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今天小编给大家分享一下Linux expect怎么使用的相关知识点,内容详细,逻辑清晰,相信大部分人都还太了解这方面的知识,所以分享这篇文章给大家参考一下,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后有所收获,下面我们一起来了解一下吧。
:debug模式,可以在运行时输出一些诊断信息,与在脚本开始处使用exp_internal 1
行:#!/usr/bin/expect --
命令 | 说明 |
send | 用于向进程发送字符串 |
expect | 从进程接收字符串 |
spawn | 启动新的进程 |
interact | 允许用户交互 |
`# 命令行参数``# $argv,参数数组,使用[lindex $argv n]获取,$argv 0为脚本名字``# $argc,参数个数``set` `username [lindex $argv 1]` `# 获取第1个参数``set` `passwd` `[lindex $argv 2]` `# 获取第2个参数``set` `timeout 30` `# 设置超时``# spawn是expect内部命令,开启ssh连接``spawn` `ssh` `-l username` `# 判断上次输出结果里是否包含“password:”的字符串,如果有则立即返回,否则就等待一段时间(timeout)后返回``expect` `"password:"` `# 发送内容ispass(密码、命令等)``send` `"ispass\r"` `# 发送内容给用户``send_user` `"$argv0 [lrange $argv 0 2]\n"` `send_user` `"It's OK\r"` `# 执行完成后保持交互状态,控制权交给控制台(手工操作)。否则会完成后会退出。``interact`
`send_user` `"password?\ "` `expect_user -re` `"(.*)\n"` `for` `{} 1 {} {` `if` `{[fork]!=0} {``sleep` `3600;``continue``}` `disconnect` `spawn priv_prog` `expect Password:` `send` `"$expect_out(1,string)\r"` `. . .` `exit` `}`
#!/usr/bin/expect ##注意路径,使用 [whereis expect] 查看set user "hadoop" ##设定参数,注意",'的区别set pwd "yangkun"set host ""set timeout -1 ##;号可有可无spawn ssh -p 2020 $user@$hostexpect { ##expect后有空格 "*yes/no" {send "yes\r";exp_continue} "*password:" {send "$pwd\r"} } expect "]*" ## 通配符,使用 ]* 有效, 使用 *# 无效send "touch /home/hadoop/aa.txt\r"expect "]*"send "echo hello world >> /home/hadoop/aa.txt\r"expect "]*"[interact] ##人为交互send "exit\r" ##退出
#!/bin/bash#!/usr/bin/expectSERVERS="" ##数组以空格分隔,可以为目标ip 或者hostNamePASSWORD="yangkun"## 实现免密登录配置的函数auto_ssh_copy_id() { expect -c "set timeout -1; spawn ssh-copy-id \"-p 2020 $1\"; ## 这里要注意,使用'或\'不可行 expect { *(yes/no)* {send -- yes\r;exp_continue;} *password:* {send -- $2\r;exp_continue;} eof {exit 0;} }"; }## 循环执行,配置主机到从节点所有免密ssh_copy_id_to_all() { for SERVER in $SERVERS ## 取值需要加$ do auto_ssh_copy_id $SERVER $PASSWORD done }## 调用循环配置函数ssh_copy_id_to_all## 批量部署for SERVER in $SERVERSdo scp install.sh root@$SERVER:/root ssh root@$SERVER /root/install.shdone
让脚本自动读取slaves文件中的机器名来批量安装 cat slaves | while read hostdoecho $hostexpect -c "set timeout -f spawn ssh-copy-id $host"done
#!/bin/bashBASE_SERVER=master BASE_PATH=/home/hadoop/soft TARGET_PATH=/usr/localJAVA_PATH=$TARGET_PATH/java## 1.判断是否存在文件夹,不存在则创建soft文件夹#if [ ! -d "$BASE_PATH" ]; then# mkdir "$BASE_PATH"#fi## 2.从指定host拷贝jdk到目标机器上(已经拷贝文件夹)scp -r $BASE_SERVER:$BASE_PATH $BASE_PATH## 2.解压jdk到指定目录if [ ! -d "$JAVA_PATH" ]; then sudo -S mkdir -p "$JAVA_PATH"fi## 赋予权限sudo -S chmod -R hadoop:hadoop $JAVA_PATHtar -zxvf $BASE_PATH/jdk1.8.0_121.tar.gz -C $JAVA_PATH#### 3.配置环境变量sudo -S cat>>/etc/profileexport JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_PATH/jdk1.8.0_121export PATH=\$PATH:\$JAVA_HOME/bin EOF
