本篇内容介绍了“OpenWrt luci怎么添加上传下载及网络摄像头功能”的有关知识,在实际案例的操作过程中,不少人都会遇到这样的困境,接下来就让小编带领大家学习一下如何处理这些情况吧!希望大家仔细阅读,能够学有所成!
--[[ Other module Description: File upload / download, web camera Author: yuleniwo xzm2@qq.com QQ:529698939 ]]-- module("luci.controller.other", package.seeall) function index() local page = entry({"admin", "system", "other"}, alias("admin", "system", "other", "updownload"), _("Other"), 89) entry({"admin", "system", "other", "updownload"}, form("updownload"), _("Upload / Download")) if nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/mjpg-streamer") then entry({"admin", "system", "other", "webcam"}, call("Webcam"), _("Web Camera")) end page.i18n = "other" page.dependent = true end local translate = luci.i18n.translate local http = luci.http function Webcam() local iframe = '<iframe src="http://%s:%s@%s:%s" frameborder="no" border="0" width="800" height="600" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowtransparency="yes"></iframe>' local html, msg, status local act = http.formvalue("act") if act then if act == "start" then luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/mjpg-streamer start") elseif act == "stop" then luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/mjpg-streamer stop") luci.sys.call("sleep 1") end end local v = nixio.fs.glob("/dev/video[0-9]")() if v then if luci.sys.call("pidof mjpg_streamer > /dev/null") == 0 then local uci, user, pwd, ip, port uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() user = uci:get("mjpg-streamer", "core", "username") pwd = uci:get("mjpg-streamer", "core", "password") ip = uci:get("network", "lan", "ipaddr") port = uci:get("mjpg-streamer", "core", "port") html = string.format(iframe, user, pwd, ip, port) status = true else status = false msg = translate("Service 'mjpg_streamer' not started.") end else msg = translate("Video device not found.") end luci.template.render("webcam", {html = html, msg = msg, status = status}) end
local fs = require "luci.fs" local http = luci.http ful = SimpleForm("upload", translate("Upload"), nil) ful.reset = false ful.submit = false sul = ful:section(SimpleSection, "", translate("Upload file to '/tmp/upload/'")) fu = sul:option(FileUpload, "") fu.template = "cbi/other_upload" um = sul:option(DummyValue, "", nil) um.template = "cbi/other_dvalue" fdl = SimpleForm("download", translate("Download"), nil) fdl.reset = false fdl.submit = false sdl = fdl:section(SimpleSection, "", translate("Download file")) fd = sdl:option(FileUpload, "") fd.template = "cbi/other_download" dm = sdl:option(DummyValue, "", nil) dm.template = "cbi/other_dvalue" function Download() local sPath, sFile, fd, block sPath = http.formvalue("dlfile") sFile = nixio.fs.basename(sPath) if luci.fs.isdirectory(sPath) then fd = io.popen('tar -C "%s" -cz .' % {sPath}, "r") sFile = sFile .. ".tar.gz" else fd = nixio.open(sPath, "r") end if not fd then dm.value = translate("Couldn't open file: ") .. sPath return end dm.value = nil http.header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % {sFile}) http.prepare_content("application/octet-stream") while true do block = fd:read(nixio.const.buffersize) if (not block) or (#block ==0) then break else http.write(block) end end fd:close() http.close() end local dir, fd dir = "/tmp/upload/" nixio.fs.mkdir(dir) http.setfilehandler( function(meta, chunk, eof) if not fd then if not meta then return end fd = nixio.open(dir .. meta.file, "w") if not fd then um.value = translate("Create upload file error.") return end end if chunk and fd then fd:write(chunk) end if eof and fd then fd:close() fd = nil um.value = translate("File saved to") .. ' "/tmp/upload/' .. meta.file .. '"' end end ) if luci.http.formvalue("upload") then local f = luci.http.formvalue("ulfile") if #f <= 0 then um.value = translate("No specify upload file.") end elseif