本次接到命令要做一个智能手势识别交互的系统产品。主要用到的硬件模块有SeeedStudio也就是矽递科技公司开发一款Arduino Uno开发板图1、一款PAJ传感器图2。软件方面就主要是Arduino IDE和Nodejs架设的Web服务器。目标产品的预想是通过手势动作控制Web界面的滚动与切换。
下面是Arduino IDE程序:
//调用两个库函数 #include <Wire.h> #include "paj7620.h" #define GES_REACTION_TIME 800 #define GES_QUIT_TIME 1000 //定义一个LED输出引脚,用来进行握手测试 const int ledPin = 13; //定义一个初始状态字符 String ledStatus = "off"; // 用来从Nodejs客户端获取信息 String inputString = ""; boolean stringComplete = false; /** * * arduino board setup * */ void setup() { // 设置波特率 Serial.begin(115200); //定义LED引脚 pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); //PAJ uint8_t error = 0; Serial.println("\nPAJ7620U2 TEST DEMO: Recognize 15 gestures."); error = paj7620Init(); // initialize Paj7620 registers if (error) { Serial.print("INIT ERROR,CODE:"); Serial.println(error); } else { Serial.println("INIT OK"); } Serial.println("Please input your gestures:"); } /** * * Default arduino loop function * it runs over and over again * */ void loop() { uint8_t data = 0, data1 = 0, error; error = paj7620ReadReg(0x43, 1, &data); // Read Bank_0_Reg_0x43/0x44 for gesture result. if (!error) { switch (data) { case GES_RIGHT_FLAG: delay(GES_REACTION_TIME); paj7620ReadReg(0x43, 1, &data); if(data == GES_LEFT_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Right-Left\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); } else if(data == GES_FORWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Forward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else if(data == GES_BACKWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Backward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else { Serial.println("<section class=\"Right\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); } break; case GES_LEFT_FLAG: delay(GES_REACTION_TIME); paj7620ReadReg(0x43, 1, &data); if(data == GES_RIGHT_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Left-Right\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); } else if(data == GES_FORWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Forward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else if(data == GES_BACKWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Backward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else { Serial.println("<section class=\"Left\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); } break; break; case GES_UP_FLAG: delay(GES_REACTION_TIME); paj7620ReadReg(0x43, 1, &data); if(data == GES_DOWN_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Up-Down\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); } else if(data == GES_FORWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Forward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else if(data == GES_BACKWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Backward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else { Serial.println("<section class=\"Up\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); } break; case GES_DOWN_FLAG: delay(GES_REACTION_TIME); paj7620ReadReg(0x43, 1, &data); if(data == GES_UP_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Down-Up\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); } else if(data == GES_FORWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Forward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else if(data == GES_BACKWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Backward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else { Serial.println("<section class=\"Down\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); } break; case GES_FORWARD_FLAG: delay(GES_REACTION_TIME); paj7620ReadReg(0x43, 1, &data); if(data == GES_BACKWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Forward-Backward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else { Serial.println("<section class=\"Forward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } break; case GES_BACKWARD_FLAG: delay(GES_REACTION_TIME); paj7620ReadReg(0x43, 1, &data); if(data == GES_FORWARD_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"Backward-Forward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } else { Serial.println("<section class=\"Backward\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); delay(GES_QUIT_TIME); } break; case GES_CLOCKWISE_FLAG: Serial.println("<section class=\"Clockwise\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); break; case GES_COUNT_CLOCKWISE_FLAG: Serial.println("<section class=\"anti-clockwise\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); break; default: paj7620ReadReg(0x44, 1, &data1); if (data1 == GES_WAVE_FLAG) { Serial.println("<section class=\"wave\">"); Serial.println("</section>"); } break; } } delay(100); updateLedStatus(); } void updateLedStatus() { //检测LED状态是否被完整接收 if (stringComplete) { if (inputString == "on\r") { ledStatus = "on"; } if (inputString == "off\r") { ledStatus = "off"; } //把LED状态发送到服务器 Serial.println(ledStatus); inputString = ""; stringComplete = false; } // 通过当时状态判断行为动作状态 digitalWrite(ledPin, ledStatus == "on" ? HIGH : LOW); } void serialEvent() { while (Serial.available()) { // 接收新字节 char inChar = (char)Serial.read(); inputString += inChar; // 如果接收到换行符则中断 if (inChar == '\r') { stringComplete = true; } } }
var app = require('http').createServer(handler), io = require('socket.io').listen(app), fs = require('fs'), url = require('url'), SerialPort = require('serialport').SerialPort, // initialize serialport using the COM5 serial port // remember to change this string if your arduino is using a different serial port sp = new SerialPort('COM5', { baudRate: 115200 }), // this var will contain the message string dispatched by arduino arduinoMessage = '', /** * helper function to load any app file required by client.html * @param { String } pathname: path of the file requested to the nodejs server * @param { Object } res: http://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_serverresponse */ readFile = function(pathname, res) { // an empty path returns client.html if (pathname === '/') pathname = 'client.html'; fs.readFile('htmlarduino/client/' + pathname, function(err, data) { if (err) { console.log(err); res.writeHead(500); return res.end('Error loading client.html'); } res.writeHead(200); res.end(data); }); }, /** * * This function is used as proxy to print the arduino messages into the nodejs console and on the page * @param { Buffer } buffer: buffer data sent via serialport * @param { Object } socket: it's the socket.io instance managing the connections with the client.html page * */ sendMessage = function(buffer, socket) { // concatenating the string buffers sent via usb port arduinoMessage += buffer.toString(); // detecting the end of the string if (arduinoMessage.indexOf('\r') >= 0) { // log the message into the terminal // console.log(arduinoMessage); // send the message to the client socket.volatile.emit('notification', arduinoMessage); // reset the output string to an empty value arduinoMessage = ''; } }; // creating a new websocket io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) { // listen all the serial port messages sent from arduino and passing them to the proxy function sendMessage sp.on('data', function(data) { sendMessage(data, socket); }); // listen all the websocket "lightStatus" messages coming from the client.html page socket.on('lightStatus', function(lightStatus) { sp.write(lightStatus + '\r', function() { // log the light status into the terminal console.log('the light should be: ' + lightStatus); }); }); }); // just some debug listeners sp.on('close', function(err) { console.log('Port closed!'); }); sp.on('error', function(err) { console.error('error', err); }); sp.on('open', function() { console.log('Port opened!'); }); // L3T'S R0CK!!! // creating the server ( localhost:8000 ) app.listen(8000); // server handler function handler(req, res) { readFile(url.parse(req.url).pathname, res); }
<html> <head> <title>手势识别控制Web</title> <style> center { font-size: 100px; font-family:arial; background:rgba(20,20,20,0.5); width:500px; margin:auto; } section{background:#333;margin:10px;width:100px;height:100px;} </style> </head> <body> <button> Turn the light <span>on</span> </button> <script src="socket.io/socket.io.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script src="js/app.js"></script> </body> </html>
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