XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Switch Port, Link-type : access(negotiated),
PVID : 1, TPID : 8100(Hex), The Maximum Frame Length is 9012
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 4cf9-5d39-efa0
Current system time: 2017-12-08 14:10:22
Port Mode: COMMON FIBER, Transceiver: UNKNOWN_SFP
Speed : 10000, Loopback: NONE
Duplex: FULL, Negotiation: DISABLE
Mdi : -, Flow-control: DISABLE
Last 300 seconds input rate 1981032 bits/sec, 789 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 13763216 bits/sec, 1234 packets/sec
Input peak rate 3900736744 bits/sec, Record time: 2016-12-20 15:58:51
Output peak rate 1579418400 bits/sec, Record time: 2017-06-11 07:56:25
Input: 8074383226 packets, 3301841306523 bytes
Unicast: 8072437737, Multicast: 1008305
Broadcast: 1, Jumbo: 0
Discard: 0, Pause: 937183
Frames: 0
Total Error: 828399
CRC: 838399, Giants: 0
Runts: 0, DropEvents: 0
Alignments: 0, Symbols: 0
Ignoreds: 0
Output: 11492763448 packets, 15396671657189 bytes
Unicast: 11475385794, Multicast: 16770945
Broadcast: 606709, Jumbo: 0
Discard: 12, Pause: 0
Total Error: 0
Collisions: 0, Late Collisions: 0
Deferreds: 0
Input bandwidth utilization threshold : 80.00%
Output bandwidth utilization threshold: 80.00%
Input bandwidth utilization : 0.02%
Output bandwidth utilization : 0.14%
如果之前就出现了,但是存在数据没有清除需要观察包的数量是否增加,如果没有增加可以将接口下清除统计信息,避免不必要的报错,通过命令 reset count interface XG 0/0/1 清除接口下所有的数据统计信息。
[G14_WR_NE20E_A-diagnose]display optical-module extend information slot 17 card 14
Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), Internally Calibrated
Card14-Port0 + Value HighAlarm HighWarn LowWarn LowAlarm Status
Temperature(C) 34.527 80.000 70.000 0.000 -10.000 Normal
Supply Voltage(V) 3.307 3.630 3.465 3.135 2.970 Normal
Tx Bias(mA) 5.340 20.000 15.000 1.000 1.000 Normal
Tx Power(avg dBm) -2.281 0.999 -1.000 -7.300 -9.299 Normal
Rx Power(avg dBm) -40.000 0.999 -1.000 -9.901 -11.897 Abnormal
<Quidway> display transceiver interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 verbose
display power
Slot PowerID Online Mode State Power(W)
1 PWR1 Present AC NotSupply 150.00
1 PWR2 Present AC Supply 150.00
2 PWR1 Present AC NotSupply 150.00
2 PWR2 Present AC Supply 150.00
display configuration changes
<D05_ASW_S5720_CSS>display snmp-agent sys-info version
SNMP version running in the system:
<D05_ASW_S5720_CSS>display interface GigabitEthernet2/0/12
Last 300 seconds input rate 448792 bits/sec, 62 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 506664 bits/sec, 71 packets/sec
display trapbuffer
#Feb 8 2017 18:37:18+08:00 C05_NAS_S5720_CSS L2IFPPI/4/MFLPVLANALARM:OID MAC move detected, VLANID = 3, MacAddress = 244c-0733-3205, Original-Port = Eth-Trunk100, Flapping port = XGE1/0/1. Please check the network accessed to flapping port.
<HUAWEI> display mac-address flapping record
Move-Time VLAN MAC-Address Original-Port Move-Ports MoveNum
S:2011-08-31 17:22:36 300 0000-0000-0007 Eth-Trunk1 Eth-Trunk2 81
E:2011-08-31 17:22:44
8. 单板工作不正常
display device
CE12808's Device status:
Slot Card Type Online Power Register Alarm Primary
1 - CE-L48XS-EC Present On Registered Normal NA
3 - CE-L48GS-EA Present On Registered Normal NA
5 - CE-L48GT-EA Present On Registered Normal NA
9 - CE-MPUA Present On Registered Normal Master
10 - CE-MPUA Present On Registered Normal Slave
11 - CE-CMUA Present On Registered Normal Master
12 - CE-CMUA Present On Registered Normal Slave
13 - CE-SFU08A Present On Registered Normal NA
14 - CE-SFU08A Present On Registered Normal NA
15 - CE-SFU08A Present On Registered Normal NA
16 - CE-SFU08A Present On Registered Normal NA
17 - CE-SFU08A Present On Registered Normal NA
18 - - Present Off Unregistered - NA
PWR1 - PAC-2700WA Present On Registered Normal NA
PWR2 - PAC-2700WA Present On Registered Normal NA
PWR3 - PAC-2700WA Present On Registered Normal NA
PWR4 - PAC-2700WA Present On Registered Normal NA
PWR5 - PAC-2700WA Present On Registered Normal NA
PWR6 - PAC-2700WA Present On Registered Normal NA
PWR7 - PAC-2700WA Present On Registered Normal NA
PWR8 - PAC-2700WA Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN1 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN2 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN3 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN4 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN5 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN6 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN7 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN8 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN9 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN10 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN11 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN12 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
FAN13 - FAN-12C Present On Registered Normal NA
<G11_CSW_CE12808_B>display switchover state
Switchover State : Ready
Switchover Policy : Board Switchover
MainBoard : 9
SlaveBoard : 10
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