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enrichGO_pip.R GO富集分析
Rscript $scriptdir/enrichGO_pip.r -h usage: /work/my_stad_immu/scripts/enrichGO_pip.r [-h] -g gene.list [-d ann.db] [-t idtype] [-s show.type] [-p pvalueCutoff] [-q qvalueCutoff] [-c showCategory] [-n prefix] [-o outdir] [-H height] [-W width] GO enrich analysis: optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -g gene.list, --gene.list gene.list diff expressed gene list file, required -d ann.db, --ann.db ann.db org.Hs.eg.db or org.Mm.eg.db ,for more info visit: https://www.亿速云.com/article/1244 [optional, default: org.Hs.eg.db ] -t idtype, --idtype idtype deg gene id type: ENSEMBL SYMBOL ENTREZID GENENAME [optional, default: SYMBOL ] -s show.type, --show.type show.type set example ID type name [optional, default: ENTREZID ] -p pvalueCutoff, --pvalueCutoff pvalueCutoff pvalue cutoff on enrichment tests to report, [optional, default: 0.05 ] -q qvalueCutoff, --qvalueCutoff qvalueCutoff qvalue cutoff on enrichment tests to report as significant. Tests must pass i) pvalueCutoff on unadjusted pvalues, ii) pvalueCutoff on adjusted pvalues and iii) qvalueCutoff on qvalues to be reported., [optional, default: 0.2 ] -c showCategory, --showCategory showCategory how many GO Category to show, [optional, default: 10 ] -n prefix, --prefix prefix the output file prefix [optional, default: enrichGO ] -o outdir, --outdir outdir output file directory [default cwd] -H height, --height height the height of pic inches [default 10] -W width, --width width the width of pic inches [default 10]
-g 输入基因列表文件: 脚本会读取第一列基因ID作为基因集:
-d 物种注释数据库: 人的:org.Hs.eg.db
-t 指定输入基因列表的ID类型
Rscript $scriptdir/enrichGO_pip.r --gene.list $workdir/04.deg/S1_vs_S2.DEG.final.tsv \ -o GO -n S1_vs_S2 --pvalueCutoff 0.5 --ann.db org.Hs.eg.db \ --idtype SYMBOL