Swift 是一门开发 iOS, macOS, watchOS 和 tvOS 应用的新语言。
swift 是一种安全,快速和互动的编程语言。
swift 支持代码预览(playgrounds),这个特性可以允许程序员在不编译和运行应用程序的前提下运行 Swift 代码并实时查看结果。
Swift 通过采用现代编程模式来避免大量常见编程错误:
可选值确保明确处理 nil 值。
声明常量和变量, 常量和变量必须在使用前声明,使用 let 来声明常量,使用 var 来声明变量。
let maximumNumberOfLoginAttempts = 10 var currentLoginAttempt = 0 // 类型注解 var welcomeMessage: String
单行注释双正斜杠(//), 多行注释(/* 多行的 */)。Swift 的多行注释可以嵌套在其它的多行注释之中。
// 这是一个注释 /* 这也是一个注释, 但是是多行的 */ /* 这是第一个多行注释的开头 /* 这是第二个被嵌套的多行注释 */ 这是第一个多行注释的结尾 */
Swift 并不强制要求你在每条语句的结尾处使用分号(;)。
let cat = "????"; print(cat) // 输出“????”
统一使用 Int 可以提高代码的可复用性,避免不同类型数字之间的转换, 并且匹配数字的类型推断。
let minValue = UInt8.min // minValue 为 0,是 UInt8 类型let maxValue = UInt8.max // maxValue 为 255,是 UInt8 类型
Swift 是一门类型安全的语言,这意味着 Swift 可以让你清楚地知道值的类型。
如果你没有显式指定类型,Swift 会使用类型推断来选择合适的类型。(int、double)。
let meaningOfLife = 42 // meaningOfLife 会被推测为 Int 类型let pi = 3.14159 // pi 会被推测为 Double 类型
let decimalInteger = 17let binaryInteger = 0b10001 // 二进制的17let octalInteger = 0o21 // 八进制的17let hexadecimalInteger = 0x11 // 十六进制的17
类型别名(type aliases)就是给现有类型定义另一个名字。你可以使用 typealias 关键字来定义类型别名。
typealias AudioSample = UInt16 var maxAmplitudeFound = AudioSample.min // maxAmplitudeFound 现在是 0
let orangesAreOrange = truelet turnipsAreDelicious = false
let http404Error = (404, "Not Found") // http404Error 的类型是 (Int, String),值是 (404, "Not Found")
使用可选类型(optionals)来处理值可能缺失的情况。可选类型表示两种可能:或者有值, 你可以解析可选类型访问这个值, 或者根本没有值。
var serverResponseCode: Int? = 404 // serverResponseCode 包含一个可选的 Int 值 404 serverResponseCode = nil // serverResponseCode 现在不包含值
func makeASandwich() throws { // ... }do { try makeASandwich() eatASandwich() } catch SandwichError.outOfCleanDishes { washDishes() } catch SandwichError.missingIngredients(let ingredients) { buyGroceries(ingredients) }
let age = -3 assert(age >= 0, "A person's age cannot be less than zero") // 因为 age < 0,所以断言会触发
Swift 支持大部分标准 C 语言的运算符,还提供了 C 语言没有的区间运算符,例如 a..<b 或 a...b。
闭区间运算符(a...b)定义一个包含从 a 到 b(包括 a 和 b)的所有值的区间。
半开区间运算符(a..<b)定义一个从 a 到 b 但不包括 b 的区间。
let names = ["Anna", "Alex", "Brian", "Jack"]let count = names.countfor i in 0..<count { print("第 \(i + 1) 个人叫 \(names[i])") } // 第 1 个人叫 Anna // 第 2 个人叫 Alex // 第 3 个人叫 Brian // 第 4 个人叫 Jack
使用字符,可通过 for-in 循环来遍历字符串,获取字符串中每一个字符的值。
Swift 提供了三种方式来比较文本值:字符串字符相等、前缀相等和后缀相等。
// 多行字符串字面量let quotation = """ The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. "Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?" he asked. "Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on till you come to the end; then stop." """// 下面两个字符串其实是一样的let singleLineString = "These are the same."let multilineString = """ These are the same. """// 字符串插值let multiplier = 3let message = "\(multiplier) times 2.5 is \(Double(multiplier) * 2.5)"// message 是 "3 times 2.5 is 7.5"// 计算字符数量 var word = "cafe"print("the number of characters in \(word) is \(word.count)") // 打印输出“the number of characters in cafe is 4” var emptyString = "" // 空字符串字面量 var anotherEmptyString = String() // 初始化方法 // 两个字符串均为空并等价。let catCharacters: [Character] = ["C", "a", "t", "!"]let catString = String(catCharacters)print(catString) // 打印输出:“Cat!”
