Exploring the Network

发布时间:2020-04-03 14:55:06 作者:elegant_wei
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1. Examples of Today's Popular Communication Tools


2. Networks Supporting the Way We Learn

3. What is Computer Netwrok?


4. Components of the Network

    4.1 End Devices (originate data flow) (host)

    4.2 Intermediary Devices (ensure data flows across the network)

            Processes running on the intermediary network devices perform these functions:

    4.3 Network Media

        Criteria for choosing a network media are:

5. The Interaction of Protocols

Exploring the Network

    5.1 Networking protocol suites describe processes such as:

    5.2 Technology Independent Protocols

(1) Networking protocols describe the functions that occur during network communications.

(2) Protocols generally do not describe how to accomplish a particular function.

    5.3 The Benefits of Using a Layered Model

    5.4 Protocol and Reference Models

    There are two basic types of networking models: protocol models and reference models.

    5.5 Protocol Data Units and Encapsulation

        As application data is passed down the protocol stack on its way to be transmitted across the network media, various protocols add information to it at each level. This is         commonly known as the encapsulation process.

    5.6 The TCP/IP Model

    5.7 The OSI Model

  1. Application the means for end-to-end  connectivity between individuals in the human network using data networks

  2. Presentation common representation of the data      transferred and to manage data exchange

  3. Session this layer create and maintain      dialog between source and destination applications.

  4. Transport defines serves to segment,      transfer, and reassemble the data for individual communications between      the end devices.

  5. Network Provides services to exchange the      individual pieces of data over the network between identified end      devices.

  6. Data Link describe methods for exchanging      data frames between devices over a common media

  7. Physical describe the mechanical,  electrical, functional, and produral means to activate maintain and      de-activate physical connections for bit transmission to and from a      network device.

    5.8 Addressing in the Network

Upper layers
Encoded Application Data
Transport Layer
Destination & Source Process Number(Ports)
Network Layer
Destination & Source Logical Network Addr
Data Link Layer
Destination and Source Physical Address
Physical Layer
Timing & Synchronization Bits

6. Providing Network Security

There are two types of network security concerns that must be addressed to prevent serious consequences: network infrastructure security and content security.

    6.1 Security measures taken in a network should:

    6.2 Network Security:

  1. Viruses,      worms, and Trojan horses

  2. Spyware and adware

  3. Zero-day attacks (zero-hour attacks)

  4. Hacker attacks

  5. Denial of service attacks      (DoS)

  6. Data interception and theft

  7. Identity theft

    6.3 Means to achieve these goals include:

7. What is data? What is a data network? What is a converged network?

Data is the pieces of information, such as files, audio, phone calls and video shared across the network.

A data network consists of:

Devices that communicate with each other

A means of connecting these devices together—a medium that can transport messages from one device to another

The digital messages or units of information that will travel from one device to another

Rules or agreements to govern how the messages are sent, directed, and received

Converged networks:

One network now carries multiple types of messages and information. Separate networks are no longer required to support voice, video, and data traffic.

Network Architectures:

The Cisco Borderless Network Architecture is a network solution that allows organizations and individuals to connect securely, reliably, and seamlessly to the corporate network in a BYOD environment.

Exploring the Network

Communicating the Messages

Segmenting messages has two primary benefits. Multiplexing & reliability

(1) Multiplexing: The process used to interleave the pieces of separate conversations together on the network

(2) Segmentation can increase the reliability of network communications.


The downside to using segmentation and multiplexing to transmit messages across a network is the level of complexity that is added to the process.

All networks have four basic elements in common (Sender, Receiver, and channel)

Connecting to the Internet:

Many homes and small offices are more commonly being connected directly with fiber optic cables. This enables an Internet service provider to provide higher bandwidth speeds and support more services such as Internet, phone, and TV.  Satellite

Connecting Businesses to the Internet:Higher bandwidth, dedicated bandwidth, managed service

Appendx Protocol Suites and Industry Standards

ISOC: The Internet Society

    Responsible for promoting open development, evolution, and Internet use throughout the world.

IAB: The Internet Architecture Board

    Responsible for the overall management and development of Internet standards.

IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

    A professional organization for those in the electrical engineering and electronics fields who are dedicated to advancing technological innovation and creating standards.

    Standards are developed using a six stage lifecycle diagram

    Offers online tools and resources for standards and developers.

IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force

    Develop, update, and maintain Internet and TCP/IP technologies.  Produce RFC documents.

    Makes the Internet work better, using and engineering approach

    RFC are official documents which are used to describe a standard or protocol that is related to the Internet.

    These protocols are open standards &not vendor proprietary.   The RFC process includes significant review and comment by the community.

    Once an RFC is published, it means that the standard is completed

ISO: The International Organization for Standardization

ICANN: The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

    Coordinates IP address allocation, the management of domain names used by DNS, and the protocol identifiers or port numbers used by TCP and UDP protocols

IANA: The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

    Overseeing and managing IP address allocation, domain name management, and protocol identifiers for ICANN.

TIA: The Telecommunications Industry Association

    Responsible for developing communication standards in variety of areas including radio equipment, cellular towers, voice over IP (VoIP) devices, satellite communications.

    Creates standards for worldwide cabling infrastructure

    Develops standards/protocols affecting cloud computing

    Develops standards for homeland security/emergency response teams.

ITU-T: The International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunication Standardization Sector

    Video compression, IPTV, broadband communications, DSL Uses communications standards to predict famines and global climate changes   Supports “bridge the digital     divide” initiatives

    Supports navigation and online maps via radio/satellite transmissions

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