Python not equal operator returns True if two variables are of same type and have different values, if the values are same then it returns False.
如果两个变量具有相同的类型并且具有不同的值 ,则Python不等于运算符将返回True ;如果值相同,则它将返回False 。
Python is dynamic and strongly typed language, so if the two variables have the same values but they are of different type, then not equal operator will return True.
Python是动态的强类型语言,因此,如果两个变量具有相同的值,但它们的类型不同,则不相等的运算符将返回True 。
Operator | Description |
!= | Not Equal operator, works in both Python 2 and Python 3. |
<> | Not equal operator in Python 2, deprecated in Python 3. |
操作员 | 描述 |
!= | 不是Equal运算符,可在Python 2和Python 3中使用。 |
<> | 在Python 2中不等于运算符,在Python 3中已弃用。 |
Let's see some examples of not-equal operator in Python 2.7.
我们来看一些Python 2.7中不等于运算符的示例。
$ python2.7 Python 2.7.10 (default, Aug 17 2018, 19:45:58) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 10.0.0 (clang-1000.0.42)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 10 <> 20 True >>> 10 <> 10 False >>> 10 != 20 True >>> 10 != 10 False >>> '10' != 10 True >>>
Here is some examples with Python 3 console.
这是Python 3控制台的一些示例。
$ python3.7 Python 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 26 2018, 23:26:24) [Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 10 <> 20 File "<stdin>", line 1 10 <> 20 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> 10 != 20 True >>> 10 != 10 False >>> '10' != 10 True >>>
We can use Python not equal operator withf-strings too if you are using Python 3.6 or higher version.
如果您使用的是Python 3.6或更高版本,我们也可以将Python不等于运算符与f字符串一起使用。
x = 10 y = 10 z = 20 print(f'x is not equal to y = {x!=y}') flag = x != z print(f'x is not equal to z = {flag}') # python is strongly typed language s = '10' print(f'x is not equal to s = {x!=s}')
x is not equal to y = False
x is not equal to z = True
x is not equal to s = True
When we use not equal operator, it calls __ne__(self, other) function. So we can define our custom implementation for an object and alter the natural output.
当我们使用不等于运算符时,它将调用__ne__(self, other)函数。 因此,我们可以为对象定义自定义实现并更改自然输出。
Let's say we have Data class with fields – id and record. When we are using the not-equal operator, we just want to compare it for record value. We can achieve this by implementing our own __ne__() function.
假设我们有带字段的Data类-id和record。 当我们使用不等于运算符时,我们只想比较它的记录值。 我们可以通过实现自己的__ne __()函数来实现这一点。
class Data: id = 0 record = '' def __init__(self, i, s): self.id = i self.record = s def __ne__(self, other): # return true if different types if type(other) != type(self): return True if self.record != other.record: return True else: return False d1 = Data(1, 'Java') d2 = Data(2, 'Java') d3 = Data(3, 'Python') print(d1 != d2) print(d2 != d3)
Notice that d1 and d2 record values are same but “id” is different. If we remove __ne__() function, then the output will be like this:
请注意,d1和d2记录值相同,但“ id”不同。 如果删除__ne __()函数,则输出将如下所示:
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