Swift 语言提供数组(Array)、集合(Set)和字典(Dictionary)三种基本的集合类型用来存储集合数据。数组是有序数据的集。集合是无序无重复数据的集。字典是无序的键值对的集。
// 集合 var someInts = [Int]()print("someInts is of type [Int] with \(someInts.count) items.") // 打印“someInts is of type [Int] with 0 items.” var threeDoubles = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: 3) // threeDoubles 是一种 [Double] 数组,等价于 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] var anotherThreeDoubles = Array(repeating: 2.5, count: 3) // anotherThreeDoubles 被推断为 [Double],等价于 [2.5, 2.5, 2.5] var sixDoubles = threeDoubles + anotherThreeDoubles // sixDoubles 被推断为 [Double],等价于 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5] // enumerated() 方法遍历数组 var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]for (index, value) in shoppingList.enumerated() { print("Item \(String(index + 1)): \(value)") }
像 if 语句一样,guard 的执行取决于一个表达式的布尔值。我们可以使用 guard 语句来要求条件必须为真时,以执行 guard 语句后的代码。不同于 if 语句,一个 guard 语句总是有一个 else 从句,如果条件不为真则执行 else 从句中的代码。
Swift 内置支持检查 API 可用性,编译器使用 SDK 中的可用信息来验证我们的代码中使用的所有 API 在项目指定的部署目标上是否可用。如果我们尝试使用一个不可用的 API,Swift 会在编译时报错。
let names = ["Anna", "Alex", "Brian", "Jack"]for name in names { print("Hello, \(name)!") }let numberOfLegs = ["spider": 8, "ant": 6, "cat": 4]for (animalName, legCount) in numberOfLegs { print("\(animalName)s have \(legCount) legs") } // repeat-while 循环的一般格式 repeat { statements } while condition // 提前退出 func greet(person: [String: String]) { guard let name = person["name"] else { return } print("Hello \(name)!") guard let location = person["location"] else { print("I hope the weather is nice near you.") return } print("I hope the weather is nice in \(location).") } greet(person: ["name": "John"]) // 输出“Hello John!” // 输出“I hope the weather is nice near you.” greet(person: ["name": "Jane", "location": "Cupertino"]) // 输出“Hello Jane!” // 输出“I hope the weather is nice in Cupertino.”
定义一个输入输出参数时,在参数定义前加 inout 关键字。
// 函数 func greet(person: String) -> String { let greeting = "Hello, " + person + "!" return greeting } func greet(person: String, from hometown: String) -> String { return "Hello \(person)! Glad you could visit from \(hometown)."}print(greet(person: "Bill", from: "Cupertino")) // 打印“Hello Bill! Glad you could visit from Cupertino.” // 可选元组返回类型 func minMax(array: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int)? { if array.isEmpty { return nil } var currentMin = array[0] var currentMax = array[0] for value in array[1..<array.count] { if value < currentMin { currentMin = value } else if value > currentMax { currentMax = value } } return (currentMin, currentMax) } // 隐式返回的函数 func greeting(for person: String) -> String { "Hello, " + person + "!"}print(greeting(for: "Dave")) // 打印 "Hello, Dave! // 参数标签 func greet(person: String, from hometown: String) -> String { return "Hello \(person)! Glad you could visit from \(hometown)." } print(greet(person: "Bill", from: "Cupertino")) // 打印“Hello Bill! Glad you could visit from Cupertino.”
