@Configuration @EnableAsync public class TaskPoolConfig { @Bean("taskExecutor") // bean 的名称,默认为首字母小写的方法名 public Executor taskExecutor() { ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor(); //核心线程数(CPU核心数+1) executor.setCorePoolSize(10); //最大线程数(2*CPU核心数+1) executor.setMaxPoolSize(20); //缓冲队列数 executor.setQueueCapacity(200); //允许线程空闲时间(单位:默认为秒) executor.setKeepAliveSeconds(60); //线程池名前缀 executor.setThreadNamePrefix("sub-thread-"); // 增加 TaskDecorator 属性的配置 executor.setTaskDecorator(new ContextDecorator()); // 线程池对拒绝任务的处理策略:CallerRunsPolicy:不在新线程中执行任务,而是由调用者所在的线程来执行 executor.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()); executor.initialize(); return executor; } }
/** * 子线程装饰器 * * @author Da Shuai * @date 2021-06-10 18:28:17 */ public class SubThreadTaskDecorator implements TaskDecorator { @Override public Runnable decorate(Runnable runnable) { RequestAttributes context = RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes(); return () -> { try { RequestContextHolder.setRequestAttributes(context); runnable.run(); } finally { RequestContextHolder.resetRequestAttributes(); } }; } }
// 增加 TaskDecorator 属性的配置 executor.setTaskDecorator(new ContextDecorator());
new CountDownLatch(X) latch.await()
@Override @Transactional public void importExcel(File file) { CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { VoteDO voteDO = new VoteDO(); voteDO.setTitle(i + ""); asyncManager.asyncSaveVote(voteDO); } //System.out.println(1/0); try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override @Async public void asyncSaveVote(VoteDO voteDO, CountDownLatch latch) { log.info("当前线程为 {},休眠10s开始", Thread.currentThread().getName()); try { Thread.sleep(10000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } log.info("当前线程为 {},休眠10s结束", Thread.currentThread().getName()); log.info("当前线程为 {},保存开始", Thread.currentThread().getName()); voteDO.setDesc(Thread.currentThread().getName()); voteDao.insert(voteDO); latch.countDown(); log.info("当前线程为 {},保存结束", Thread.currentThread().getName()); }
2021-06-11 16:31:08.653 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : ===============请求内容===============
2021-06-11 16:31:08.653 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : 请求地址:http://localhost:8080/api/import
2021-06-11 16:31:08.653 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : 请求方式:POST
2021-06-11 16:31:08.655 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : 请求类方法:com.zhdj.controller.ImportController.importExcel
2021-06-11 16:31:08.655 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : 请求类方法参数:[org.springframework.web.multipart.support.StandardMultipartHttpServletRequest$StandardMultipartFile@42c3f403]
2021-06-11 16:31:08.655 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : ===============请求内容===============
2021-06-11 16:31:08.676 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2021-06-11 16:31:08.894 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2021-06-11 16:31:08.921 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-3] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-3,休眠10s开始
2021-06-11 16:31:08.921 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-1] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-1,休眠10s开始
2021-06-11 16:31:08.921 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-2] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-2,休眠10s开始
2021-06-11 16:31:18.921 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-2] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-2,休眠10s结束
2021-06-11 16:31:18.921 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-3] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-3,休眠10s结束
2021-06-11 16:31:18.921 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-2] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-2,保存开始
2021-06-11 16:31:18.921 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-1] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-1,休眠10s结束
2021-06-11 16:31:18.921 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-3] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-3,保存开始
2021-06-11 16:31:18.921 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-1] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-1,保存开始
2021-06-11 16:31:19.080 DEBUG 27516 --- [ sub-thread-3] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO vote ( title, `desc`, gmt_create, gmt_modified ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )
2021-06-11 16:31:19.080 DEBUG 27516 --- [ sub-thread-1] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO vote ( title, `desc`, gmt_create, gmt_modified ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )
2021-06-11 16:31:19.080 DEBUG 27516 --- [ sub-thread-2] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO vote ( title, `desc`, gmt_create, gmt_modified ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )
2021-06-11 16:31:19.156 DEBUG 27516 --- [ sub-thread-1] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Parameters: 0(String), sub-thread-1(String), 2021-06-11T16:31:19.032(LocalDateTime), 2021-06-11T16:31:19.037(LocalDateTime)
2021-06-11 16:31:19.156 DEBUG 27516 --- [ sub-thread-3] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Parameters: 2(String), sub-thread-3(String), 2021-06-11T16:31:19.032(LocalDateTime), 2021-06-11T16:31:19.037(LocalDateTime)
