MySQL中的InnoDB引擎使用B+Tree结构来存储索引,可以尽量减少数据查询时磁盘IO次数,同时树的高度直接影响了查询的性能,一般树的高度维持在 3~4 层。
B+Tree由三部分组成:根root、枝branch以及Leaf叶子,其中root和branch不存储数据,只存储指针地址,数据全部存储在Leaf Node,同时Leaf Node之间用双向链表链接,结构如下:
从上面可以看到,每个Leaf Node是三部分组成的,即前驱指针p_prev,数据data以及后继指针p_next,同时数据data是有序的,默认是升序ASC,分布在B+tree右边的键值总是大于左边的,同时从root到每个Leaf的距离是相等的,也就是访问任何一个Leaf Node需要的IO是一样的,即索引树的高度Level + 1次IO操作。
我们可以将MySQL中的索引可以看成一张小表,占用磁盘空间,创建索引的过程其实就是按照索引列排序的过程,先在sort_buffer_size进行排序,如果排序的数据量大,sort_buffer_size容量不下,就需要通过临时文件来排序,最重要的是通过索引可以避免排序操作(distinct,group by,order by)。
MySQL中的表是IOT(Index Organization Table,索引组织表),数据按照主键id顺序存储(逻辑上是连续,物理上不连续),而且主键id是聚集索引(clustered index),存储着整行数据,如果没有显示的指定主键,MySQL会将所有的列组合起来构造一个row_id作为primary key,例如表users(id, user_id, user_name, phone, primary key(id)),id是聚集索引,存储了id, user_id, user_name, phone整行的数据。
辅助索引也称为二级索引,索引中除了存储索引列外,还存储了主键id,对于user_name的索引idx_user_name(user_name)而言,其实等价于idx_user_name(user_name, id),MySQL会自动在辅助索引的最后添加上主键id,熟悉Oracle数据库的都知道,索引里除了索引列还存储了row_id(代表数据的物理位置,由四部分组成:对象编号+数据文件号+数据块号+数据行号),我们在创建辅助索引也可以显示添加主键id。
-- 创建user_name列上的索引 mysql> create index idx_user_name on users(user_name); -- 显示添加主键id创建索引 mysql> create index idx_user_name_id on users(user_name,id); -- 对比两个索引的统计数据 mysql> select a.space as tbl_spaceid, a.table_id, a.name as table_name, row_format, space_type, b.index_id , b.name as index_name, n_fields, page_no, b.type as index_type from information_schema.INNODB_TABLES a left join information_schema.INNODB_INDEXES b on a.table_id =b.table_id where a.name = 'test/users'; +-------------+----------+------------+------------+------------+----------+------------------+----------+------ | tbl_spaceid | table_id | table_name | row_format | space_type | index_id | index_name | n_fields | page_no | index_type | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+------------+----------+------------------+----------+------ | 518 | 1586 | test/users | Dynamic | Single | 1254 | PRIMARY | 9 | 4 | 3 | | 518 | 1586 | test/users | Dynamic | Single | 4003 | idx_user_name | 2 | 5 | 0 | | 518 | 1586 | test/users | Dynamic | Single | 4004 | idx_user_name_id | 2 | 45 | 0 | mysql> select index_name, last_update, stat_name, stat_value, stat_description from mysql.innodb_index_stats where index_name in ('idx_user_name','idx_user_name_id'); +------------------+---------------------+--------------+------------+-----------------------------------+ | index_name | last_update | stat_name | stat_value | stat_description | +------------------+---------------------+--------------+------------+-----------------------------------+ | idx_user_name | 2021-01-02 17:14:48 | n_leaf_pages | 1358 | Number of leaf pages in the index | | idx_user_name | 2021-01-02 17:14:48 | size | 1572 | Number of pages in the index | | idx_user_name_id | 2021-01-02 17:14:48 | n_leaf_pages | 1358 | Number of leaf pages in the index | | idx_user_name_id | 2021-01-02 17:14:48 | size | 1572 | Number of pages in the index |
Index_name | n_fields | n_leaf_pages | size |
idx_user_name | 2 | 1358 | 1572 |
idx_user_name_id | 2 | 1358 | 1572 |
select user_id, user_name, phone from users where user_name = 'Laaa';
我们知道,对于索引idx_user_name而言,其实就是一个小表idx_user_name(user_name, id),如果只查询索引中的列,只需要扫描索引就能获取到所需数据,是不需要回表的,如下SQL语句:
SQL 1: select id, user_name from users where user_name = 'Laaa';
SQL 2: select id from users where user_name = 'Laaa';
mysql> explain select id, name from users where name = 'Laaa'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+------+------- | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+------+------- | 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | ref | idx_user_name | idx_user_name | 82 | const | 1 | 100.00 | Using index | mysql> explain select id from users where name = 'Laaa'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+------+------- | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+------+------- | 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | ref | idx_user_name | idx_user_name | 82 | const | 1 | 100.00 | Using index |