// 闭包表达式语法 { (parameters) -> return type in statements } // 尾随闭包let digitNames = [ 0: "Zero", 1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three", 4: "Four", 5: "Five", 6: "Six", 7: "Seven", 8: "Eight", 9: "Nine"]let numbers = [16, 58, 510]let strings = numbers.map { (number) -> String in var number = number var output = "" repeat { output = digitNames[number % 10]! + output number /= 10 } while number > 0 return output } // strings 常量被推断为字符串类型数组,即 [String] // 其值为 ["OneSix", "FiveEight", "FiveOneZero"] // 值捕获 func makeIncrementer(forIncrement amount: Int) -> () -> Int { var runningTotal = 0 func incrementer() -> Int { runningTotal += amount return runningTotal } return incrementer } // 自动闭包,延迟求值 var customersInLine = ["Chris", "Alex", "Ewa", "Barry", "Daniella"]print(customersInLine.count) // 打印出“5”let customerProvider = { customersInLine.remove(at: 0) }print(customersInLine.count) // 打印出“5”print("Now serving \(customerProvider())!") // Prints "Now serving Chris!"print(customersInLine.count) // 打印出“4”
使用 enum 关键词来创建枚举并且把它们的整个定义放在一对大括号内。
可以定义 Swift 枚举来存储任意类型的关联值,每个枚举成员的关联值类型可以各不相同。
// 枚举语法 enum SomeEnumeration { // 枚举定义放在这里 } enum CompassPoint { case north case south case east case west } enum Planet { case mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune }let somePlanet = Planet.earth switch somePlanet {case .earth: print("Mostly harmless") default: print("Not a safe place for humans") } // 打印“Mostly harmless” // 关联值 enum Barcode { case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int) case qrCode(String) } var productBarcode = Barcode.upc(8, 85909, 51226, 3) productBarcode = .qrCode("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") switch productBarcode {case let .upc(numberSystem, manufacturer, product, check): print("UPC: \(numberSystem), \(manufacturer), \(product), \(check).")case let .qrCode(productCode): print("QR code: \(productCode).") } // 打印“QR code: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP.” // 递归枚举 indirect enum ArithmeticExpression { case number(Int) case addition(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression) case multiplication(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression) }let five = ArithmeticExpression.number(5)let four = ArithmeticExpression.number(4)let sum = ArithmeticExpression.addition(five, four)let product = ArithmeticExpression.multiplication(sum, ArithmeticExpression.number(2)) // (5 + 4) * 2 func evaluate(_ expression: ArithmeticExpression) -> Int { switch expression { case let .number(value): return value case let .addition(left, right): return evaluate(left) + evaluate(right) case let .multiplication(left, right): return evaluate(left) * evaluate(right) } }print(evaluate(product)) // 打印“18”
// 类和结构体 struct SomeStructure { // 在这里定义结构体 } class SomeClass { // 在这里定义类 } struct Resolution { var width = 0 var height = 0 } class VideoMode { var resolution = Resolution() var interlaced = false var frameRate = 0.0 var name: String? }
willSet 在新的值被设置之前调用
didSet 在新的值被设置之后调用
// 属性 struct Point { var x = 0.0, y = 0.0 } struct Size { var width = 0.0, height = 0.0 } struct Rect { var origin = Point() var size = Size() //存储属性 var center: Point { //计算型属性 get { let centerX = origin.x + (size.width / 2) let centerY = origin.y + (size.height / 2) return Point(x: centerX, y: centerY) } set(newCenter) { origin.x = newCenter.x - (size.width / 2) origin.y = newCenter.y - (size.height / 2) } } } var square = Rect(origin: Point(x: 0.0, y: 0.0), size: Size(width: 10.0, height: 10.0))let initialSquareCenter = square.center square.center = Point(x: 15.0, y: 15.0)print("square.origin is now at (\(square.origin.x), \(square.origin.y))") // 打印“square.origin is now at (10.0, 10.0)” // 属性包装器 @propertyWrapper struct TwelveOrLess { private var number = 0 var wrappedValue: Int { get { return number } set { number = min(newValue, 12) } } }