2021-06-11 16:31:19.156 DEBUG 27516 --- [ sub-thread-2] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Parameters: 1(String), sub-thread-2(String), 2021-06-11T16:31:19.032(LocalDateTime), 2021-06-11T16:31:19.037(LocalDateTime)
2021-06-11 16:31:19.172 DEBUG 27516 --- [ sub-thread-3] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : <== Updates: 1
2021-06-11 16:31:19.178 DEBUG 27516 --- [ sub-thread-2] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : <== Updates: 1
2021-06-11 16:31:19.187 DEBUG 27516 --- [ sub-thread-1] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : <== Updates: 1
2021-06-11 16:31:19.224 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-3] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-3,保存结束
2021-06-11 16:31:19.224 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-1] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-1,保存结束
2021-06-11 16:31:19.224 INFO 27516 --- [ sub-thread-2] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-2,保存结束
2021-06-11 16:31:19.226 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : --------------返回内容----------------
2021-06-11 16:31:19.328 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : Response内容:null
2021-06-11 16:31:19.328 INFO 27516 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : --------------返回内容----------------
@Override @Transactional public void importExcel(File file) { List<Future> futureList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { VoteDO voteDO = new VoteDO(); voteDO.setTitle(i + ""); Future future = asyncManager.asyncSaveVote(voteDO); futureList.add(future); } //检查所有子线程是否均执行完毕 while (true) { boolean isAllDone = true; for (Future future : futureList) { if (null == future || !future.isDone()) { isAllDone = false; } } if (isAllDone) { log.info("所有子线程执行完毕"); break; } } }
@Override public Future asyncSaveVote(VoteDO voteDO) { log.info("当前线程为 {},休眠10s开始", Thread.currentThread().getName()); try { Thread.sleep(10000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } log.info("当前线程为 {},休眠10s结束", Thread.currentThread().getName()); log.info("当前线程为 {},保存开始", Thread.currentThread().getName()); voteDO.setDesc(Thread.currentThread().getName()); voteDao.insert(voteDO); log.info("当前线程为 {},保存结束", Thread.currentThread().getName()); //返回需要用AsyncResult类 return new AsyncResult<>(true); }
2021-06-11 16:42:28.974 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : ===============请求内容===============
2021-06-11 16:42:28.974 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : 请求地址:http://localhost:8080/api/import
2021-06-11 16:42:28.974 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : 请求方式:POST
2021-06-11 16:42:28.975 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : 请求类方法:com.zhdj.controller.ImportController.importExcel
2021-06-11 16:42:28.975 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : 请求类方法参数:[org.springframework.web.multipart.support.StandardMultipartHttpServletRequest$StandardMultipartFile@7e23bacc]
2021-06-11 16:42:28.975 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : ===============请求内容===============
2021-06-11 16:42:28.979 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-5] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-5,休眠10s开始
2021-06-11 16:42:28.979 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-4] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-4,休眠10s开始
2021-06-11 16:42:28.979 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-6] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-6,休眠10s开始
2021-06-11 16:42:38.980 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-6] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-6,休眠10s结束
2021-06-11 16:42:38.980 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-4] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-4,休眠10s结束
2021-06-11 16:42:38.980 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-5] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-5,休眠10s结束
2021-06-11 16:42:38.980 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-6] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-6,保存开始
2021-06-11 16:42:38.980 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-5] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-5,保存开始
2021-06-11 16:42:38.980 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-4] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-4,保存开始
2021-06-11 16:42:38.981 DEBUG 20492 --- [ sub-thread-4] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO vote ( title, `desc`, gmt_create, gmt_modified ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )
2021-06-11 16:42:38.981 DEBUG 20492 --- [ sub-thread-5] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO vote ( title, `desc`, gmt_create, gmt_modified ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )
2021-06-11 16:42:38.981 DEBUG 20492 --- [ sub-thread-6] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO vote ( title, `desc`, gmt_create, gmt_modified ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )
2021-06-11 16:42:38.982 DEBUG 20492 --- [ sub-thread-5] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Parameters: 1(String), sub-thread-5(String), 2021-06-11T16:42:38.980(LocalDateTime), 2021-06-11T16:42:38.981(LocalDateTime)