#!/usr/bin/expect -fset ip [lindex $argv 0 ] # 接收第1个参数,作为IPset userid [lindex $argv 1 ] # 接收第2个参数,作为useridset mypassword [lindex $argv 2 ] # 接收第3个参数,作为密码set mycommand [lindex $argv 3 ] # 接收第4个参数,作为命令set timeout 10 # 设置超时时间# 向远程服务器请求打开一个telnet会话,并等待服务器询问用户名spawn telnet $ip expect "username:" # 输入用户名,并等待服务器询问密码 send "$userid\r" expect "password:" # 输入密码,并等待键入需要运行的命令 send "$mypassword\r" expect "%" # 输入预先定好的密码,等待运行结果 send "$mycommand\r" expect "%" # 将运行结果存入到变量中,显示出来或者写到磁盘中 set results $expect_out(buffer) # 退出telnet会话,等待服务器的退出提示EOF send "exit\r" expect eof
#!/usr/bin/expect -fset ip [lindex $argv 0 ] # 接收第1个参数,作为IPset userid [lindex $argv 1 ] # 接收第2个参数,作为Useridset mypassword [lindex $argv 2 ] # 接收第3个参数,作为密码set timeout 10 # 设置超时时间# 向远程服务器请求打开一个FTP会话,并等待服务器询问用户名spawn ftp $ip expect "username:" # 输入用户名,并等待服务器询问密码 send "$userid\r" expect "password:" # 输入密码,并等待FTP提示符的出现 send "$mypassword\r" expect "ftp>" # 切换到二进制模式,并等待FTP提示符的出现 send "bin\r" expect "ftp>" # 关闭ftp的提示符 send "prompt\r" expect "ftp>" # 下载所有文件 send "mget *\r" expect "ftp>" # 退出此次ftp会话,并等待服务器的退出提示EOF send "bye\r" expect eof
#!/usr/bin/expectset IP [lindex $argv 0]set USER [lindex $argv 1]set PASSWD [lindex $argv 2]set CMD [lindex $argv 3] spawn ssh $USER@$IP $CMDexpect { "(yes/no)?" { send "yes\r" expect "password:" send "$PASSWD\r" } "password:" {send "$PASSWD\r"} "* to host" {exit 1} } expect eof
#!/usr/bin/expect -f set ip [lindex $argv 0 ] # 接收第1个参数,作为IPset username [lindex $argv 1 ] # 接收第2个参数,作为usernameset mypassword [lindex $argv 2 ] # 接收第3个参数,作为密码set timeout 10 # 设置超时时间spawn ssh $username@$ip # 发送ssh请求expect { # 返回信息匹配"*yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue} # 第一次ssh连接会提示yes/no,继续 "*password:" { send "$mypassword\r" } # 出现密码提示,发送密码 } interact # 交互模式,用户会停留在远程服务器上面
#!/usr/bin/expectfor {set i 10} {$i set timeout 30 set ssh_user [lindex $argv 0] spawn ssh -i .ssh/$ssh_user abc$i.com expect_before "no)?" { send "yes\r" } sleep 1 expect "password*" send "hello\r" expect "*#" send "echo hello expect! > /tmp/expect.txt\r" expect "*#" send "echo\r"}exit
#!/usr/bin/expectif {$argc!=2} { send_user "usage: ./expect ssh_user password\n" exit} foreach i {11 12} { set timeout 30 set ssh_user [lindex $argv 0] set password [lindex $argv 1] spawn ssh -i .ssh/$ssh_user root@xxx.yy.com expect_before "no)?" { send "yes\r" } sleep 1 expect "Enter passphrase for key*" send "password\r" expect "*#" send "echo hello expect! > /tmp/expect.txt\r" expect "*#" send "echo\r"}exit
#!/usr/bin/expect# 使用方法: script_name ip1 ip2 ip3 ...set timeout 20if {$argc "Usage: script IPs" exit 1 }# 替换你自己的用户名set user "username"#替换你自己的登录密码set password "yourpassword"foreach IP $argv { spawn ssh $user@$IPexpect \ "(yes/no)?" { send "yes\r" expect "password:?" { send "$password\r" } } "password:?" { send "$password\r"} expect "\$?"# 替换你要执行的命令send "last\r"expect "\$?"sleep 10 send "exit\r"expect eof }
