Timer = True # 计时器 speed = False # 速度 IsTrigger = True # 触发器 start_point = True # 起始位置 localScale = True # 起始大小
from string import Template class BuildData: def Init(self): # 初始化各类$ Timer = True speed = False IsTrigger = True start_point = True localScale = True # 输出a.cs文件 filePath = 'a.cs' class_file = open(filePath, 'w') # mycode用来存放生成的代码 mycode = [] # 加载模板文件 template_file = open('TMPL1.tmpl', 'rb') template_file = template_file.read().decode('utf-8') tmpl = Template(template_file) ## 模板替换 # 1.需要判断是否使用的模板,不使用的给他注释掉 if(Timer): TimerContent = ' ' else: TimerContent = '///' if (speed): speedContent = ' ' else: speedContent = '///' if (IsTrigger): IsTriggerContent =' ' else: IsTriggerContent ='///' if (start_point): start_pointcontent= ' ' else: start_pointcontent= '///' if (localScale): localScalecontent = ' ' else: localScalecontent='///' # 2.固定的模板值更替 mycode.append(tmpl.safe_substitute( TimerContent=TimerContent, speedContent=speedContent, IsTriggerContent=IsTriggerContent, start_pointcontent=start_pointcontent, localScalecontent=localScalecontent, role='Small_red_hat', x_start_point='12', y_start_point='-2', z_start_point='0', x_scale='0.45f', y_scale='0.5f', z_scale='1' )) # 将代码写入文件 class_file.writelines(mycode) class_file.close() print('代码已生成') if __name__ == '__main__': build = BuildData() build.Init()
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ${role} : MonoBehaviour { ${TimerContent} public float Timer; //set a Timer ${speedContent} public float speed; //speed ${IsTriggerContent} public bool IsTrigger; //set a trigger void Start() { //the start_point of ${role} ${start_pointcontent}transform.position = new Vector3(${x_start_point}, ${y_start_point}, ${z_start_point}); //the scale of ${role} ${localScalecontent}transform.localScale = new Vector3(${x_scale},${y_scale}, ${z_scale}); } void Update() { //Timer countdown ${TimerContent} Timer += Time.deltaTime; //when to move ${TimerContent} if (Timer >= 2f && Timer <= 4f) { IsTrigger = true;} //when to stop ${TimerContent} else if (Timer > 3.5f){ IsTrigger = false;} //the speed of ${role} ${IsTriggerContent}if(IsTrigger){ transform.Translate(-0.04f, 0, 0);} } }
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Small_red_hat : MonoBehaviour { public float Timer; //set a Timer /// public float speed; //speed public bool IsTrigger; //set a trigger void Start() { //the start_point of Small_red_hat transform.position = new Vector3(12, -2, 0); //the scale of Small_red_hat transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.45f,0.5f, 1); } void Update() { //Timer countdown Timer += Time.deltaTime; //when to move if (Timer >= 2f && Timer <= 4f) { IsTrigger = true;} //when to stop else if (Timer > 3.5f){ IsTrigger = false;} //the speed of Small_red_hat if (IsTrigger){ transform.Translate(-0.04f, 0, 0);} } }
仔细观察生成的结果,代码与目标生成的代码基本一致,(注释暂时只能使用英文编辑。) 随即把生成的代码放在unity中,观察运行情况。
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