IBM DS5020 Econfig 配置举例 600GB SAS硬盘

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Output File Name: E:\My Documents\Desktop\DS5020 600GB SAS 硬盘.csv                                
Warning: This configuration has errors and cannot be ordered. This output is                                
provided for reference only and should not be used for quoting purposes.                                
Please view the errors in the messages tab for more information                                
         No CPUSIU for the following products                        
Date : 2011-11-25                    PCConv(ECMSSD) Version : 4.3           
Time : 14:54:47                    Last Build : 17 November 2003           
CFREPORT : 2 New Initial Order                               
Currency : USD                               
Hardware Price File : CN USDOLLARS--StorageSysComm 2011-04-14                               
Software Price File : CN USDOLLARS--StorageSysComm 2011-04-14                               
This configurator is classified for proposal usage for IBM personnel                               
and Business Partners only. The configurator USER must provide                               
complete and accurate information in order to produce a valid                               
upgrade system order or proposal. The user will be held responsible                               
for verifying that the price, terms, and conditions are consistent                               
with the current sales manual. Commitments on prices should not be                               
made without complete verification with the sales manuals. Prices                               
are for your information only and are subject to change. Applicable                               
taxes are not shown.                               
******************** USER SELECTED/CRITICAL MESSAGES ********************                               
User Selected/Critical Messages:                                
This CFReport was locked due to the Model Expiration Date                                
preceding the CFReport's Creation Date                                
| The following products/features are withdrawn with |                                
| respect to the selected Customer Requested Arrival Date |                                
| (CRAD): |                                
| |                                
| Product | Feature | Description | Date |                                
| 5608-E14 | 5809 | Multilingual DVD | 2011/4/15 |                                
Product(s) in this configuration require a Pre-Sale Solution                                
Assurance Technical & Delivery Assessment (TDA).                                
******************************* HARDWARE *******************************                               
Product     Description    Qty    Purchase                    Maint    
1814-20A    DS5020 Midrange Disk    1    234000                   56982    A
6122    600GB/10K FC-SAS FDE DDM    8    N/A                        
7805    DS5020 AIX/VIOS Host Kit    1    72800                       
8700    DS5020 2 Stg Partit. IPO    1    15600                       
9202    Field Integrate    1    N/C                        
             =========                 ======    
    1814-20A Price                             
    Annual Maintenance                         56982   
******************************* SOFTWARE *******************************                               
Product     Description    Qty    License                        
5608-E14    IBM TPC for Disk Midrange Ed    1    N/C                        
5809    IBM TPC for Disk Midrange EdMu    1    N/C                        
A4RU    IBM TPC for Disk Midrange EdTP    1    17251                       
    5608-E14 Price        17251                    
5608-TPC    TPC Disk Mid Rng Ed 1Yr Reg    1    N/C                        
A5LC    Per Device 1Yr Reg Qty 1    1    N/C                        
    5608-TPC Price        0                    
***************************** GRAND TOTALS *****************************                               
    Software OTC        17251                    
    System Total        17251                    
    Annual Maintenance                         56982   
N/O - Not Offered                               
N/A - Price Not Available in Price Database                               
N/C - No Charge                               
A - Annual Maintenance Price                               
W/D - WITHDRAWN                               
F - ESA 24x7 Full Coverage                               
P - ESA 9x5 Prime Coverage                               
Parts removed as a result of a model upgrade become the property of IBM.       

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