// 方法 class Counter { var count = 0 func increment() { count += 1 } func increment(by amount: Int) { count += amount } func reset() { count = 0 } }
subscript(index: Int) -> Int { get { // 返回一个适当的 Int 类型的值 } set(newValue) { // 执行适当的赋值操作 } } // 示例 struct TimesTable { let multiplier: Int subscript(index: Int) -> Int { return multiplier * index } }let threeTimesTable = TimesTable(multiplier: 3)print("six times three is \(threeTimesTable[6])") // 打印“six times three is 18” var numberOfLegs = ["spider": 8, "ant": 6, "cat": 4] numberOfLegs["bird"] = 2 // 类型下标 enum Planet: Int { case mercury = 1, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune static subscript(n: Int) -> Planet { return Planet(rawValue: n)! } }let mars = Planet[4]print(mars)
// 继承 class SomeClass: SomeSuperclass { // 这里是子类的定义 } class Vehicle { var currentSpeed = 0.0 var description: String { return "traveling at \(currentSpeed) miles per hour" } func makeNoise() { // 什么也不做——因为车辆不一定会有噪音 } } class Car: Vehicle { var gear = 1 override var description: String { return super.description + " in gear \(gear)" } } class AutomaticCar: Car { override var currentSpeed: Double { didSet { gear = Int(currentSpeed / 10.0) + 1 } } }
Swift 为类类型提供了两种构造器来确保实例中所有存储型属性都能获得初始值,它们被称为指定构造器和便利构造器。
可以在一个类,结构体或是枚举类型的定义中,添加一个或多个可失败构造器。其语法为在 init 关键字后面添加问号(init?)。
必要构造器,在类的构造器前添加 required 修饰符表明所有该类的子类都必须实现该构造器。
// 构造过程init() { // 在此处执行构造过程 } struct Fahrenheit { var temperature: Double init() { temperature = 32.0 } } var f = Fahrenheit()print("The default temperature is \(f.temperature)° Fahrenheit") // 打印“The default temperature is 32.0° Fahrenheit” struct Color { let red, green, blue: Double init(red: Double, green: Double, blue: Double) { self.red = red self.green = green self.blue = blue } init(white: Double) { red = white green = white blue = white } }
析构器只适用于类类型,当一个类的实例被释放之前,析构器会被立即调用。析构器用关键字 deinit 来标示,类似于构造器要用 init 来标示。
Swift 会自动释放不再需要的实例以释放资源。
// 析构过程 deinit { // 执行析构过程 } class Bank { static var coinsInBank = 10_000 static func distribute(coins numberOfCoinsRequested: Int) -> Int { let numberOfCoinsToVend = min(numberOfCoinsRequested, coinsInBank) coinsInBank -= numberOfCoinsToVend return numberOfCoinsToVend } static func receive(coins: Int) { coinsInBank += coins } } class Player { var coinsInPurse: Int init(coins: Int) { coinsInPurse = Bank.distribute(coins: coins) } func win(coins: Int) { coinsInPurse += Bank.distribute(coins: coins) } deinit { Bank.receive(coins: coinsInPurse) } }
可选链式调用是一种可以在当前值可能为 nil 的可选值上请求和调用属性、方法及下标的方法。
class Person { var residence: Residence? } class Residence { var numberOfRooms = 1 }let john = Person()let roomCount = john.residence!.numberOfRooms // 这会引发运行时错误if let roomCount = john.residence?.numberOfRooms { print("John's residence has \(roomCount) room(s).") } else { print("Unable to retrieve the number of rooms.") } // 打印“Unable to retrieve the number of rooms.” john.residence = Residence()if let roomCount = john.residence?.numberOfRooms { print("John's residence has \(roomCount) room(s).") } else { print("Unable to retrieve the number of rooms.") } // 打印“John's residence has 1 room(s).”
