
发布时间:2021-06-25 11:43:46 作者:chen
来源:亿速云 阅读:151



git remote add release http://{path}/{repository}.git

Git stash - hide some updates that don't want to commits

git stash

git checkout <new branch>

git checkout <original_branch>

git stash pop

How to get a remote branch?

git checkout feature/image-split

git pull origin feature/image-split

How to commit code: from local-dev-branch to target-branch

Step1 - commit to local-dev-branch

          Comments format: [CHIN-195] - XXX

Step2 - git checkout target-branch

          git pull

          git merge local-dev-branch

Step3 - git push origin feature/image-split

Don’t need to input username and password each time

git config credential.helper store

After changed the password. Like: fatal: Authentication failed for

git config --system --unset credential.helper

Then input your name and pwd

Git patch ?

git format-patch master --stdout > fix_empty_poster.patch

git patch

Git create a new branch and push it into remote

git checkout -b [name of new branch]

git push origin [name of new branch]

ex:  item-image

Git delete a branch

git branch -D the_local_branch

git push origin :the_local_branch

git push origin --delete <branch2> <branch3> <branch4>

Merge two branches


goal: feature/item-image

1. Make sure the two branch is up-to-date,

2. at feature/item-image, run ‘git merge feature/image-split-new'

3. resovle confilicts if has

4. push origin feature/item-image 

Git commit skip file


This will tell git you want to start ignoring the changes to the file

git update-index --assume-unchanged path/to/file

When you want to start keeping track again

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged path/to/file

Check out a remote branch in git

git fetch origin

git checkout groups


Git Reset --hard

git reset --hard

Reset the staging area and the working directory to match the most recent commit. 

Git Update comment in commit

git rebase -i HEAD~3 

'edit' in vim

git commit —amend

git rebase —continue

Git merge --squash or use "Git compare branch in Intellij"

Banch: master

Your branch: branch_sample

Create a new branch from master: for_review

Then execute git merge branch_sample --squash

Git Prune origin

git remote prune origin

Git list remote branch

git ls-remote --heads origin

Git delete remote repository

git remote rm origin

Git ignore

git rm -r --cached {full file path}

git refusing to merge unrelated histories

git pull --allow-unrelated-histories


  1. 我工作中常用的Git命令
  2. git命令







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