点击 登录注册 即表示同意《亿速云用户服务条款》
unit ZeosConPool; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes, IniFiles, DB, ZAbstractRODataset, ZDataset, ZAbstractConnection, ZConnection, ZCompatibility; type TSQLConntionRecord = record HostName: string; Port: Integer; UserName: string; DBName: string; MyDataBase: string; Password: string; end; TSQLConnectionPool = class private fDataBase: string; fServer: string; fPort: integer; fUserName: string; // 数据库用户 fPassWord: string; // 密码 FConList: TThreadList; // 池容器 function TestConnection(con: TzConnection): boolean; function CreateNewConnection: TZConnection; function GetConnectionRecord: TSQLConntionRecord; public function Pop: TZConnection; procedure Push(con: TZConnection); constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; TQryPool = class private function GetQry: TZQuery; procedure con(qry: TZQuery); procedure discon(qry: TZQuery); public function Require: TZQuery; procedure Return(qry: TZQuery); end; function GetQueryJsonData(sql: string): string; var ConnectionPools: TSQLConnectionPool; QryPools: TQryPool; implementation function _DataSetToJson(ADataset: TDataSet): string; // [{“CityId”:”18”,”CityName”:”西安”},{“CityId”:”53”,”CityName”:”广州”}] var LRecord: string; LField: TField; i: integer; begin Result := ''; if (not ADataset.Active) or (ADataset.IsEmpty) then Exit; Result := '['; ADataset.DisableControls; ADataset.First; while not ADataset.Eof do begin for i := 0 to ADataset.FieldCount - 1 do begin LField := ADataset.Fields[i]; // 取得当前字段 if LRecord = '' then LRecord := '{"' + LField.FieldName + '":"' + LField.Text + '"' else LRecord := LRecord + ',"' + LField.FieldName + '":"' + LField.Text + '"'; if i = ADataset.FieldCount - 1 then begin LRecord := LRecord + '}'; if Result = '[' then Result := Result + LRecord else Result := Result + ',' + LRecord; LRecord := ''; end; end; ADataset.Next; end; ADataset.EnableControls; Result := Result + ']'; end; { TSQLConnectionPool } constructor TSQLConnectionPool.Create; begin FConList := TThreadList.Create; end; destructor TSQLConnectionPool.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin with FConList.LockList do try for i := Count - 1 downto 0 do begin TZConnection(Items[i]).Disconnect; TZConnection(Items[i]).Free; end; finally FConList.UnlockList; end; FConList.Free; end; //获取SQL连接对象 function TSQLConnectionPool.CreateNewConnection: TZConnection; var con: TZConnection; RecCon: TSQLConntionRecord; begin Result := nil; try con := TZConnection.Create(nil); RecCon := GetConnectionRecord; try with con do begin Protocol := 'MySQL'; // 数据库驱动类型 LibraryLocation := 'libmysql.dll'; ClientCodepage := 'utf8'; LoginPrompt := False; HostName := RecCon.HostName; User := RecCon.UserName; Password := RecCon.Password; Database := RecCon.DBName; Port := RecCon.Port; Connect; end; Result := con; except on E: exception do begin Result := nil; con.Free; // 打印日志。。。。 end; end; except end; end; //获取配置SQL连接参数 function TSQLConnectionPool.GetConnectionRecord: TSQLConntionRecord; var dbIni: TIniFile; begin dbIni := TIniFile.Create(ExpandFileName(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + '\DataBase.ini')); try with Result do begin HostName := dbIni.ReadString('Database', 'Host', ''); Port := dbIni.ReadInteger('Database', 'Port', 3306); UserName := dbIni.ReadString('Database', 'UID', 'root'); DBName := dbIni.ReadString('Database', 'Database', 'klys'); MyDataBase := UpperCase(dbIni.ReadString('Database', 'DataBaseType', 'MySql')); Password := dbIni.ReadString('Database', 'Password', '1234567'); end; finally dbIni.Free; end; end; //弹出SQL连接对象 function TSQLConnectionPool.Pop: TZConnection; begin with FConList.LockList do try if Count > 0 then begin Result := TZConnection(Items[Count-1]); Delete(Count-1); { if not TestConnection(Result) then begin Result.Free; Result := Pop; // 递归 end; } end else begin Result := CreateNewConnection; end finally FConList.UnlockList; end; end; //回收SQL连接对象 procedure TSQLConnectionPool.Push(con: TZConnection); begin if con <> nil then with FConList.LockList do try // Insert(0, con); Add(con); finally FConList.UnlockList; end; end; //测试连接池中的SQL对象是否存活 function TSQLConnectionPool.TestConnection(con: TZConnection): boolean; begin Result := false; try // con.ExecuteDirect('delete from zd_user where 1<>1'); Result := true; except on E: exception do begin // 实际应用,一定要打印日志 end; end; end; { TQryPool } //qry 关联SQL Connection procedure TQryPool.con(qry: TZQuery); var sqlcon: TZConnection; begin sqlcon := ConnectionPools.Pop; qry.Connection := sqlcon; end; //回收SQL Connetion 对象 procedure TQryPool.discon(qry: TZQuery); begin ConnectionPools.Push(TZConnection(qry.Connection)); end; //获取对象 function TQryPool.GetQry: TZQuery; var qry: TZQuery; begin qry := TZQuery.Create(nil); con(qry); Result := qry; end; //弹出Qry对象 function TQryPool.Require: TZQuery; begin Result := GetQry; end; //获取Qry对象 procedure TQryPool.Return(qry: TZQuery); begin if qry <> nil then begin qry.Close; ConnectionPools.Push(TZConnection(qry.Connection)); qry.Free; end; end; function GetQueryJsonData(sql: string): string; var qry: TZQuery; uid: integer; susername, spw: string; str:String; begin qry := QryPools.Require; try qry.SQL.Text := sql; qry.Open; result := _DataSetToJson(qry); finally QryPools.Return(qry); end; end; initialization ConnectionPools := TSQLConnectionPool.Create(); QryPools := TQryPool.Create; finalization QryPools.Free; ConnectionPools.Free; end.
亿速云「云数据库 MySQL」免部署即开即用,比自行安装部署数据库高出1倍以上的性能,双节点冗余防止单节点故障,数据自动定期备份随时恢复。点击查看>>