Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of the longest consecutive elements sequence.
Your algorithm should run in O(n) complexity.
Input: [100, 4, 200, 1, 3, 2]
Output: 4
Explanation: The longest consecutive elements sequence is
[1, 2, 3, 4]
. Therefore its length is 4.
C++ 解法一:
class Solution { public: int longestConsecutive(vector<int>& nums) { int res = 0; unordered_set<int> s(nums.begin(), nums.end()); for (int val : nums) { if (!s.count(val)) continue; s.erase(val); int pre = val - 1, next = val + 1; while (s.count(pre)) s.erase(pre--); while (s.count(next)) s.erase(next++); res = max(res, next - pre - 1); } return res; } };
Java 解法一:
public class Solution { public int longestConsecutive(int[] nums) { int res = 0; Set<Integer> s = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int num : nums) s.add(num); for (int num : nums) { if (s.remove(num)) { int pre = num - 1, next = num + 1; while (s.remove(pre)) --pre; while (s.remove(next)) ++next; res = Math.max(res, next - pre - 1); } } return res; } }
下面来解释一下为啥要判断如何存在映射的时候要跳过,这是因为一旦某个数字创建映射了,说明该数字已经被处理过了,那么其周围的数字很可能也已经建立好了映射了,如果再遇到之前处理过的数字,再取相邻数字的映射值累加的话,会出错。举个例子,比如数组 [1, 2, 0, 1],当0执行完以后,HashMap中的映射为 {1->2, 2->3, 0->3},可以看出此时0和2的映射值都已经为3了,那么如果最后一个1还按照原来的方法处理,随后得到结果就是7,明显不合题意。还有就是,之前说的,为了避免访问不存在的映射值时,自动创建映射,我们使用m.count() 先来检测一下,只有存在映射,我们才从中取值,否则就直接赋值为0,参见代码如下:
C++ 解法二:
class Solution { public: int longestConsecutive(vector<int>& nums) { int res = 0; unordered_map<int, int> m; for (int num : nums) { if (m.count(num)) continue; int left = m.count(num - 1) ? m[num - 1] : 0; int right = m.count(num + 1) ? m[num + 1] : 0; int sum = left + right + 1; m[num] = sum; res = max(res, sum); m[num - left] = sum; m[num + right] = sum; } return res; } };
Java 解法二:
public class Solution { public int longestConsecutive(int[] nums) { int res = 0; Map<Integer, Integer> m = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (int num : nums) { if (m.containsKey(num)) continue; int left = m.containsKey(num - 1) ? m.get(num - 1) : 0; int right = m.containsKey(num + 1) ? m.get(num + 1) : 0; int sum = left + right + 1; m.put(num, sum); res = Math.max(res, sum); m.put(num - left, sum); m.put(num + right, sum); } return res; } }
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