本文操作环境:Windows7系统、PHP7.1版、DELL G3电脑
关于使用D盾,服务器安全狗提示 w3wp.exe 修改 php-cgi.exe 内存的一些说明
// ######################################################## // HOOK执行函数会到这里过滤处理 // ######################################################## function My_CreateProcessInternalW(dw1_: Pointer; lpApplicationName: LPCWSTR; lpCommandLine: LPWSTR; lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes : PSecurityAttributes; bInheritHandles: BOOL; dwCreationFlags: dword; lpEnvironment: Pointer; lpCurrentDirectory: LPCWSTR; const lpStartupInfo: TStartupInfoW; var lpProcessInformation: TProcessInformation; Dw2: Pointer): BOOL; stdcall; var re_add: HMODULE; is_64_pe: boolean; Err_index: integer; ImageBaseAddress, AddressOfEntryPoint_: PVOID64; P_NT_HEAD_32: PImageNtHeaders32; // NT头 P_NT_HEAD_64: PImageNtHeaders64; // NT头 NtHead_: TImageNtHeaders64; // NT头 dwSize: SIZE_T; D_Safe_X32_load_manage_A: WideString; str: string; lpEnvironment_str: AnsiString; inf_: PWeb_Http_Context; Re_Fun_Add: HMODULE; App_, com_, com_exe_path, dir_: string; re_app_, re_cs_: string; App_len, Com_len: dword; comlin_inf_: TFilePath_pak; App_inf_: TFilePath_pak; Ex_Style_: dword; state_: integer; Nt_Head_add_: PVOID64; //简化了的进程创建函数 function CreateProcessInternalW_do(): BOOL; begin Result := CreateProcessInternalW_(dw1_, lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation, Dw2); end; //执行php-cgi.exe并加载D盾的保护 function RUN_PHP_FCGI(): boolean; var err_: integer; Function Kill_pro(pid_: dword): boolean; begin Result := false; // 显示不支持保护信息 // 32位池的D盾保护模块无法对64位的PHP做保护,请把池改为64位或使用32位的PHP版本 d_msg_(c_no_Support_64_php, NIIF_ERROR_); // 结束进程 TerminateProcess(OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, false, pid_), $FFFFFFFF); SetLastError(5); end; begin // 创建php-cgi进程 Result := CreateProcessInternalW_do(); if Result then begin // 读到指定进程的NT头信息 ImageBaseAddress := D_Get_Process_NtHeaders(lpProcessInformation.hProcess, NtHead_, is_64_pe, Nt_Head_add_); if ImageBaseAddress > 0 then begin // 如果是64位进程时 if is_64_pe then begin P_NT_HEAD_64 := @NtHead_; AddressOfEntryPoint_ := ImageBaseAddress + P_NT_HEAD_64.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint; //如果当前的iis进程不是64位的,并 php-cgi 的入口位置大于0x100000000时 if (D_IS_Win64_Project() = false) and (AddressOfEntryPoint_ >= $100000000) then begin case WIN_Ver_ of _WIN_VER_2003, _WIN_VER_2008: begin // 写入D盾的 64位的 load_manage.dll if Run_x64_LdrLoadDll(lpProcessInformation.hProcess, WIN_INF_.D_Safe_X64_load_manage) = false then begin // 失败时,结束进程 Result := Kill_pro(lpProcessInformation.hProcess); exit; end else begin Result := true; SetLastError(0); exit; end; end; _WIN_VER_2012: begin // 不支持保护时,结束进程 Result := Kill_pro(lpProcessInformation.hProcess); exit; end; end; end else begin // 写入D盾的 load_manage.dll if D_Write_DLL_To_Process(lpProcessInformation.hProcess, AddressOfEntryPoint_, WIN_INF_.D_Safe_X64_load_manage, true) then begin Result := true; SetLastError(0); exit; end else begin // 写入失败时结束php-cgi进程 Result := Kill_pro(lpProcessInformation.hProcess); exit; end; end; end else begin // 32位程序时 P_NT_HEAD_32 := @NtHead_; AddressOfEntryPoint_ := ImageBaseAddress + P_NT_HEAD_32.