中默认继承了操作此款数据库的引擎 sqlite3
简单操作SQLite数据库:创建 sqlite数据库是一个轻量级的数据库服务器,该模块默认集成在python中,开发小应用很不错.
import sqlite3 # 数据表的创建 conn = sqlite3.connect("data.db") cursor = conn.cursor() create = "create table persion(" \ "id int auto_increment primary key," \ "name char(20) not null," \ "age int not null," \ "msg text default null" \ ")" cursor.execute(create) # 执行创建表操作
insert = "insert into persion(id,name,age,msg) values(1,'lyshark',1,'hello lyshark');" cursor.execute(insert) insert = "insert into persion(id,name,age,msg) values(2,'guest',2,'hello guest');" cursor.execute(insert) insert = "insert into persion(id,name,age,msg) values(3,'admin',3,'hello admin');" cursor.execute(insert) insert = "insert into persion(id,name,age,msg) values(4,'wang',4,'hello wang');" cursor.execute(insert) insert = "insert into persion(id,name,age,msg) values(5,'sqlite',5,'hello sql');" cursor.execute(insert) data = [(6, '王舞',8, 'python'), (7, '曲奇',8,'python'), (9, 'C语言',9,'python')] insert = "insert into persion(id,name,age,msg) values(?,?,?,?);" cursor.executemany(insert,data)
select = "select * from persion;" cursor.execute(select) #print(cursor.fetchall()) # 取出所有的数据 select = "select * from persion where name='lyshark';" cursor.execute(select) print(cursor.fetchall()) # 取出所有的数据 select = "select * from persion where id >=1 and id <=2;" list = cursor.execute(select) for i in list.fetchall(): print("字段1:", i[0]) print("字段2:", i[1])
update = "update persion set name='苍老师' where id=1;" cursor.execute(update) update = "update persion set name='苍老师' where id>=1 and id<=3;" cursor.execute(update) delete = "delete from persion where id=3;" cursor.execute(delete) select = "select * from persion;" cursor.execute(select) print(cursor.fetchall()) # 取出所有的数据 conn.commit() # 事务提交,每执行一次数据库更改的操作,就执行提交 cursor.close() conn.close()
import sqlite3 import re,time conn = sqlite3.connect("data.db") cursor = conn.cursor() """create = "create table login(" \ "username text not null," \ "password text not null," \ "time int default 0" \ ")" cursor.execute(create) cursor.execute("insert into login(username,password) values('admin','123123');") cursor.execute("insert into login(username,password) values('guest','123123');") cursor.execute("insert into login(username,password) values('lyshark','1231');") conn.commit()""" while True: username = input("username:") # 这个地方应该严谨验证,尽量不要让用户拼接SQL语句 password = input("passwor:") # 此处为了方便不做任何验证(注意:永远不要相信用户的输入) sql = "select * from login where username='{}'".format(username) ret = cursor.execute(sql).fetchall() if len(ret) != 0: now_time = int(time.time()) if ret[0][3] <= now_time: print("当前用户{}没有被限制,允许登录...".format(username)) if ret[0][0] == username: if ret[0][1] == password: print("用户 {} 登录成功...".format(username)) else: print("用户 {} 密码输入有误..".format(username)) times = int(time.time()) + 60 cursor.execute("update login set time={} where username='{}'".format(times,username)) conn.commit() else: print("用户名正确,但是密码错误了...") else: print("账户 {} 还在限制登陆阶段,请等待1分钟...".format(username)) else: print("用户名输入错误")
import os,time,datetime import sqlite3 """ conn = sqlite3.connect("data.db") cursor = conn.cursor() create = "create table lyshark(" \ "time int primary key," \ "cpu int not null" \ ")" cursor.execute(create) # 批量生成一堆数据,用于后期的测试. for i in range(1,500): times = int(time.time()) insert = "insert into lyshark(time,cpu) values({},{})".format(times,i) cursor.execute(insert) conn.commit() time.sleep(1)""" # db = data.db 传入数据库名称 # table = 指定表lyshark名称 # start = 2019-12-12 14:28:00 # ends = 2019-12-12 14:29:20 def TimeIndex(db,table,start,ends): start_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(start,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) end_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(ends,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) conn = sqlite3.connect(db) cursor = conn.cursor() select = "select * from {} where time >= {} and time <= {}".format(table,start_time,end_time) return cursor.execute(select).fetchall() if __name__ == "__main__": temp = TimeIndex("data.db","lyshark","2019-12-12 14:28:00","2019-12-12 14:29:00") print(temp)
import os,time,datetime import sqlite3 import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def TimeIndex(db,table,start,ends): start_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(start,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) end_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(ends,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) conn = sqlite3.connect(db) cursor = conn.cursor() select = "select * from {} where time >= {} and time <= {}".format(table,start_time,end_time) return cursor.execute(select).fetchall() def Display(): temp = TimeIndex("data.db","lyshark","2019-12-12 14:28:00","2019-12-12 14:29:00") list = [] for i in range(0,len(temp)): list.append(temp[i][1]) plt.title("CPU Count") plt.plot(list, list) plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": Display()
亿速云「云数据库 MySQL」免部署即开即用,比自行安装部署数据库高出1倍以上的性能,双节点冗余防止单节点故障,数据自动定期备份随时恢复。点击查看>>