一步,先在Spring Boot主类中定义一个线程池,比如:
@SpringBootApplication public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args); } @EnableAsync @Configuration class TaskPoolConfig { @Bean("taskExecutor") public Executor taskExecutor() { ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor(); executor.setCorePoolSize(10); executor.setMaxPoolSize(20); executor.setQueueCapacity(200); executor.setKeepAliveSeconds(60); executor.setThreadNamePrefix("taskExecutor-"); executor.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()); return executor; } } }
线程池对拒绝任务的处理策略:这里采用了CallerRunsPolicy策略,当线程池没有处理能力的时候,该策略会直接在 execute 方法的调用线程中运行被拒绝的任务;如果执行程序已关闭,则会丢弃该任务
@Slf4j @Component public class Task { public static Random random = new Random(); @Async("taskExecutor") public void doTaskOne() throws Exception { log.info("开始做任务一"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(10000)); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.info("完成任务一,耗时:" + (end - start) + "毫秒"); } @Async("taskExecutor") public void doTaskTwo() throws Exception { log.info("开始做任务二"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(10000)); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.info("完成任务二,耗时:" + (end - start) + "毫秒"); } @Async("taskExecutor") public void doTaskThree() throws Exception { log.info("开始做任务三"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(10000)); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.info("完成任务三,耗时:" + (end - start) + "毫秒"); } }
@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @SpringBootTest public class ApplicationTests { @Autowired private Task task; @Test public void test() throws Exception { task.doTaskOne(); task.doTaskTwo(); task.doTaskThree(); Thread.currentThread().join(); } }
2018-03-27 22:01:15.620 INFO 73703 --- [ taskExecutor-1] com.didispace.async.Task : 开始做任务一
2018-03-27 22:01:15.620 INFO 73703 --- [ taskExecutor-2] com.didispace.async.Task : 开始做任务二
2018-03-27 22:01:15.620 INFO 73703 --- [ taskExecutor-3] com.didispace.async.Task : 开始做任务三
2018-03-27 22:01:18.165 INFO 73703 --- [ taskExecutor-2] com.didispace.async.Task : 完成任务二,耗时:2545毫秒
2018-03-27 22:01:22.149 INFO 73703 --- [ taskExecutor-3] com.didispace.async.Task : 完成任务三,耗时:6529毫秒
2018-03-27 22:01:23.912 INFO 73703 --- [ taskExecutor-1] com.didispace.async.Task : 完成任务一,耗时:8292毫秒
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