import tkinter as tk import pyautogui as pg import tkinter.messagebox as msgbox def setpos(): global x,y try: x,y = eval(tEntry.get()) except: pass pg.click(x-150,y) pg.typewrite('1') pg.moveTo(x,y,duration=0.5) def alter(num): tList.delete(index) tList.insert(index,phone+','+str(num)) user[index] = phone+','+str(num) with open("phones.txt","w",encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write('\n'.join(user)) def flag0(): alter(0) def flag1(): alter(1) def flag2(): alter(2) def start(): global x,y,index,phone x0,y0 = pg.position() lines = len(user) index = -1 for i in user: index += 1 if len(i)==11:break phone = user[index] if len(phone)>11: msgbox.showinfo('提示','手机号大于11位,或全部结束!') else: try: t = tList.curselection()[0] tList.select_clear(t,t) except: pass tList.select_set(index,index) pg.click(x-150,y) pg.typewrite('\b'*50) pg.typewrite(phone) pg.moveTo(x,y,duration=0.5) pg.click() pg.moveTo(x0,y0) def main(): '''written by hannyang 2021.10.16''' global tEntry,tList global user root = tk.Tk() root.geometry(f'375x323+{x+55}+{y-85}') root.resizable(False, False) root.title('《企业微信好友》') root.wm_attributes('-topmost',True) tEntry = tk.Entry(root,width=8) tEntry.place(x = 275, y = 270) tEntry.insert(0,'995,410') bt1 = tk.Button(root,text=' 定位 ',command = setpos) bt1.place(x = 220, y = 265) bt2 = tk.Button(root,text=' 开始 ',command = start) bt2.place(x = 30, y = 265) bt3 = tk.Button(root,text=' 标0 ',command = flag0) bt3.place(x = 80, y = 265) bt4 = tk.Button(root,text=' 标1 ',command = flag1) bt4.place(x = 125, y = 265) bt5 = tk.Button(root,text=' 标2 ',command = flag2) bt5.place(x = 170, y = 265) user = [] try: with open('phones.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fn: users = fn.readlines() for usr in users: if usr[-1]=='\n': usr=usr[:-1] user.append(usr.strip()) except: user = ['当前文件夹中phones.txt文件不存在!'] tScroll=tk.Scrollbar(root, orient=tk.VERTICAL) tScroll.place(x=330,y=25,height=220) tList=tk.Listbox(root,selectmode=tk.BROWSE,yscrollcommand=tScroll.set) tList.place(x=30,y=25,width=300,height=220) for i in user: tList.insert(tk.END,i) tScroll.config(command=tList.yview) tList.select_set(0,0) root.update() tmp = list(set(user)) diff = len(user)-len(tmp) if diff!=0: msgbox.showinfo('提示',f'存在{diff}个重复手机号!可忽略') root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': x,y = pg.size() x = (x - 390)//2 + 350 y = (y - 360)//2 + 65 main()
以下是保存电话的文本文件 phones.txt 的内容,手机号码已隐去:
程序没有设置全自动的验证和添加,如果需要的话,则要把相关的按钮截图保存好.jpg图片,然后使用 pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen() 等函数来定位,加上循环语句就能达成。
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