错误处理(Error handling) 是响应错误以及从错误中恢复的过程。Swift 在运行时提供了抛出、捕获、传递和操作可恢复错误(recoverable errors)的一等支持。
在 Swift 中,错误用遵循 Error 协议的类型的值来表示。
Swift 中有 4 种处理错误的方式。可以把函数抛出的错误传递给调用此函数的代码(throws)、用 do-catch 语句处理错误、将错误作为可选类型处理(try?)、或者断言此错误根本不会发生(try!)。
defer 语句将代码的执行延迟到当前的作用域退出之前。
// 错误处理 enum VendingMachineError: Error { case invalidSelection //选择无效 case insufficientFunds(coinsNeeded: Int) //金额不足 case outOfStock //缺货 } throw VendingMachineError.insufficientFunds(coinsNeeded: 5) var vendingMachine = VendingMachine() vendingMachine.coinsDeposited = 8do { try buyFavoriteSnack(person: "Alice", vendingMachine: vendingMachine) print("Success! Yum.") } catch VendingMachineError.invalidSelection { print("Invalid Selection.") } catch VendingMachineError.outOfStock { print("Out of Stock.") } catch VendingMachineError.insufficientFunds(let coinsNeeded) { print("Insufficient funds. Please insert an additional \(coinsNeeded) coins.") } catch { print("Unexpected error: \(error).") } // 打印“Insufficient funds. Please insert an additional 2 coins.” // 指定清理操作 func processFile(filename: String) throws { if exists(filename) { let file = open(filename) defer { close(file) } while let line = try file.readline() { // 处理文件。 } // close(file) 会在这里被调用,即作用域的最后。 } }
类型转换在 Swift 中使用 is 和 as 操作符实现。这两个操作符分别提供了一种简单达意的方式去检查值的类型或者转换它的类型。
Swift 为不确定类型提供了两种特殊的类型别名:
Any 可以表示任何类型,包括函数类型。
AnyObject 可以表示任何类类型的实例。
// 类型转换 // 一个基类 MediaItem class MediaItem { var name: String init(name: String) { self.name = name } } class Movie: MediaItem { var director: String init(name: String, director: String) { self.director = director super.init(name: name) } } class Song: MediaItem { var artist: String init(name: String, artist: String) { self.srtist = artist super.init(name: name) } }let library = [ Movie(name: "Casablanca", director: "Micheal Curtiz"), Song(name: "Blue Suede Shose", artist: "Elvis Presley"), Movie(name: "Citizen Kane", director: "Orson Wells"), Song(name: "The One And Only", artist: "Chesney Hawkes"), Song(name: "Never Gonna Give You Up", artist: "Rick Astley") ] var movieCount = 0 var songCount = 0for item in library { if item is Movie { movieCount += 1 } else if item is Song { songCount += 1 } }print("Media library contains \(movieCount) movies and \(songCount)") // 打印“Media library contains 2 movies and 3 songs”for item in library { if let movie = item as? Movie { print("Movie: \(movie.name), dir. \(movie.director)") } else if let song = item as? Song { print("Song: \(song.name), by \(song.artist)") } } // Movie: Casablanca, dir. Michael Curtiz // Song: Blue Suede Shoes, by Elvis Presley // Movie: Citizen Kane, dir. Orson Welles // Song: The One And Only, by Chesney Hawkes // Song: Never Gonna Give You Up, by Rick Astley
Swift 允许定义嵌套类型,可以在支持的类型中定义嵌套的枚举、类和结构体。
要在一个类型中嵌套另一个类型,将嵌套类型的定义写在其外部类型的 {} 内,而且可以根据需要定义多级嵌套。
// 嵌套类型 stuct BlackjackCard { // 嵌套的 Suit 枚举 enum Suit: Character { case spades = "1", hearts = "2", diamonds = "3", clubs = "4" } // 嵌套的 Rank 枚举 enum Rank: Int { case two = 2, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten case jack, queen, king, ace struct Values { let first: Int, second: Int? } var values: Values { switch self { case .ace: return Values(first: 1, second: 11) case .jack, .queen, .king: return Values(first: 10, second: nil) default: return Values(first: self.rawValue, second: nil) } } } // BlackjackCard 的属性和方法 let rank: Rank, suit: Suit var description: String { var output = "suit is \(suit.rawValue)," output += " value is \(rank.values.first)" if let second = rank.values.second { output += " or \(second)" } return output } }let theAceOfSpades = BlackjackCard(rank: .ace, suit: .spades)print("theAceOfSpades: \(theAceOfSpades.description)") // 打印“theAceOfSpades: suit is 1, value is 1 or 11”let heartsSymbol = BlackjackCard.Suit.hearts.rawValue // 2
