import os import random from queue import Queue import numpy import colorama from colorama import Fore, Back, Style import sys from bmpEditor import bmp colorama.init() # numpy.random.seed(1) _xy = [0,2,0,-2,0] size = 31 sys.setrecursionlimit(100000000) road = set() def dfs(curr_pos): road.add(curr_pos) # for i in numpy.random.permutation(4): p = [0,1,2,3] for i in range(4): l = random.randint(0,3) r = random.randint(0,3) p[l], p[r] = p[r], p[l] for i in p: next_pos = (curr_pos[0] + _xy[i], curr_pos[1] + _xy[i+1]) if (0<=next_pos[0]<size and 0<=next_pos[1]<size and next_pos not in road ): road.add(((curr_pos[0] + next_pos[0])/2, (curr_pos[1] + next_pos[1])/2)) dfs(next_pos) dfs((0,0)) q = Queue() q.put((0,0)) ans_road = set() def dfs_getans(curr_pos): # print(curr_pos) ans_road.add(curr_pos) if (size-1, size-1) in ans_road: return for i in range(4): next_pos = (curr_pos[0] + _xy[i]//2, curr_pos[1] + _xy[i+1]//2) if (0<=next_pos[0]<size and 0<=next_pos[1]<size and next_pos in road and next_pos not in ans_road and (size-1, size-1) not in ans_road): dfs_getans(next_pos) if (size-1, size-1) not in ans_road: ans_road.remove(curr_pos) dfs_getans((0,0)) for i in range(size): for j in range(size): print((Back.WHITE + ' ') if (i,j) in road else (Back.BLACK + ' '), end=' ') print() wall_width = 2 cell_size = 6 image = bmp((size+3)*cell_size-wall_width, (size+3)*cell_size-wall_width, 0x000000) for i in range(size+3): for j in range(size+3): if (i-1, j-1) in road: image.paint_rect(i*cell_size, j*cell_size, cell_size*2-wall_width, cell_size*2-wall_width, 0xffffff) file_name = "%dmaze.bmp"%size image.save_image(file_name) os.system(file_name) for p in ans_road: # image.paint_rect(p[0]+1, p[1]+1) image.paint_rect(( p[0]+1)*cell_size + (cell_size - wall_width)//2, (p[1]+1)*cell_size + (cell_size - wall_width)//2, cell_size, cell_size, 0xff0000 ) file_name = "%dans.bmp"%size image.save_image(file_name) os.system(file_name)
import os import random from queue import Queue import numpy import colorama from colorama import Fore, Back, Style import sys import random from bmpEditor import bmp colorama.init() numpy.random.seed(1) _xy = [0,2,0,-2,0] size = 59 sys.setrecursionlimit(size*size//4+size) q = [] q.append((0,0)) road = set() road.add((0,0)) while len(q) != 0: random.shuffle(q) curr_pos = q.pop() # print(curr_pos) for i in range(4): next_pos = (curr_pos[0] + _xy[i], curr_pos[1] + _xy[i+1]) if ( 0<=next_pos[0]<size and 0<=next_pos[1]<size and next_pos not in road ): road.add( ((curr_pos[0] + next_pos[0])//2, (curr_pos[1] + next_pos[1])//2) ) q.append(next_pos) road.add(next_pos) ans_road = set() def dfs_getans(curr_pos): ans_road.add(curr_pos) if (size-1, size-1) in ans_road: return for i in range(4): next_pos = (curr_pos[0] + _xy[i]//2, curr_pos[1] + _xy[i+1]//2) if ( 0<=next_pos[0]<size and 0<=next_pos[1]<size and next_pos in road and next_pos not in ans_road and (size-1, size-1) not in ans_road): dfs_getans(next_pos) if (size-1, size-1) not in ans_road: ans_road.remove(curr_pos) dfs_getans((0,0)) print(len(ans_road)) for i in range(0, size): for j in range(0, size): print((Back.WHITE + ' ') if (i,j) in road else (Back.BLACK + ' '), end=' ') print() wall_width = 1 cell_size = 5 image = bmp((size+3)*cell_size-wall_width, (size+3)*cell_size-wall_width, 0x000000) for i in range(size+3): for j in range(size+3): if (i-1, j-1) in road: image.paint_rect(i*cell_size, j*cell_size, cell_size*2-wall_width, cell_size*2-wall_width, 0xffffff) file_name = "%dmaze.bmp"%size image.save_image(file_name) os.system(file_name) for p in ans_road: # image.paint_rect(p[0]+1, p[1]+1) image.paint_rect(( p[0]+1)*cell_size + (cell_size - wall_width)//2, (p[1]+1)*cell_size + (cell_size - wall_width)//2, cell_size, cell_size, 0xff0000 ) file_name = "%dans.bmp"%size image.save_image(file_name) os.system(file_name)
local _xy = {0,2,0,-2,0} local size = 41 local base = size+1 local road = {} stop_points = {} function dfs(curr_x, curr_y) road[curr_x*base+curr_y] = true if math.random(1,10) <= 3 then stop_points[curr_x*base+curr_y] = true return end -- os.execute("cls") -- print_map() local permutation = {1,2,3,4} for i=1, 4 do local l = math.random(1,4) local r = math.random(1,4) permutation[l], permutation[r] = permutation[r], permutation[l] end for i=1, 4 do local next_x = curr_x+_xy[permutation[i]] local next_y = curr_y+_xy[permutation[i]+1] if next_x>=1 and next_x<=size and next_y>=1 and next_y<=size and road[next_x*base+next_y] == nil then local mid_x = math.floor((curr_x+next_x)/2) local mid_y = math.floor((curr_y+next_y)/2) road[mid_x*base+mid_y] = true dfs(next_x, next_y) end end end local ans_geted = false local parent = {} function get_ans(curr_x, curr_y) -- print(curr_x, curr_y) for i=1, 4 do next_x = (curr_x + math.floor(_xy[i])/2 ) next_y = (curr_y + math.floor(_xy[i+1])/2 ) -- print(next_x, next_y) if next_x >= 1 and next_x <= size and next_y >= 1 and next_y <= size and road[next_x*base+next_y] and parent[next_x*base+next_y]==nil then parent[next_x*base+next_y] = curr_x*base+curr_y get_ans(next_x, next_y) end end end local ans_road = {} function print_map() for i=0, size+1 do local line = "" for j=0, size+1 do if ans_road [i*base+j] then line = line..".." elseif road[i*base+j]==true then line = line.." " else line = line.."HH" end end print(line) end end stop_points[1*base+1] = true -- create maze repeat local has_point = false for v,_ in pairs(stop_points) do has_point = true stop_points[v] = nil dfs(math.floor(v/base), v%base) break end -- print(has_point) until not has_point get_ans(1,1) parent[1*base+1] = nil print("") -- for k,v in pairs(parent) do -- print(string.format("[%d,%d]->[%d,%d]", math.floor(k/base), k%base, math.floor(v/base), v%base)) -- end print("") local x = size local y = size repeat -- print(x,y) ans_road[x*base+y] = true local v = parent[x*base+y] x = math.floor(v/base) y = v%base until --[[(x==1 and y== 1)]] not parent[x*base+y] ans_road[1*base+1] = true print_map()
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