SQL 1和SQL 2的执行计划中的Extra=Using index 表示使用覆盖索引扫描,不需要回表,再来看上面的业务SQL:
select user_id, user_name, phone from users where user_name = 'Laaa';
Section 1: select **id** from users where user_name = 'Laaa' //id = 100101
Section 2: select user_id, user_name, phone from users where id = 100101;
将Section 2的操作称为回表,即通过辅助索引中的主键id去原表中查找数据。
MySQL的索引时B+tree结构,即使表里有上亿条数据,索引的高度都不会很高,通常维持在3-4层左右,我来计算下索引idx_name的高度,从上面知道索引信息:index_id = 4003, page_no = 5,它的偏移量offset就是page_no x innodo_page_size + 64 = 81984,通过hexdump进行查看
$hexdump -s 81984 -n 10 /usr/local/var/mysql/test/users.ibd 0014040 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f a3 001404a
其中索引的PAGE_LEVEL为00,即idx_user_name索引高度为1,0f a3 代表索引编号,转换为十进制是4003,正是index_id。
主要区别就是扫描数据量大小以及IO的操作,全表扫描是顺序IO,索引扫描是随机IO,MySQL对此做了优化,增加了change buffer特性来提高IO性能。
select * from trade_info where status = 0 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59' order by id desc limit 102120, 20;
表trade_info上有索引idx_status_create_time(status,create_time),通过上面分析知道,等价于索引**(status,create_time,id)**,对于典型的分页limit m, n来说,越往后翻页越慢,也就是m越大会越慢,因为要定位m位置需要扫描的数据越来越多,导致IO开销比较大,这里可以利用辅助索引的覆盖扫描来进行优化,先获取id,这一步就是索引覆盖扫描,不需要回表,然后通过id跟原表trade_info进行关联,改写后的SQL如下:
select * from trade_info a , (select id from trade_info where status = 0 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59' order by id desc limit 102120, 20) as b //这一步走的是索引覆盖扫描,不需要回表 where a.id = b.id;
-- 需要更新的数据量500w update coupons set status = 1 where status =0 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59';
在Oracle里更新500w数据是很快,因为可以利用多个cpu core去执行,但是MySQL就需要注意了,一个SQL只能使用一个cpu core去处理,如果SQL很复杂或执行很慢,就会阻塞后面的SQL请求,造成活动连接数暴增,MySQL CPU 100%,相应的接口Timeout,同时对于主从复制架构,而且做了业务读写分离,更新500w数据需要5分钟,Master上执行了5分钟,binlog传到了slave也需要执行5分钟,那就是Slave延迟5分钟,在这期间会造成业务脏数据,比如重复下单等。
mysql> explain select min(id) min_id, max(id) max_id from coupons where status =0 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+------------------------+------------------------+---------+--- | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+------------------------+------------------------+---------+--- | 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | range | idx_status_create_time | idx_status_create_time | 6 | NULL | 180300 | 100.00 | Using where; Using index |
Extra=Using where; Using index使用了索引idx_status_create_time,同时需要的数据都在索引中能找到,所以不需要回表查询数据。
current_id = min_id; for current_id < max_id do update coupons set status = 1 where id >=current_id and id <= current_id + 1000; //通过主键id更新1000条很快 commit; current_id += 1000; done
可以通过设置参数innodb_large_prefix来开启或禁用索引前缀长度的限制,即是设置为OFF,索引虽然可以创建成功,也会有一个警告,主要是因为index size会很大,效率大量的IO的操作,即使MySQL优化器命中了该索引,效率也不会很高。
-- 设置innodb_large_prefix=OFF禁用索引前缀限制,虽然可以创建成功,但是有警告。 mysql> create index idx_nickname on users(nickname); // `nickname` varchar(255) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 1 mysql> show warnings; +---------+------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Level | Code | Message | +---------+------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Warning | 1071 | Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes |
-- `nickname` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL定义的执行计划 mysql> explain select * from users where nickname = 'Laaa'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+--------------+---------+-------+------+-------- | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+--------------+---------+-------+------+-------- | 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | ref | idx_nickname | idx_nickname | 515 | const | 1 | 100.00 | NULL |
key_len=515,由于表和列都是utf8mb4字符集,每个字符占4个字节,变长数据类型+2Bytes,允许NULL额外+1Bytes,即128 x 4 + 2 + 1 = 515Bytes。创建前缀索引,前缀长度也可以不是当前表的数据列最大值,应该是区分度最高的那部分长度,一般能达到90%以上即可,例如email字段存储都是类似这样的值xxxx@yyy.com,前缀索引的最大长度可以是xxxx这部分的最大长度即可。