Swift 中的扩展可以:
extension SomeType { // 在这里给 SomeType 添加新的功能 }
// 扩展的语法 extension SomeType { // 在这里给 SomeType 添加新的功能 } // 添加一个或多个协议 extension SomeType: SomeProtocol, AnotherProtocol { // 协议所需要的实现写在这里 } struct Size { var width = 0.0, height = 0.0 } struct Point { var x = 0.0, y = 0.0 } struct Rect { var origin = Point() var size = Size() } extension Rect { init(center: Point, size: Size) { let originX = center.x - (size.width / 2) let originY = center.y - (size.height / 3) self.init(origin: Point(x: originX, y: originY), size: size) } }let centerRect = Rect(center: Point(x: 4.0, y: 4.0), size: Size(width: 3.0, height: 3.0)) // centerRect 的 origin 是 (2.5, 2.5) 并且它的 size 是 (3.0, 3.0) extension Int { func repetitions(task: () -> Void) { for _ in 0..<self { task() } } } 3.repetitions { print("Hello!") } // Hello! // Hello! // Hello! extension Int { mutating func square() { self = self * self } } var somtInt = 3 someInt.square() // someInt 现在是9
protocol SomeProtocol { // 这里是协议的定义部分 }
在值类型(即结构体和枚举)的实例方法中,将 mutating 关键字作为方法的前缀,写在 func 关键字之前,表示可以在该方法中修改它所属的实例以及实例的任意属性的值。
// 协议语法 protocol SomeProtocol { // 这里是协议的定义部分 } struct SomeStructure: FirstProtocol, AnotherProtocol { // 这里是结构体的定义部分 } class SomeClass: SomeSuperClass, FirstProtocol, AnotherProtocol { // 这里是类的定义部分 } protocol SomeProtocol { var mustBeSettable: Int { get set } var doesNotNeedToBeSettable: Int { get } } protocol AnotherProtocol { static var someTypeProperty: Int { get set } } protocol FullyNamed { var fullName: String { get } } struct person: FullyNamed { var fullName: String }let john = Person(fullName: "John Appleseed") // john.fullName 为 "John Appleseed"class Starship: FullyNamed { var prefix: String? var name: String init(name: String, prefix: String? = nil) { self.name = name self.prefix = prefix } var fullName: String { return (prefix != nil ? prefix! + " " : "") + name } } var ncc1701 = Starship(name: "Enterprise", prefix: "USS") // ncc1701.fullName 为 "USS Enterprise"
func swapTwoInts(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int) { let temporaryA = a a = b b = temporaryA } func swapTwoValues<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) { let temporaryA = a a = b b = temporaryA } func swapTwoInts(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int) func swapTwoValues<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) var someInt = 3 var anotherInt = 107 swapTwoValues(&someInt, &anotherInt) // someInt 现在是 107,anotherInt 现在是 3 var someString = "hello"var anotherString = "world"swapTwoValues(&someString, &anotherString) // someString 现在是“world”,anotherString 现在是“hello”
protocol Shape { func draw() -> String } struct Triangle: Shape { var size: Int func draw() -> String { var result = [String]() for length in 1...size { result.append(String(repeating: "*", count: length)) } return result.joined(separator: "\n") } }let smallTriangle = Triangle(size: 3)print(smallTriangle.draw()) // * // ** // *** struct FlippedShape<T: Shape>: Shape { var shape: T func draw() -> String { let lines = shape.draw().split(separator: "\n") return lines.reversed().joined(separator: "\n") } }let flippedTriangle = FlippedShape(shape: smallTriangle)print(flippedTriangle.draw()) // *** // ** // *
Swift 使用自动引用计数(ARC)机制来跟踪和管理你的应用程序的内存。
Swift提供了两种办法用来解决你在使用类的属性时所遇到的循环强引用问题:弱引用(weak reference)和无主引用(unowned reference)。
声明属性或者变量时,在前面加上 weak 关键字表明这是一个弱引用。
声明属性或者变量时,在前面加上关键字 unowned 表示这是一个无主引用。