2021-06-11 16:42:38.982 DEBUG 20492 --- [ sub-thread-4] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Parameters: 0(String), sub-thread-4(String), 2021-06-11T16:42:38.980(LocalDateTime), 2021-06-11T16:42:38.981(LocalDateTime)
2021-06-11 16:42:38.982 DEBUG 20492 --- [ sub-thread-6] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : ==> Parameters: 2(String), sub-thread-6(String), 2021-06-11T16:42:38.980(LocalDateTime), 2021-06-11T16:42:38.981(LocalDateTime)
2021-06-11 16:42:38.988 DEBUG 20492 --- [ sub-thread-5] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : <== Updates: 1
2021-06-11 16:42:38.989 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-5] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-5,保存结束
2021-06-11 16:42:38.993 DEBUG 20492 --- [ sub-thread-6] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : <== Updates: 1
2021-06-11 16:42:38.993 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-6] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-6,保存结束
2021-06-11 16:42:39.004 DEBUG 20492 --- [ sub-thread-4] com.zhdj.dao.VoteDao.insert : <== Updates: 1
2021-06-11 16:42:39.005 INFO 20492 --- [ sub-thread-4] com.zhdj.AsyncManagerImpl : 当前线程为 sub-thread-4,保存结束
2021-06-11 16:42:39.005 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.service.impl.VoteServiceImpl : 所有子线程执行完毕
2021-06-11 16:42:39.005 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : --------------返回内容----------------
2021-06-11 16:42:39.005 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : Response内容:null
2021-06-11 16:42:39.005 INFO 20492 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.zhdj.config.LogAspect : --------------返回内容----------------
@Configuration @EnableAsync @Slf4j public class AsyncConfig{ }
@Component @Slf4j public class AsyncTask { @Async public void dealNoReturnTask(){ log.info("Thread {} deal No Return Task start", Thread.currentThread().getName()); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } log.info("Thread {} deal No Return Task end at {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), System.currentTimeMillis()); } }
@SpringBootTest(classes = SpringbootApplication.class) @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @Slf4j public class AsyncTest { @Autowired private AsyncTask asyncTask; @Test public void testDealNoReturnTask(){ asyncTask.dealNoReturnTask(); try { log.info("begin to deal other Task!"); Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
begin to deal other Task!
AsyncExecutorThread-1 deal No Return Task start
AsyncExecutorThread-1 deal No Return Task end at 1499751227034
dealNoReturnTask()设置sleep 3s是为了模拟耗时任务
testDealNoReturnTask()设置sleep 10s是为了确认异步是否执行完成
@Async public Future<String> dealHaveReturnTask() { try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("thread", Thread.currentThread().getName()); jsonObject.put("time", System.currentTimeMillis()); return new AsyncResult<String>(jsonObject.toJSONString()); }
@Test public void testDealHaveReturnTask() throws Exception { Future<String> future = asyncTask.dealHaveReturnTask(); log.info("begin to deal other Task!"); while (true) { if(future.isCancelled()){ log.info("deal async task is Cancelled"); break; } if (future.isDone() ) { log.info("deal async task is Done"); log.info("return result is " + future.get()); break; } log.info("wait async task to end ..."); Thread.sleep(1000); } }
begin to deal other Task!
wait async task to end ...
wait async task to end ...
wait async task to end ...
wait async task to end ...
deal async task is Done
return result is {"thread":"AsyncExecutorThread-1","time":1499752617330}
在方法getAsyncExecutor()中创建线程池的时候,必须使用 executor.initialize(),
@Configuration @EnableAsync @Slf4j public class AsyncConfig implements AsyncConfigurer { // @Bean // public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor(){ // ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor(); // executor.setCorePoolSize(10); // executor.setMaxPoolSize(100); // executor.setQueueCapacity(100); // return executor; // } @Override public Executor getAsyncExecutor() { ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor(); executor.setCorePoolSize(10); executor.setMaxPoolSize(100); executor.setQueueCapacity(100); executor.setThreadNamePrefix("AsyncExecutorThread-"); executor.initialize(); //如果不初始化,导致找到不到执行器 return executor; } @Override public AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler getAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler() { return new AsyncExceptionHandler(); } }
@Slf4j public class AsyncExceptionHandler implements AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler { @Override public void handleUncaughtException(Throwable ex, Method method, Object... params) { log.info("Async method: {} has uncaught exception,params:{}", method.getName(), JSON.toJSONString(params)); if (ex instanceof AsyncException) { AsyncException asyncException = (AsyncException) ex; log.info("asyncException:{}",asyncException.getErrorMessage()); } log.info("Exception :"); ex.printStackTrace(); } }
@Data @AllArgsConstructor public class AsyncException extends Exception { private int code; private String errorMessage; }
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