luci.http.formvalue("download") then Download() end local inits, attr = {} for i, f in ipairs(fs.glob("/tmp/upload/*")) do attr = fs.stat(f) if attr then inits[i] = {} inits[i].name = fs.basename(f) inits[i].mtime = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", attr.mtime) inits[i].modestr = attr.modestr inits[i].size = tostring(attr.size) inits[i].remove = 0 inits[i].install = false end end form = SimpleForm("filelist", translate("Upload file list"), nil) form.reset = false form.submit = false tb = form:section(Table, inits) nm = tb:option(DummyValue, "name", translate("File name")) mt = tb:option(DummyValue, "mtime", translate("Modify time")) ms = tb:option(DummyValue, "modestr", translate("Mode string")) sz = tb:option(DummyValue, "size", translate("Size")) btnrm = tb:option(Button, "remove", translate("Remove")) btnrm.render = function(self, section, scope) self.inputstyle = "remove" Button.render(self, section, scope) end btnrm.write = function(self, section) local v = luci.fs.unlink("/tmp/upload/" .. luci.fs.basename(inits[section].name)) if v then table.remove(inits, section) end return v end function IsIpkFile(name) name = name or "" local ext = string.lower(string.sub(name, -4, -1)) return ext == ".ipk" end btnis = tb:option(Button, "install", translate("Install")) btnis.template = "cbi/other_button" btnis.render = function(self, section, scope) if not inits[section] then return false end if IsIpkFile(inits[section].name) then scope.display = "" else scope.display = "none" end self.inputstyle = "apply" Button.render(self, section, scope) end btnis.write = function(self, section) local r = luci.sys.exec(string.format('opkg --force-depends install "/tmp/upload/%s"', inits[section].name)) form.description = string.format('<span >%s</span>', r) end return ful, fdl, form
<%+cbi/valueheader%> <% if self:cfgvalue(section) ~= false then %> <input class="cbi-button cbi-input-<%=self.inputstyle or "button" %>" type="submit"<%= attr("name", cbid) .. attr("id", cbid) .. attr("value", self.inputtitle or self.title)%> /> <% else %> - <% end %> <%+cbi/valuefooter%>
<%+cbi/valueheader%> <span > <% local val = self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default or "" write(pcdata(val)) %> </span> <%+cbi/valuefooter%>
<%+cbi/valueheader%> <label class="cbi-value" for="ulfile"><%:Upload file:%></label> <input class="cbi-input-file" type="file" id="ulfile" name="ulfile" /> <input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-input-apply" name="upload" value="<%:Upload%>" /> <%+cbi/valuefooter%>
<%+cbi/valueheader%> <label class="cbi-value" for="dlfile"><%:Download file:%></label> <input class="cbi-input-file" type="text" id="dlfile" name="dlfile" /> <input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-input-apply" name="download" value="<%:Download%>" /> <%+cbi/valuefooter%>
<%+header%> <div class="cbi-section-error"<% if not msg then %> <% end %>><%=msg%></div> <form method="post" action="<%=REQUEST_URI%>"<%if status == nil then %> <% end %>> <div class="cbi-section-node"> <div class="cbi-value cbi-value-last"> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="<% if status then write('stop') else write('start') end %>" /> <div class="cbi-value-field"> <input class="cbi-button cbi-input-<% if status then write('remove') else write('apply') end %>" type="submit" value="<% if status then write(translate('Stop')) else write(translate('Start')) end %>" /> </div> </div> </div> </form> <div > <% if html then write(html) end %> </div> <%+footer%>
为了使添加的软件包能在openwrt源码make menuconfig时识别出来,需要在./feeds/luci/contrib/package/luci/Makefile增加如下语句:
$(eval $(call application,other,luci my other application))
“OpenWrt luci怎么添加上传下载及网络摄像头功能”的内容就介绍到这里了,感谢大家的阅读。如果想了解更多行业相关的知识可以关注亿速云网站,小编将为大家输出更多高质量的实用文章!
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