-- 创建前缀索引,前缀长度为30 mysql> create index idx_nickname_part on users(nickname(30)); -- 查看执行计划 mysql> explain select * from users where nickname = 'Laaa'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+--------------------------------+-------------------+---------+- | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+--------------------------------+-------------------+---------+- | 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | ref | idx_nickname_part,idx_nickname | idx_nickname_part | 123 | const | 1 | 100.00 | Using where |
可以看到优化器选择了前缀索引,索引长度为123,即30 x 4 + 2 + 1 = 123 Bytes,大小不到原来的四分之。
mysql> explain select gender,count(*) from users where nickname like 'User100%' group by nickname limit 10; +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+--------------------------------+--------------+---------+----- | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+--------------------------------+--------------+---------+----- | 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | range | idx_nickname_part,idx_nickname | idx_nickname | 515 | NULL | 899 | 100.00 | Using index condition | --可以看到Extra= Using index condition表示使用了索引,但是需要回表查询数据,没有发生排序操作。 mysql> explain select gender,count(*) from users where nickname like 'User100%' group by nickname limit 10; +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+---------+------+------ | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+---------+------+------ | 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | range | idx_nickname_part | idx_nickname_part | 123 | NULL | 899 | 100.00 | Using where; Using temporary | --可以看到Extra= Using where; Using temporaryn表示在使用了索引的情况下,需要回表去查询所需的数据,同时发生了排序操作。
select * from trade_info where status = 1 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59';
-- 分别创建两种不同的复合索引 mysql> create index idx_status_create_time on trade_info(status, create_time); mysql> create index idx_create_time_status on trade_info(create_time,status); -- 查看SQL的执行计划 mysql> explain select * from users where status = 1 and create_time >='2021-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2021-10-07 23:59:59'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------+--------------- | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------+--------------- | 1 | SIMPLE | trade_info | NULL | range | idx_status_create_time,idx_create_time_status | idx_status_create_time | 6 | NULL | 98518 | 100.00 | Using index condition |
-- 开启optimizer_trace跟踪 mysql> set session optimizer_trace="enabled=on",end_markers_in_json=on; -- 执行SQL语句 mysql> select * from trade_info where status = 1 and create_time >='2021-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2021-10-07 23:59:59'; -- 查看跟踪结果 mysql>SELECT trace FROM information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE\G;
复合索引 | Type | Rows | 参与过滤索引列 | Chosen | Cause |
idx_status_create_time | Index Range Scan | 98518 | status AND create_time | True | Cost低 |
idx_create_time_status | Index Range Scan | 98518 | create_time | False | Cost高 |
MySQL优化器是基于Cost的,COST主要包括IO_COST和CPU_COST,MySQL的CBO(Cost-Based Optimizer基于成本的优化器)总是选择Cost最小的作为最终的执行计划去执行,从上面的分析,CBO选择的是复合索引idx_status_create_time,因为该索引中的status和create_time都能参与了数据过滤,成本较低;而idx_create_time_status只有create_time参数数据过滤,status被忽略了,其实CBO将其简化为单列索引idx_create_time,选择性没有复合索引idx_status_create_time好。
一般情况下,如果表users有复合索引idx_status_create_time,我们都知道,单独用create_time去查询,MySQL优化器是不走索引,所以还需要再创建一个单列索引idx_create_time。用过Oracle的同学都知道,是可以走索引跳跃扫描(Index Skip Scan),在MySQL 8.0也实现Oracle类似的索引跳跃扫描,在优化器选项也可以看到skip_scan=on。
| optimizer_switch |use_invisible_indexes=off,skip_scan=on,hash_join=on |
适合复合索引前导列唯一值少,后导列唯一值多的情况,如果前导列唯一值变多了,则MySQL CBO不会选择索引跳跃扫描,取决于索引列的数据分表情况。
mysql> explain select id, user_id,status, phone from users where create_time >='2021-01-02 23:01:00' and create_time <= '2021-01-03 23:01:00'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+--------+----------+---- | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+--------+----------+---- | 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | range | idx_status_create_time | idx_status_create_time | NULL | NULL | 15636 | 11.11 | Using where; Using index for skip scan|