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import MySQLdb import os import signal import shlex import subprocess from eventlet.green import subprocess as green_subprocess from eventlet import greenthread import logging import string import time mysql_host = "" mysql_db = "nova" mysql_user = "nova" mysql_passwd = "87da3417bb3a42ee" mysql_port = 3306 mysql_charset = "utf8" cgroups_hierarchy = "/home/cgroups/cpu" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_process(cmd, root_helper=None, addl_env=None): if root_helper: cmd = shlex.split(root_helper) + cmd cmd = map(str, cmd) LOG.debug(("Running command: %s"), cmd) env = os.environ.copy() if addl_env: env.update(addl_env) obj = subprocess_popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) return obj, cmd def execute(cmd, root_helper=None, process_input=None, addl_env=None, check_exit_code=True, return_stderr=False): try: obj, cmd = create_process(cmd, root_helper=root_helper, addl_env=addl_env) _stdout, _stderr = (process_input and obj.communicate(process_input) or obj.communicate()) obj.stdin.close() m = ("\nCommand: %(cmd)s\nExit code: %(code)s\nStdout: %(stdout)r\n" "Stderr: %(stderr)r") % {'cmd': cmd, 'code': obj.returncode, 'stdout': _stdout, 'stderr': _stderr} LOG.debug(m) if obj.returncode and check_exit_code: raise RuntimeError(m) finally: greenthread.sleep(0) return return_stderr and (_stdout, _stderr) or _stdout def _subprocess_setup(): signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) def subprocess_popen(args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False, env=None): return green_subprocess.Popen(args, shell=shell, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, preexec_fn=_subprocess_setup, close_fds=True, env=env) def query_db_of_local_vms(): """ query controller node db for information about vms running on local host """ conn = None try: conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=mysql_host, user=mysql_user, passwd=mysql_passwd, db=mysql_db, port=mysql_port, charset=mysql_charset) except Exception as e: #LOG.error("Fail to connect mysql .") raise e else: LOG.info("Connect to mysql .") local_compute_name = get_host() sql = "SELECT vcpus,uuid FROM instances WHERE host='%s' AND deleted=0"%local_compute_name vms = {} try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() for item in result: vms.update({item[1]:item[0]}) except Exception as ex: #LOG.error("Exception happens while querying mysql.") raise ex else: return vms def get_host(): return os.environ['HOSTNAME'] def get_ip(): """ parse /etc/hosts to get local ip""" df = open("/etc/hosts") hosts = df.readlines() hostname = get_host() host_rec = [line for line in hosts if hostname in line and "#" not in line][0] return host_rec.split()[0].strip() def check_cglib(): """ check required cglibs""" check_pkgs = "rpm -qa" cglib_kw = "libcgroup" cmd = check_pkgs.split() pkgs = execute(cmd,root_helper=None) cglibs = [pkg for pkg in pkgs.split("\n") if cglib_kw in pkg] if len(cglibs)==0: print "libcgroup-x.xx-x.xx.x86_64 not installed.Exit." exit(1) def init_cgroups(): """ensure cgrouplib installed""" check_cglib() """ create cgroups base architecture """ """clear old cgroups settings mounted on cgroups_hierarchy """ cg_clear() """create base cgroups hierarchy""" create_hierarchy = ("mkdir -p %s"%cgroups_hierarchy).split() execute(create_hierarchy,root_helper=None) """mount target subsystem,that's cpuset,to established hierarchy.""" mount_cg = ("mount -t cgroup -o cpuset cpuset2015 %s"%cgroups_hierarchy).split() execute(mount_cg,root_helper=None) def cpuinfo(): """ get cpu counts and memory nodes """ cpuinfo = "lscpu" cmd = cpuinfo.split() retv = execute(cmd,root_helper=None) memNodes = retv.count("NUMA node")-1 cpus = string.atoi([line for line in retv.split("\n") if "CPU(s)" in line][0].split(":")[1].strip()) return {"cpu_count":cpus,"memNodes":memNodes} def assign_cores(): """ cal out schemes of core binding for instances running on local host""" vmDetails = query_db_of_local_vms() cpuinfos = cpuinfo() def assign(require,all): tmp = {} i=0 for k,v in require.iteritems(): cores = [p%all for p in xrange(i,i+v)] i=i+v tmp.update({k:{"cores":cores,"memNodes":"0-%d"%(cpuinfos["memNodes"]-1)}}) return tmp vmDetails = assign(vmDetails,cpuinfos["cpu_count"]) return vmDetails def get_pids(vmDetails): query_pids = "ps aux" cmd = query_pids.split() retv = execute(cmd,root_helper=None) qemu_kvm_processes =[p for p in retv.split("\n") if "qemu-kvm" in p and len(p)>100] tmp = {} for vmDetail in vmDetails: tmp.update({vmDetail:vmDetails[vmDetail]}) for qkp in qemu_kvm_processes: if vmDetail not in qkp: continue else: pid = string.atoi(qkp.split()[1]) tmp[vmDetail]["pid"] = pid return tmp def create_cgs_for_instances(vmDetails): for item in vmDetails: detail = vmDetails[item] if "pid" not in detail or "cores" not in detail or "memNodes" not in detail: print "Instance %s invalid"%item continue else: """ create private group for each instance""" instance_cg = "%s/%s"%(cgroups_hierarchy,item) create_cg_for_instance = ("mkdir -p %s"%instance_cg).split() execute(create_cg_for_instance,root_helper=None) setcpu_txt = "%s"%detail["cores"][0] if len(detail["cores"]) > 1: for core_num in detail["cores"][1:]: setcpu_txt = "%s,%s"%(setcpu_txt,core_num) setmem_txt = detail["memNodes"] fd_setcpu = open("%s/cpuset.cpus"%instance_cg,"w") fd_setcpu.write(setcpu_txt) fd_setcpu.close() fd_setmem = open("%s/cpuset.mems"%instance_cg,"w") fd_setmem.write(setmem_txt) fd_setmem.close() print detail["pid"] fd_task = open("%s/tasks"%instance_cg,"w") fd_task.write("%s"%detail["pid"]) fd_task.close() def cg_clear(): """ destroy existing cgroups """ cgclear = "umount -t cgroup %s"%cgroups_hierarchy cmd = cgclear.split() try: execute(cmd,root_helper=None) except Exception as e: pass def periodic_task(): init_cgroups() hosted_vms = assign_cores() hosted_vms = get_pids(hosted_vms) create_cgs_for_instances(hosted_vms) if __name__ == "__main__": periodic_task() while True: time.sleep(3*60) print "Loop Job." periodic_task()
该脚本作用是:连接数据库查询出运行在当前宿主下的客户机的cpu配额,然后再根据当前宿主的CPU信息,做出虚拟核心的分配;创建cgroups 绑定虚拟核心,实现资源隔离.
nohup python /path/to/this/scripy &
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