// 自动引用计数实践 class Person { let name: String init(name: String) { self.name = name print("\(name) is being initialized") } deinit { print("\(name) is being deinitialized") } } var reference1: Person? var reference2: Person? var reference3: Person? reference1 = Person(name: "John Appleseed") // 打印“John Appleseed is being initialized” reference2 = reference1 reference3 = reference1 reference1 = nil reference2 = nil reference3 = nil // 打印“John Appleseed is being deinitialized” // 循环强引用 class Person { let name: String init(name: String) { self.name = name } var apartment: Apartment? deinit { print("\(name) is being deinitialized") } } class Apartment { let unit: String init(unit: String) { self.unit = unit } var tenant: Person? deinit { print("Apartment \(unit) is being deinitialized") } } var john: Person? var unit4A: Apartment? john = Person(name: "John Appleseed") unit4A = Apartment(unit: "4A") john = nil unit4A = nil // 弱引用 class Person { let name: String init(name: String) { self.name = name } var apartment: Apartment? deinit { print("\(name) is being deinitialized") } } class Apartment { let unit: String init(unit: String) { self.unit = unit } weak var tenant: Person? deinit { print("Apartment \(unit) is being deinitialized") } } var john: Person? var unit4A: Apartment? john = Person(name: "John Appleseed") unit4A = Apartment(unit: "4A") john!.apartment = unit4A unit4A!.tenant = john john = nil // 打印“John Appleseed is being deinitialized”
默认情况下,Swift 会阻止你代码里不安全的行为。
func balance(_ x: inout Int, _ y: inout Int) { let sum = x + y x = sum / 2 y = sum - x } var playerOneScore = 42 var playerTwoScore = 30 balance(&playerOneScore, &playerTwoScore) // 正常 balance(&playerOneScore, &playerOneScore) // 错误:playerOneScore 访问冲突
open 和 public 级别可以让实体被同一模块源文件中的所有实体访问,在模块外也可以通过导入该模块来访问源文件里的所有实体。通常情况下,你会使用 open 或 public 级别来指定框架的外部接口。
internal 级别让实体被同一模块源文件中的任何实体访问,但是不能被模块外的实体访问。通常情况下,如果某个接口只在应用程序或框架内部使用,就可以将其设置为 internal 级别。
fileprivate 限制实体只能在其定义的文件内部访问。如果功能的部分实现细节只需要在文件内使用时,可以使用 fileprivate 来将其隐藏。
private 限制实体只能在其定义的作用域,以及同一文件内的 extension 访问。如果功能的部分细节只需要在当前作用域内使用时,可以使用 private 来将其隐藏。
open 为最高访问级别(限制最少),private 为最低访问级别(限制最多)。
open 只能作用于类和类的成员,它和 public 的区别主要在于 open 限定的类和成员能够在模块外能被继承和重写。
public class SomePublicClass {} internal class SomeInternalClass {} fileprivate class SomeFilePrivateClass {} private class SomePrivateClass {} class SomeInternalClass {} // 隐式 internal var someInternalConstant = 0 // 隐式 internal public class SomePublicClass { // 显式 public 类 public var somePublicProperty = 0 // 显式 public 类成员 var someInternalProperty = 0 // 隐式 internal 类成员 fileprivate func someFilePrivateMethod() {} // 显式 fileprivate 类成员 private func somePrivateMethod() {} // 显式 private 类成员 } class SomeInternalClass { // 隐式 internal 类 var someInternalProperty = 0 // 隐式 internal 类成员 fileprivate func someFilePrivateMethod() {} // 显式 fileprivate 类成员 private func somePrivateMethod() {} // 显式 private 类成员 } fileprivate class SomeFilePrivateClass { // 显式 fileprivate 类 func someFilePrivateMethod() {} // 隐式 fileprivate 类成员 private func somePrivateMethod() {} // 显式 private 类成员 } private class SomePrivateClass { // 显式 private 类 func somePrivateMethod() {} // 隐式 private 类成员 }
let initialBits: UInt8 = 0b00001111let invertedBits = ~initialBits // 等于 0b11110000 var potentialOverflow = Int16.max // potentialOverflow 的值是 32767,这是 Int16 能容纳的最大整数 potentialOverflow += 1 // 这里会报错 struct Vector2D { var x = 0.0, y = 0.0 } extension Vector2D { static func + (left: Vector2D, right: Vector2D) -> Vector2D { return Vector2D(x: left.x + right.x, y: left.y + right.y) } }let vector = Vector2D(x: 3.0, y: 1.0)let anotherVector = Vector2D(x: 2.0, y: 4.0)let combinedVector = vector + anotherVector // combinedVector 是一个新的 Vector2D 实例,值为 (5.0, 5.0)
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