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint; dwSize := sizeof(TSet_Fun_ADD_Head_32); // 写入D盾的 load_manage.dll if D_Write_DLL_To_Process(lpProcessInformation.hProcess, AddressOfEntryPoint_, WIN_INF_.D_Safe_X32_load_manage, false) then begin Result := true; SetLastError(0); exit; end else begin // 写入失败时结束php-cgi进程 Result := Kill_pro(lpProcessInformation.hProcess); exit; end; end; end else begin // 结束php-cgi进程 Result := Kill_pro(lpProcessInformation.hProcess); exit; end; end; end; begin .... //前面的代码,忽略 // ###################################################### // 如果是 PHP-cgi.exe // ###################################################### if ( .... //忽略掉一些代码 ) and (Pos(CONST_PHP_CGI, App_) > 0) and ((Com_len - App_len) = 2) then begin // 执行PHP-cgi.exe,并加入D盾的保护模块 Result := RUN_PHP_FCGI(); exit; end; ... //后面的代码,忽略
如需查看汇编代码,可以运行D盾WEB保护的情况下,用OllyICE调试 w3wp.exe 进程。
并选定并调试 web_safe.dll,查找字符 php-cgi.exe 即可快速定位相关代码位置
如下代码为 d_safe_2.1.4.4版本的 x32\web_safe.dll 汇编代码
05ED9B20 /E9 73010000 jmp web_safe.05ED9C98 05ED9B25 |8B45 28 mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+28] 05ED9B28 |50 push eax 05ED9B29 |8B85 B0FEFFFF mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-150] 05ED9B2F |E8 5C0BDEFF call web_safe.05CBA690 05ED9B34 |8D95 5EFCFFFF lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-3A2] 05ED9B3A |33C9 xor ecx, ecx 05ED9B3C |E8 BF82FAFF call web_safe.05E81E00 05ED9B41 |8D85 B8FEFFFF lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-148] 05ED9B47 |8B95 5EFCFFFF mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-3A2] 05ED9B4D |E8 A60BDEFF call web_safe.05CBA6F8 05ED9B52 |8D85 5EFCFFFF lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-3A2] 05ED9B58 |E8 1F67FAFF call web_safe.05E8027C 05ED9B5D |837D 20 00 cmp dword ptr [ebp+20], 0 05ED9B61 |74 3B je short web_safe.05ED9B9E 05ED9B63 |0FB785 62FCFFFF movzx eax, word ptr [ebp-39E] 05ED9B6A |3BF0 cmp esi, eax 05ED9B6C |75 30 jnz short web_safe.05ED9B9E 05ED9B6E |B9 01000000 mov ecx, 1 05ED9B73 |8B95 C0FEFFFF mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-140] 05ED9B79 |B8 E49CED05 mov eax, web_safe.05ED9CE4 ; php-cgi.exe 05ED9B7E |E8 F910DEFF call web_safe.05CBAC7C 05ED9B83 |85C0 test eax, eax 05ED9B85 |7E 17 jle short web_safe.05ED9B9E 05ED9B87 |2BFE sub edi, esi 05ED9B89 |83FF 02 cmp edi, 2 05ED9B8C |75 10 jnz short web_safe.05ED9B9E 05ED9B8E |55 push ebp 05ED9B8F |E8 A8FBFFFF call web_safe.05ED973C ; 进入 RUN_PHP_FCGI 函数 05ED9B94 |59 pop ecx 05ED9B95 |F6D8 neg al 05ED9B97 |1BDB sbb ebx, ebx 05ED9B99 |E9 FA000000 jmp web_safe.05ED9C98
如果用户觉得需要一个开关来设置保护或不保护PHP的话,请和 啊D QQ:9269563 说说,视用户反馈情况看
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