* tclsh - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter 1#!/bin/sh# -*- tcl -*- \exec tclsh $0 "$@"package require Expectset username [lindex $argv 0]set password [lindex $argv 1]set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]set prompt "(%|#|\\$) $"foreach ip $argv { spawn ssh -t $username@$ip sh lappend ids $spawn_id} expect_before -i ids eof { set index [lsearch $ids $expect_out(spawn_id)] set ids [lreplace $ids $index $index] if [llength $ids] exp_continue } expect -i ids "(yes/no)\\?" { send -i $expect_out(spawn_id) yes\r exp_continue } -i ids "Enter passphrase for key" { send -i $expect_out(spawn_id) \r exp_continue } -i ids "assword:" { send -i $expect_out(spawn_id) $password\r exp_continue } -i ids -re $prompt { set spawn_id $expect_out(spawn_id) send "echo hello; exit\r" exp_continue } timeout { exit 1 }
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 25:e8:4c:89:a3:b2:06:ee:de:66:c7:7e:1b:fa:1c:c5. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Enter passphrase for key '/data/key/my_dsa': Last login: Sun Jan 26 13:39:37 2014 from [root@master003 ~]# root@'s password: Last login: Thu Jan 23 17:50:43 2014 from [root@lvsmaster ~]#
#!/usr/bin/expect -f# Auther:YuanXing# Update:2014-02-08if {$argc "Usage:\n $argv0 IPaddr User Passwd Port Passphrase\n" puts stderr "argv error!\n" sleep 1 exit 1 }set ip [lindex $argv 0 ]set user [lindex $argv 1 ]set passwd [lindex $argv 2 ]set port [lindex $argv 3 ]set passphrase [lindex $argv 4 ]set timeout 6if {$port == ""} { set port 22 }#send_user "IP:$ip,User:$user,Passwd:$passwd,Port:$port,Passphrase:$passphrase"spawn ssh -p $port $user@$ipexpect_before "(yes/no)\\?" { send "yes\r"} expect \"Enter passphrase for key*" { send "$passphrase\r" exp_continue } " password:?" { send "$passwd\r" exp_continue } "*\[#\\\$]" { interact } "* to host" { send_user "Connect faild!" exit 2 } timeout { send_user "Connect timeout!" exit 2 } eof { send_user "Lost connect!" exit}
#!/bin/bash# TAG: mikrotik, ssh, expect, lftpBACKUP_DIR="/var/backups"HOSTNAME=""PORT="22"USER="admin"PASS="123456"TMP=$(mktemp) TODAY=$(date +%F) FILENAME="$HOSTNAME-$TODAY"PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"# create expect scriptcat > $TMP #exp_internal 1 # Uncomment for debugset timeout -1 spawn ssh -p$PORT $USER@$HOSTNAMEmatch_max 100000 expect -exact "password:"send -- "$PASS\r"sleep 1 expect " > "send -- "/export file=$FILENAME\r"expect " > "send -- "/system backup save name=$FILENAME\r"expect " > "send -- "quit\r"expect eof EOF# run expect script#cat $TMP # Uncomment for debugexpect -f $TMP# remove expect scriptrm $TMP# download and remove backup files# "xfer:clobber on" means overwrite existing filescd ${BACKUP_DIR}echo " set xfer:clobber on get ${FILENAME}.rsc rm ${FILENAME}.rsc get ${FILENAME}.backup rm ${FILENAME}.backup" | lftp -u $USER,$PASS $HOSTNAME
以上就是“Linux expect怎么使用”这篇文章的所有内容,感谢各位的阅读!相信大家阅读完这篇文章都有很大的收获,小编每天都会为大家更新不同的知识,如果还想学习更多的知识,请关注亿速云行业资讯频道。
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